Coming up on 3Talk over the next week:
Friday, 1 February 2008
Daddy’s Girls
Daddy’s little girl will always be ‘a little girl’ in her father’s eyes no matter how old she is. Tonight on 3Talk, daughters and fathers share with us their special bond and family memories.
Monday, 4 February 2008
Autism is a complex and devastating disability resulting in disordered brain development. It limits social interaction and communication between the child and the outside world. International research has shown the disorder is on the increase affecting 1 per 158 children under the age of six. On 3Talk tonight, we discuss the possible cause of this disorder and how with the proper intervention the individual can live their life to its full potential.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Are we a Whining Society?
The saying goes “nobody likes a whiner” yet everyone does it. Tonight on 3Talk, we ask the question, “Are we a whining society?” A panel of psychologists will be in-studio to answer this question and tell us how to shift from whining to becoming more proactive.
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
How to Handle Electricity Problems
You walk into your house, flick the switch and your light comes on, right? Wrong.
Since the regular load shedding our every day formalities have become all but impossible. We are all left with the question. ‘What do we do?’ On 3Talk, we’ll discuss ways to handle our current electricity problems and hopefully improve our current standard of living.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Homeloans and Homes
If its one luxury we all strive for it is to own our own home. But with current interest rate hikes this dream for many seems all but impossible. On 3Talk tonight, we talk about home loans and give you a step-by-step guide on the home buying process.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Are we a Whining Society?
High-tech gadgets are on the majority of people’s wish list. But for those of you who did not get any gizmos and gadgets last year, this is a show for you. On 3Talk today, we dedicate our show to the latest high-tech gizmos and gadgets for 2008 from cell phones, cameras to video games.
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