Molweni Mabloga
Yho the things we have to go through are just right down hectic!! You my favourite peeps in the world tell me how you deal with these situations, there must be standard responces that are there (somewhere in the world!).
There are our little munchus, we love to death and we claim we would die for ne?but yho comes friday you call up the grandmother quickly to take care of this deadly situation. your angel comes to take you to this rockas do where you drink sundowners till you carry your party steeletos in your hands, come home at 5 in the morning to sleep 3 or 4 hours and head back to where the movement is!!
now my confusion is how you deal with this situation ne? your man (who is not the biol-father of the munchu) takes up so much of your time, keep in mind that vele you get of work at 5 and this heaven sent, takes you out for supper or something more and it just feels that without him there would be no "screwdrivers"ngala weekend ye 15 when the month is lying on its side( inyangimbi there is no money), you get home and this little self distructive thing is already in bed. you feel horrible but the same happens tomorrow!!
Ndithi ke ma- eh! you looove this munchu of yours and as i said you would die for him/her. when you see the little spiderman suits you just want to buy them all just to see little smile on his face, kodwa there is this one too( the man) who has an actual mbhoshongo and can do the job just fine, and who after a good service makes me feel renewed ! so what are the cyber people saying, time for the child or time for the man? keep in mind that the child will not satisfy you phsically, emotionally and otherwise but this little monster here is always there??
SO people whats your take? time for the man or time for the munchu?
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