The threshold

Written by azHOT from the blog azhotsworld on 12 Dec 2007
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Firstly let me say that these are my views and opinions to which I am entitled. Secondly, if you don’t like-click on the tiny “x” on your right. If its criticism which isn’t constructive-keep it to yourself!!!

So last night we waited with bated breath for uMsholozi to come and speak to Debra and wait for it… he didn’t show.

I foresaw that I mean ,Mr President couldn’t be bothered to come  and lie to us why would Zuma choose to?

I watched the show regardless just to see if there was anything new and well as usual with the ruling party there was a long array of contradictory statements and big words but after watching and from what I’ve picked up in my time of espionage here’s the low down.

Before I continue I would like to request that TVSA not divulge any information about who I am once this article hits cyberspace.

Zuma was fired from the deputy presidency of the republic (we all knew that ne?) and the ANC took a stance to say he asked to be axed instead of resigning.

That’s my first issue. All this resigning and firing happened around the time our beloved Vusi Pikoli charged him with corruption. At this point in time Pikoli was Mabandla’s favorite person and as our president said “ he was simply upholding the law and constitution of this country(no-one is above the law etc.)

I know we are all aware of this but what we were not told is that the NEC(national executive committee) had in private sitting agreed not to relieve JZ of his duties because come 2009 they will need the KZN(“zulu” vote) and only he could guarantee this.

Zuma gets axed and then the case gets thrown out of court in PMB where he is supported and this decision was not made by the judiciary. Our beloved JZ told anyone who would listen that his charges were a propaganda and conspiracy to keep him out of the top job and he would reveal all once it was all over hhm…

Zuma was not the only person who benefited from the alleged corrupt arms deal and that is why he still has not been “tried” in terms of the law but the fact that he may still be charged throws him (literally) out of the presidential race.

Enter Thabo Mbeki. The same man who stood in the national assembly and declared that HIV did not lead to AIDS (we all know about his non-existent policy with regards to the pandemic). He needs to step out of office but refuses to on the grounds that he can remain ANC president and then pin-point the country’s president should the ANC be re-elected in 2009 as government. Do you smell dictatorship?

Now a lot of us believe that this JZ v T-Bose business is something new-afraid not!!!

When former president uMadiba “appointed” T-Bose as president (as a favour to the memory of struggle stalwart Govan Mbeki, there was much ado about it within the structures of the ruling party) but because of the hard earned respect they had for him they let it go.

Perhaps if my beloved Hani hadn’t been executed (at guess whose orders?) things would have played out differently.

The position 5 days before Limpopo is JZ v T-Bose and should the NEC reach a stale mate there’ll be a re-vote or a compromise candidate. Now, for this compromise candidate to be placed into the top job in the ANC he/she will have to be accepted and wanted by both camps.

I don’t know if businessmen can run a country but I do know that people who perpetuate crime by denying its existence-“that crime situation is not that bad” and then turn around and get 92 million security fences (WTF?) and, people who demean my culture which I hold dear and claim that customs allow their polygamous and unsafe behavior are not FIT TO GOVERN.

The outcome of Limpopo will either elect Zuma into the presidency in which case he’ll be re-charged promptly thereafter OR uMsholozi will “gracefully” bow out(jail ain’t no mans’ cuppa tea) or a surprise compromise candidate will be elected as the new ANC president.

Now this whole situation is tantamount to living in a monarchy or rather under a dictatorship because if JZ bows out and is not re-charged who decides on these things? These decisions are not meant to be made by T-Bose but we all know he does make them and refuses to be accountable to us-his employer.

Think Selebi and Pikoli. Think Frene Ginwala being appointed as head of the commission to investigate the Pikoli matter.hhm…

The question that remains is what are we doing or going to do about it. The outcome of Limpopo is the least of our problems. AIDS, women and child abuse, poverty, unemployment etc. are the real problems.

Under either of these two men these problems will remain and worsen.

Is this how we thank the likes of Inkosi Albert Luthuli, uMadiba and all the people who laid down their lives for the struggle against oppression?

I don’t know what we’ll do perhaps my boyfriend does have a point-let’s emigrate!

I love my country and won’t emigrate but what kind of future do we have if we want to vote a man who washes his hands after peeling onions into the presidency just because he speaks our mother toungue?

On the other hand what future do we have if we keep a man who refuses to fire our alleged alcoholic of a health minister even though babies are dying from klebsiela and half the rest of the population is being sacrificed to AIDS?

These are my questions and after last nite I believe we have a lot to say and I demand the platform to speak up because if young people (30 years and younger) keep dying of AIDS at the rate its going now there will be no Mzansi after this decade.


11 Dec 2007 03:02

please disregard this good peeps, technology failed me by crashing and then it got submitted. real article follows shortly!!!

12 Dec 2007 00:00

this is the updated version!!!!! i tried to upload pictures and failed

12 Dec 2007 00:07

Some more conspiracy theories!! 

P.S for the gullible and uninformed

12 Dec 2007 00:25

lepogo what r u on about? what conspiracy theories?

12 Dec 2007 00:29

thanks azhot!! Now i wish i knew who you really are.....

12 Dec 2007 00:33

@Toxic LOL!

12 Dec 2007 00:37

I thought I told you how to do pic azHOT...! About this Sunday Limpopo thingy I pray so God Damn Hard that Zuma does not become president of the country otherwise we will be fu@$ed. DISASTER bathong..! As for T-Bose you time has passed but should you be the only option I dont mind choosing you anyway nna i dont vote..! Standing on a long que for this ish I see in our country now is not worth it..!

12 Dec 2007 00:39

Same theories that abound everywhere regarding the beginnings of the struggle between Zuma and Mbeki.

Granted,she gives a general picture and a few expected outcome in Limpopo,but the content is still the same:that JZ is a sacrificial lamb.

And the same theories remain:abotu the death of Hani,the 92 million wall,even after it was corrected that it cost 92k.

The issues on HIV/AIDS,and the rest of the hogwash on Madiba anointing Mbeki as his successor,in spite of the established fact that Mandela preferred Ramaphosa.

However,on second reading and letting this article/blog sink through my thick skull,I realise it is an opinion,not fact or new findings.

So,thats what encouraged my earlier views and still do.

12 Dec 2007 00:51

Before I continue I would like to request that TVSA not divulge any information about who I am once this article hits cyberspace

i'M STILL TRYING TO DIGEST THIS PART OF THE ARTICLE..I would looove to know your reason for thinking you deserve annonymity and that TVSA MIGHT divugle who you fact i thought uzosishaya nge-bhomu ye-inside information but eh eh nothing hectic...BUT mmmhhh interesting theories

will be back with comments.....

12 Dec 2007 00:56

@lepogo =If he preferred Ramaphosa why is Mbeki president? do enlighten me

i apologise on not knowing how much exactly the security wall cost but that was not the point. the question or rather view i was posing was : those who are pro-Mbeki are in need of some serious ass slapping because he stood in the house of parliament and said crime wasn't as rife as we were potraying. JZ being a sacrifacial lamb may be a known fact but as with all other issues there are many other facets of this battle.

i'm not pro Zuma if you noticed and my views are based on events that have played out in the past year. do you remember ukuthi the president had urine thrown on him in KwaMashu in the presence of the premier of KZN? that's why i say the NEC may differ from the ANC president on views and that's why i raised the Hani issue as well as Madiba "annointing" uMbeki. 

i will further accept that i skipped ANC hisrory 101 because its becoming more and more irrelevant.

52 years on and it seems like two foreign organazations. On the other hogwash issues like AIDS-to each his own

12 Dec 2007 01:01

@TDC= this pc is state owned and point blank refuses to work on voice command for pictures but i promise i'll make time to edit it on my computer tonight. is that o.k?

12 Dec 2007 01:04

@ sponono that was meant as a joke-the anonymity part. and lelibhomu olifunayo is the reason Zuma's rape accuser now lives abroad and i love my family too much 2 involantarily emigrate.

12 Dec 2007 01:05

on a funny note= u JZ is going to Nongoma to get blessed by his majesty the King before he makes his way to Limpopo!!!

12 Dec 2007 01:06

azHot..said  >>those who are pro-Mbeki are in need of some serious ass slapping ....YOU CAN SLAP MY ASS ANYTIME LOL...I aint voting for JZ thats for sure..and in the absence of any other candidate Mbeki gets my voting...(afta a good ass spankin from you of course...hi hi hi)   i know he has his faults especially the statements he makes  but still its a matter of either him or JZ and its def..NOT JZ for me

12 Dec 2007 01:08

Im not attacking the person here,azHottie,I am merely pointing out the other facts everyone keeps on conveniently raising or not raising.

I mean I took the trouble to read your opinion-so its not hogwash.Promise.But the insinuations are astoninshing.Why raise the issue of the wall if its not the point?Why refer to Hani if he is a mere footnote?

I maintain what was said a few days back on another blog,these two gentlemen are not good for our collective mentality,or psyche.And I agree with you that there need to be another man who will be brave enough to raise his hand up.

And I want us to be honest:when JZ was not sure of his support in EC,he played a tribalistic card.But now everything favours him,he is playing ignorant to that fact.Same as Mbeki,he suddenly went to the EC to get his mojo back.

And this makes you think about the prospects of everyone else in between.Must we create our parties according to bantustans,or how do we move on.

This reminds me of Molemi and HHP's song ya Garona.

12 Dec 2007 01:11

@sponono=prepare yourself for some serious ass woopin LOL!!! mina angizukuya kovota 2009 uma i president ye ANC ingumfo ka Zuma ngoba i intend on having a prosperous future!

12 Dec 2007 01:15

I still dont believe the situation is as bleak as we potray it to be, JZ might not become president of the ruling party post Limpopo but in the same breath I forsee a very difficult situation should T-Boz become pres. because fact is (if they dont change the constitutionof the country) he wont become pres. of the country.
Isnt it more worrying when there a say maybe 2 centres of power and being people that were vying for the same position?

12 Dec 2007 01:16

those who are pro-Mbeki are in need of some serious ass slapping >>> Mine can be slapped anytime No Zuma for me Guilty or Not.
azHOT not sweat about pics plus the last pics i wanna see these days are those of Mbalula whoever and Zuma.
Lepogo it all starts this sunday i cant wait to see Shaik a free man come January and you know what his designation will be..

12 Dec 2007 01:16

Same as Mbeki,he suddenly went to the EC to get his mojo back. @lepogo please don't use the mojo in vain! Thabo ain't  got no mojo LOL!!

12 Dec 2007 01:21

J-Girl as far as I remember if the party that wins the national elections wins by 2 third majority they can amend the constitution (subject to correction) even if they don't whomever Mbeki would pick as the country's president were he to remain ANC president would be his b%$#@ so we'd still be screwed.

12 Dec 2007 01:24

The talk about this man not having the mojo is soooo wrong!!!

Ask the girl who has a baby with him,after he screwed the mother and her aunts!!!!

Or Mbhazima's wife.Or Ngcuka's wife,too many to mention.Will try and post some of the articles from later today.

I like him for the fact that he keeps it all under wraps.No wonder he doesnt admit to showers and baby oils in public

12 Dec 2007 01:28

Lepogs thats some juicy stuff first time to my ears..! Mara still somebody nomatter how many showers they take I cant stand them especially the rape and shower story crime I dont care seems like they all do it.

12 Dec 2007 01:35

Lepogo: Who exactly is screwing everybody's wife? T-bose or JZ?

12 Dec 2007 01:37

I hear u azzy, now just quickly take me through this process, does the ANC president choose who he/she wants to be president of the country inna case where they themselves do not "qualify"? (as in t-boz' case). 
I just need this clarity chief please man because now I am even more confused with this thing. Surely the pres. of the country takes the mandate from the NEC of the ruling party, but to who is he really accountable to?Just the president only?
can they amend the institution of the country like now; pre-national elections? i want to make another point if one could assist me with these questions.

12 Dec 2007 01:39

Tjo tjo tjo Lepogo......wozanazo!!!!! Bring out the dirt under the's looking mighty interesting from where i am. Mbeki a serial womaniser LOL, eish mara very intellect is a great turn on for most wassup with him and that strijdom (sp) chick-miranda, is it?

12 Dec 2007 01:39

Morning comrades. I belive that we have been discussing the ZUKI( zuma+mbeki ) for a long time now and its quite obvious that JZ will be the next ANC president, not that I am happy about that. But I think as loyal members of the ANC we should accept that and move forward in order to stop division amongst ourselves. Comrades the people will speak, if they want Gedleyihlekisa to lead them, so be it. I think we ought to look at the positive aspects of having Msholozi as our president rather than depressing ourselves with the negatives.
1. The man is a peoples person, atlast the needs of the people,  will be known and hopefully acted upon, rather that using diplomatic strategies to lead the country.
2. We stand a good chance of winning over some of the IFP members that are too stubborn to vote for the "so called", Xhosa.
3.The man has a good chance of winning back some of the former ANC members that stopped voting beacuse they have lost faith in Mbeki.
4.Some people still like Bill Clinton (after Monica lewinsky saga) over Bush, what I mean is Zuma's rape case will be something of the past soon, and lest we not forget the man was found innocent.
5.The man has made many mistakes, which I believe he has learnt from, i am glad that he made all these before he was elected president.
6. We all know his past, his main aim would be to disappoint those conspiring against him, which means he will work hard for this country.

12 Dec 2007 01:41


12 Dec 2007 01:43

My President baba!! T-bose.

@TDC,you need to get out more and meet ppl,man!!

And if I were elected to go to Limpopo,I would make lotta money out of all these monies flying around!Can you refuse R17K just to vote,anonimoulsy nogal???

12 Dec 2007 01:44

Andi01 you are scaring me cause I dont wanna see that day coming really....!

12 Dec 2007 01:44

very interesting..i always thought my president with his dapper image is like deep waters  and behind the image is a wild cat  hi hi hi 

tell us more  about Tabz least he gets laid..coz Zanele is just NOT scrumptious enough ...I always thought Thabos needs someone like Winni or even Matsepe's wife..(whom judging from your stories, he's probably screwing as well)..hi hi hi this is fun.....

12 Dec 2007 01:46

@azhot > what kind of future do we have if we want to vote a man who washes his hands after peeling onions into the presidency just because he speaks our mother toungue? 

LOL :-) :-) :-)

12 Dec 2007 01:48

LMAO Sponono!!!!! 

Lepogo.....damn man u're bloody well connected!!! So the outcome of the nominations this wknd could funded by Tokyo? hi hi hi.....!

12 Dec 2007 01:49

J_Girl = it should be a joint decision as far as i know. we had a similar situation in KZN where Ndebele is the chairperson of the ANC in the province but the executive committee wanted Zweli Mkhize to be premier. Ndebele got his way. I don't know about national level

parliament has to approve amendments to the constitution therefore they must justify any changes. for instance all acts amended are deliberated in the house then the public gets a say and then its tabled again and if its approved, the president ascents to it. but as things stand with T-bose and his adopting Mugabes attitude.

the president of the country takes his mandate from the constitution and parliament is sovereign. at party level like ANC the NEC consists of the president so i assume its a deliberation of sorts. i'm not 100% sure though.

12 Dec 2007 01:52

i'm gonna go earn my keep for about three hours! i'll be back to share in all this intelligence!!

12 Dec 2007 01:53

@ andi01=uqinisile mfethu. acceptance is key

12 Dec 2007 01:54

@andi1,you are NOT adressing ANC member here.Period.Im PAC through and through,though I wont vote for them just as long as Letlapa is the Prez.

You raising very important points,but they lack honesty.
1.You have different kinds of personalities,just because T-Bose is different dont make him a bad leader.Im also not a ppls person,does it make me a lesser candidate for a position as a Finance Manager?
2.Gatsha is 100 times smarter than JZ.He has been able to adress the JZ issue long time ago-that JZ's struggles are NOT ZULU struggles.Hate this polarisation of the nation along tribal lines.
3.PPL who stopped voting ANC had nothing to do with T-Bose.Issues are of Service Delivery,not Personalities.
4.At his age he should have known better.America is a stronger democracy,dont fool yourself about this one.
5.The world of politics is a cruel one.No one forgets!!!!Especially with leaders.The reason we elct ppl in their 60's as leaders is that we assume that they have done it all before their 40's,and wont fcuk up in their 60's...
6.Lastly,its about time we vote on policies,not on emotions and history.

Thats why Im gonna be the next president.You will know me when you see me.

At least by then there wont be the AIDS issue to meddle with my affairs

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president,

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades.

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I thibk

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think

12 Dec 2007 01:55

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know/

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know than

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know than the

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know than the one

12 Dec 2007 01:56

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know than the one we

12 Dec 2007 01:57

From reading most of the post (even from other blogs) I have figured that the two main reasons that people dont want Gedleyihlekisa to be the next president are

Rape Case
I find this to be to completely unfair, the man was found innocent on this case.
Anyone who hasnt cheated on his partner before, please stand up, people remember Gedleyihlekisa is also human.
Yes he made some comments that were very insulting to the women specie during his trial, but remember, desperate times, call for desperate measures and he was defending himself from a woman whose main aim was to destroy the man. We all know all the statements he made were not in general but rather directed to the "woman" in question.
We should be glad we know of his womanising skills, some of us are still peplexed about the bond between Mbeki and Dr Betroot. (i wish we knew, then maybe we wouldnt be so judgemental towards Gedleyihlekisa).

Corruption Case
The man is merely a suspect now, what happened to "innocent till proven guilty".
When Mr Ngcuka was investigating corrupt leaders, Mr Mbeki, quickly appointed Mrs Ngcuka vice president, doesnt that make you wonder comrades. I think its better the criminal we know than the one we dont know.

12 Dec 2007 01:58

ROTFL I've neva met people who can turn politics into a comedy session 
Sponza  u are skating on thin ice u and your friend Lepogo LOL
Azhot packs your bags babes get ready to relocate  after this article  you have signed your death warrant
Andile o thomile neh
Baby A  refreshing

12 Dec 2007 02:02

Let me start off by saying interesting topic. These too are MY opinions, nothing more and nothing less. Read in if you dare:-)

What I’d give to have the inside scoop on what is really happening in the ANC and what’s in the heads of all leaders attending the NEC do this weekend. I don’t think it’s enough that all we know right now is what the press has reported on and especially since our media is seldom objective and leans more on sensationalism as opposed to factual credible reporting. I don’t blame them though it’s all about the bottom line and if sensationalising increases revenue at the expense of informing the masses-I say right on coz it makes good business sense. Not all press is bad I might add all I’d like to do is be privy to all the real information on the activities and thoughts of our leaders. What terrifies me is the extent our leaders will go to stifle anyone who might be in a position to reveal their indiscretions and criminal activities. I wonder just how much Muzi Kunene knows to necessitate such a full on attack on him and his livelihood. I sense a well orchestrated personality assassination and a slow, painful and torturous death seems inevitable at this stage. What with this whole drama around the NEC meeting I can see just how this man’s story can easily fly under the radar while we stay glued on this unfolding drama which I believe has a predetermined ending.

Democratic institutions or not, democracies have been known to fold in the face of power-wielding-money-hungry beaurocrats. We’ve watched as our leaders pay lip service to their ever changing manifestos and fickle policies yet we’ve remained silent and passively watched as the GEAR and RDP have taken the backseat to capitalist policies. In all that we still vote for an ANC whose main ally COSATU (main player and key vote canvasser in the tripartite alliance) is overlooked in favour of big business. Sure enough any young democracy with emerging markets needs to have a thriving economy with stable economic policies that need to be just right for capital & foreign direct investment to occur. So since we know all this, why is it that we’re still being led to believe that voters matter? When in fact we the voter are not what makes up big business, we the voter are the worker, we’re the electorate that agrees to keep a party that does not have our best interests at heart. These are just some of the questions that come to mind when I consider the ANC.

The lines are so blurred right now party politics have become state politics and it’s to be expected though as the leading political party’s powers are strengthened with every election held. Centre’s of power are corrupted and judicial powers are just fancy words used as and when needed to prove that our justice systems works-see Pikoli saga and Frene residing over his inquisition even though she has no legal authority to probe such matters. I don’t think that this issue has been questioned enough & yet she sits on and heads up such an important and crucial enquiry-but in what capacity and what authority. Aren’t judges the only ones who have a right to do this by law (I hope). Yet again our judges are busy getting intoxicated on tea and crash in to walls and slur sexist remarks while at it-shoo!

Oh how I wish I could be a fly on the wall just so I could know what exactly is going on. For now I wait with baited breath like the rest of the electorate in anticipation of what’s to come. Who ever takes this highly coveted title had better be prepared to get some real elbow grease going –I’m sick and tired of policies, strategies, manifestos, programmes of action and the like, it’s time for some implementation and follow ups.


12 Dec 2007 02:02

eish Andi!

12 Dec 2007 02:06

andi01 u're right about 1 thing - zuma is a people's person...i heard somewhere that he is supposedly in so much debt because he's forver helping people out...granted he's got that to his advantage but this does not make me blind to his many faults.

J-Girl we don't want zuma as the next president. we also don't want t-bose but shud t-bose win this coming weekend that means he has the power to choose the next president, ie his yes-man and we don't want that. from the way this man has ruled these last few yrs it makes me think t-bose, if given the chance, wud turn this country into a zimbabwe camp. just look at all the people he's fired (cos they defied him) and just look at how he has conveniently not said or done anything about the situation in zim. thabo is a dictator. period!

12 Dec 2007 02:08

Contradiction at its best andile whats with the sudden change of heart just yesterday you we chewing jayzee  but today you defending him ,I sense sum conspiracy here,  no transperency at all
Wena le lepogo mmhhhhhhhh

12 Dec 2007 02:10

GQ english plizzzzzzzzzzzz

12 Dec 2007 02:17

Sorry for that, moderator pls delete all the replies but the last one

Dear TVSA members
I am one of the commited bloggers, and I love blogging very much. But I feel very discouraged when some of the bloggers use vulgar and insulting language while emphasizes their opinions. What is said in herr is was thoughts and opinions. I dont think it is fair for anyone to refer to other people as idiots or foolish statements as specially when you dont even know that person. It is alright to disagree, thats what debate is all about, but to be insulted just because you dont agree with someone its a very unscrupulous act. I believe we are all smart enough to express our views with out crashing one another or making oneself seem smarter than the other. If I give you facts of disagreement that means I am smart and can think out of the box, it also meams that I can stand my ground and say what I feel. But if you will repsond to that by using vulgar language, that means you are rude, selfish and control freak. I would like to believe that none of us are rude, selfish and controlling. 

At his age he should have known better.America is a stronger democracy,dont fool yourself about this one. This is one of the staments that made me feel very insulted. I feel honoured that you were willing to enlighten me about the fact that America is a stronger democracy (i didnt know), but just because I didnt know that doesnt make me a fool enough to fool myself.
1.You have different kinds of personalities,just because T-Bose is different dont make him a bad leader.Im also not a ppls person,does it make me a lesser candidate for a position as a Finance Manager? 

I have been listening to the news, in township there has been debates and I encountered that some of the reasons that people favour Zuma over Mbeki is that they feel as though he cares about them, he is one of them, he speaks the language most of the time, and he likes visiting places where most ANC memembers are (i.e yersteday he was in Engcobo)

2.Gatsha is 100 times smarter than JZ.He has been able to adress the JZ issue long time ago-that JZ's struggles are NOT ZULU struggles.Hate this polarisation of the nation along tribal lines.
(there was debate, a few days ago on TVSA when some members complained that the Xhosa's only want Xhosa president, I will take time out and look for it and refere you to it, my points are supported by that,

12 Dec 2007 02:18

VIVA President Lucas Manyane Mangope VIVAAAAAAAAAAAA! batho bame, ditonki tsame, masole ame vivaaaaaaaaaaa MOTLOTLEGI, TAUTONA, KGOSI L.M. MANGOPE vivaaaaaaaaaaa.

12 Dec 2007 02:21

shoo shoo shoo...politics 101 today nhe!

12 Dec 2007 02:22

is having fits!!Quick,help!!!

Mbhazima asked Winnie to intervene on his behalf regarding his wife's shenanigans with the Pres,thats why she was pushed by the Pres(we all think twas bcause she was asking when will her turn cum),unfortunately her intervention didnt help much...

Phumzile once left on an a wednesday evening for a meeting with the Pres,only to cum back the next day.That didnt sit kindly with Bulelani.The staff in her office couldnt stop talking of her beating and the black eyes she was sporting......

Jon Qwelani once wrote a story after JZs shenanigans were made public regarding the Pres love-child with a girl young enough to be her daughter.He used to screw the mother,later the aunts wantes sum,ultimately he saw the daughter.Just like in movies,he had found his perfect fit(pun intended).And the girl lives in Soweto.Hopefully she has moved.I only saw her once.

In England,he was known as the heartbreaker.He couldnt stand the deformed teeth the Poms sport(who does?),but didnt mind gallivanting with them from time to time.In Zimbabwe he was a serious diplomatic issue,Govan was asked to interven at one stage,cos he couldnt keep his hands off the women...

And in Botswana,in fact one of his sons currently resides in Randburg,he raised temperatures so high that he was eventually asked to leave the country.....

So,stop going around saying my Pres doesnt have the MOJO,he is the mojo..

12 Dec 2007 02:24

hooo tshepiso he-e!

12 Dec 2007 02:28

VIVA President Lucas Manyane Mangope >>>. Vivaaaaaaaaaaaa ke na le wena moo Tshepiso. Ditoki dia poka..... hih ih hih ihi!

12 Dec 2007 02:28

tjo tjo tjo lepogo...who would want the man with the ntjebe ye skripot mara???

12 Dec 2007 02:31

@Spice last i checked you could still get a refund from your school if the English lessons were not up to scratch...Lol! Or did you mean Engreesh preeze in that case unfortunately I'm still working on it & I hope u wont mind giving me a few...:-)

sweetie my baby
12 Dec 2007 02:32

i'm just gonna wait and see what happens, because it's not like we have any hand in the matter (unless you're an accredited ANC member who's allowed to vote at the conference...)

on another note- the Star interviewed a sangoma and a tarot reader, and they both said that JZ was gonna take the presidency, and it'd actually be a good thing for S.A. - he's a gentler, more people focussed individual - and that he'd also do a lot of introspection, thinking about mistakes he's made in the past, and rectifying them....

so yeah, nna i've decided that i'm gonna make my peace with whatever comes next, and do my bit to build my country into something i want it to be.... the power is in our hands! (lol, feel like a mini superhero now....)

12 Dec 2007 02:36


There is no mention in my response that implies that you are foolish or not smart enough.Whats up with this now???I wouldnt engage you if I thought you were not smart enough.Can anyone come to my rescue here??

Dont fool yourself is an expression-a figure of speech not a fact,I dont have a reason to do so,nor will I find one in the future.

While you are at it,popular opinion is not always right!!Ppl keep on voting ANC and still get the same results,reminds me of one definition of insanity...

And America has a strong democracy,theres no two ways about it(another figure of speech)


12 Dec 2007 02:39

don't forget KISS pary is now run by yours trully so pls people do vote! vote KISS PARTY!

12 Dec 2007 02:42

Lepogo and Andi01 I think its time you all calmed down...! Did I hear Truce..? You may have seen that there is a lot of freedom speech lately but guys dont be like that on one another.Calm down both of you...

12 Dec 2007 02:46

Mbhazima asked Winnie to intervene on his behalf regarding his wife's shenanigans with the Pres,thats why she was pushed by the Pres(we all think twas bcause she was asking when will her turn cum)


Do you know anything about Miranda and T-Bose???????

12 Dec 2007 02:56

America has a stronger democracy, and i tought I heard that they are proZuma

12 Dec 2007 02:58

wouldnt want either of them to be president, maar have a feeling that JZ might take this one... feel like uTabza has failed us dismally especially with the AIDS saga,claiming that HIV does not lead to AIDS i mean WTF is that??? Firing  the former Deputy Health Minister uMadlala Routlege for, and i quote "doing her  job", for visiting a hospital in East London and for blowing the whistle regarding  the shocking situation she found in the martinity wards... oh and for attendinf that aids vaccine conference... choosing rather that, that Kleptomaniac uDr Mina Bengdakiwe  Msimang to remain as our health minister, a minister who belittles ARV's and advocates garlic,lemon,betroot,african potato etc as remedies for this deadly desease... Haikona Thabo
i think alot of people especially black, will be left with no choice but to vote for JZ as president(if he wins as ANC pres), nokuba he's got alot of skeletons in his closet, then to be ruled by a white government kwakhona

12 Dec 2007 03:02

claiming that HIV does not lead to AIDS >> That is true it doesnt you may suffer from being HIV+ and not having Aids if you taking medication but it doesnt mena HIV can be healed.

12 Dec 2007 03:03

I'd give anything to know who you really are Lepogo and I really like you when youre this influnenced LOL

12 Dec 2007 03:04

sp influenced

12 Dec 2007 03:05

I strongly refuse JZ 2 be our president,

Regardless of whether he becomes the ANC Leader or the Country,
He has already brought enough shame to this country , can you imagine what more he will bring once he has control over the country..

This JZ Saga is not on at all…
He has already brought negative stance of SA towards other countries (abroad and so forth).

On the internet, the news and everywhere is his scandals, have you realised wht brunt has all this brought for our economy abroad…
Economically speaking, this is bad publicity for Us, and Poverty...
The next thing once he has been nominated as a president:
We might even have Shabir Shaik on board as our Minister of finance, tony Yengeni for Security and the official Kanga Public holidayz….

(That’s how immoral our country will be once he rules)

12 Dec 2007 03:06

I strongly refuse JZ 2 be our president,

Regardless of whether he becomes the ANC Leader or the Country,
He has already brought enough shame to this country , can you imagine what more he will bring once he has control over the country..

This JZ Saga is not on at all…
He has already brought negative stance of SA towards other countries (abroad and so forth).

On the internet, the news and everywhere is his scandals, have you realised wht brunt has all this brought for our economy abroad…
Economically speaking, this is bad publicity for Us, and Poverty...
The next thing once he has been nominated as a president:
We might even have Shabir Shaik on board as our Minister of finance, tony Yengeni for Security and the official Kanga Public holidayz….

(That’s how immoral our country will be once he rules)

12 Dec 2007 03:06

Haai Pooky who exactly is your dream president ?

12 Dec 2007 03:13

Lepogo there might be a Muzi Kunene lurking in these parts broer. Better refrain from reveiling too much or you might suffer the same fate as Billy.

12 Dec 2007 03:14

I'd give anything to know who you really are Lepogo and I really like you when youre this influnenced LOL >>> Spice even go jaiva in  Groove shack..? hih ih hih hi LOL

12 Dec 2007 03:18

The reason why they are Pro-Zuma is very very interesting!!!

T-Bose is regarded as a big time player in the trade relations(DOHA),which collapsed due to his insistence on equal trading,concessions and  trade routes.

The west hopes it will be easier in dealing with JZ,assuming that he is corruptible and is not clued up in terms of Economics of Power in the world arena.

Look at the influence SA wields currently ko Security Council,they are not giving anch all becaouse of his influence and the direction he wants SA to take in terms of world Politics.

The Presidency of T-bose has greatly changed the scales of power,influence and control.He has single handedly,given China more control in Africa,much to the anger and dismay of the West.If you read tis past weekens newspaper very very well,youd realise there were about 3 campaigns going on:
1.The SA's Security Council criticism and that of its Ambassador
2. inter alia,the criticism of T-bose's foreign policy
3.JZ's incumbent Presidency.

And its all connected.If JZ is as poor as he claimed last time,who is funding him?Cause if Tkyio is funding him,he wouldnt want to be in his shadow.Believe me on this one

@Kele,you will know me one day,very soon..NOT!!

12 Dec 2007 03:22

@TDC, hay khona senora, ARV's can only keep you healthy for so long, then after, your body gets used to them that they dont work no more. ARV's are meant to lengthen your living period, but not keep you from dying. Again I think Pooky's point is that, he says HIV doesnt lead to AIDS, and refuses to give people ARV's in other words, he says if you are HIV positive you just need to eat health they you'll never get to stage 4 (which is AIDS). 
The stages are as follows
Stage 1
HIV (+), aware or not, you still look healthy and strong
Stage 2
Fever, exhaustion, but still look healthy
Stage 3
TB, rush, boils (etc), CD4 count below 200
Stage 4
AIDS, CD4 count (>0<200)
You go through all these stages with ARV's or not, especially if ARV's dont match your blood type.

12 Dec 2007 03:25

I have nothing against Zuma nor Thabo, But I feel that the ANC is gambling with the future of this country. If I was a politician and I was going to get a chance to cast my vote I wouldnt vote for neither, Thabo's time has come 2 an end & we can use his services as an advisor in ecomic issue (strong points) other than that ugqibile. On JZ, i do not think its fair to judge him on mistakes he has made and apologised for, but on what he is capable to do as an individual,

BUT after watching 3rd Degree yesterday and they were showing JZ addressing mass and interviews by Journalist, it was indeed clear that the man if we put him as a president it will be a risk, but hey JZ mite just suprise us.

Social JZ is stronger but in other aspect I am definitely not sure..... In conclusion the ANC must definitely consider a third candidate bakhuphe Uzuma no thabo. the tribalism issue its getting old bantu,  whether a president is Sotho Tswana Venda, thats should not be an issue, the candidate must have what it takes QHA.

12 Dec 2007 03:31

Point taken Andi..! :)

12 Dec 2007 03:37


I also dont blieve gore there is a disease called AIDS.All we see and have are opportunistic diseases.

Im gonna need all you help on this one.Because if there is,they should have isolated the virus a long time ago.If it is viral.But its not.It only manifests itself in a broken down immune system,by being opportunistic.

Therefore it leaves the immune system weak to other diseases,like TB etc.

The virus is untreatable,but the symptoms are.Which makes it a very intelligent virus.

Think about it for a minute.........

12 Dec 2007 03:39

Thank you Andi
@Spice... Peter Marais...jas joking... no one really

12 Dec 2007 03:42

Could be tru Lepogo but thats not my department...where is Beyonce and Tshepiso now..?

12 Dec 2007 03:55

Great point there Lepogo.

I've never met anyone that's died of Aids. Saying that people are dying of Aids is misleading. But then again it's easier to explain it like that to the masses than to break it down into what exactly happens. Lest people start thinking that it's ok to contract HIV coz they wont die of Aids. When Mbeki made that statement it was a bit too intellectual for the masses to consume. However, many academics agree witht his statement however we should guard against taking it as face value. Ofcourse it will seem absurd to assume that the HI virus is as simplistic as it's been made out to be. I get why it's being simplified the way it is though.  I know that some people might not like what I've said but do take the time to read on what Mbeki said and his reasoning before jumping on the bandwagon and discrediting what he's said. Let's thoroughly interrogate these issues so we can learn and be able to have informed debates in future.   

12 Dec 2007 04:18

I am sure we all know this.
HI virus, kills the blood cells and there for weakens the immune system, if your immune system is weak, you dont have the strength to fight deseases like TB, Cancer even fever. If there was a guarantee that an HIV (+) individual  would isolate himself and not contract any disease even bacteria (which is impossible), then HI virus wouldnt kill. We call it HI virus when it hasnt completely destroyed the blood cell then we call it AIDS, when the cells are already distroyed and we waiting for any sickness like TB or fever to attack, then bcoz u have no blood cells to fight the sickness, then you dead. However if you are HIV +, not in stage 4 yet, when TB or flu attacks the ARV's boost your blood cells helping them to fight off the sickness.So you are right Lepogo & TDC there is no disease called AIDS, but we use that stage (as a single word), when one's blood cells have been destroyed.
Hope this makes sense

12 Dec 2007 04:31

This makes sense!!

Thanks andi1

12 Dec 2007 05:13

ROFL @ andi 01, whatsup with you really ? dont fool yourself doesnt mean you are a fool. and these kinds of expression are bound to be used in debates like these.

askies, shushu!

12 Dec 2007 08:37

i see i missed quite the debate!! this has been a real eye opener. Today i learnt that no matter what happens in Polokwane TVSA bloggers alone will ensure our country's integrity is restored.

@lepogo i've sent my e-mail adress to your PM. drop me a line, i want to pick your brain about something.

13 Dec 2007 00:52

@zo, we have been through that already its over, surely you do have some views that you'd like to express  regarding this topic.

13 Dec 2007 00:59

mshini wam mshini wam x2
khawlethu umshini wam
mshini webaba

wen' yandbambezela
mshini wam mshini wam

 i am so zuma-rish vandag, aketsebe hwetsakalang

13 Dec 2007 01:02

mshini My Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.. LOL hihihih

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