
Written by mstick from the blog What R u Doing Abt It! on 11 Jun 2008
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Hi all

This is my first article its actually sooner than i expected hope i'm in track

Last nyt i watched a programme on SABC 1 called Zabalaza....Chetto Vibe.....i hav neva bin badly touched by de issue ya crime in my whole lyf until last nyt....
Ok...the guys who were interviewed on the programme commited some serious criminal offence. 
It all started when they joined a dance group to keep away from the streets but unfortunately things turned out differetly, a guy who use to be a leader in the group was killed after all that they decided to protect themselves by carring sharp objects i.e. pangas, knifes and etc.......

To cut the long story short they turned to be criminals doing di Huisbrake, Rape, all sorts of criminal elements u can think of. They then went to jail and they said jail its not lekker.........Khaya one of the guys said he was scared and his other mate said the same thing, people got raped while they were in there....
They out now but does it mean they wont go back again???? will they stop commiting crime???

So mabloggers i want to hear your views......
Would you put a stop to crime, would you give the police a tip off abt crime it you c it happening.....last nyt i thought abt it, do i have it in me 2 put a stop to crime i dont knw, you knw y my 3 cousins are criminals 1 is already in jail got arrested at the age of 17 sentenced 26 years in jail so far his done 7 yrs, other 1 is out on parole but he hasn't stop doing crime my friend bought a laptop from him a while ago i was shocked my own friend but i didn't ask Qs my other Cazin was arrested two weeks ago refused bail still on trial.......this is family to me i know what they doing is wrong but do i want to give the police a tip off, angazi??......what abt the ppl affected by crime....eish i'm actually really sad...Senzeni???????


11 Jun 2008 03:25

Ja! will love to hear from you.

11 Jun 2008 03:36

would Pimpa my brother if i saw him commit a crime........No i would not.
before the law, its family first kimi. so i would first try and talk to the criminal(my brother or sister) and once i have tired and tired and still no mehluko then Yes i would report him to the police.............then bayomcutha phambili

tha - bang
11 Jun 2008 03:56

im with monchooza on this one. I would firstly talk to the man then if t all fails then report him.
but back to the doccie,i found it very shocking that the guys are unemployed, involved in petty crime but still continue to have like kids. its like how is the cycle going to stop if people continue to breed the conditions for the status quo. 

11 Jun 2008 03:57

i hear u'll try and talk to him, i dnt knw 4 sum strange rezin dey dnt ltsn....on the 24 of may last month my family and i went to visit my cazin who is sentenced 26 yrs it was family day for de prisoners and we actually went with the 1 Caz who got arrested 2 weeks ago he got arrested jst when we got bck i mean he saw all those inmates and i bet he spoke with them bt he stl went and commited crime

11 Jun 2008 04:12

Hay' shame nam I would talk to them first and If they won't listen I'd blackmail them or scare them.Eish andazi man,let me think first.

11 Jun 2008 04:16

Great show indeed ...Zabalaza Eish wat hurts most about this criminals is the parents suffer the most which is said ..coz they struggled to raise them & manje bona they becum imigulukudu!!

11 Jun 2008 04:17

ekugcineni every body has to make choices in his life and if some choose the wrong ones then they must suffer the consequences...."isala kutshelwa sibona ngomopho"

Fluffy Head
11 Jun 2008 04:24

Mina never _ I'ld never ever rat on a criminal. Yhooo, I have only one life and there is no way I'm minding a criminals business. Thats asking for trouble nje.

11 Jun 2008 04:24

If he was just a thief ,I would talk to him first but if he raped and killed I wouln't waste any sec,I would go to the police faster than you can say police.

11 Jun 2008 04:43

Desmond Dube did his Million Man March yesterday, why he decided 2 do de march its bcoz his neigbour was killed...........Q do we hav 2 wait for sumthing bad to happen 2 sum1 we knw b4 we take a step abt crime???? 

11 Jun 2008 04:46

Yha fisrt thing first is to talk and then if akamameli the is no other way send him in.But ndiphinde ndingayazi ingathi mntu ubuya eworse.

tha - bang
11 Jun 2008 05:01

its true , prison makes hardens some people and some like Israel, GP from  Gazlaam,it gives them a new lease on life. I think its a shame that msticks cousn after seeing people in prison still ended up there.its a hard knock life sometimes

11 Jun 2008 05:02

Back in the 90's when I was still living eThokoza a girl we used to play with got raped.  She was with her friend and the friend managed to escape.  the suspect got arrested and and the night before the friend was suppose to give evidence her whole house was burnt killing her erderly grandmother who was sleeping and too old to get up and escape.  We never knew who burnt the house but obviously the suspect friends were the suspects.

My point is I know we should report i crime but at what expense.  I know a lot of people including myself who  would rather keep quite about a crime than to become a victim because of reporting one

11 Jun 2008 05:17

@ tha - bang................i also agree not all that go 2 prison change...

@MamaOmpha.....i'll also rather kip quite abt a crime,  i knw its bad mara ke dire eng????report den be a victim, report my cazins NO!! i tok 2 dem dats all i do hope dey will change 1 day......

On dat day de 24th i spoke to a couple of dem asking y dey in? what did dey do and will dey change? an 1 said to me his geting out by de end of dis yr but if de is no job 4 him he will turn back 2 crime......i just looked at him out of shock

11 Jun 2008 07:24

I would never forgive myself if I kept quite.I'd rather be impimpi and then pray for God to save my ass.

11 Jun 2008 07:33

mina ngisaba izigebengu i would never rat out on a criminal i dont know ngoba he will come back for me. but if i have to rat out by calling the tip line(anonnymous line) then i think i would but never and i mean never in a million years will i testify against a criminal in court

11 Jun 2008 07:41

i must agree with Monchooza on dis 1..........peaces its dangerous to testify against a criminal i mean look at MamaOmpha story abt the girl who was going to b a witness her whole house was burnt killing her dats sad.

sweetie my baby
11 Jun 2008 08:20

@ Peaces - i agree! how do we expect crime to go down if we're not part of the solution? and  family or not - if its rape/murder - straight to the cops, i wouldn't bother with a family meeting.  

i survived a housebreak this april, and it was awful - i have nghtmares about it till today - and i'm hardly alone, everyone's got an mzansi crime story.... so sad, really...

sweetie my baby
11 Jun 2008 08:22

by the way, excellent topic/article, Mstick!  thought provoking, for real! just what a good blog should be!

11 Jun 2008 08:32

@ Sweetie.......its my first one and its gr8 2 hear compliments......tnx

oh my God sorry to hear abt ur housebreak........i dont what wuld i do if i hav to go thru dat its just too traumatizing......

11 Jun 2008 08:32

mstick;I,and I mean myself and I would rather report than to keep on saying''if only I would have''.I OBVIOUSLY WOULD MAKE A PHONE CALL TIP OFF,DAAHH!

11 Jun 2008 08:40

@ peaces....okay sana a phone call tip off we all can do with no hesitation.......but u witness a crime scene u den asked to testify, the criminal saw ur face will u do it, will u risk ur life family's lyf and testify.........

11 Jun 2008 08:51

NOPE!ANDIPHAMBENANGA MNA.But ke if it's a family member I would take the chance.

11 Jun 2008 09:11

@peaces; if its a family member..........fair enaf

11 Jun 2008 09:13

Let me tell u what I ll do I will command them to stop if not they are burned from my house to wherever they want to go . If u dont report them one day he ll steal from u or even rape your daughter what a u going to do then . Ngeke uthule sisi u ll wish to kill them yourself so do the right thing bent them while they are still fresh either give them a strong talk if doesnt solve .

Go to the nearest police station and ubabophise blood or not blood if he ll kill u for money to buy drugs he ll ,so hurry up before he sell your Tv next time.

11 Jun 2008 09:32

@jeans...........they got arrested b4 got out de day after wanna knw why imali ye jojo........our own police r corrupt that makes it even harder to report a crime....

i love dem dearly i knw its wrong bt i dont knw if i want to report dem.........i just cant as it is now de whole family is stressing abt the 1 arrested 2 weeks ago de reason his not granted bail as yet its bcoz sum ada sh*t crimes he did long ago r coming up now...... i use to stay at his house in 2006 i left last yr cauz i cudn't tyk it anymore.....him and thegang use to mit at his house where i stayed around 2 louda di thunya and dey discuss where dey goin......stolen cars parked in de yard.......

i had 2 live spoke 2 hm a couple of times he didn't lstn.......i was scared 4 my lyf what if ba bhayisizana ko roundong and 2 get bck at hm dey cum 4 me........

11 Dec 2008 13:12

11 Dec 2008 14:14

Family member, yhoo, i don't think i will be 2 quick 2 send him/her to jail, No.  I will xhaust all the possibilities, then if a sa loke, then MAYBE.....
But 4 a stranger i think it will be much easier ( i know it's not right either way) but that's how i feel

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