Written by E_nigma from the blog ZONING in On REALITY on 08 Dec 2007
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Not all foreigners live in Joburg CBD, sell crack and greet with  Hey my broda.
Here is a shorlist of people from all over Africa making an honest living in South Africa. These talented people represent their fellow mens dreams of achieving their goals.

1. Luthuli Dlamini

2. Oscar(Oskido)

3. Akin Omtoso

4. Abena Ayivor(Dineo Isidingo)

5. Sophie Ndaba


08 Dec 2007 03:38

I am a Zimbabwean living in South Africa for the past 15 years. Not interested in giving you guys a history lesson I'll cut to the chase, why are South Africans so Xenophobic? These ''famous foreigners'' are well known and loved by everbody. Why not the same treatment for our fellow Africans? Just a question

08 Dec 2007 06:14


DJ Fresh
Appleseed (?) from bongo Maffin
Graca Machel
George Bizoz

Nkosazana Zuma and Mbhazima Shilowa he he he..i know they are south african but they look foreign!

Xenophobia......i wish i could rid the world of this stupidity. There are many reasons why people are xenophobic and some have nothing to do with drug peddling.

Brown Shuga
08 Dec 2007 07:20

<<why are South Africans so Xenophobic?>> Who says ALL south Africans are xenophobic?

08 Dec 2007 08:49

It's a pity you think ALL South Africans xenophobic, guess u hang around the wrong ppl -

09 Dec 2007 00:31

BS im still waitin on you!!

09 Dec 2007 06:09

Not ALL SAfrican's are Xenophobic, your statement alone E-nigma suggest that maybe its you who is xenophobic.

10 Dec 2007 00:39

E-nigma....if you gonna generalize like that you make me think you're the xenophobe here..

sweetie my baby
10 Dec 2007 01:20

hmmm, i think the issue around you generalising has been tackled quite well here already, so i won't get into that - i've got another beef... this is hardly an article, i think you could've done a lot more with the topic.

i'm tiiiiired of blogs that consist of three sentences, and we're expected to discuss and debate - give us something to sink our teeth into, Enigma!

10 Dec 2007 02:21

haybo is Sophie Ndaba and Oskido from the foreign world, i didnt know that. I must confess I am a bit xenophobic I believe that foreigners especiall Zimbabeans add a huge role in black oppression in this country. For example where I leave there is a lot of Namibians, Angolians, congolese, and nigerians. I used to work in a recruitement company and being the memebr of the SACP and all we enforced a law in my community that domestic workers shouldnt be paid less that 90 rands for a days work, if an employer, who most of teh time happens to be white, doesnt wanna abide to that rule, we would boycott and not offer him/ her the services of employees, but the zimbabeans would go behind our backs and offer their services to teh employers for R30 rands a day, now tell me if that carries on, when will the oppresion end in this country.

10 Dec 2007 02:35

iyooo Sophie aka Queen Moroka is she really? 
if so, just explain for me a little bit about what you mean by Foreiners, maybe I am not on the same page here.

10 Dec 2007 02:58

Oh Gaaaad!!!!! I can't believe you Enigma...You cant just throw something like this and expect us to smile and say good topic! You're talking to smart people here, who are educated, open-minded, who know *bleep!*. Dont just throw your xenophobic card anywhere, when you're together with your fellow homies you can discuss it as much as you like, but here we're bigger than that.

10 Dec 2007 02:59

Queen is not from Zim kodwa she spent a few years there when she was still a litlle for the you enigma i also think you are the Xone one....never generalise sisi NEVER!!

10 Dec 2007 03:04

Errrr,ehmm,I dont think Oskido will be happy to hear that his passport has just been found to be a fraud,even Sophie wont like it too.Mr Moderator!!!!!!!!Pls delete this blog,for the sake of sanity and common sense!!

10 Dec 2007 03:07

Holla E-nigma.... I wasnt aware that Sophie Ndaba and Oskido are foreigners. Maybe it has to do with my understanding of the term 'foreigner'. I understand that these people were born outside South Africa but they have always retained their RSA citezenship. I would call them exiles... maybe you might want to define the term E-nigma.

On the topic question of xenophobia... I agree with you that there is an extent of the poulation of South Africa that is xenophobic like any other country ...but... I think it is very ignorant of you to generalise in that maner. i believe you based your assertion on a particular experience/s and experiences of your friends (I hope), but I would not agree with you when you assert that as a general phenomenon of south africans. As much as i think you are trying to encourage discussion with you r topic... i also think it presented out of ignorance.

10 Dec 2007 03:21

@ Enigma, I am soo happy to have a Zimbabean on tVSA, i always wanted to ask this, what do you guys keep on voting for the same men whose main iam is to kill your country while fatenning his pocket

10 Dec 2007 03:51

I also wanted to ask them a fw questions.Firstly,how is the fleeing to Mzantsi going to help the problems in their country?What are they expecting Mbeki to do?Military intervention?Since many of them say they will never vote the Morgan guy,will they rather vote for Mugabe again?

And if things come right in their country,will they all return home?

And whats up with protesting in London and other foreign countries and not in Zim?

10 Dec 2007 04:05

Eish Enigma, sorry to sound xenophobic but i want to b honest, I consider myself as open-minded but when it comes to amaZim-Zim nje all over Yeoville disgust me even though they do my hair every 3rd week. They ruin everything descent in their living spaces, iflats nje abahlala kuzo zivele zibengamavukuvuku. They vandalise and just dont give a damn coz its not their country. I really get angry and the way they take for granted everything south africans work for. Not to mention they are fraudster a friend of mine spent a week in jail because of your brothers Enigma.Dont make me mad. Andibafuni naseflatini endihlala kuyo mna bayangcolisa. Bloggers sorry for such arrogance and sounding vague but I hate them with a passion.

10 Dec 2007 04:13

I asked you nicely Messrs Moderators,pls remove this blog lest it be a punching blog for all that are 'xenophobic',or irritated....Pls pls remove this blog!!!!!

10 Dec 2007 05:20

Not all South Africans are xenophobic, as you might have gathered already from the replies, Enigma. I certainly am not xenophobic but I've got a huge problem with anyone who doesn't originate from SA who already expects me to treat them like crap. For example where I work, most of them come for our services. Locals think we've got affordable prices, that's why everybody's flocking there, but NOOO, foreigners reckon we're expensive and the way they put it is like  we've set a certain price just for them. You can't give them a negative answer without them thinking you're iltreating them. I'm sick of it. I will not be made to feel guilty by somebody with low self esteem. I say, wait for somebody to make you feel bad for being a foreigner , THEN say THAT particular person is xenophobic. DON'T call the whole country xenophobic, it's insulting.

10 Dec 2007 05:40

Sophie Ndaba is 100% South African. She just spent some time at an orphanage in Zimbabwe.

There is a song by Nicole kidman (yes, ex Mrs Tom Cruise) and Robbie Williams called "Something stupid" I wish some of the bloogers could listen to that song.

Just a thought! 

10 Dec 2007 06:13

<<These ''famous foreigners'' are well known and loved by everbody. Why not the same treatment for our fellow Africans? >>

so hypotheticaly speaking, if we dont have these so-called famous foregners- would it be OK to be xenophnbic...or are they supposed to be the reason for us to "love everybody"  foreign
(BTW..being famous also means well-known...just sayin LOL)...
. i guess the day these schlebs give up their ogirinal citizenship and become permanet south Africans...xenophobia will be justified.????..!!!!!eh eh I think this article needs a lot of work to warrant a debate...E-nigma my'll have to do betta than springing up abo-DJ Fresh and all these schelbs...for your point to come across...

10 Dec 2007 06:20

Sami Sabiti is also foreign

10 Dec 2007 06:48

i thought i wont come here bt i get annoyed Enigma. Im so nice when it comes to freinds i like to help my freinds & it doesnt matter whether u r guy /girl/foreigner or not as long i care about u. Okey i have this freind of mine who's a foreigner. I thought he was different from those "FOREIGNERS". And now i cant tel anybody even my Man bcoz he warned mi. Im in Credit Bureau bcoz of him & God punished him bcoz they caught him doing illegal things. he is in jail right now as from last year. And yes Some of ur ppl r okey bt the majority is BAD/CROOKS & i dont wanna hear any HALLOW MY SIZE & No Foreign freinds in my life

10 Dec 2007 07:43

Sami Sabiti is also foreign>>>> i love me some sami sabiti!!! on the issue of xenophobia:

1.the are too many pre-misconceptions we have for each other. blacks and whites, indians and black s,south africans and foreigners! 

i treat people the way they want me to treat them. if i'm walking through market square and i'm annoyed by someone i will take them to task -regardless of where you were born.

2. some foreigners have a certain level of  feelings of entitlement. they act in a way that says i left everything i know behind so treat me extra special or treat me with kid gloves. y? becos you come from a country that chooses to keep voting an embecile into the presidency?thats ur baby

no, angivumi!! you should do some intospection my mate=perhaps you're not comfortable in ur own skin and now you choose to insult us by calling us xenophobic. that's my piece and as a voting south african-i'm entitled to my opinion.

10 Dec 2007 07:45

As far as am concerned Sophie Ndaba is 100% South African like Baqueboi has stated..!

10 Dec 2007 07:52

IYooooooooooooooooooooooh makwerekwere iyhooooooooooooooooooooo and why are they so filthy ,ever heard of tidiness ? LOL

10 Dec 2007 07:56

I apologise for my lack of sensetivity pls delete my reply enigma ,but ya'll need to be a lilltle tidy

10 Dec 2007 08:07

@ spice. speechless. gobsmacked

10 Dec 2007 08:11

what is gobsmacked azzh?

10 Dec 2007 08:13

I am also a famous foreigner - my partenal grandparents are from Lesotho, my maternal grandparents from Botswana... 

So please put my name on the list! 

Xenophobia is an  issue that should be approached by changing one perception a day... So  love each other Africans! You are not xenophobic to Mabuza-suttle's daughters, are you? hmmm! I saw Madam at the park hyatt hotel in Rosebank yesterday...

10 Dec 2007 08:15

bahlale beyi10 kwibachelor flat nogal! bavunduze iguge iflat ngespeed. ndivumelana nawe spice bamdaka ababantu. balahle ipampers ezisoiled ngewindow. bapheke la fish yabo ngecawe kunuke iflat yonke, yhu he-e! That's why sixenophobic Enigma, I am sure you know why singanifuni nimdaka maan.

10 Dec 2007 08:20

soooooooooo Sego youre a kwerekwere LOL 
Personally I have no beef with foreigners if they could just ditch the babarian lifestyle maybe they;ll be more appreciated the mabuza-suttle 's are a good example of how foreigners should carry themselves

10 Dec 2007 08:32

I also hate the fact that bcoz ababantu, know that they left their homes in a bad manner, they are so angry and bitter that they dont care anymore, they just wanna destroy everything in front of them and as long as they have money for super. Most of foreigners have no love for SA bcoz its not their country and there fore they treat it with least or no respect at all. They also treat Sa's with no respect bcoz one guy from Angola once said to his South African woman, " I will never marry you, we foreigners just kom here in your country, use you guys, abuse your resources, exploit your services and generosity and go back home to marry, bcoz our gilrfriends are waiting for us there", just bcoz the girl didnt wanna shag that nite. Of course that doesnt mean all of them are like that, but i think that if you are foreign you should be respectful and adapting so that xenophobia can be alleviated.

10 Dec 2007 08:46

They should not blame poverty for their behaviour mna i have stayed in a squatter camp with relatives and we took pride in making sure that our surroundings were places that we could call homes. We never hung blankets as curtains on shacks as they do these foreigners. I always wonder uba kunjani kwicountry zabo xa benje.

Brown Shuga
10 Dec 2007 09:40

OMG I am shocked at SOME of these replies!! I can't help but get angry just reading them....and worst of all I'm South African!

Guys, how can you say such things?? OMG, I will be back once I"ve stopped shaking.....

Brown Shuga
10 Dec 2007 10:11

@ Spopo <<E-nigma my'll have to do betta than springing up abo-DJ Fresh and all these schelbs...for your point to come across... >>
That was Toxic, not Enigma.

It's amazing how we ALL say Enigma should NOT generalize but we turn around and do exactly what we accuse him of.....

@ Andi01: <<.what do you guys keep on voting for the same men whose main iam is to kill your country while fatenning his pocket>> How is this different from Enigma's statement "why are South Africans so Xenophobic?"

@Lepogo: <<And if things come right in their country,will they all return home?>>  Are they ALL here?

@Spice: Wow! Like AZhot, I am speechless!!!!!!! You apologize and thereafter repeat the very same thing you were apologizing for? Why apologize if it's how you feel!

Cnglemother, you deserve a special reply!

10 Dec 2007 10:14

Shugs: Just do your part, my love... you know my true opinion on this issue... *sigh*

Brown Shuga
10 Dec 2007 10:33

@ Cnglemother: Wow!!! EVERY single thing you've said on this blog indicates that you are exactly what Enigma is talking about. 

<<when it comes to amaZim-Zim nje all over Yeoville disgust me>> 

<<They ruin everything descent in their living spaces, iflats nje abahlala kuzo zivele zibengamavukuvuku. >>

<<They vandalise and just dont give a damn coz its not their country.>>

 <<I really get angry and the way they take for granted everything south africans work for>>

<< Not to mention they are fraudster a friend of mine spent a week in jail because of your brothers Enigma.>>

<<Andibafuni naseflatini endihlala kuyo mna bayangcolisa.>>

<<Bloggers sorry for such arrogance and sounding vague but I hate them with a passion>>

<<bahlale beyi10 kwibachelor flat nogal! bavunduze iguge iflat ngespeed. >>

<<ndivumelana nawe spice bamdaka ababantu. >>

<<balahle ipampers ezisoiled ngewindow>>

<<bapheke la fish yabo ngecawe kunuke iflat yonke, >>

yhu he-e! That's why sixenophobic Enigma, (
at least you admit that you are xenophobic)

<< I am sure you know why singanifuni nimdaka maan.>>

It is at times like these that I hate being a South African....

I can only imagine how it feels to read such things about your people! I am so sorry about everything this lady has said....and to think she sees nothing wrong with it is even more painful to me. 
You must be feeling exactly like NELSON MANDELA did when he watched and experienced apartheid back in the day coz there is really no difference between it and xenophobia. 
I started off criticizing your comment and I hope now you see why...YES xenophobia exists in this country (Thank you for this blog coz it has showed me just HOW huge it is), but not all of us are as ignorant. 

I wish you all the best my fellow African and I hope you don't encounter any more of these horrible South Africans who think they are better when they are actually NOT! 
"Your fellow Zim brothers" may be filthy (like she puts it) but at least they are not RIDDEN with HIV/AIDS like the world's number ONE SOUTH AFRICA. The Zims become clean WHEN it matters most, DURING sex! 
Your brothers also don't go around raping infants , stealing and murdering innocent people at the rate it occurs in this country. 
Be proud of your Zim status bra coz if I had to choose right now, I'd choose being Zimbabwean over South African ....SOME OF THEM disgust me!

10 Dec 2007 10:47

yhuuu,,,,yah neh hectic*shaking my head*

10 Dec 2007 16:54

Yhuuu hayi Shuga......ngeke!

1at of all....E_nigma you are wrong by generalizing....never do that again!
2ndly I'm not xenophobic, many of my friends are foreigners and i love them so much bcos they are great people..... But I sometimes understand why other people can be xenophobic based on their experiences (NB: not only in S.A. - in every country)......e.g. blacklistings, id stealing etc....
If we can all learn to treat each other with respect as people (no matter where we come from) non of these problems can exist........lets not point fingures but rather respect each other as we ought to........
I'm a proud South African who loves every good person, foreign or not!

10 Dec 2007 23:29

The xenophobia issue is not confined to South Africa.It is everywhere where you find a large contigent of foreigners,especially in developing countries.

The issue here was generalisation-which brought along other issues that Im proud everyone was brave to raise,therefore it doesnt make me any less proud that ppl are raising issues that they would not raise in our society.

The comparison Shuga is making lacks one thing-objectivity.Not all opinions are necessarily xenophobic,nor reveal that a large proportion of bloggers are xenophobic.Much as not all Zimbos are filthy,not all of us are "ridden" with HIV/Aids,nor do we all rape infants or are criminals.

You are insinuating that we are ALL xenophobic,which I find a bit arrogant in your defense of foreigners.I have foreign friends-all professional-have defended them before and will always do so,but painted with the same brush Enigma was using just to get a point across is arrogant.

And the xenophobia in this country is as real as it is in America,Malaysia,Spain and anywhere else you can imagine.So,it is not a Mzantsi Baby,as you imply

11 Dec 2007 00:06

no comment....except to say i am not xenophobic

11 Dec 2007 00:19

Im shocked , i neva thot some of you guys were like this but i know now, as im Zimbabwean myself i know i have to stay away from you guys, lest i be chopped and judged becoz of what my fellow Zimbabweans are doing.

11 Dec 2007 00:32

OMG... mina I have observed a few things here Enigma you are so DAMN wrong and rude about xenophobic yes SOME people are... and all those that replied i take it you all did it out of ANGER especially with the writter generalizing. I know there are things some people turn to mention out of anger..! Mina am not Xenophobic and the lady that replied up there surely knows THAT cause am not a pretender and she is a great friend of mine..!

11 Dec 2007 00:52

I dont think that most of the bloggers are xenophobic but rather  angry at some of teh things that some of thr foreign people do that South Africans wouldnt do or think are unacceptable, i therefore think it was unnecessary for Brown Sugar  to label South Africans as murderes, rapists and most of all use the deadly diseases as an excuse to support your debate. Brown Shuga, remember this 40% of people in SA who are ridden,  with AIDS are young kids who couldnt become clean WHEN it matters most, DURING sex!.

11 Dec 2007 01:04

Yes youre right shuga i shouldn't have apologise for the way I feel I take it back ,but dont you think youre doing the same thing by judging,  generalising  just like the writer of this article

11 Dec 2007 01:24

Out of all the replies I have read, BS's was the worst, some of us like myself admit to being somewhat xenophobic hence our replies, Enigma wanted to know what goes through the minds of xenophibic individuals, and we are providing her/ him with the answers. Yes he has experienced a lot of xenophobia in this country and is questioning fellow bloggers what causes that. i think teh fact that we are honest with him and telling him what goes through the minds of xenophibics is brave of us. We dont need to be labeled rapists and murderes for helping a fellow blogger when in time of confussion. I thought that BS meant to help see the ignorant xenophobics, but instead labelled people with names. Insulting people because of their status BS is discrimination and as far as I am concerned discrimination is as bad as xenophobia. Brown Shuga,  i have always considered you one of the best writers and always admired your debating skills, but reading from ur replies, i dont know what to think anymore.

11 Dec 2007 01:29

we are all entitled to feel any which way but the problem arises when you impose your views on me and expect me to sit back and take it.

Enigma started this now heated debate on the wrong note-generalising some of the bloggers followed suit by throwing insults at foreigners. for instance, we all know a number of south africans abangagezi(bath) and they stink up the place and overall have quite a misdemenour. how you carry yourself is an individual choice and perogative regardless of your nationality.

@ spice i don't believe the Brown one was judging but more like painting a broader picture of ignorance and intolerance.

some white mzansi people who emigrated get to their new countries of choice and then they tell people ukuthi we are  an aids-riddled and criminal nation. that's not a fair assumption and its worse when you utter such hogwash.

that's what some of us did here. instead of debating the issue of why Enigma thinks we are all xenophobic we actually chose to behave in that fashion and that was just wrong.

however-it has raised some issues and it got us all thinking. if you choose to be xeno-feel free.

if you've been a victim of xenophobia or any other form of intolerance-askies.

lets go back to what we do best -spreading the love. that's my piece-feel free to differ.

11 Dec 2007 01:29

When we travel to other countries, we wil not originally b from there, therefore making us foreigners too, thats how i c it, we r living in a global village, we all da same 4rm the same Creator. sum ppl hav uneducated minds that discriminate anada black broda or sista. I love how my african sistas plait my hair in different unique shapes, talented! non xenophobe

11 Dec 2007 01:36

@ andi01 i guess you feel entitled to insult other people but when the shoe is on the other side it ain't so lekker?

what do you guys keep on voting for the same man whose main iam is to kill your country while fatenning his pocket....

does your above quoted statement make any intelligent sense to you? or was it a cheap shot at making yourself feel better? zimbabwean politics are not to be taken lightly so mawuthi they keep voting him in you're forgetting the astrocities that zimbabweans are subjected to at the hands of the moral decay Robert Mugabe suffers from.

11 Dec 2007 01:37

I thought i wouldn't comment but here's my two cents' worth, please note this is my opinion and i'm entitled to it. 

Mistreating and abusing women is not unique to foreigners just listen to the news to see what i'm talking about.  And what's this story about foreigners coming to take South Africans' business. Competition is healthy, hell your entrepreneurial skills are truly exhibited when you go and trash someone's property  because they started a business first - what were you waiting for?

All races blacks, coloureds, whites, indian, chinese (you get my drift) or cultures have their share of baddies. There is no race morally superior, Eve made sure of that when she listened to the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit so it can't be right to sort and label people into boxes - criminals here, whores here, liars here - human beings are much too complex than that. I don't see anything wrong with seeking refuge in other countries,  have we now forgotten that South Africans did the very same thing during apartheid what's up with the double standards?


11 Dec 2007 01:38

P.S.  Way to go E_nigma for raising this topic!

11 Dec 2007 01:39

@ Amaka=halelujah!

11 Dec 2007 01:39

The comparison Shuga is making lacks one thing-objectivity.Not all opinions are necessarily xenophobic,nor reveal that a large proportion of bloggers are xenophobic.Much as not all Zimbos are filthy,not all of us are "ridden" with HIV/Aids,nor do we all rape infants or are criminals

THANKS LEPOGO..thats exactly what I was gonna say...and as for my comment BS..i could have selected Oskido from that I made a mistake and mentioned DJ Fresh..but the main poiint was that to be tolarant and less xenophobic we dont need to know that there are famous or that  should be a reason ..its like someone saying " i dont hate whites..some of my best friends are white"  now that is bulls*t...if you're tolerant you wont need some famous name to enforce that ...THAS ALL I WAS SAYING....
.and Miss Brown.....I've come to realise how you view HIV/ADIS issues and I must say personanly i'm dissapointed cause you made similar remarks in "the other" article on Aids....I thinks it's all good and sweet to come to Enigma's defense, but I was hoping you'd be objective and I think comparing countries in terms of crime and whatnot..does not solve what Enigma was trying to fact your statement lids to more defensive replies and it can actually create hostility becasue you're not saying we should be tolerant because...balh balh balh, but you're basically questioning how dare we South Africans be intolerant when we are Aids ridden, criminals and rapists.....haaikhona Miss Brown you could do betta than that......(and your statement about Aids -as I mentioned beofre- can hit home to some of us who are/were NOT promiscuous and you dont even know how we got to be AIDS its not only insensitive to people you dont know but it lacks awareness and objectivity  when it comes to AIds issues 
as for crime  well Annanias Mathe is a foreigner  and Lucky dube's killers included some foreginers...just sayin...but thats no reason to be intolerant..but just to porve that your point about SA criminals is not justified...coz if I started telling you stories about crime you'd ...i donno.)

11 Dec 2007 01:43

Now you people are going too far..!

11 Dec 2007 01:44

 the Truth hurts Amaka

11 Dec 2007 01:46

@azHot:@ andi01 i guess you feel entitled to insult other people but when the shoe is on the other side it ain't so lekker?
what do you guys keep on voting for the same man whose main iam is to kill your country while fatenning his pocket?....
 if you look @ the above is a question not a statement, i needed clarity, and there are no insults there if there is one its is aimed @ Mugabe for killing the people not at the people. i believed,  that a president has to be elected and voted for, but if in Zim its nto done that way, then I need someone to help me understand, how do they go about voting or electing a president.

11 Dec 2007 01:53

If there's one thing i have a gripe with is someone posting an article and not bothering to respond to the comments on it...E_nigma, what's with the silence?????

If you sit back, read the replies and do nothing, your article will end up getting disabled-at the rate it's going now,i wouldn't be surprised.

11 Dec 2007 02:02

isnt it strange (perhaps cowardly..I cant think of any other word...with my limited English hi hi hi ) that Enigma puts up a half-baked article with no objective opinion and supporting arguments abot whats obvioulsy bothering him...and THEN he keeps quite about the responses...(or was he waiting for Miss Brown to not only denfed him but to tell us where to get off with our Aids ridden criminial-rapists selves...LOL)    Does he suddenly not have anything to say  or it it a matter of cat-got-his-tounge, coz his tounge was talking nonsense anyways...(now I'm gettin nasty..hi hi hi )...he's quite n enigma for me I'm proud to be South African..and I know there are gazzillion good-hard-working peeps who practice safe-sex..but that dont mean they are guaranteed to NEVA get Aids...and yes ther is crime in our country and other problems but still its our country and there are things we feel uncomfortable about (mostly because of expiriences and constructive debates are necessary to address those issues.

11 Dec 2007 02:04

Hawu kodwa ukuphi Shuga, i hope that you are reading these replies because i also think that you didnt really think when you replied, you got emotional and jumped into enigma's defense and not realise that maybe what you are saying is senseless.

Your brothers also don't go around raping infants , stealing and murdering innocent people at the rate it occurs in this country. 

This statment just makes me soooo angry, Shuga how do you know this? A cousin of mine (a 7 yr old) was killed by three Zimbambweans after they have repeatedly raped her. Dont comment about things that you dont know about, just because you habe never been affected by it doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

The Zims become clean WHEN it matters most, DURING sex! 

What about all those kids who are raped and get infected with the disease?Are they also ignorant when IT MATTERS MOST?

Be proud of your Zim status bra coz if I had to choose right now, I'd choose being Zimbabwean over South African.

I do not buy this statement of yours, to me it just sounds too outragous. If i knew you I would have said iyou are a liar. But i dont know you so i will not say anything.


11 Dec 2007 02:08

@ andi01= i rephrase, your question my fellow blogger implies ukuthi foreigners in this case Zimbabweans fail to use logic. nobody would re-elect uMugabe after all the ish he's doing. in a democracy yes, presidents are voted in but in a country where the president for the past couple of decades is a dictator who throws anyone with a different idea in jail=it's not as cut and dry.

if you remember in recent events Morgan Tsingarai(?) was beaten to a pulp then thrown into jail because he is the president of the opposition party. the commonwealth has kicked Zim out because Mugabe refuses to restore peace and order. so when you asked y they keep voting him in i was shocked kodwa ke uma ubungazi-i hope my explanation aids you.

@ Enigma TDC has a point. where art thou?

11 Dec 2007 02:11

@Toxic I asked for that yesterday!!!This is getting a bit too muddy for even my AIDS riddled mind!!!

The issue here is NOT about legal refugees,legally in the country,who have been given life skills by the Refugee Commitee.As far as Im informed,Zimbos have NEVER BEEN afforded a refugee status.And thats a fact.When I asked my question yesterday it was based on Zimbos who ran away from Mad Bob,where I asked will they return home if all gets well.The reason why asked@AMAKA,is that everyone keeps on referring to the Apartheid Situation,where SELECTED LEADERS left the country to raise awareness and support for the situation in S.A.

Not even 2000 left the country.Now whats up with more than 2million Zimbos in SA?Are they here to eke out a living or are they here to raise awareness of the situation in their country?It is reported that the young and the educated have all fled-now who is leading the revolution when ppl weant to lead have all but fled the country?

Regarding the crime issue,a scene palyed itself out in Limpop last week when 2 foreigners(Zimbos) where arrested for brutalising an eldery couple,slasshed the old mans face open with a panga and cut off the aunties 4 fingers with the samer weapon...And crime ppl happens everywhere,commited by anyone.

Dont make it a black disease or a local disease,simply implying that only SAans commit it smacks of arse licking and intelectual dishonesty.

One love and much love

11 Dec 2007 02:12

Zuma my foot...!

11 Dec 2007 02:18

@azHOT, does your above quoted statement make any intelligent sense to you? or was it a cheap shot at making yourself feel better. I feel as though my intellecual capacity is being undermined here simply for asking a question.

11 Dec 2007 02:20

how you carry yourself is an individual choice and perogative regardless of your nationality. Thanx azHOT, individual being the keyword people.  

A single person cannot represent the whole nation!! We have worrying rape in South Africa but it's an insult to say all South Africans are rapists, people cheat i can't say all Men/Women are dogs/bitches.

We can argue until the cows come home. People are going to get defensive, we start getting all frothy in the mouth and start swearing at each other yet we know that in order to find a solution we first need to admit there's a problem from there we can do our utmost to rid the issue.  Focus people.

So yes xenophobia exists what do we do about it?

11 Dec 2007 02:21

@TDC Apparently he can trace his roots to Bulawayo.....

11 Dec 2007 02:23

Ok I think its time to can this article ,it is working on me last nerve ,Im re-reading  all of ya'lls replies and im getting more confussed , annoyed and disturbed it is not good for my poor  health so toodecent do the honours

11 Dec 2007 02:24

@ TDC, Zuma my foot...!  haybo please elaborate, kwa kwa kwa

11 Dec 2007 02:24

ENIGMA'S been living in OSuth Africa for 15years and has milked the country for all its worth..and suddenly he cries xenophibia  wonder what took him so long to realise that there is such a thing...WELL I'VE GOT NEW FOR YOU IT EXISTS EVERYWHERE....NOT ONLY IN SOUTH AFRICA...MAYBE YOU NEED TO GET OVER IT..-of course you wont coz it feels good to be the "victim"..(unlike some Zimbabweans who've just arrived you've been in SA long there must be a reason for that...and I suggest you embrace that positive aspect of country insted of getting us all upset..(mina I'm very upset that you're just reading and not even bothering to reply...I'm tempted to call you i-kwerekwere le-grigamba..but i wont do that...LOL) please reply...and tell us what made you feel this way after 15years. compared to some of your brothers who have just come to our country during Mugabe's mental-relapse period
surely THEY dont have it easy as you have....some cant even access the net to post such articles.

forgive me i'm feeling nasty this time and i'm just letting it rip....LOL

11 Dec 2007 02:24

 ROTFLMFAO at lepogo Holy Ish looks like I have to do better to take yall minds outta this topic.. hi hi hi hi hi.

11 Dec 2007 02:33

Life is all about asses
you're either covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it,
kissing it,
busting it,
trying to get a piece of it,
or behaving like one .

11 Dec 2007 02:33

@ andi01=i meant no offense by my question. if offense taken, i aplogise.

Kim Possible
11 Dec 2007 02:33

Im just a silent Blogger on this article since yday just like ya

kodwa ungihlekiselani we SPOPO:mina I'm very upset that you're just reading and not even bothering to reply...I'm tempted to call you i-kwerekwere le-grigamba..but i wont do that...LOL) please reply

11 Dec 2007 02:38

Can i choose 2 Toxic...Plz?
- Kicking it and Busting it..!

11 Dec 2007 02:46

@Toxic,can I please please add Slapping it  to your list?!?

Or slacking it,basically what Ive been doing since Monday.LOL

I know TDC,it will get bust ata the rate Im gong,but cant help dragging it around all over the blogs..


11 Dec 2007 02:51

B4 i'm accused of plagiarism...i just copied that from an e-mail i received but i'll add your options Lepogo :)

Life is all about asses
you're either covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it,
kissing it, 
slacking it,
busting it, 
slapping it (hi hi hi),
spanking it,
trying to get a piece of it,
or behaving like one .

11 Dec 2007 02:55

Ok 3 then..also slapping it LOL

11 Dec 2007 03:00

Ameeeen Toxic!!!!!!!!

11 Dec 2007 03:02

Ok Ok Ok Ok,one more: how about dragging it?Having seen a few ladies in the office,they might feel gore youre discriminating...

Or loving it,as some brothas do??

11 Dec 2007 03:04

@Sponono- Was your last reply necessary?
..(mina I'm very upset that you're just reading and not even bothering to reply...I'm tempted to call you i-kwerekwere le-grigamba

 I mean that is just being totally cold. Name calling is just totally childish.

11 Dec 2007 03:07

shakin' it!

11 Dec 2007 03:09

pinchin it....

11 Dec 2007 03:09

sitting on it....

11 Dec 2007 03:10

shakin' it!>>> Thats when I start running away..!

11 Dec 2007 03:13

Fakin' it?

11 Dec 2007 03:18

Rolling it...?

11 Dec 2007 03:19

suckin it ?

11 Dec 2007 03:20

Rolling it....? Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! eish the imagery kills me!!!!!!

squeezing it (gotta see big bums in tight pants to know what i mean!)

11 Dec 2007 03:20

MSOE..I SAID .forgive me i'm feeling nasty this time and i'm just letting it rip....LOL 


and I ALSO SAID (sarcastically.)..I'm tempted to use those names but I wont....but my using italics there was meant to show that its a minor part of my comment..  PITY YOU DIDNT GET IT....

FYI..I'm NOT a cold fact I was boiling HOT when I replied....hi hi hi hi
but-ke I  understand you just dint take kindly to those names (nami babengibza nge-grigamba because of my school..LOL..nami seng-celu'kpheya shem)

11 Dec 2007 03:22


11 Dec 2007 03:23

Rolling it....? Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! eish the imagery kills me!!!!!!>>> O stout wena Toxic.

11 Dec 2007 03:25

Loosing it..!

11 Dec 2007 03:28

FYI..I'm NOT a cold fact I was boiling HOT when I replied....hi hi hi hi
 ROFLMFAO @ Sponono - uthi ubu- Hot njenge Chillie Pepper.

11 Dec 2007 03:38

Can someone post an article pls......anything!!!!

11 Dec 2007 03:39

Hhayi shame sponono ngiyezwa ngoba uyachaza baba. So now tell me lichaz' ukuthini leligama elithi grigamba? Angikaze ngilizwe.

11 Dec 2007 03:44


11 Dec 2007 03:44

Seconding that Tox!

11 Dec 2007 03:49

grigamba means  intruder

11 Dec 2007 03:50

TDC you are slapping ass my brada.... LOL

11 Dec 2007 03:55

Life is all about asses
you're either covering it,
laughing it off,
kicking it,
kissing it,
busting it,
trying to get a piece of it,
or behaving like one 


11 Dec 2007 04:08

There is a new blog, just posted, called monster in law, go and indulge urselves u of great debating skills and high intellect

11 Dec 2007 04:13

MSoe i-grigamba...I think it was used to describe one of labo-brothers aba-dark and muscled and look a bit too-musculine and their surnames are unpronoucable(by locals) (think the point rock-worlk chaps) but i think its more to do with the physique than the lingo...I'm not sure though i used to hear them use it.....BUT now after googling it i've just realised that its as offensive as the other ones 

11 Dec 2007 04:22

ROTFLMAO sponza you actually went and googled the word you are such a freak LOL why vele?

11 Dec 2007 04:27

Spice I cant believe you called me a freak....shu!!!!!! (maybe I'll google that....)..but ke i only googled ithe word  because I CAN....if that makes me a freak....well thats no skin off my bones Capiche!!!

11 Dec 2007 07:39

My intention

11 Dec 2007 07:39

My intention in

11 Dec 2007 07:39

My intention in writing

11 Dec 2007 07:41

stuttering..?????????? amalima

11 Dec 2007 07:48

e cho monna echo!!!!!!!!1

11 Dec 2007 07:51

tlogela go kwakwaetsa))))))))))bua fela MORENA O GO REEDITSA))))))))))((((((((((

11 Dec 2007 07:53

What was your intention Enigma? Please elaborate, without stattering this time. I really wanna hear this one.

11 Dec 2007 07:59


sweetie my baby
11 Dec 2007 13:27

wow. hendrick verwoerd and all the architects of apartheid must be cracking up laughing in their graves, looking at what a marvelous success apartheid is..... (verbal) black on black violence, xenophobia all over the place amongst a group of supposedly intelligent africans.... mara wy, hey?


andi01 - the same way zimbabweans are struggling under  bob, is the way we struggled as blacks under centuries of apartheid rule - how soon we forget that the South African armed struggle really only began in the 1960's - for centuries before that, it was negotiating, trying to reason, trying to work it out with the apartheid regime (and we didn't get asked crazy questions like 'why're you guys just letting the maburu oppress you, get with the programme!) .... so let's give zimbabweans a bit of time to deal with their scenario, shall we?  - remember they had a brutal war of liberation that ended in 1980, no one wants to go back to that lunacy anytime soon....

guys, i grew up in east africa (not in exile, just had adventurous parents), and moved all over the continent during my childhood - and there was not a single african country that didn't play host to south african refugees/freedom fighters  - and they were HAMMERED by the apartheid regime for sheltering us, so please, end it with the xenophobia and pretending that we weren't in this situation not so long ago... this haterism is just embarrassing, it's ignorant, it's sooooooo unnecessary.....

i can kinda  understand why enigma's taken cover, this "debate" has spun way out of control, it seems impossible to reason with peeps....

eish, this is so so sad....

sweetie my baby
11 Dec 2007 13:39

p.s. i think that shuga's "outrageous" statements were made to expose how crazy the generalisations from bloggers were....

that is to say - , if zimbabweans are thieves, foreigners smell bad, pollute our neighbourhoods....then south africans are an HIV postive riddled, raping, criminally minded group of people  - 

clearly, the issues are much more complex than that. it's  just my interpretation of shuga's statement,  you understand....and for the record, i don't think objectivity is possible on this topic, so let's give up on that one...emotions running too too high...

anyhoo, on the same topic -

i watched a BBC documentary on S.A. this weekend, talking about 2010 and S.A.'s state of readiness -  and if you think Enigma dissed us, you would be toyi-toying at the BBC offices now, coz that programme was PAINFUL to watch, made us look like gun wielding savages who rape, steal, loot.... all based on facts, our country's got a crime problem as we know, but the way the info was put together.... eish.

12 Dec 2007 00:24

@sweety my baby= watched the documentary too! I couldn't believe what they were sayin and what made me cook beyond boiling point is that these peeps don't live here, i even got thinking they might as well take their 2010 back if a a few weeks of soccer make people feel entitled to call us a morally decayed society where as they got some ish of their own going down.

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