This is a dedication to Jim Carrey and the thespian genius that he is! 
I saw the shots to the movie and that it was going to be on SABC2, I put a reminder on my fone. A messed up past friend of mine had seen this movie in 2004, in a messed up part of my life. I had heard and read about it and found it fascinating, but not enough to rent it on DVD. Luckily SABC delivers and did not disappoint.
I was in bed already before 10pm (yep, I lead a very exciting life!), the reminder on my fone went off. As a person that values their sleep, I had to make a very big decision…to sleep or not to sleep, that is THE question! I tossed and turned for a minute and decided to sacrifice my sleep. I caught the end part of that womens program, the theme was valentines day and they had Mzantsi musical couples that were together for eons. I felt envious as I was staring at another Valentines day, alone. But I felt hopeful that maybe I would be lucky enough to meet my ever elusive soulmate. Oops, back to the movie…

It’s a love story, based around Valentines Day, revolving around a couple = Joel (Jim Carrey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet). In the beginning, Joel complains that Valentines Day is a holiday made by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap. He meets Clementine, they spend a large chunk of the day engrossed in each others company.
Next, he goes to her work to deliver a present for Valentines Day, then she’s with another guy and looks at him blankly. He finds out she erased all memory of him from her mind, so he goes to the doctor to do the same. In the process of memory erasing, he decides he really doesn’t want to erase memories of her from his mind, and tries very hard to fight this process. He’s unsuccessful, and his memories of her are erased.
the lines are from Alexander Pope's poem "Eloisa to Abelard"
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! / The world forgetting, by the world forgot / Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! / Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.

He wakes up, gets on a train and re-meets Clementine again, they spend a large chunk of the day engrossed in each others company, again. Then they find their files from the memory erasing doctor, along with tapes explaining why they wanted each other erased from memory. She = because she found him boring and stifled her spontaneous personality. He = because he thought that she was sleeping with other men for attention. Then they decide to live with each other with their imperfections because life would not be the same without having the other person in their lives. And they lived happily ever after, I guess!
If you think that was confusing, try watching the movie. I love these kind of movies where you put the pieces of the puzzle on your own.
Jim Carrey is famous for his comedic talents and his rubber face (dlala ngobuso). I love his more serious movies, including:
The man on the moon; The Truman Show and this one.

In this movie, they say that the mind erasing doctor is busiest around Valentines Day. People want to erase memories of past lovers, because the memories are painful around Valentines Day. But even so, after having their memories erased the people find a way back into each others lives again, so maybe some things are meant to be.
Question time:
If memory erasing technology was available would you go for it?
2. What memories would you erase? Which special moments do u treasure?
3. What are your favourite Jim Carrey movies?
4. What are your plans for Valentines Day, and with who?
5. Do u, like the character Joel think that: Valentines Day is a holiday made by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap?