Firstly let me say that these are my views and opinions to which I am entitled. Secondly, if you don’t like-click on the tiny “x” on your right. If its criticism which isn’t constructive-keep it to yourself!!!
So last night we waited with bated breath for uMsholozi to come and speak to Debra and wait for it… he didn’t show.
I foresaw that I mean ,Mr President couldn’t be bothered to come and lie to us why would Zuma choose to?
I watched the show regardless just to see if there was anything new and well as usual with the ruling party there was a long array of contradictory statements and big words but after watching and from what I’ve picked up in my time of espionage here’s the low down.
Before I continue I would like to request that TVSA not divulge any information about who I am once this article hits cyberspace.
Zuma was fired from the deputy presidency of the republic (we all knew that ne?) and the ANC took a stance to say he asked to be axed instead of resigning.
That’s my first issue. All this resigning and firing happened around the time our beloved Vusi Pikoli charged him with corruption. At this point in time Pikoli was Mabandla’s favorite person and as our president said “ he was simply upholding the law and constitution of this country(no-one is above the law etc.)
I know we are all aware of this but what we were not told is that the NEC(national executive committee) had in private sitting agreed not to relieve JZ of his duties because come 2009 they will need the KZN(“zulu” vote) and only he could guarantee this.
Zuma gets axed and then the case gets thrown out of court in PMB where he is supported and this decision was not made by the judiciary. Our beloved JZ told anyone who would listen that his charges were a propaganda and conspiracy to keep him out of the top job and he would reveal all once it was all over hhm…
Zuma was not the only person who benefited from the alleged corrupt arms deal and that is why he still has not been “tried” in terms of the law but the fact that he may still be charged throws him (literally) out of the presidential race.
Enter Thabo Mbeki. The same man who stood in the national assembly and declared that HIV did not lead to AIDS (we all know about his non-existent policy with regards to the pandemic). He needs to step out of office but refuses to on the grounds that he can remain ANC president and then pin-point the country’s president should the ANC be re-elected in 2009 as government. Do you smell dictatorship?
Now a lot of us believe that this JZ v T-Bose business is something new-afraid not!!!
When former president uMadiba “appointed” T-Bose as president (as a favour to the memory of struggle stalwart Govan Mbeki, there was much ado about it within the structures of the ruling party) but because of the hard earned respect they had for him they let it go.
Perhaps if my beloved Hani hadn’t been executed (at guess whose orders?) things would have played out differently.
The position 5 days before Limpopo is JZ v T-Bose and should the NEC reach a stale mate there’ll be a re-vote or a compromise candidate. Now, for this compromise candidate to be placed into the top job in the ANC he/she will have to be accepted and wanted by both camps.
I don’t know if businessmen can run a country but I do know that people who perpetuate crime by denying its existence-“that crime situation is not that bad” and then turn around and get 92 million security fences (WTF?) and, people who demean my culture which I hold dear and claim that customs allow their polygamous and unsafe behavior are not FIT TO GOVERN.
The outcome of Limpopo will either elect Zuma into the presidency in which case he’ll be re-charged promptly thereafter OR uMsholozi will “gracefully” bow out(jail ain’t no mans’ cuppa tea) or a surprise compromise candidate will be elected as the new ANC president.
Now this whole situation is tantamount to living in a monarchy or rather under a dictatorship because if JZ bows out and is not re-charged who decides on these things? These decisions are not meant to be made by T-Bose but we all know he does make them and refuses to be accountable to us-his employer.
Think Selebi and Pikoli. Think Frene Ginwala being appointed as head of the commission to investigate the Pikoli matter.hhm…
The question that remains is what are we doing or going to do about it. The outcome of Limpopo is the least of our problems. AIDS, women and child abuse, poverty, unemployment etc. are the real problems.
Under either of these two men these problems will remain and worsen.
Is this how we thank the likes of Inkosi Albert Luthuli, uMadiba and all the people who laid down their lives for the struggle against oppression?
I don’t know what we’ll do perhaps my boyfriend does have a point-let’s emigrate!
I love my country and won’t emigrate but what kind of future do we have if we want to vote a man who washes his hands after peeling onions into the presidency just because he speaks our mother toungue?
On the other hand what future do we have if we keep a man who refuses to fire our alleged alcoholic of a health minister even though babies are dying from klebsiela and half the rest of the population is being sacrificed to AIDS?
These are my questions and after last nite I believe we have a lot to say and I demand the platform to speak up because if young people (30 years and younger) keep dying of AIDS at the rate its going now there will be no Mzansi after this decade.
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