Fellow bloggers
1) If I had not seen some of her portfolio pics,I would have sworn Tyra Banks was never a model,what kind of desinger lets their stuff be worn in those stick legs and an amoeba body,airbrushed into submission figure.
2) I saw a friend's pics recently and she seems to have tripled in size,its a good thing the biggest loser is in SA. AMANDLA COMRADES
3) I didnt know that people actually believe that Kiwi Light brown SHOE polish qualifies as makeup foundation.
4) What the hell was the doctor thinking when I was being born,because if he was thinking straight,he should have tapped my big head into perfection.
5) Why is that SA black women always win the title of biggest and widest hips time and time again,an intervention is needed,STATE OF URGENT EMERGENCY.
6) What was J-LO thinking when she married that sleazebag Mark Anthony.
7) TDC'S current pic is a breath of fresh air here in TVSA.wAY TO GO.
8)Why do people still have the misconception that when you use Mitchum,you have a major armpit problem,beyond control.
9) Mhmmm,Why people never understand that life is changing all the time,today's major worries will be the source of your laughter tomorrow.
10) Why people are told everyday that take your troubles and everything to God,He is forever with you.But no,people go through all sorts of trouble to solve their problems and always end up with the egg in their faces.
11) Why I still besides several attempts,can't see the pics of Frenz like these: Cruise gallery BECAUSE THEY JUST SHOW A RED ARROW AND WONT BLOODY OPEN (EXCUSE MY HUFFNESS)
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