I was watching Khumbulekhaya the other day and there was a lady that said she was constantly raped by a family friend long ago and there was an incident whereby when sitting around the table he used to rape her and had a malicious way of unzipping himself. Fellow bloggers, this made my blood boil and I swear I have heard too much of this abuse among our children ,sisters and mothers.Firstly,to the culprits, what sort of a man gets self glorified from watching an innocent victim plead and beg for you to stop. I totally agree with Tracy Chapman that the ghost of Columbus is still walking the streets.As for the women, who are silent to this because they are trying to maintain their f**** marriages at what cost!!!!, an innocent child living for the rest of her life with such disturbing circumstances!!! I am sick, to the pit of my being of this barbarism. I read an article some time back about a so called professional trying to explain the behaviour of such men by saying most of the child molesters are not working and live in bleak circumstances and by acting the way they are is because they are trying to assert their power in family sorroundings, WTF, POWER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. What pisses me off is that after the victim has gone through this torture; the case gets thrown out, paperwork missing, Ndizakubulala umntu if I hear lobubhanxa one more time. How do you imagine it feels when you sit with your emotional scars and the law, the so called definition of protection can’t protect you from a criminal who is free to once again destroy another person's life? And the damn physchologists, I once read, they start with the word, "So tell me how is school ?" for f*** sakes, school is the last thing on any child's mind when you are in such a dilemna.Women who choose to keep silent, I swear, you will answer, come what may. You hear some women discussing," HAYI WETHU MYEKE,UYAMAZI UNJANI,XA EPHINDILE WAKUBETHA,UZUZ'O LALA KWAM ADE AHLE UMOYA,UYAWAZI WETHU AMADODA ANJANI.By keeping quiet about lamanyala ,you are keeping this monster in our society, You subscribe to opinions of old women who never had to face the same in the 70's or whatever. By refusing ukuba sisikhukukazi and protect your children, you are enslaving your entire beings to pathetic evil ideals, this then becomes your master because your silence is golden.
There is no master without a slave. I refuse to be dedicating 16 days every year to a monster that rips our inner cores EVERYDAY.And what are the 16 days for actually, because they are spent with the likes of different channels discussing never ending debates and at the end of the day the numbers of victims are rapidly increasing. The whole thing makes me sick.Remember, as for me, you come near my child. I will cut you into a thousand pieces, boil you in acid and scatter you to the Indian Ocean where sharks won't even come to you, because you are evil impersonated.