I love The Bachelor cause I just love to see how two dozen grown women go desperate over a man. This season is even going to better. The women are clueless. They heard the words Prince, castle and Italy and lost all touch with reality. They moved to planet Fairytale. Now they will have to backstab and flirt their way to the Prince’s heart in true Princess style.
Prince Lorenzo Borghese
The Bachelor is a real Prince. An Italian Prince. Prince Lorenzo Borghese is 34 years old and was born in Italy. His family moved to the USA when he was only 2 years old. His grandmother, Princess Marcella Borghese, founded a well-known cosmetic company in the fifties. Today his family is one of the largest importers of Italian cosmetics in the world.
The Prince has a castle, is stinking rich and comes across as very down-to-earth. He never uses his title. Never mentions his title. Just a very nice guy. I don’t find him drop-dead gorgeous or attractive but the prospective Princesses think he is just ‘like so gorgeous and cute’. The perfect guy.
The ladies received bouquets of roses along with the news that they have to leave immediately. The news was received with gasps, exclamations, nervous laughter and gibberish talk about fairy tales. Oh so dramatic!
Twenty-five hopeful Princess wannabes arrived in limousines at the Prince's castle for the Rose Ceremony Ball.
Occupation: Realtor
Age: 22
Desiree said she would do everything in her power to get a rose. And she is taking her mission seriously. She started flirting with Lorenzo the moment she stepped out of the limousine and calls him ‘Baby’. Not a great believer in ‘taking it slowly’, she asked the Prince if she can kiss him. He offered her his royal cheek. I predict that this blonde is going to shag her way to royalty.
One blonde girl that is not going to sleep her way to the thrown, is Lady Sadie.
Occupation: Publicist
Age: 23
Lady Sadie wanted a rose so that she can convince Prince Lorenzo of her oh-so-pure status.
A blonde who thinks that she does not have to do much because she and the Prince, are like totally compatible, is Erica.
Occupation: Socialite
Age: 23
Erica, a 23-year-old socialite, desperately wants to upgrade herself to real Princess status. The Paris Hilton wannabe flew couch that she, like totally, never did before just to meet her Prince. She is like totally irritating and I think that the Prince is just keeping around because her mother totally paid like a fortune to the show's producers to keep her Princess on the show.
The oldest Lady of the group (yes, she is also blonde) tried to calm her nerves with alcohol. The alcohol did not only calm Heather's nerves, it also severely boosted the blonde's ego.
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Age: 34
She, *hick*, told the Prince that she, *hick*, likes cheeseburgers. How very Princess like and charming. The Prince sent lady Heather home. With a royal hangover.
Heather, I think you should take the royal rejection as a sign that you need to call your AA sponsor.
In true fairytale style Rosella, a 27-year-old Italian brunette, sold her car because she 'did not have all the money in the world to buy fancy clothes and stuff' that are like totally important to make a royal impression.
Occupation: Make-up Artist
Age: 27
Shame, no happy ending to Rosella's tale. The Prince smelled the desperation.
Rosella, here is some hard-core truth: The damsel in distress act is not working in the modern world. Ok? You should learn to care of yourself girl. Modern women don't need men to take care of them. We use men purely for physical satisfaction and accessorizing purposes.
The producers of the show thought that it would spice up the royal story if they bring in two local Italian beauties. They are gorgeous but have some serious language challenges. The Italian Prince can't communicate in Italian because he only speaks American.
Ocupation: Student
The Prince did not think that vocal communication is important. He gave Agnese a rose and sent the other Italian beauty, Cosetta, home.
The first impression rose and the accompanied diamond earrings caused a small hysteria among the ladies. Everyone wanted that rose and the gorgeous diamond earrings.
Occupation: Interior Designer
Age: 27
Watch that mouth lady Kim. The Queen won't like those big words that you are using.
In a rose or die situation, Andrea decided to go all opera on us. The Prince thought it was a bit weird.
Occupation: Hotel Concierge
Age: 28
But the Prince did not think that showing some serious lovin' to a tree is weird.
Occupation: Marketing Manager
Age: 25
Lisa and the Prince hugged a tree and she got the first rose. And the diamond earrings. Now that is what I call a royal threesome. The Prince, a drunk lady and a tree.
The Prince gave the rest of his royal roses to: