here's an article i posted on my other blog last week...............
Y FM sucks
recently i have been studying for my exams and since my SAHARA PC is giving me problems and the IDIOTS from MASTERCARE are unable to fix it i was forced to listen to the radio(sigh) anyway i got a chance to listen to yfm and this are my views on the state of the station
The breakfast kamekaze sucks it seemed like a good idea to put the rastas in the morning but it turned out to be an arbotion of an idea their topics sucks the music sucks and that idiot Sanza likes to talk nonsense THE SHOW SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
somebody needs to get rid of that coconut pabi moloi her show sucks and she cant even speak vernec properly what's up with that
The joint remix is okay though lee is briliant AK is funny as hell and the music is on point
That woman basher Chilli M is a genius his show is exciting pity the co host had to leave
I ve noticed that the station no longer plays slow jams on sundays and on late nights what a kak idea whoever came up with that idea needs to get castrated
in summary Y sucks i cant believe how the station fell from grace somebody seriously needs to get fired it's a shame 'cause Y used to be so great Remember Phat Joe, Msizi Shembe Bad boy Twhy did they have to leave now we are forced to listen to idiots like Ammon(yuk), Pabi(eeew) and Mpho(SIS!)
if i complain a lot please give me tips on how to stop, im starting to annoy myself(sigh)
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