1) I am sick and tired of people with no manners.Imagine my utter disgust that when I was coming out of a car a lady coming my way suddenly decides to cough IN MY FACE NOGAL,WHATEVER HAPPENED to covering your mouth,I wanted to kill her,she should be thanking her lucky stars she is still alive.
2) I am sick of people who take forever to elaborate a story,they start and just when you are interested they drag on and on,people pleeasee bantu.
3) I am sick of bank tellers only working two on a ten teller bank,where are the rest? huh !! are they gone to start a revolution or something,if not please,lets not waste unneccessary time
4) I am sick of taxi drivers who take forever to get people to work and the sad part is,the colleagues of the latecomer fail to understand why that person is late as if they have never taken a taxi in their entire lives.
5) I am sick of food shops putting on the shelves products that are close to expiring,that is if they are not expired already.
6) I am sick of certain shops who tell you they cannot take your credit card because the person who knows how to use the machine is gone to lunch and they dont know when she will be back,as if mxmm.
7) I still maintain,I am sick of intoxicating perfumes at work,just because you wear an expensive brand does not make you less rotten inside because you are.
8) I am sick of people who drag and drag a topic in a meeting for personal satisfaction rather that to solve or eleavate whatever cause.
9) Guys I know that advert is for a good cause and all but if I see it one more time on tv I am crashing my screen,it goes on and on and damn
10) The list is endless..................