The Other Woman

Written by Chikita from the blog Double lives on 17 Jun 2008
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I am the other woman. I'm involved with a man that's living with the mother of his baby, not married but might as well be. I'm gonna refer to her as the "headquarter" and me as the "branch" in this article.

The difference between me and the traditional nyatsi (for lack of a better phrase) is that I have no hopes of taking over from the headquarter. I don't want him to leave her and be mine forever, I'm in this only for the company and great sex. I did not know from the start that he's taken, even though I'd already told him that I wasn't interested in a relationship. I met him at some work-related extra curricular activity and we got talking. I only found out a month into our liaison, any rational thinking woman would've called it quits but no, not me.

This arrangement suits me just fine, because I'm at a point where I don't wanna go steady but I do get lonely at times. I'm not ready for love (that, I think is fickle and overrated) and I don't want the stress that comes with maintaining a relationship. Therefore, I can't have someone unattached - I don't want anyone falling for me and complicating things and vice versa. With my huccie, I like the fact that he's not permanently available. I love the thrill of stolen moments and the forbidden fruit

I've got a well paying job and not looking for a "personal savings plan" so I'm not a gold digger. All my life I swore I'd never do something so dispecable but what do you know? It's happening. We see each other when we can and when I'm in the mood. However, I think he's falling for me. Lately, we are spending too much time together and he has muttered the L word and how he wishes he'd met me earlier. I'm still unmoved and have told him that I'm gonna break things off if he blurs the line between great sex and falling in love. Great sex is just that - great sex.

This is gonna ruffle a couple of feathers and will probably get me bullied off but ja, no offence intended here


17 Jun 2008 10:02

Good for you! We had a lengthy discussion on this issue last week here at TVSA...forgot the name of the article...check articles under 'personal'

17 Jun 2008 12:50

NYATSI .kuku ya hao is so special ,i think you must save it for the right time,somebody husband,amahlozi akhe they can beat you to death,if ths people have kids, what about the child whos crying for her dad, that  daddy is not around,dont you feel shame for the lady who cook,clean the houses,when is time for her to buy make-up,they say  the is no money,(WITH BRYN MATSIME TONE)

Yes you work for yourself,if hobo you call a men is around who buy luch,condoms,petrol,holidays,is him ,I dont think its a right thing,sex is sex but it comes with the baby or hiv

i brilliant guy will never  giveup his family  for nyatsi,Mangope he can be the nxt president if it happen like that,n its a big lie how can you *bleep!* someone n say you dont want him for good its a big lie,shis trying to protect her self indirect,o nyatsi bcz he want where he can throw his perm  klaar wakeup,n he knows sex for his wife is too much bcz  of kids,taking care of the house is too much for the wife

if nyatsis go on with this men will never respect

Brown Shuga
17 Jun 2008 13:31

Yhu , i am so finished....

17 Jun 2008 13:37

17 Jun 2008 13:41

17 Jun 2008 13:43

17 Jun 2008 14:00

17 Jun 2008 14:00

17 Jun 2008 15:17

@bs ,you killed me,LOL

17 Jun 2008 15:30

IF somebody ke nyatsi,this blog is a wakeup call,remember your name is not in medical card,one problem mashoba dieta he will run away,

18 Jun 2008 00:33

yah cnglemom, speechless indeed!!!!!!

18 Jun 2008 01:41

what a refreshing article!

18 Jun 2008 01:43

OK no ogffrnce guys, but I think this topic has been discussed extensively here at TVSA and there is more than one blog that already speaks about a story of "Other Woman" a matter of fact, just last week we had the same topic, and qiuite frankly this blog doesn't have a different angle is still the same old story, so manje senzeni, repeat ourselves?????..........and ur'll know I got no beef with mistesses and omakhwapeni.

18 Jun 2008 01:44

I meant no offence........

18 Jun 2008 01:44

belzito i did not watch TAR, did not cook; did not bath lstnyt coz of BS,Mathata &Houken's drama. Last nite's blogging was so hillarious but I blog via fone at home & I knew I could not reply back but was just trying my luck via cellfone. 

Nyatsi i dont wana entertain this article coz after GQ's blog lstweek i am still in therapy and trying so hard to do away with my sins so dont come here confusing me now LOL! 

I also find it hard to believe that you have no feelings whatsoever for this man its just sex haikhona sisi, bottom line you are a woman at the end of the day and we are emotional freaks by nature. Its never just sex for a woman I disagree. I give you 6 months and you come back tell me if we both still on this site that you still have no emotional affiliations with this man and you dont want him to yourself only. I understand that you dont wanna to mess things up for the other woman but to stand up and say you have no feelings or love towards this unavailable man is total bollocks. 

Maybe I am just an emotional freak but for you to stand up so boldly and proudly say you are doing it for the sex and nothing more that just not gel with me.

18 Jun 2008 01:51

Ek is nou gatvol, ngendaba zomakhwapheni, bhla bhla bhla

18 Jun 2008 01:53

Let's hear it for the other woman...ya ne. I think the repetition of this topic just goes to show that we are all "the other woman"...

Lol, never mind me, i just didn't know what to say...

18 Jun 2008 01:53

Mathata ...sweetie i love you mara somebody must stop you or you will ruin our lives. Phela wena your always pulling am Gandi on us...o judgemental wena and admit it...

I have been the other man and i know what it feels like. My advice to wena NYATSI is that you shag the boy until kingdom comes, batho ba a can have great sex without love...but if the guy loves you, run beczo if he leaves the mother of his child better step up to the plate biatch and do me right.

I am currently tangled in a web of crisis with this guy, who has been straight all his life untifl i gave him the wordl's best BJ and now if he leaves his girl for me...i beta step up to the plate and be with him.

I think batho who have never been in a third party relationhsip shoudl just shut up coz you dont know squart about being nyatsi.

18 Jun 2008 01:56

iyhoo Harambe, go teng bo "the other man" LoL
this gets more interesting....
Nyatsi i say Shag that man my sista..We live to share...!

18 Jun 2008 01:57

@cnglemom, on which artcile was the drama happening?

18 Jun 2008 01:59

I still don kno why you are complaining.....

18 Jun 2008 02:00

Renegade.... the mZolisto one...

18 Jun 2008 02:07

eish and its a pity its disabled for replies....

18 Jun 2008 02:11

@Nyatsi I think u can do better than that gal u cant just go and through away ur self like that better look 4 sumone whos available to luv you cant keep on sleeping with sum1 you don't luv

18 Jun 2008 02:12

"Ek is nou gatvol, ngendaba zomakhwapheni, bhla bhla bhla"
Me too Andi01, singaphela phela abantu abanza izinto ezinzima mese beshwaywa unembeza and thina fanele sibaduduze!!!!

"Let's hear it for the other woman...ya ne. I think the repetition of this topic just goes to show that we are all "the other woman"..."
Atleast between I am the woman he is cheating with, rather than the one that is being cheated on.........*yeah BS, it's ur friends theory and I love it..........LOL*

Brown Shuga
18 Jun 2008 02:14

No Cande, I opened it coz Mathata and Houken are sleeping.

18 Jun 2008 02:18

You remind me of Sunay.. Rythym City - without the Gold Digging...ofcourse!

18 Jun 2008 02:19

Thanks Cariono,i'll check it out

18 Jun 2008 02:19

Thanks Cariono,i'll check it out

18 Jun 2008 02:23

Who watched Zabalaza last night???

18 Jun 2008 02:29

I don't want him to leave her and be mine forever

and why are u with him?

18 Jun 2008 02:34

"Who watched Zabalaza last night???"

Carino I watched, yazi I was loging to say someting dankie 4 ukungikhulula chomza, f@&K man when I watched I fet stupid for all the times I felt guilty for blogging ngo Mageba.

18 Jun 2008 02:35

I don't want him to leave her and be mine forever,  nigga please, whpo are you kidding, you'd do anything to be the headquarter. I don't want the stress that comes with maintaining a relationship,  so you prefer the stress of seating at home, horny as a lion knowing very well that today you might or might not get a shag. I'd never do something so dispecable but what do you know,  so when did it stop being dispeakable????, L word and how he wishes he'd met me earlier,  you know for sure he is feeding you a whole pile of bollacks and you stay there and swallow it like a mushroom. Girl stop fooling urself, you know you want to be his one and only but he has made it clear that you cant, so you acting as if you dont care while you stay awake at night trying to figure out which sangoma will give you a nice "velabahleke', to give this man so that he can be urs forever

18 Jun 2008 02:38

I meant - I was longing to say something........

18 Jun 2008 02:39

dnt u wanna get married at some point kanti wena?

18 Jun 2008 02:45

ooh Andi, we already know gaobarate bomakhwapheni...Ease-up on the poor gal now...!

18 Jun 2008 02:45

I felt so proud of myself yazi.... I mean, as English as I am.(lol).. the only Mzansi languages I cant make conversation in are tshiVenda and xiTsonga. And I know all my months in seTswana & seSotho, I can count up to a zillion in seTswana, and up to i dont know in Xulu(my mixmasala of Zulu & Xhosa, so says you, Nonny).

I felt so guilty, though.. for always correcting people's gramma errors..... I mean, really now, who said English is the order of the day??

18 Jun 2008 02:57

Eish I wish mathatha can realise that English isnt the order of the day, coz most of teh time, i find it extra hard to read anything he writes, OOps I forgot he is in Canada, those mafackin American's have their own English askies mathatha

18 Jun 2008 02:59

CANDE: bo tleng sweetie...its either the dude is married with kids or just likes both man and man, ke mathata fela.

18 Jun 2008 02:59

"I felt so guilty, though.. for always correcting people's gramma errors..... I mean, really now, who said English is the order of the day??"
@ Carino - My friend u really have to lay low on te gramma corrections, afterall it's not our home language angithi??

@ Carino, now the language aside, did u see Mandoza's lips, on the sides ngathi he had some coliflower(sp) sh!t going on, shame man kwenzekalani, does he have the "package"????

Back to the topic, now Nyatsi, u seem very content with ur current "other woman" situation, so manje what do u expect us to say? Ok ke mina I say do do whatever allows u to fall asleep in peace every night. 

18 Jun 2008 03:00

@Andi01: so you acting as if you dont care while you stay awake at night trying to figure out which sangoma will give you a nice "velabahleke', to give this man so that he can be urs forever..LMBAO.  Do ppl really go to these lengths to get a man?? now that's ub'thakhathi, damn!!

18 Jun 2008 03:00

hola Candzozo, fighting for okhwaphisto LOL! 

18 Jun 2008 03:02

"Eish I wish mathatha can realise that English isnt the order of the day, coz most of teh time, i find it extra hard to read anything he writes, OOps I forgot he is in Canada, those mafackin American's have their own English askies mathatha"
kwa kwa kwa, this is a good one Andi01, why vele poeple feel the NEED to communicate in English all the time????

18 Jun 2008 03:05

can someone pls explain this in simple language "Yes you work for yourself,if hobo you call a men is around who buy luch,condoms,petrol,holidays,is him"

18 Jun 2008 03:05

Nonny, stop it now, he'll sue you, u know how he lyks suing

18 Jun 2008 03:08

Guys I'm serious yazi, about my smallanyana crushanyana on uAndile kaGugu

Or maybe i just like his Xhosa. i dunno hey.. I dont think I'm gon be able to take the last scene, where he dies...

18 Jun 2008 03:09

"hola Candzozo, fighting for okhwaphisto LOL!"
@ Cnglemother who is Condzozo, or usuya remixer amagama abantu njalo???

18 Jun 2008 03:12

Yes you work for yourself,if hobo you call a men is around who buy luch,condoms,petrol,holidays,is him"  courtesy of mathata, see da mean (in mushasha's voice), go easy on the Queen se taal my ausie.

18 Jun 2008 03:12

Yes, I googled the guy...

18 Jun 2008 03:12

eish they blocked my FB here @ work...
any IT gurur here to help me unblock it?

18 Jun 2008 03:14

@NOnny: why vele poeple feel the NEED to communicate in English all the time????
I cant answer for ALL the time, but on TVSA, its so that we can all know what we everyone else is saying.

18 Jun 2008 03:15

@awelani Do ppl really go to these lengths to get a man?? now that's ub'thakhathi, damn!!, eish ausi botsa sis Ribs, akere bare hoyile ko sangoma in zambia to get a muti to kick the headquarters outa her prince charmings life.

18 Jun 2008 03:16

Sis man Carino, I can't believe u have a crush on uAndile ka Gugu, ubonani kuye?

18 Jun 2008 03:17

Thank you, who IS Condzodzo, cnglema? sifunukwazi!

18 Jun 2008 03:20

"I cant answer for ALL the time, but on TVSA, its so that we can all know what we everyone else is saying."
@ Rene, then what happens if u are a person like Nonny and u tend to run out of words when communicating in English, whereas in da vernac I can express my thougts very well, then what do I do in that case, ngibhidilishe i-English??? *eg this word, I don't know what bhidilisha is in Engish*

18 Jun 2008 03:23

Andi01, did it work?? if so 4 how long, coz i wud think dat the muti will not work 4eva, it wears off ryt? 

18 Jun 2008 03:24

dat andile dude is so so so ugly mara gugu yena, wow, i've never seen such beauty except for the fact dat she's dramatic maan on screen

18 Jun 2008 03:26

Nonz&Carino, I think u Cnglema is referring to Cande.

18 Jun 2008 03:34

ooh guys how can you go so much off-topic on Nyatsi's blog?
I understand you do not want to talk about the topic but please respect the article...

18 Jun 2008 03:40

Nyantsi are you still ok dear? ..................

18 Jun 2008 03:41


you know velabahleke???? eish you killed me with this one......kwkakakakakakakakakakakakaka

18 Jun 2008 03:41

Haibo, Mathata (ke mathata fela ka wena) ......LOL

18 Jun 2008 03:42

ooh guys how can you go so much off-topic on Nyatsi's blog?
I understand you do not want to talk about the topic but please respect the article...

We hear you Candzodzo,  but problem here is... THERE IS NO ARTICLE!  hi...hi...hi...

18 Jun 2008 03:53

I was referring to Cande phela i am black like that even nickname an nickname, Nyatsi where ar you sisi?

18 Jun 2008 03:57

Andi01, did it work?? if so 4 how long, coz i wud think dat the muti will not work 4eva, it wears off ryt?,  sweety all good things come to an end, when it ends, the man gets so aggresive, he can actually beat you to a pulp, so wena you dust urslef up and go to the sangoma once gain, then u put the "muti" on the food, he eats, when it enters he beats you up again, but ths tyime the woman doesnt even care coz she knows, as we say in xhosa "hlambu wavile", meaning u can beat me all u want but my mission is achived. The "velas" will start workin once again.
@ felfel, we even call it "vamna" or vava "voom" (listen to me/ be my puppy dog), yhooo that things works joe, like seriously. If ur man is playin tricks on u, contact Andi to take u to Dr Juma, he will sort him out. But be sure on the dosage, soem people have died due to overdose.

18 Jun 2008 03:59

"We hear you Candzodzo, but problem here is... THERE IS NO ARTICLE! hi...hi...hi..."
kwa kwa kwa, wangibulala Carino.........LMAO!!!

"I was referring to Cande phela i am black like that even nickname an nickname, Nyatsi where ar you sisi?"
Damn Cnglema, u re-define ghettofabulousness, cha shem u are my kassi lingo role model.........LOL

18 Jun 2008 04:01

@Awelani and felfel, this  guy Ace was with the girl Lids for 3 years, so they had a kid and Ae was starting to cheat. So Lids went to Dr Juma, got the "va va voom", it was wrapped in a paper written "chathaza kancane: (sprinkle a little bit), so Ace finds the muti and comes show us, but too bad fro him he had already eaten half the portion. he couldnt leave lids although he knew he was "va va voomed'. So eversince that day we call Ace, "chathaza kancane", and he has accepted that name. LOL

18 Jun 2008 04:04

18 Jun 2008 04:08

U see Usher is "va va voomed" by Tameka, ixhegwazana elingaka on that poor child, I tell you ther is "vela bahleke" in teh states, neh mathata.

On Mathata, I am suprised with ur name, i wud imagine something like D-thats, Mat-Girl, "M to d mafackin theytha", Big M, being in Canada and all, you know what Im sayin  (in mandoza's voice)

18 Jun 2008 04:13

Nyatsi its very rude to write an article seeking advices and then you vanish...
Get back here, NOW..!

18 Jun 2008 04:13

"U see Usher is "va va voomed" by Tameka, ixhegwazana elingaka on that poor child, I tell you ther is "vela bahleke" in teh states, neh mathata."
@ Andi01, mo man phesheya they don't do oma thakatha, I just think that umubambe ngocansi olumnandi and u-Usher uvele abe ku cloud100.........LOL

"On Mathata, I am suprised with ur name, i wud imagine something like D-thats, Mat-Girl, "M to d mafackin theytha", Big M, being in Canada and all, you know what Im sayin (in mandoza's voice)"
LMAO @ Mathata's name being true to Mzansi!!!

@ Andi01, u do know that when Mandoza says: "You know what I'm sayin" - shem usuke esephelelwe ulayini?

18 Jun 2008 04:16

"Nyatsi its very rude to write an article seeking advices and then you vanish...
Get back here, NOW..!"

Shame man Cande, even after u asked bloggers not to go of topic in her blog, she still doesn't show her face, senzenike thina?

18 Jun 2008 04:23

Maar nisile guys. Nyantsi plz come back & blog ...i need u

18 Jun 2008 04:27

haibo anisize nansi intombi yomzulu ,im trying to post my article but ayiveli me if u r willing to help

18 Jun 2008 04:30

@Cande: Nyatsi its very rude to write an article seeking advices and then you vanish... Get back here, NOW..!>>>>>>>>That's Y this article is bcoming "Off-Topic"...LOL

Andi01, U r scarring me and killing @ same tym gal.  Shame I feel sorry for "chathaza kancane", Cant dis Dr Juma Chipange give him sungthing to "reverse the spell"?? and as for Lids, one day is one day, she's creating a monster and when dat day comes she wont have tym to go to her DR Juma.U see Usher is "va va voomed" by Tameka, ixhegwazana elingaka on that poor child, I tell you ther is "vela bahleke" in teh states. Yazi I also suspected it, What wud he want with u magogo sikhona thina intanga zakhe??

18 Jun 2008 04:34

SAPS as in South African Police Service? Yho, talk abt abusing govt resources!

18 Jun 2008 04:37

LoL @ Toxic...he he he
Strolicious is here to arrest al those with unpaid traffic fines, i hear the new technology can get you by just having a conversation with you...

18 Jun 2008 04:41

@Nonny @ Andi01, u do know that when Mandoza says: "You know what I'm sayin" - shem usuke esephelelwe ulayini?,  LOL true dat girl, trying to think whether he needs to use do or did,  maar neh ngiyayncanywa leya outi, blind-blind mfethu. 
@Stroh haibo anisize nansi intombi yomzulu ,im trying to post my article but ayiveli me if u r willing to help 
habe sengazi kemanje ukuthi sine phoyisa lomthetho la eTVSA, ngobanakhu sengibona abo saps,  hay cha zindaba ezimnandi ke ezo, usutshelu ntsumpa lapho ukuthi ikhona inkinga eTVSA u Nyatsi ubhale u-article, manje akasabonakali.
@Nonny I just think that umubambe ngocansi olumnandi and u-Usher uvele abe ku cloud100,  hay sisi mina ngiyamazi uvelabahleke mangimbona, ucabangu kuthi isalukazi esinjeya esikwi menopause impela saziNI ngocansi hay cha sisi bandla uzongxolela mina angivumi, ngekhe, NEZE.  

18 Jun 2008 04:44

Strolicious is here to arrest al those with unpaid traffic fines, i hear the new technology can get you by just having a conversation with you... amanga Cande amanga

18 Jun 2008 04:47

isalukazi esinjeya esikwi menopause impela saziNI ngocansi  - you'd be very surprised andi, look at Brooke. She still knows how to handle  her man after 20 years of doing it with different ones. You know iexperience comes in handy sometimes....

18 Jun 2008 04:47

What wud he want with u magogo sikhona thina intanga zakhe?? ,  lol i didnt know u also had an eye on that hot thing with huge nose, hay inkulu shame umona phantsi. Cant dis Dr Juma Chipange give him sungthing to "reverse the spell, he would but the problem is Ace doesnt know which Dr Juma it is, and he is soo under the spell, he can hardly say his name.

18 Jun 2008 04:50

I know Zolx, but experince with people ur age or older, hay izingane bo, hay cha ngiyesaba mina ukuzala umfana, cabanga nje ngizo introducer my 2 year old son ku TVSA, nawu uZolx offering to change his nappy, kanti all along she is checking the package hay cha, baba ngcelukuthi ungbusise ngentombi efana ncamashi no Christina ka Ntombi.

18 Jun 2008 04:51

Do you all come from JHB, am I the only one from Pta?  I feel so lost.  I always said amakhwapha ayanuka, therefore I don't want to be no underarm for any fool, ever, but then sometimes it is just so boring!  By the way umakhwapheni no-1 nite stand is it the same?  Cos I'll have a problem with that.  I will no longer subject myself anylonger to that and to subject some poor soul to that, but honestly, I enjoyed all my 1 nite stands, while they lasted, I had three in total in my more than 15 years of being sexually active, I'm still a good gal I hope.

18 Jun 2008 04:53

"haibo anisize nansi intombi yomzulu ,im trying to post my article but ayiveli me if u r willing to help"
@ Stroh - Stop performing wena slender ndini, u have my email address so use it........LOL

"SAPS as in South African Police Service? Yho, talk abt abusing govt resources!"
@ Toxic, Stroh doesn't have the SIZE to be working for the SAPS........she's too petite.........LOL

"LOL true dat girl, trying to think whether he needs to use do or did, maar neh ngiyayncanywa leya outi, blind-blind mfethu. "
@ Andi01 ROTFLMAO.........and we all knopw that is quite a difficult decision to make for Nkalakatha.........LOL

18 Jun 2008 04:56

BEEbabes, i'm also in Pta, so u not alone gal....

18 Jun 2008 04:58

"Do you all come from JHB, am I the only one from Pta? I feel so lost."
@ BEEbabes, NOOOOOOO we are not all from Joburg, some bloggers are from Canada, some are from Zimbabwe and are here in SA *illegally so I can't metion names, with attacks and all in SA.........LOL*.......but on a serious note, mina I'm from eThekwini. But ke la eTVSA it doesn't matter where u are from, we are all on big happy family!!!!

((((((((((CYBER GROUP HUG BLOGGERS))))))))))

LMAO, at my craziness.........heheheh mina!!!!

18 Jun 2008 04:59

amanga Cande amanga 

Beebabes am also in PTA dear, where were you lost? i will try find you...

18 Jun 2008 05:00

@Nonny- and we all knopw that is quite a difficult decision to make for Nkalakatha,  kwa kwa kwa ka , ha ha ha . LOL classic my friend. LOL. He will need to consult his colleauge Danny K on that one, but will get back to u, you namse. Oh I hope mntshengu never reads this arawise tshisampama for Nonny

18 Jun 2008 05:04

we are not all from Joburg, some bloggers are from Canada, some are from Zimbabwe and are here in SA *illegally so I can't metion names, with attacks and all in SA. ROTFLMAO, eintlik wena Nonny ufisu kungixoshisa la emsebenzini noma???. On a serious note, i am from Cape Town, been learning my father toungue though (Zulu, hows my zulu by the way Nonny), its true ubaba uqhamke Mlazi hayi kwaBulawayo, shukuthi nina la eTVSA anikwazi ukohlula phakathi kwisiZulu ne siNdebele, hay maan, hay maan. If u not convinced ukuthi I am a trues SA'n its not my problem ke, let him go and investigate.

18 Jun 2008 05:09

some bloggers are from Canada, some are from Zimbabwe and are here in SA *illegally so I can't metion names, with attacks and all>>>>>>>God be with u child.

18 Jun 2008 05:18

Grand-grand Andi01 no Nonny ingathi nibhem' insangu straight namhlanje yini kodwa bafethu.

18 Jun 2008 05:20

LoL at Grand Grand,  no single mother we are on our best today,

18 Jun 2008 05:22

"Beebabes am also in PTA dear, where were you lost? i will try find you..."
Charmer charmer Cande, I see u are tye romatic and poetic type ne?

God be with u child.
Ngihamba naye, ngihlala naye, God is always with me Awelani..........halleluyahhhhhhh........*where's my bible, ngavele ngavukwa umoya*!!

"ROTFLMAO, eintlik wena Nonny ufisu kungixoshisa la emsebenzini noma???."
Don't worry Andi01, if u get fired, I'll get Tashi & Luke (TVSA lanies.......LOL) to employ u as our Resident Dr Phil, vele u have already started exercising ur duties, so u might as well start getting paid for it...........LOL

@Andi01, ur Zulu is good hey and ur Sesotho is also impressive, keep it up dear!!!

18 Jun 2008 05:25

"Grand-grand Andi01 no Nonny ingathi nibhem' insangu straight namhlanje yini kodwa bafethu."
LMAO @ teh use of grand grand, yazi I can just picture u saying this Cnglemom, no man u know I don't do weed, I am in2 light stuff nje, it's just me being me, kodwa ke don't worry, I'm gonna keep be good now, just remind, kambe what are we supposed to be talking about lana???

18 Jun 2008 05:27

On Mathata, I am suprised with ur name, i wud imagine something like D-thats, Mat-Girl, "M to d mafackin theytha", Big M, being in Canada and all, you know what Im sayin (in mandoza's voice)ROTFLMBAO

dang i wish i could stay here longer....uyadika uBoss yazi.. mxim

18 Jun 2008 05:33

kambe what are we supposed to be talking about lana??? Was just about to ask the same question, Vele vele ku khulunwa ngani?? cos the title says "the ada woman" but no1 is tokin about "her".....where's my bible, ngavele ngavukwa umoya*!! Maybe ur PA "carino" is still using it since she's not around,,opps 4got 2day it's not ilanga lo mthandzo wa bo mama, then maybe u'yshiye phansi we mcamelo(pillow)....LoL, ngi ya dlala...

18 Jun 2008 05:34

I am so in trouble, I can't work, I am so far behind, you people ngiyaxoshwa phela manje.  You have me cracking, by the way c'glemama I hope your bun doesn't take after you, usile, in a nice way.  Cande, thanx for offering, I will have to take you up on that, C y'all ma-bloggers!

18 Jun 2008 05:34

Beebabes,I'm also in Tshwane, jy is nie alleenig nie hoor my maitjie...

18 Jun 2008 05:34

@Nonny, Ngihamba naye, ngihlala naye, God is always with me Awelani..........halleluyahhhhhhh........*where's my bible, ngavele ngavukwa umoya*!!  singing in sis Ribs voice
Ow ngiyamazi loJesu, ngihlala naye imihla yonke
Ow ngiyamazi loJesu, ngiphila naye,
halellluuuuujaaaa, praise Gawd, we lav yah, we'll be back after this, dont go away (pointing liek sis ribs noRmally does and blowing kisses @ the same time) damn this woman is such a drAma queen.

Singing in my best 2001 Mzambiya voice
Hekanti melesenzeni makumele sibloggE
Hekanti melesenzeni ma-unyatsi engekho
Umathata usuke Canada nimtshelukuthi u-illegal
uNonny ushayadumengazo nimtshelukuthi ubhemi ganja


18 Jun 2008 05:41

"halellluuuuujaaaa, praise Gawd, we lav yah, we'll be back after this, dont go away (pointing liek sis ribs noRmally does and blowing kisses @ the same time) damn this woman is such a drAma queen."
ROTFLMAO............Andi01, u have made my day!!!! Eish and uRibs is really a drama queen.

"Singing in my best 2001 Mzambiya voice
Hekanti melesenzeni makumele sibloggE
Hekanti melesenzeni ma-unyatsi engekho
Umathata usuke Canada nimtshelukuthi u-illegal
uNonny ushayadumengazo nimtshelukuthi ubhemi ganja"
kwa kwa kwa I like this song please lets go and record it Andi01, it can be a killer hit!!!! heheheh I

18 Jun 2008 05:51

kwa kwa kwa I like this song please lets go and record it Andi01, it can be a killer hit!!!! heheheh I,  yah and I will talk to Mzambiya (i think he needs 2 change his name, with xenophobic attacks and all LOL), we will pull the same publicity stunt that DJ Cleo and Arthur pulled last year. If it worked for them imagine what it can do for us, you namse

18 Jun 2008 05:53

Anndi01.......tltltl tltltltl tltltlt tltltl, sisi u really bulaling with the songs, tltltltl tltltlt huuuu haaaaaa hihihihihihi, hayi man, tltltltl, my tummy is sore,  sengize nga phuma ne nyembezi nge nca yakho Andi01, shuuu.

18 Jun 2008 05:56

tltltl .........still lafing..hihihihi

18 Jun 2008 05:57

@Nonny and when the Album is out, we'll go to Gopel Gold to perform live then after interview

SisRibs: So Nonny nawe Andi khanitshele ababukeli langaphandle ukuthi, ukuthi, what, who, when, why, i mean ningubani vele, where you from, ialbum yenu,ngoba vele inominatiwe kuma awards, haleluya praise Gawd, mh mh ungathanda ukuphendula Nonny.nifunukithini vele nje kuma fans wenu la ngaphandle, ngoba vele maningi kabi
Nonny: well we from Durb..... 
SisRibs; Give it up for Durbans, hallellujah bazalwane, ukthi unkuluknule vele uneblessings, oosisi laba nibabonayo baqhamka eDurban, KZN, (will be back after this dont go away).

Eish saini who is interviewing who kanti vele

18 Jun 2008 06:07

Lawd! andi01 uyinja kayi1 joe. interview ingiqedile nya! tl-tl-tl. my mom wud kill u for this ngo RABHEKA wakhe.

18 Jun 2008 06:08

She'll also ask if ur born again or doing this for the money........Halleluyahhhhhhh Praise Gawd (who is this guy)

18 Jun 2008 06:08

ROTFLMFBAO.......Andi utye ntoni namhlanje

18 Jun 2008 06:14

LMAO @ the Sis Ribs and Nonny interview, ok now let me have my fun and now she's interviiewing u Andi01.

Sis Ribs - Now Andi01, tell abalwane how long did u have this dream of becoming a gospel artist?
Andi01 - Since Forever sisi, u are actually my idol yazi, I like it when u jump up and down and act like uvekwe umoya kanti it's all an act on stage..........LOL
Sisi Ribs - *with a bit of embarassment* She proceeds, Now Andi01, who would u like to say a shout out to?
Andi01 - Well first and foremost, I wanna say holla to Benson and Hedges in Westiville Prison Meuim B, yazi yini mfethu, I am so gad I met u coz u taught me to be strong woman, I hope i chocolate factory is treating u very well ejele.........LOL
Sis Ribs
- Halleluyah to Benson and the chocolata life in prison, vele vele u reap what you sow, so AMENI bazalwane, can I hear a AMEN?.........ROTFLLMAO!!!!

Don't go away we'll catch u after the new Frisco advert!!!!

18 Jun 2008 06:15

this line bafethu finished me nya "nifunukithini vele nje kuma fans wenu la ngaphandle, ngoba vele maningi kabi "ROTFL!! thanks Nonny & Andi for lightening up my mood.

18 Jun 2008 06:16

@Mphoyane She'll also ask if ur born again or doing this for the money, probably feeling guilty coz she does it for the latter
@ Cnglemother LOL @ RABHEKA yhooo ingathi I can see ur mother, hanging on her lips inspired by everything she says, my mother is like that.

18 Jun 2008 06:24

"@Mphoyane She'll also ask if ur born again or doing this for the money, probably feeling guilty coz she does it for the latter"
LMAO @Andi01, I can't eblieve I was once bored today, heyi u are nswepu mngani!!!!

"thanks Nonny & Andi for lightening up my mood."
@ Cnglemom - It's a pleasure, kwamini I have a million problems or let me call them equations to solve,  yet I still LOL to make myself feel better.

18 Jun 2008 06:29

ROTFLLMAO!!!! @ my interview, hay sana usungiqede nya kemanje. LOL. 
SisRibs: praise gawd ukuthi, u- u- konje ngubani loyamfana bowcedukhuluma ngaye, u -u lokhunja uBrighton
Andio1: cha bo sisi u Benson
SisRibs: yes praise Gawd he is in Prison, hallelluyaj bazalwane, ziningi iblessings langaphandle ikakhulu kazi eWestiville Prison, so nawe bhuti Brighton la ulapho we love yahh, gawd bless yah.

18 Jun 2008 06:31

LMAO @Andi01, I can't eblieve I was once bored today, heyi u are nswepu mngani!!!! ,  lets just say you bring out the best in me, nawe urself unswepu 9-9, mpintshi. When its tym to be serious you can be and vele when its time to be curious, you can as well be,you are blessed sisi, praise teh lwad, ngiyabonga

18 Jun 2008 06:32

Nonny&Andi01, u r match made in heaven/hell where eva, but u 2 r nuts....tltltltltltltl


18 Jun 2008 06:40

i am off to lunch peeps.

18 Jun 2008 06:43

LMAO at Part 2 of ur interview Andi01........

Now here is a continution of our gospel interview............

SisRibs: yes praise Gawd he is in Prison, hallelluyaj bazalwane, ziningi iblessings langaphandle ikakhulu kazi eWestiville Prison, so nawe bhuti Brighton la ulapho we love yahh, gawd bless yah.

And01 - Now Ribs, how many times must i tell u his name is Benson, surname Hedges, mximm yazi I thought ufundile!!!!

Sis Ribs - Benjamin Dube where u at with ur Easy Waves S-curl, I think fanele simubeke izandla u Andile *notice she is now calling u by ur full name*.......this child has a temper that needs to be controlled..........LOL

Andi01 - Ok pray for me then.....*thinking 2 urself, I told u Nonny, that we must do kwairo, but u insisted on Gspel..........LOL*

Prayer - GAAAD ngicela ususe le dimoni eliku lomtwana, she has a bight future ahead of her, kodwa ke this temper that Brighton left izomonela izinto. Qina Mzalwane and fight this demon!!!!. Amen Halleluyah!!!!

18 Jun 2008 06:44

@Nonny,whatever im writing  im trying to help other people,what happend to me i dont want it  to happen to someone else,

@ANDI01,my spelling is not good bcz the baby is around me always,thanks for letting me to know how useless i am,i wonder  how much you love your job?


@BS ,i wake early today

@ANDI01,the baby is in bed ,so what,

18 Jun 2008 06:50


18 Jun 2008 06:52

oh haai si sono ngoku 
mathata Qina neh lolo...Canada of nie wena nje ungu mathata kayi 1 and ur here 2stay neh.....

I now have the image of that Halls advert of Sis mandisa being puled by a spaceship....mathata nawe u will survive just eat ama Halls!!

18 Jun 2008 06:53

Now I am off to lunch.........later bloggers!!!

18 Jun 2008 06:54

Andi01, @ Mathata wait I need to "thathi khava" first, OK go on ATTACK,  its just for fun my nigga dont stress ya self.

Hayiboooooooooooo LOl @ Nonny second interview, hay cha if abangixoshanga abelungu namhlanje, ngizoyazi ukuthi loya "velabahleke" ka Dr Juma uyasebenza impela.

Continuing from Nonny
Sis Ribs: ma usho kanje sisi " Since Forever sisi, u are actually my idol yazi", yeyiphi ingoma yami oyithandayo.
Andi01: uyabona leya ngoma ithi isandla, ikhuluma iqiniso, yazi isandla ngumkhohlisi impela, isandla sakho yiso esangena ebharini sathenga utshwala,
lesisandla sathatha utshwala sabufaka emlonyeni wakho sis ribs ngaphandle kwemvume yakho. Naso esosandla singayisusi imic emlonyeni mase iskhathi sakho sokucula siphelile. Ngiyasbona esona sandla sikhulu sika producer wakho sikushaya phakathi kwamehlo, hay cha nami sisRibs, ngiyayesaba imisebenzi yesandla.

18 Jun 2008 06:57

"I now have the image of that Halls advert of Sis mandisa being puled by a spaceship....mathata nawe u will survive just eat ama Halls!!"
tli tli tli...........ROTFLMAO.........TVSA rocks..........wangiqeda Mabhebheza!!!

Oh and I love that Halls advert to bits.......

18 Jun 2008 06:59

@Nonny thinking 2 urself, I told u Nonny, that we must do kwairo, but u insisted on Gspel..........LOL* and  I explained to you the freedom that comes with being a kwaito star, u can stand up and swear at newspapers when u fee like it (hence Spikiri), there can be 1003 Kwaito Godfathers (Thebe, Mdu, Mandoza, Arthur ....)
So i can come out as "zola", the difference is i am teh Zola from Cape Town, why are u suprised ikhona iZola la, ne Canada ne Europe, ngqumakho

18 Jun 2008 07:07

how can i c d advert when im here. no more tvsa,people will hide their problems until they kill themself.iyooo im finished with South african,bye

18 Jun 2008 07:09

does anyone know uphi u tshepiso?

18 Jun 2008 07:14

Nonz no Andi01,,,,,,stop it guys...LMAO, um trying to work here but u guys r making it difficult hay man.

18 Jun 2008 07:15

Hehake mathata ....kanti iyikho nah san i Dstv apho sorry ke miss Orikant i wonder ubekwa intoni apha e TVSA-ur aware that the SA stands for South Africa neh not South America??....

Ewena  dont come with ur voet voet nonsense.....*in the best halls advert voice*

18 Jun 2008 07:16

ngqumakho - ha hha ha - that one killed me andi.
no more tvsa - no man mathata - the're just playing.. dont say that....celan' uxolo andi no Nonny...i mean what would tvsa be without more fun moments for us.

Oh i hve an idea mathata - just disable ur username and register again with another one  -we wont even know its still the old mathata - except from ur responses of course....thating icover - i swear 'twas me...LOL

18 Jun 2008 07:17

Toxic wat makes u think of u Tshepiso when u we have a Mathata saga? ...usile yazi sana

18 Jun 2008 07:19

@Mathata:how can i c d advert when im here. no more tvsa,people will hide their problems until they kill themself.iyooo im finished with South african,bye.....What's wrong now, I think whateva "pissed u off" was meant as a joke sisi, no need to take it personal....cumon.

@Tox:does anyone know uphi u tshepiso? Still hiding from the xeno xeno attacks,ca sum1 pls let her know it's safe now,,,lol, just kidding tshepiso.

18 Jun 2008 07:22

Mka Mathata more tvsa 4u  (mnx yeah right ziqhathe lala)uzohamba ubuye kudala behamba baphinde babuye silapha ...All we will do we will welcome u with open desktops & laptops & cellphones !! 

18 Jun 2008 07:24

Nonny&Andi01 and Mabhebhy, can u pls sing "Qcina" 4 Mathata, she's going thru a raf patch...Carino can do i "second verse", there is a second verse, ryt??

18 Jun 2008 07:26

All we will do we will welcome u with open desktops & laptops & cellphones !! LOL @ Mabhebhey

18 Jun 2008 07:35

♫ Wemzalwane Qina, Qina
Noma amabloggers ekucika, Qina
thina we are just joking, Qina
Uzozihanger uma uphika nathi, Qina♫

Basixally what i am saying Mathata is, we are joking and we love u and all of ur mathata stories, u really contribute a lot to TVSA, the seriousness and the fun element!!!

18 Jun 2008 07:39

And remember Mathata, for a special person like u, it will be hard to leave and register with another username coz ama replies akho are unique and all the bloggers can spot a mathata story from a mile. So think and be wise b4 u lahla amaketanga!!!!

18 Jun 2008 07:43


18 Jun 2008 07:46

Tox...o ska re bakela motho tuu, TVSA is so peaceful without u Tshepi.....

Cutie Pie
18 Jun 2008 07:47

@ Mathata : I'll call you Thati mina sweety (The full name seems a bit ...) Don't go simply bcoz ppl have expressed their true opinions. Phela in South Africa there is what is called "freedom of expression". Am not sure about Canada. So dear don't worry about la mageza asithi apha...

So my skaat don't stress..we don't even know you and we are just having fun...

As Mabhebeza has said, whatever you decide, we'll welcome you with open cyber arms, cellphones and laptos...

Keep on helping South Africa dear. BTW: Do they have South African Magazines there i.e Drum (with Sis Dolly), True Love (with Dr Sue) etc?

18 Jun 2008 07:47

a special person like u - sho sho sho.......

ama replies akho are unique and all the bloggers can spot a mathata story from a mile. - true dat, true dat

Oh hayi nawe mathata - akudlalwa na nawe, ungumntan' omlungu?(cant other kids play with u)

18 Jun 2008 07:52

Uzozihanger uma uphika nathi 
Is'hlahleni Setamati
Nge tissue emanzi
he uhlehle umuva...

back 2chorus...

18 Jun 2008 07:56

"Oh hayi nawe mathata - akudlalwa na nawe, ungumntan' omlungu?(cant other kids play with u)"
LMAO @ Zolx saying, ungumtana womlungu,hehehee anything is possible on the Canadian side of life..........LOL

Toxic wants to know wheres Tshepiso and I wanna know where's Nastrix........I hope wherever shim is, they are well.........eish 

Neway, bloggers please try to notice this week after week, Wednesday is the most interesting day of the week here at TVSA. It reminds me of Steers Wacky Wednesday...........nakani!!!!

18 Jun 2008 08:03

Mabhebheza, ur version of the Qina song is killing me, mngani where did u get the idea of isihlahla satamatisi ne tissue emanzi??? Damn that is such extreme creativity, gal u are bad, ngifile nya insini *the imagery is too good for words!!!*..........still LMAO!!!!

18 Jun 2008 08:09

Mathata you have been saying you are leaving TVSA but you keep coming back WHY?
Nyatsi where are you?
Thank you Andi and Nonny for a comic releaf!!!

18 Jun 2008 08:12

Mathata you have been saying you are leaving TVSA but you keep coming back WHY?
Nyatsi where are you?
Thank you Andi and Nonny for a comic releaf!!!

18 Jun 2008 08:12

Is'hlahleni Setamati
Nge tissue emanzi

LMBAOTIPAL.........mabhabhes u sile sisi, itjo tltltl.

Guys on a serious note: WHERE IS NYATSI????? 

18 Jun 2008 08:15

Yabona ke senivudula izindumbu..Nastrix & tshepiso yin nah sesene Khumbule Ekhaya programme or maybe i shud call it Khumbu li Blogger..

ungangi lokothi nge the skhokho under papa!! It just takes abantu abanje ngo Thati ( ngiyamteketisa...mathatha)ukuveza ikhona lami! LOL

18 Jun 2008 08:16

Hey D-maths, my friend chill dawg, you dont need to get all worked up ese, we just kidding yoh, whatup dude cant u take a joke, come on homz. We love u amigo, remember u are our only representative in Canada homz,  Ayt then I'll sing you a song, are you cool with that nigga. Are you cool with it mafacka.

Akuna mathata mo TVSA
Its a wondefful place
Filled with lots of love
Hakuna mathata,

Now can you dig that Thathas.

You guys dont laugh, i am just trying to be as American as possible, I sense that D-Maths might be a bit homesick and feel lonely being the only Nigga on the forum and only. That lifecan be hard, especially with so much xenophobic mafackas in de world.

18 Jun 2008 08:17

"Thank you Andi and Nonny for a comic releaf!!!"
It's a pleasure Onna!!!!

"Guys on a serious note: WHERE IS NYATSI?????"
@ Awelani - Uyamudinga yini? Coz I dont!!!!!...........actually on second thought, Nyatsi should come and thank us for putting life in2 her article.

18 Jun 2008 08:20

I am glad that Andi01 and Nonny managed to keep u guys entertained today, now u do knwo that not all Zulu's are violent right.

Maar ke if anyone of you, tease D-maths again, die poppe sal dans, ek se vir hulle. Mina angthandi nje ukuhlukunyezwa ngoba mina lo angesabi ukufinyisa umuntu ngesibhakela

18 Jun 2008 08:24

"Yabona ke senivudula izindumbu..Nastrix & tshepiso yin nah sesene Khumbule Ekhaya programme or maybe i shud call it Khumbu li Blogger.."
@ Mabhebheza - LMAO @ Khumbuli' iblogger............kwa kwa kwa.......that's a classic!!!!
U are really iskhokho under papa..........actually u are isikhokho sophuthu olushile...........LOL

"You guys dont laugh, i am just trying to be as American as possible, I sense that D-Maths might be a bit homesick and feel lonely being the only Nigga on the forum and only."
LMAO, Andi01, I am in stitches dawg!!!!

18 Jun 2008 08:24

Mathata askies for hurtin ur feelings man enyinto, singing

mina bengdzakiwe, X3

18 Jun 2008 08:29

Guys, we must make sure Mathata never leaves but if she does......I dedicate this Bad Boyz song to her.

♫ We ain't going nowhere, we ain't going nowhere
We can't even stop now, coz we're TVSA bloggers for life ♫

18 Jun 2008 08:29

i was also the other woman until two weeksago when he decided by himself that im looking for a relationship and he is not. Big mistake bcs we both agreed from scratch that we were just shagging and really that was all it was to me. I wondered what drove him to blv i was looking for a relationship. I asked and the answer i got was taht he thought. Why did'nt he ask me, and i thought it was clear from the beginning.Anyway i think it's not good anymore to be the other woman. At the end of the day they always run to the main one. I wonder why they always go to the second woman. Is it a case of not being satisfied at home or what?

18 Jun 2008 08:41

@Nonny Oh hayi nawe mathata - akudlalwa na nawe, ungumntan' omlungu?(cant other kids play with u)"
LMAO @ Zolx saying, ungumtana womlungu,hehehee anything is possible on the Canadian side of life..........LOL ,
 My Gawd I have neva ever laughed this much in my entire life,.  i think you need to stop now, one more word from you, the Canadian famous 3 words (YOU ARE FIRED)will apply 2 me,

18 Jun 2008 08:43

oh lucia my dear, cant you see we dont wanna talk about this. Its been discussed to death and we just wanna get along now. if you also need advice i say go read amareplies from the top and then you'll get links to articles similar to this one. Phela we talked about the same isht last week and trust me ....we (well mina ndodwa) certainly doesnt wanna go back to that...

so ...where we we???

18 Jun 2008 08:45

I take my hat off 4  the three musketeeresses (Andi01,Nonny&Mabhey), u guys belong a "Sterkfontein" hay man, hini ni zalwa ngo same mama, coz ya'll suffer from the same sikness "u ku hlanya".  Just hope neither of u is deciding to leave us anytym soon unless ofcoz u r forced to go to exile. so behave urselves b4 u see a "going live soon" screen on or PC's or cellphones...LOL.

18 Jun 2008 08:45

This new supervisor at work (quite a nice guy) arrived today, few minutes ago he is American and guess where abouts in America. CANADA, i just cant stop laughing somebode stop me please LOL

18 Jun 2008 08:49

eish, meant b4 u see a "going live soon" screen on ur PC's or cellphones...

18 Jun 2008 08:51

LMAO Andi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Jun 2008 08:52

Well Zolx my dear last week i was too busy to even go into the site u know some of us are busy working and we are not glued to TVSA everyday. U might have discussed it bt i didnt. So i guess it was my turn to say smthing, ok.

18 Jun 2008 08:54

@ Zolx, LOL dankie sani. liek really i admire ur courage and saying it like it is,
@awelani- you are no saint urself ke sana, LOL it takes a big silon to see a small one. LOL. we were passing through a Site b shopping mall, and many "mentally ill" people are there doing their things and people watching, so this one comes out from nowhere and says "yhoo hay maninzi amageza eSite B" (there is 2 many silons in Site B), it was really funny being one herslf, e.g Awelani, u see the relativity mos here neh

18 Jun 2008 08:56

@Lucia, Nigga puleeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee

18 Jun 2008 08:58

"oh lucia my dear, cant you see we dont wanna talk about this. Its been discussed to death and we just wanna get along now. if you also need advice i say go read amareplies from the top and then you'll get links to articles similar to this one. "
Well said Zolx, we have spokn more than enogh all that is left lana is for us to change the blog title and call it Hakuna Mathata, we demand no worries in this blog!!!!

"This new supervisor at work (quite a nice guy) arrived today, few minutes ago he is American and guess where abouts in America. CANADA"
@ Andi01 - This is just too much of co-incidence, ask them write one sentence for u and check if the writing style is not familair to our *hint hint* TVSA eyes...........LOL

Awelani - sisi wami don't stress, asiyindwo thina simply becoz: ♫ Umzabalazo uyasivumela le nale ♫..........LOL

18 Jun 2008 09:00

Jesu Krestu! 

18 Jun 2008 09:01

ahhahahaah Andi!!!!

18 Jun 2008 09:01

we are not glued to TVSA everyday. - O K A Y!!! Well i also work and glued to tvsa. Jonga maan lucia - i wasnt trying to be mean but just hinting uba you're spoiling our fun here. and i also made a good suggestion for you to go back and read on the blog where this was discussed EXTENSIVELY.. PLS maan dont take this personal.....

now, moving on swiftly.....

18 Jun 2008 09:05

LMAO @ Andi01 saying Nigga puleeeeezeee, kodwa where's Mathata *took her flight & left already?*, we really need a Canadian accent for a statement like this.........LOL

18 Jun 2008 09:06

ooh you guys, am ROFLMFAO now...

18 Jun 2008 09:08

Zolx, its true this topic iyakhinya...So if people are getting great sex from other people's husbands, do they want us to judge them or ask for the numbers of the men so nathiwe can get some... Haai maan!

18 Jun 2008 09:08

Zolx, its true this topic iyakhinya...So if people are getting great sex from other people's husbands, do they want us to judge them or ask for the numbers of the men so nathi we can get some... Haai maan!

18 Jun 2008 09:10

Nonny: ♫ Umzabalazo uyasivumela le nale ♫..........LOL
Andi01: ♫ yonke lendawo♫
Nonny: ♫ Umzabalazo uyasivumela 
Andi01:♫ le na le ♫ 

Viva TVSA viva, phantsi ngetopic yomkrexezo (the other woman) phantsi
Sithi pantsi ngo Nyatsi no Lucia Phantsi
Phezulu ngo D-Maths waphesheya kweyilwandle phezulu

Andi01:♫ yonke lendawo♫
Nonny: ♫ Umzabalazo uyasivumela 

yhey those were the days sani, mina noMbongeni Ngema, sishayi dolophezulu

18 Jun 2008 09:11

Wow a lot happened hear. Mina i cud'nt view this blog, i dnt know where was the problem but hey. @ Mathata" Sobuya Sibonane, uth'uyahamba sobuya sibonaneeeeeee.

Andi01 and Nonny ndinothulela umnqwazi its a pity ndingenawo but ke niyazi mos.Did u see sisRibs the other Sunday on Soul Sunday?

18 Jun 2008 09:11

@ Andio1& Nonny pls gals some people have chocolate hearts it smelt so nuingabanyetheli amakhotsi. 

@ Mathatha we luv u gal ,just dont stress whats up is Daddy giving u stress at home " Uyazini go and do Roll on just watch for the smell cause u Daddy is suppose to be the one who is smelling not u Roll on neh!!!!

Sisi Ribs and Ribs..........

"last but not least Halleluya bazalwane give up for Nonny & Andio1 unkulunkulu mkhulu bazalwana from Westville Prison to God Halleluya .Thank you bantabami I m so blessed with your story I hope most people are at home . Kunina lapho ekhaya u know are votelines are open till Wensday please vote for the next Rebecca .Halleluya Amen see u next week same time same place la E Gospel Times  ngizonishiya ngo Hlengiwe Mhlaba ethi Alpha & Omega."

18 Jun 2008 09:12

Well said Zothile, sonke khona umuntu osidlayo, osidavazayo, kepha ke we don't blog about it waya waya!!!!

18 Jun 2008 09:15

@awelani- you are no saint urself ke sana, LOL it takes a big silon to see a small one. LOL. we were passing through a Site b shopping mall, and many "mentally ill" people are there doing their things and people watching, so this one comes out from nowhere and says "yhoo hay maninzi amageza eSite B" (there is 2 many silons in Site B), it was really funny being one herslf, e.g Awelani, u see the relativity mos here neh>>>>>>>>>Andile (in sisRabheka's voice ), sisi, what r u trying 2 say, dat um a bigger hlanya than wena, nonz no mabhe, hay sana uwrongo, u guys take the cake.  just take a look @ Nonny's reply @4:58:58PM, u;ll c wat i mean. still got luv 4 ya'll .

BTW, since we have gone offtopic, isikhathi salana si wrong, my watch is telling me its 04:13 but the tym on tvsa is already after 5, kanti z'khiphani eintlek eintlek..

18 Jun 2008 09:28

@Nonny This is just too much of co-incidence, ask them write one sentence for u and check if the writing style is not familair to,  i will have to do this noma kanjani mpintshi. 

singing in my best Arthur voice

Twalatza 1, twalatza 2 twalatza 3
wemku nyatsi
Twalatza 1, twalatza 2 twalatza 3
wemku mathata
Twalatza 1, twalatza 2 twalatza 3
Twalatza 1, twalatza 2 twalatza 3
Bemka bonke

18 Jun 2008 09:30

just recvd an email with dis subject and it just cracked me: ROBERT MUGABE MADE ANDY A MILLIONAIRE,,,,ppl 2mr is anada day  """""""""Sobuya Sibonane, ngithi ngiya hamba sobuya sibonaneeeeeee (in dat chik's irrtitating voice"""""""

good byeeeee!!!!

18 Jun 2008 09:31

"Wow a lot happened hear. Mina i cud'nt view this blog, i dnt know where was the problem but hey. @ Mathata" Sobuya Sibonane, uth'uyahamba sobuya sibonaneeeeeee."
LMAO @ Hlehle's late arrival and speedy catch up..........LOL

18 Jun 2008 09:31

@ Jeans last but not least Halleluya bazalwane give up for Nonny & Andio1 unkulunkulu mkhulu bazalwana from Westville Prison to God Halleluya .Thank you bantabami I m so blessed with your story I hope most people are at home . Kunina lapho ekhaya u know are votelines are open till Wensday please vote for the next Rebecca .Halleluya Amen see u next week same time same place la E Gospel Times ngizonishiya ngo Hlengiwe Mhlaba ethi Alpha & Omega."  LOL, classic

18 Jun 2008 09:36

@ Awelani ROBERT MUGABE MADE ANDY A MILLIONAIRE, ungandiqheli kakubi kemnake shame, ndakunyathela, kutheni ngoku sowuhambe undifaka koMugabe,ndithe ndithanda uMzambiya hay uMzimbambwe. LOl

On a serious note, people need to be more specific, why should we be worried if loyo Andy loyo is a Zim dollar Millionare, who wud notice????

18 Jun 2008 09:38

LMAO @ Robert Mugabe Makes Andy a Millionare.............hehehehe and then the next email will be.............ANDY RETURNS TO SA AND REALISES SHE IS ONLY A MILLIONAIRE IN ZIMBABWE...........LOL

18 Jun 2008 09:48

Cheers guys,

Now b4 I leave, no soppy men and relationship, especially if it's a repeitition blog. Otherwsie we will dileberately ignore ur article and have fun like today at ur own blog nge threee and ngeke wenze lutho to stop us..........LOL, khulani bazalwane musani ukwenza ngathi ipipi nalincela ebeleni likanina, there's more to life than just isende..........LOL

Love u all, especially u Mthatha.........*give me some love nigga*'s a (((((((((CYBER HUG)))))))))

Brown Shuga
18 Jun 2008 09:49


18 Jun 2008 09:49

I meant- especially Mathata.........

18 Jun 2008 09:53

Apologies if I was too heavy on the vernac today, that Zabalaza documentary really made a huge impact on me, ngathi ngingavele ngishaye isiZulu saseNkandla. Nonetheless I am sure it's just a phase and I will be back to the Queens language in no time, spelling and gramma errors and all I will write in English.........LOL

18 Jun 2008 09:55

@Nonny, hey I said go easy on ma dawg D-Maths dawg, ayth.

Bye ya all it was nice blogging today, i will have to print all teh replies just to go through them xa kunzima.

18 Jun 2008 09:58

@mathata aka D-Maths, please come back dawg tomorrow, and look here dont worry about all these mafackas on this blog, I ve got ur back dawg. nigga please dont you trust u girl "A to the ndi-zoe" any more.  Come on dawg, gime five wherever you are amigo

18 Jun 2008 10:02

 LOL @D-Maths, gudnyt krazy people.

18 Jun 2008 10:02

D-maths, i feel realy sad that some folks tried to tease you man, i mean for real dawg, u know what I'll make sure that does happen again, and thats fo shizzi ma nizzi

18 Jun 2008 10:10

Just read all the replies! i kwakwad throughout the whole article, ya nonny and andi01 le sele bo ausi jo jo jo!!!!! I am ROFLMAO but at the same time, i cant help but feel sorry for Mathata!!!!! kwakwakwa~!!!

18 Jun 2008 13:42

Is it really necessary for all the extremely rude comments if an article does not appeal to you? Why caused havoc on someone’s else blog just for ‘FUN’? Is it so difficult to just ignore the article? 

It is really sad that some of us find these insulting comments entertaining.

18 Jun 2008 13:58

@ Nyatsi:  I have to follow H24's advice ("I think batho who have never been in a third party relationhsip shoudl just shut up coz you dont know squart about being nyatsi.")  and refrain to comment on something that I don't know anything about!
However, I would like to advice you to DELETE all the juvenile comments,... excercise the powers that you have as blog owner!

Lady D
18 Jun 2008 14:33

Couldn't have said it better WSG,i just read this articles and i am saddened by the fact that people are being applauded for such unscrupolous behaviour,its totally childish and uncalled for,let alone rude!!!!!!

19 Jun 2008 01:28

its totally childish and uncalled for, - maybe i'm smoking something too strong for me but i dont see anything rude about this blog. It was made clear from the beginning that the same topic was discussed last week. And a blogger (sorry cant remember the name) was nice enough to give a link to that blog. A lot was said there from the other woman and the main main's point of view. Discussing the same topic in a matter of days is just not on guys - maybe if this was written 3 months from now we'd have honoured this blog with our answers. But when we discuss topics like these we get on each other's nerves because of the honesty shared here. WE're just trying to get along and nyatsi obviously doesnt seem to mind cos she vanished like there's no tomorrow. Stop complaining guys - if you interested in what mabloggers think about hte other woman, scroll up and follow the link. 
FInish and klaar..

19 Jun 2008 01:43

Goodmorning beautiful bloggers, I'm gald to see everyone is in such a fabulous mood this today, imini emnandi people!!!!

19 Jun 2008 01:50

"And a blogger (sorry cant remember the name) was nice enough to give a link to that blog."
@ Zolx, the link was from Brown Shuga, as a matter of fact it's the second reply in this artcle.

"WE're just trying to get along and nyatsi obviously doesnt seem to mind cos she vanished like there's no tomorrow. Stop complaining guys - if you interested in what mabloggers think about hte other woman, scroll up and follow the link.
FInish and klaar.."

Clap clap, I couldn't have said it better Zolx!!!!

19 Jun 2008 01:51

But ke why do it in this article? there is  OFF the topic blogs mos...Yerrr...!

19 Jun 2008 01:53

LMAO @ Robert Mugabe Makes Andy a Millionare.............hehehehe and then the next email will be.............ANDY RETURNS TO SA AND REALISES SHE IS ONLY A MILLIONAIRE IN ZIMBABWE...........LOL >>>hihihihihihihihihi.

19 Jun 2008 01:58

If its such a problem, Y umnikazi wale article ngazi khulumeli and disable/delete or wateva ol da replys which are not relevant to the article. She abandoned her article so someppl saw it fit to take over and bring lyf to it.

19 Jun 2008 01:58

But ke why do it in this article? Its very easy for the blog owner to just close the blog if she sees that ppl are going offtopic. As i said nyatsi wasnt really in a dilemma cos she also didnt reply much - she just posted this and expected us to run along with her article. Who knows, we might be in knickers for something she deosnt even mind.

19 Jun 2008 02:04

Its very easy for the blog owner to just close the blog if she sees that ppl are going offtopic. 
As much as it is easy for y'all to go to off-topic articles and reply there..! Who knows that something happened/is happening that is preventing her from being on the TVSA?
Nonny i think its time you came with a new off-topic article, what is happening here is very disrespectful

Brown Shuga
19 Jun 2008 02:10

Okay enough guys, sorry to those who were offended by the "OFF topic" replies & sorry to the blog owner.
Please ladies, no more arguing about this OFF topic coz nani you are going even further OFF the topic by doing so.  

19 Jun 2008 02:14

"Nonny i think its time you came with a new off-topic article, what is happening here is very disrespectful"
Thanks for the suggestion Cande, but u see I don't have any off - topics to discuss to an extent that I would writ an article about it, actually I am really not in the mood.

But ke guys Nyatsi probablly doesn't mind this, coz I mean if she is a dare devil enough to be the "other woman", I mean bloggers having fun in her blog means nothing to her in her very interesting life.........LOL!!!! 

19 Jun 2008 02:22

Cnglemom - my friend, I think this is the time where u hold our hands in prayer, as the born again christian that u have becom.........LOL. Asithandaze bazalwane. 

OK, back to the topic *by force b4 I get kicked outta here........LOL*........lets discusss the benefits of being the "other woman"....

My first one is: U know where u stand in ur relationship.

19 Jun 2008 02:25

Who knows that something happened/is happening that is preventing her from being on the TVSA?...So now u wanted the bloggers to give advice to sum1 who's not around?? 4 ol we know the "headquaters" found out about her and was moering her the whole of yesterday, adawise she wud have @ least commented a bit about ppl going off-topic on her article. 

 U cant go start a business and then disappear, who's gonna run it 4 u? That's when ada ppl will come and take over and change ur bizness from a brothel into a luxury hotel,,,

19 Jun 2008 02:37

My first one is: U know where u stand in ur relationship.

2nd is: the wife or 560 really gets fed up with the other woman and starts making threatening phone calls

19 Jun 2008 02:39

"4 ol we know the "headquaters" found out about her and was moering her the whole of yesterday, adawise she wud have @ least commented a bit about ppl going off-topic on her article."
ROTFLMAO..........Awelani whatever u had for breakfast, I want that too!!!!

"U cant go start a business and then disappear, who's gonna run it 4 u? That's when ada ppl will come and take over and change ur bizness from a brothel into a luxury hotel,,,"
OMG.........LMAO.........heeheheh where's Nyatsi then atleast she can tell us what is her motive for this blog.

19 Jun 2008 02:42

Still on benefits of being the "other woman"

2nd is: the wife or 560 really gets fed up with the other woman and starts making threatening phone calls

Thirdly, when the man is f@$king you he does his very best coz he doesn't know how long this will last.

19 Jun 2008 02:57


19 Jun 2008 03:02

Morning Y'all

Yhu yazi some of y'all remind me of dat Frisco advert sipping coffee watching tv & making that hluhluzing sound but when U baba Sibiya joins wit his cup of coffee & does the hluhluzing sound ...they nearly chop his head off ....*sigh*
But ke ....asihlelanga lapho....not goin 2entertain dat neh ,,,,*wink*

Back 2topic 
As the famous Xhosa saying goes  ...Into yomntu ngeyam..oyomlungu ndiyayifanisa!!

19 Jun 2008 03:05

...Into yomntu ngeyam..oyomlungu ndiyayifanisa!! - yho its the first time i hear this, clearly ndingulo ungxengiweyo umXhosa

19 Jun 2008 03:12

am i the only one who watches cheaters on etv?

19 Jun 2008 03:17

"Yhu yazi some of y'all remind me of dat Frisco advert sipping coffee watching tv & making that hluhluzing sound but when U baba Sibiya joins wit his cup of coffee & does the hluhluzing sound ...they nearly chop his head off ....*sigh*"
I so love this example Mabhebheza.

"Into yomntu ngeyam..oyomlungu ndiyayifanisa!!"
@ Mabe's, this is an interesting saying, awuke uyichaze ngoba angiyizwisisi, not that I want a stanslation, I understand isiXhosa kahle kakhulu, but I am looking for an explanation, or perhaps even an example vele wena Mabhebheza u are very good with ama examples..........LOL

19 Jun 2008 04:14

Nonny translation :
Where would u find a man sitting on tree  waiting 4u as a single lady 
Most guys have abo mabank book( the main women)in their life so its not easy 2get a single guy yena nje futhi aze abe yedwa wats his nkinga.. im not pushin uku cheata but wat im tryin kudala si shaywa ngezitina & u neva knw ukuba ur Mr right is hiding where but avoid 2hurt the mamekhaya wena njonga nane ndoda qha!!

Nonny did u see our advert izolo( Halls)i was LMAO

19 Jun 2008 04:43

Thanks Mabhebheza, I understand now. 

Asa for the Halls ad, I saw it izolo and I was LMAO. It's a classic, and yazi futhi the blue halls is actually my favourate coz ibulala wonke amaphunga angasile emlomeni *eg. ugwayi*..........LOL

19 Jun 2008 05:14

While we still off-topic... did you guys know that Chinese people qualify for BEE and may benefit from the Employment Equity Act, the Pretoria High Court has ruled in their favour.

19 Jun 2008 05:21

Chinese people qualify for BEE - hee - saw that in the news vandag felfel- seems everyone wants to be black in our new south africa LOL .

19 Jun 2008 05:38

Didn't abandon my blog, been reading every repl as it came in. Sorry for the repetition, wasn't aware it had been done before. I have no qualms with any of the people I pissed off, I know what I'm doing is wrong and I know the repercussions thereof so I'm not in a dilemma. I was just unloading. Yes, I feel jack for my dick at the mo but I can't tell the future, I'm not ruling out the fact that I might get whipped

19 Jun 2008 05:57

Didn't abandon my blog, been reading every repl as it came in. Sorry for the repetition, wasn't aware it had been done before. I have no qualms with any of the people I pissed off, I know what I'm doing is wrong and I know the repercussions thereof so I'm not in a dilemma. I was just unloading. Yes, I feel jack for my dick at the mo but I can't tell the future, I'm not ruling out the fact that I might get whipped 
yeah right...LOL

About the chinese BEE I was told by my co-worker a old mlungu about it, she was so exitede about it saying " you how many chinese we have here in SA? and those people they have qualifications more than blacks"

Cherrie on top
19 Jun 2008 10:03

I  salute you Nyantsi...I haven't "bought" the guts to do such a thing...but if I had a choice not to be such a sucker for love I'd join your crusade,great sex,is just that GREAtT!but when emaotions are involved it becomes a natural disaster from the word "go" keep it up as long as you're happy

Eye Candy
19 Jun 2008 10:16

I think the rules of the game is not to get caught....think about're having fun with this guy but what do you think the woman's gonna feel when she finds out that her man was screwing around,he probably doesn't give it to her like he gives it to you...cause,my opinion about guys is that once you have a child with him,the sparks go away & the next round after the baby is born just want to make the guy cry because it's "not the same" anymore!

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