Ever tried changing your TV channels with your cell phone or wear unmatched shoes and go out or try to open your house with your car keys and get irritated why the keys don’t work all of a sudden? Did a stranger perhaps kiss and hug you mistaking you for someone else?
Well I am sure you, like me have had those weird things happen to you or you’ve even done the dumbest things that you can’t explain.
Let me tell you what I do. I refuse to touch tomato sauce I always claim I hate the colour, the smell and I would never put it on my food BUT I go to McDonalds and buy a cheese burger and guess what? It has tomato sauce but I eat it and go back for seconds. Silly? You bet (even to me) but I can’t see myself stopping it.
Come on guys lets share the strange, the weird and even downright stupid things we do / that happen to us…
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