why do these things happen to me!!!
-Why is there no cure for a hangover, how can so much fun (getting sloshed) be so painful the next day.
-Why has no one invented a machine that does braid yet, in this world of technology we live in, I still have to sit for 5 hours to do braids.
While on that,
-Why has no one come up with a painless way to wax. It’s time again, and no matter how many times I’ve done I can’t get used to the pain.
-Why do people listen to music on their phones loud, considering the fact that it plays nge first part, wish they would use their damn earphones
-Why does my boss not pay me more money, everything is going up except my salary
-Why do I have a crush on a stranger from the FB SA network discussion boards, why am I considering his suggestion that we meet.
-Why does a lady called Pam (who happens to work at MBD attorneys ) stalk me, she called 3 times a day if I don’t answer my phone, then as she hasn’t left enough messages, she send an sms as well
-Why don’t I love the man who loves me, why do I love the one who has no time for me
Why am I listening to “love the one you’re with”
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