So that other weekend was the
Durban July handicap thingy that everybody was bitching about (me don’t care about the event anyway).My glamorous friend from
Jozi wanted us to go but I was not hearing anything about it.
I told her I am so not into horses and don’t even know a single horse that’s running. She tried to explain in so many words and ways that the event for her and a hell lodda people is
not really about the horses but about the outfit and the event, the glamour, the people and the after party. Still not convinced and still not going. She managed to get us
VIP tickets to the events but guess what: I was still not going. She gave up on me and made arrangements with a certain friend of ours who moved to Durbs(its less than 5 months and she’s already planning to move back to Pitori)

And so they had fun, come Monday morning I wanted to hear all about the gossip,wa ntshwara(
the RGB kinda stories),called my friend only to find her cell off. I got pissed and agitated by the white lady who told me to leave a message, where does she get off telling me what to do! On Tuesday my almost ex best friend decided to call me and tell me she got home safe. (Don really wanna know about that, now the gossip)She tells me she just got off the phone with her boyfriend from
Pitori an an an an
STOP! Rewind…the last time I checked she had no boyfriend from
Pitori,she so hated guys from Pitori because of their obsession with labels, and nou!!!!Ok they met ko dipereng and they never stopped since, she’s in love (so she tells me), she goes on an on about the labels her guy was wearing,
KG (
Kurt Geiger kick and boboza bootes nogal ) After a two hour call, we hang up and our conversation left me thinking about my hood
Pitori, about how unique and refreshing our people are, about how different we are from peeps from other places. Our conversation inspired me to start writing again
Pitori where the crazy peeps are at)
Ze lingo: We have our own unique language that makes it so easy to pick us from a crowd. We don’t really speak real Tswana,or real Sotho for that matter.We speak
sePitori.Re bua ka bo
daai man,daai vrou,daai ding,we call susters bodisiza,we call magwenya(vetkoek)dibaby,bunny chao ke sphahlo or kota or half zwe.A home is called joint or quadro.R5 ke half mak,Gold digger(ladies) are called megwanti
Entertainment is motjakallo
Do you know more? Please do share!
Ze places Most popular kasies in Pitori ke Mamelodi(Mams) the home of Mamelodi Sundowns,Attredgeville(Pheli),Soshanguve(Sosh )ko ditsotsing,Mabopane(Mabop City)where Morula Sun Casino is, and Ga-Rankuwa(Garanga) where the happening Taliban Club is.
Mams,Pheli and Sosh are quite hectic, life is lived on the fast lane here. The ladies/chikita’s from this areas don't take ish, gaba tseye ma k.k, these are the ladies who still spot the gold tooth ,3-4 gold chains mo molaleng , gold rings in all fingers, these gals ba tla go trapa for their man, and most of them just don’t do broke niggers.You do not want to mess with these chikitas,trust me. The guys: bras here wear slack trousers, they wear setlhako sa ledopi(PEANUT SHOES)i.e. your Saxon,Crocket and Jones.Shirt should be Pringle,Polo or LeDice. Tsotsi tall ke taba. The young guys,majita: if you don’t own a pair of Carvellas then you are so not from Pitori.You also godda have labels such as Lacoste(kwena),Kurt Geiger(kilogram),Uzzi and converse(jack pazell to be precise)
Mabopane and Garankuwa The peeps are not as hectic as the ones above; they are just mellow and fun loving. The majority ke batswana.Guys here are into linen trousers, pink shirts, kick and boboza shoes and the ladies are into weaves and heels (most of them anyway)Jack Pazell and Carvella are also huge here. Most gals here aren’t mobile but they will be dead before they are seen with a pedestrian boyfie.The girls believe in go bechiwa.People here leave and breathe motjakallo,joy,mogroovo!
Ze Chillas zones
Jack Budda is the place to be, where the who’s who are at
Capellos at The State, a nice place for a chillas with the gals/boyz (BS….)
Sosh: Gentle Breeze, chillas next to a pool is soooo 2008, plus BEE bras hang out here
Lebyaeng:where the grown ups like me are at, we play Toto,Brenda Fassie,Bra Hugh etc.Morula Sun is another place to chill at, plus its popular for hosting jazz festivals and comedy show
Taliban, where the fun is at or Lentswe where all the groupies who spot labels are at.
Ze wheels
It has to be a Golf. 1.6i Velocity, Citi Life, Citi Rox Citi Sonic Citi .com, lowered suspension (e dropilwe) 16 inch tyres with alpine or chrome magwheels, heavy sound system, tinted windows. GOLF FOR PITORI, PERIOD!!
Ze public transport Mabopane, Garankuw: Ventures and Siyaya with loud sound/music and DVD screen, this is compulsory or you won’t have passengers
Mams, Sosh, and Pheli: Siyaya, Ferefere (vw microbus) and Qountum: music and screen are a must
Ze Music Our music is called Sgupu sa Pitori (jozi station doesn’t wanna play our music but dj’s from Jozi bootleg it and steal our beats?)
Our popular artist: Bojo Mujo.Mojava,Machanse, Tebz le madonga,Mogwanti wa Pitori,JR(gata le nna jo),Dj Silly Bean.Kwela Tebza
Most popular events: Di Jazz ko Moretele Park ko Mams Bochikita ba ko Pitori are best known for their love for straight back (conrows) hairstyle!!!
Sunnyside is our local Lagos,but its muchbetter than Hillbrow.People here don't really sleep,its quite happening and hectic
So let’s talk more about my hood or your Pitori moment or better still, your hood.Le tumile ka eng????
(Excuse the long’s been a while)