Pitori mahlanyeng

Written by Lady D from the blog Ad Agencey on 15 Jul 2008
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So that other weekend was the Durban July handicap thingy that everybody was bitching about (me don’t care about the event anyway).My glamorous friend from Jozi wanted us to go but I was not hearing anything about it. I told her I am so not into horses and don’t even know a single horse that’s running. She tried to explain in so many words and ways that the event for her and a hell lodda people is not really about the horses but about the outfit and the event, the glamour, the people and the after party. Still not convinced and still not going. She managed to get us VIP tickets to the events but guess what: I was still not going. She gave up on me and made arrangements with a certain friend of ours who moved to Durbs(its less than 5 months and she’s already planning to move back to Pitori) 

And so they had fun, come Monday morning I wanted to hear all about the gossip,wa ntshwara( the RGB kinda stories),called my friend only to find her cell off. I got pissed and agitated by the white lady who told me to leave a message, where does she get off telling me what to do! On Tuesday my almost ex best friend decided to call me and tell me she got home safe. (Don really wanna know about that, now the gossip)She tells me she just got off the phone with her boyfriend from Pitori an an an an STOP! Rewind…the last time I checked she had no boyfriend from Pitori,she so hated guys from Pitori because of their obsession with labels, and nou!!!!Ok they met ko dipereng and they never stopped since, she’s in love (so she tells me), she goes on an on about the labels her guy was wearing,KG (Kurt Geiger kick and boboza bootes nogal )
After a two hour call, we hang up and our conversation left me thinking about my hood Pitori, about how unique and refreshing our people are, about how different we are from peeps from other places. Our conversation inspired me to start writing again

NOW THE BLOG BEGINS:PITORI MAHLANYENG( Pitori where the crazy peeps are at)

Ze lingo: We have our own unique language that makes it so easy to pick us from a crowd. We don’t really speak real Tswana,or real Sotho for that matter.We speak sePitori.Re bua ka bo daai man,daai vrou,daai ding,we call susters bodisiza,we call magwenya(vetkoek)dibaby,bunny chao ke sphahlo or kota or half zwe.A home is called joint or quadro.R5 ke half mak,Gold digger(ladies) are called megwanti
Entertainment is motjakallo

Do you know more? Please do share!

Ze places
Most popular kasies in Pitori ke Mamelodi(Mams) the home of Mamelodi Sundowns,Attredgeville(Pheli),Soshanguve(Sosh )ko ditsotsing,Mabopane(Mabop City)where Morula Sun Casino is, and Ga-Rankuwa(Garanga) where the happening Taliban Club is. 

Mams,Pheli and Sosh are quite hectic, life is lived on the fast lane here. The ladies/chikita’s from this areas don't take ish, gaba tseye ma k.k, these are the ladies who still spot the gold tooth ,3-4 gold chains mo molaleng , gold rings in all fingers, these gals ba tla go trapa for their man, and most of them just don’t do broke niggers.You do not want to mess with these chikitas,trust me. The guys: bras here wear slack trousers, they wear setlhako sa ledopi(PEANUT SHOES)i.e. your Saxon,Crocket and Jones.Shirt should be Pringle,Polo or LeDice. Tsotsi tall ke taba. The young guys,majita: if you don’t own a pair of Carvellas then you are so not from Pitori.You also godda have labels such as Lacoste(kwena),Kurt Geiger(kilogram),Uzzi and converse(jack pazell to be precise) 

Mabopane and Garankuwa
The peeps are not as hectic as the ones above; they are just mellow and fun loving. The majority ke batswana.Guys here are into linen trousers, pink shirts, kick and boboza shoes and the ladies are into weaves and heels (most of them anyway)Jack Pazell and Carvella are also huge here. Most gals here aren’t mobile but they will be dead before they are seen with a pedestrian boyfie.The girls believe in go bechiwa.People here leave and breathe motjakallo,joy,mogroovo!

Ze Chillas zones
Mamelodi: Jack Budda is the place to be, where the who’s who are at
Town: Capellos at The State, a nice place for a chillas with the gals/boyz (BS….)
Sosh: Gentle Breeze, chillas next to a pool is soooo 2008, plus BEE bras hang out here
Mabopane: Lebyaeng:where the grown ups like me are at, we play Toto,Brenda Fassie,Bra Hugh etc.Morula Sun is another place to chill at, plus its popular for hosting jazz festivals and comedy show
Garankuwa: Taliban, where the fun is at or Lentswe where all the groupies who spot labels are at.

Ze wheels
It has to be a Golf. 1.6i Velocity, Citi Life, Citi Rox Citi Sonic Citi .com, lowered suspension (e dropilwe) 16 inch tyres with alpine or chrome magwheels, heavy sound system, tinted windows. GOLF FOR PITORI, PERIOD!! 
Ze public transport
Mabopane, Garankuw: Ventures and Siyaya with loud sound/music and DVD screen, this is compulsory or you won’t have passengers
Mams, Sosh, and Pheli: Siyaya, Ferefere (vw microbus) and Qountum: music and screen are a must

Ze Music
Our music is called Sgupu sa Pitori (jozi station doesn’t wanna play our music but dj’s from Jozi bootleg it and steal our beats?)
Our popular artist: Bojo Mujo.Mojava,Machanse, Tebz le madonga,Mogwanti wa Pitori,JR(gata le nna jo),Dj Silly Bean.Kwela Tebza

Most popular events: Di Jazz ko Moretele Park ko Mams 

Bochikita ba ko Pitori are best known for their love for straight back (conrows) hairstyle!!!
Sunnyside is our local Lagos,but its muchbetter than Hillbrow.People here don't really sleep,its quite happening and hectic

So let’s talk more about my hood or your Pitori moment or better still, your hood.Le tumile ka eng????

(Excuse the long’s been a while)


Lady D
15 Jul 2008 14:29

At lats, i managed to post this article,BS knows i have been struggling with this article for days!Wanted to upload enough pictures but the system kept on failling me,so i gave up.This is the least i could do!So let hear it peeps,ge otswa Pitori do share or tell us you hood!

15 Jul 2008 15:33

ke a utlwa Lady D.
ever since i moved here i have only been to Attretdville and ne di boa, i will like to go to other places as well.

15 Jul 2008 15:45

[Mams, Pheli and Sosh]...Here i come in few months time...Sounds so interesting :-)

Brown Shuga
15 Jul 2008 16:05

<<<I got pissed and agitated by the white lady who told me to leave a message, where does she get off telling me what to do!>>> tl tl tl tl 

<<<<The ladies/chikita’s from this areas don't take ish, gaba tseye ma k.k, these are the ladies who still spot the gold tooth ,3-4 gold chains mo molaleng , gold rings in all fingers,>>> Eeeewwwwwwwwww!

<<<Capellos at The State, a nice place for a chillas with the gals/boyz (BS….)>>>
What did I do now???? Heish mina njalo mak'khulunywa ngamadoda my name gets mentioned! 

15 Jul 2008 17:27

I lived in Pitoli for 5 years and I have only been to Attetridgeville once! Eish! Great memories and the timesof Segololo's live... I think I;ll write abook about being a lehlanya (you guys better buy my book!!

I love Pitoli and would move back if King K agreed but he is a true joburger... I miss matlhanya a pitoli!

15 Jul 2008 17:35

<<We speak sePitori>> Like Americans,speak american not english... miss that lingo!

<<Guys here are into linen trousers,>> which year is this? or when did you write this? Haaibo! no! Lady D, is jy seker? Hahahahaha!!

Oh yes! I have also been to the MAms jazz festivals... WAS great fun but hectic to park!!

Bra Bizza
15 Jul 2008 17:37

pitori is the only place in sa where you're guaranteed to see a guy wearing a carvela shoe in 2008

16 Jul 2008 00:42

i lived my varsity years in pitori and people looked at me funny coz i dont have a goldtooth. Decent town to reside in regardless.

16 Jul 2008 00:43

True that Bra B.

16 Jul 2008 00:59

Is it?

16 Jul 2008 01:04

What are you saying Lady D? my company wants to move me to the Pretoria branch end of the month,wanted to rent a flat for during the week at Sunnyside, so are there a lot of nigers there? jo!  im scared of them! maybe i should rather be prepared the traffic and the long drive neh?

16 Jul 2008 01:14

now LadyD you remind of my long lost guy uBasheen waseMamelodi (neva knew his real name), your forgetting the Dolce & Gabbana tops that guys wear. Thanks for da lingo its funny!

Am the only black person who has never owned a pair of shoes from Spitz?

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 01:18

Sego,i promise you guys ba ko Garankuwa still spot some linen trousers do sho
Bra Bizza Carvela is a must have shoe for majita a ko Pitori,even some ladies espcecially those from Mams and Pheli

Cody there are lot of Nigerians in Sunnyside but trust you me,the place i fun and flats there are affordable

16 Jul 2008 01:45

Cnglemama u not the only one dear, I don't understand Spitz period....too loxion for me and i've never been much of a loxion sumbuddy.....

You are spot-on on the labels Lady D got a male friend i work with, he is so struggling financially even hustles for rent money, but wears Gucci sneakers (I swear), Spitz this, Armani that etc..., do you know how many perfumes the man has (he ain't gay), maybe more than 10 and I mean real stuff not the cans. He is so label conscious, him and his friends and he's over 30 CABANGA!!!!!!!!!!

The ladies from the townships (Mamsie) wear moccasins with everything, even a nice dress, I spot them in Menlyn. And they always doing their hair and nails, they mite be wearing tattered jeans but the hair will be on point. No sallon goes out of business in Pitori.....Sunnyside to be precise. 

tha - bang
16 Jul 2008 01:58

Sunnyside is our local Lagos,but its muchbetter than Hillbrow.People here don't really sleep,its quite happening and hectic 
this is verytrue and very affordable and clean bathong nt like hillbrow.
but the lingo is hilarious, i always laugh at my cousins in from mamelodi and attregeville

16 Jul 2008 02:01

i have lived in Pretoria (Sosha) all my life and i would not dream of leaving it any time soon, a great place with great opportunities and not as hectis as joburg.i worked in joburg last year and people could tell from the lingo that i am from Pta.  just by saying ke sharp/ka nthlela/etc

the cavella thing is true even though i wont dream of buying it, and now its more like a school uniform and this boy hanged himself cos the mother could not afford to buy him a pair

crime-well is it high but places like winterveldt and Sosh extensions are the worst hit.i stay in Block L one of the first places in Sosh and crimes in these area are more like revenges.  jola le x ya motho o a ileng tronkong then o tla bontsha ge a tswa mo.

the gold tooth thing was famous in the early 90s but its not happening  anymore-poeple are taking them out now, i havent sees the gold rings and necklaces anywhere

men wearing crockett and jones-i am starting to doubtif this is the same pretoria i live in, those we were worn back in the days.

otherwise we have all kinds of characters matsatsantsa, metrosexual,mapantsula,BEE king of people.

i do not think its easy to leave this area cos even after people "make it"teh move to the nearby suburbs such as amandasig, East lynne,silver lakes ...
and ka weekend they all come back to kasi and but sphahlo and go to sishanyama. 

wonderful places but the traffic can be hectic especially if your travel on mabopnae highway.

Thanks for a wonderful article.

16 Jul 2008 02:06

Sunnyside really never sleeps, if i got to a party in Jozi and come back at 4 passing Esselen, it looks like daylight and if u holla at a friend to say u going to bed now, he'll say join me at Barcelos for a drink at 4 CABANGA!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 Jul 2008 02:06

Thanks for a wonderful article.

Fo sure! i enjoyed reading this and was chuckling thru some parts of it....

16 Jul 2008 02:10

As lonyora la mo Pitori bofssss, one thing e ke sa e vorstaneng ke di labels....! 3 step ke vorstana e apere ke othi e nngwe le bo chikita ba ko laborie. ANyhow kasie lame rocks...!

16 Jul 2008 02:11

Very nice article Lady D. The Cavella one makes me relate to my neighbourhood, it's a must, even nomama bakhona have it, I always laugh at the old mama's abango nurse, most of them wear the maroon one to match with their navy & maroon uniform, eish ukuthanda izinto kuyahlupha maan!!!!

16 Jul 2008 02:14

my apologies for the long reply-the self appointed tvsa spellchecker will fix the mistakes above.

16 Jul 2008 02:21

3 step ke vorstana e apere ke othi e nngwe le bo chikita ba ko laborie. ANyhow kasie lame rocks...! Please translate

16 Jul 2008 02:22

Or should I say, kekopa utranslate tu, hobaning akethlaluganye grand-grand

Beyonce Knowles Bee
16 Jul 2008 02:25

Cody girl you know Sunnyside os for the Fun, loving and Party hoping people if yuo are that type it's fun fun fun fun!!! 

Mams is the place you gotta C!!! T-shirths tsa Sundowns are also a pre-requierement you, if Sundowns wins a Huge match you gotta b ko Mams!!! Motshakalo all the way till the morning!!!

Tshwane Rocks!!!!!!

16 Jul 2008 02:27

"my apologies for the long reply-the self appointed tvsa spellchecker will fix the mistakes above."
hehehe Libra sarcasm!!!!, Neway don't stress, Carino will fix the mistakes.........LOL

16 Jul 2008 02:31

Tshwane Rocks!!!!!! >>> Truth be told neh...should I have a child telling me they wanna study in Pitori I rather send them to Cape Town....! There are 3 things being done mo Pitori....Spane, Beer le Mojakallo PERIOD!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
16 Jul 2008 02:37

Hhawa Toodecent, why not would you rather your Child starts all those in  his/her Premarriage years phela it's better to do all of them when you are still young and vibrant than be an Old folk around Banna babanyane!!! Do you feel me?????

16 Jul 2008 02:37

@TDC: Truth be told neh...should I have a child telling me they wanna study in Pitori I rather send them to Cape Town\
I was wondering why the biggest PTA patirot hadn't replied. But I agree with you, my child will not study in PTA, I studied in Cape Town, and during vac, would always be with my cousing who studied in PTA, coz the students never seem to go home, the flats are forever full!!!!

16 Jul 2008 02:46

Wa itse Renegade I represet The Finest of Tshwane .

16 Jul 2008 02:54

Or should I say, kekopa utranslate tu, hobaning akethlaluganye grand-grand, LOL! Jah TDC u r pitorising grand-grand daai man.

16 Jul 2008 03:02

Bra Bizza Carvela is a must have shoe for majita a ko Pitori,even some ladies espcecially those from Mams and Pheli 

Now I understand....there's a lady that I used to work with from Mams. She wud rock a Jenni Button suit ka di carvela

16 Jul 2008 03:02

3 step ke vorstana e apere ke othi e nngwe le bo chikita ba ko laborie. ANyhow kasie lame rocks>>> 
Andi they call Carvella 3 step.... so I said Carvella I only like it if the other guy is wearing it or some hot chicks.Anyhow my hood rocks. Meaning I wouldnt buy or wear a Carvella in my life although I can afford it.

16 Jul 2008 03:07

She wud rock a Jenni Button suit ka di carvela - LOL! kimaka awo (lies), how is that possible bafethu?yo-yo!

16 Jul 2008 03:09

Ziyawa e pitori for sure...I live there when I was a student at pretoria tech and Black label was the beer for all ne ke tlapelwa(spll) strong, I even stated smoking there and not to mention the fact that I also stated going to clubs there,Carnalita was the place to be on fridays...The three years I lived in pretoria are by far the Best years of my life

16 Jul 2008 03:13

Thanks Lady D. I 've been there for 6 yrs oh what a place ????????? Alrite i moved last year September but next year im going back to Tshwane .......Woza 2009. I love that place. The guys are wearing ama white tyt jeans & they call u mabhebeza LOL. If im with my freinds i speak Xhozatswazation joe. Kere la dai deng joe hahahahahahahahahahahaha tshwane really rocks fela hihihihi..................will talk later guys ke nombereko ongata

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 03:14

Pitori i really hectic,phela di taele ja mojaefo starts here ko Pta.Libra go to Mams andPheli,check out mataema a mapantsola,then you'll see what i am talking  about ka dislekwe and ledopi shoes!!!Stru

16 Jul 2008 03:16

Vandag am the Self appointed Tswana and SePitori teacher.
kimaka(Ke maaka) awo(A o) (lies), how is that possible bafethu?yo-yo!

16 Jul 2008 03:19

@ cnglemother <She wud rock a Jenni Button suit ka di carvela - LOL!

you are reminding me of my sister here....she would would rock her twin jerseys short skirt and stockings then wear hear beautiful black suede Carvella......Tsho my sister had no style, she has improved though

16 Jul 2008 03:21

quick question is KaNyamazane & Nelspruit one & the same thing? sorry LadyD

Bra Bizza
16 Jul 2008 03:21

maybe TDC should ask his boys what's up with the Carvela...cause we rocked that shoe back in 94 when we were still in high school....its a phase we went through but its seems bo daai man cant let go of it.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
16 Jul 2008 03:22

She wud rock a Jenni Button suit ka di carvela - LOL! kimaka awo (lies), how is that possible bafethu?yo-yo!

Hhawa but you know you can't put past them Mams Girls i sure bliv it Carvella or you are out gge!!!

16 Jul 2008 03:23

oh monchoo! carnalita was home when i was in pitoli!

16 Jul 2008 03:24

TDC ore vorstaan (meaning you like), thats interesting hobaning mo Kaap resebeditsa (vorstaan spelled verstaan), meaning to understand. i.e Oa verstaana joe,= do you understand mfethu.

16 Jul 2008 03:26

monchy how old is yo sister? twin jerserys short skirt that is so 19futsek? did u guys have someone onithayo efamilyini yenu to make the suit

TDC atleast i am trying joe. Cande & Carino inspire me to try out otha languages.

16 Jul 2008 03:28

Talking about mojakallo..............Lady D can you tell me what is it that they make these young Chikita's chow ko House 22? Everywhere there are delicious bodies roaming up and down. 1 thing I hate about 22 is that they expect me to pay entrance fee I mean TDC paying entrance fee? Whic is why i always chill ko Thebe.........!

16 Jul 2008 03:30

thanks for the term motjakallo, imagine me rocking tonite kiya motjakallong but ma peeps wont understand isht!

Fluffy Head
16 Jul 2008 03:31

very nice article Lady D, maad skills there girl. Keep practising and posting more stuff!!!

16 Jul 2008 03:32

Cnglemother believe me she is only two years older than me which makes her 27 and she wore like that when she was 22......she was new in Pitori shem

16 Jul 2008 03:33

eish Lady D am from KZN, been only in JHB for 9 months-I swear am in PTA 3 weekends every month. I looove the place. When I was still in Durban (was there for 7 years) I just never drove to the Township, i dated one guy from eMlazi (but he stayed eMbilo). Now in PTA you'd find me ePheli or Mams at 2 am!!! My man is from Mams and stays there-I visit him without any worries(mind you there's no gate or garage at his place, but I just don't mind!!) Me and my girls go to Super stadium to watch a game by ourselves-I'd never go to Princess Magogo even with guys!! I leave work early on Friday so that i can beat traffic to PTA and I come back on monday morning.

I love the place, but I miss Durban for cute man (shucks PTA has some FUGLY dudes)

16 Jul 2008 03:38

shem monchooza same age as me, we all have our fashion distastrous moments i guess, i once rocked a formal suit, mini skirt & the blazer (Jo Borkett) with half boots (boom shaka type half-boots). And i was sho that i was fabulas but looking back now what was i thinking.

16 Jul 2008 03:39

love the place, but I miss Durban for cute man (shucks PTA has some FUGLY dudes,  no  discrimination intended, but the babedi tribe is blessed with FUGLY mafackas (but they r very sweet shame, Gwad bless their souls)

16 Jul 2008 03:41

She wud rock a Jenni Button suit ka di carvela - LOL! kimaka awo (lies), how is that possible bafethu?yo-yo! 

I am SE-RI-OUS!! Unbelievable but true....phela I'm talking about last yr when I was still working in Pta

16 Jul 2008 03:41

but the babedi tribe- which one is this tribe? neva heard of

16 Jul 2008 03:42

Im so envious. I cant wait 2 chill around Pretoria. It seems such a fun place and fun is my middle name. Mara why is Cape Town so boring..entertainment-wise? Eish...

16 Jul 2008 03:45

ePheli isix pack yeSavanna is R39! Worse men there still buy women alcohol. The only reason am not staying in PTA fulltime is ngisaba iphuzaface qha.

16 Jul 2008 03:51

@ TheLady<The only reason am not staying in PTA fulltime is ngisaba iphuzaface qha.>

Damn kuyaphuzwa epitori....but then again maybe its because kugcwele ama students


16 Jul 2008 03:54

Cande who's the guy you went and attended his hair studio launch in Pitori - saw u on duku-duku, that boy is so damn fine.

16 Jul 2008 03:55

but the babedi tribe- which one is this tribe? neva heard of>>> You Can Ask Again...........

16 Jul 2008 03:56

but the babedi tribe- which one is this tribe? neva heard of, I meant the "bapedi, amapedi abo kenneth Mashaba

16 Jul 2008 04:02

Cande who's the guy you went and attended his hair studio launch in Pitori - saw u on duku-duku, that boy is so damn fine.

The three tenors band memba.....yebo he is too damn fine!!!

16 Jul 2008 04:13

The three tenors band memba.....yebo he is too damn fine!!!
Hmmm...Is that guy really straight? Just wondering.

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 04:18

@TDC,ke tjakalla ko Thebe too,use to do House 22 but my gals hate paying,you know gore bochikita ba Pitori don't wanna pay for anything!guys must pay for entrance and drinks!

@Fluffy Head,thanx,the practising continues!!!!lol

16 Jul 2008 04:20

Interesting replies y'all! just came from a meeting! i am going to Pretoria for sure, only for 4months though! e tlabe ele motjakallo left right and center for me!!!!! le ya nkwa ke reng bo dibra? ayo ba yo!!!! my baby and the stomach will have to excuse me! i used to love motjakallo but i feel that i have outgrown that phase now but i dont mind reminding myself hanyane b4 i become a full time mother!

We work with this guy from Pretoria and i must say the MaPitori have their own language indeed! more like chinese! for example from what this guys likes to say:

1. Eseng ka mokhooo????hah chinese?
2. Hela byawww joe???? chinese!
3. Byaww byawww! definetely chinese especially in Kunfu !
4. ayeye right now! ayeye bjanong! (esp when he hears house music!) I love this expression/ whatever mapitori call it!

it sounds so funny!!! I love the Pitori taal!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
16 Jul 2008 04:22

Given Mabena is the name

16 Jul 2008 04:22

thanks Vesa but kibatla libitso lahaye. gay or not kimrata alijwalo.

16 Jul 2008 04:23

Oh another thing, ive heard that Pitori girls are sort of loose. you cant go there and not get a little something something from the girls. is that true?

16 Jul 2008 04:26

Thanks Ms Knowles.

16 Jul 2008 04:30

Utter Nonsense... So ka gore ba go tladitse wena are you anything like them? Just asking!

16 Jul 2008 04:46

TDC........its a QUESTION. the answer wud have been justified by just saying, Utter Nonsense! okay meneer?

16 Jul 2008 04:47

tladitse- translation asseblief, does it mean bakudlile?

16 Jul 2008 04:51

Pitori girls are sort of loose. you cant go there and not get a little something something from the girls. is that true?,  thats not true, there isnt anywhere in the world that a man can leave with out getting something something, considered it is consentual and there is chemistry involved. People often forget that by dissing "basetsane bapitori", actually oenyatsa basetsane ba Afrika Borwa bothle.

16 Jul 2008 04:54

tladitse means make you full.. he he heeeeeeeeeeeh..
No Cody, girls are loose everywhere?

16 Jul 2008 04:58

Does having s%x when you feel like it make one loose, "yhoo nisezotyiwa yindlala mos', "lo tlou lapa kea lojwetsa"

16 Jul 2008 05:05

okay okay, thank you to all those who set the record straight (nicely that it is) i didnt mean to insult them galz but that is what i "HEARD" anyway, a lot of girls from Pretoria come from different provinces, esp those who live in town. 

Before le mpolaya: i must humbly sorry bo buti nabo sisi!

16 Jul 2008 05:13

Cody are you a woman, coz if you are i will be disappointed at how low you think of the woman species (which by the way u belong 2). Secondly it is not about what you said, its how u said it. The use of the highly magnificent word "girl" followed by the use of the word "loose" is higly offensive and cannot be tolerated. (in my best Zwelinzima Vavi voice). Anyway rea hothswarela, bcoz mang le mang does make a mistake, oea nkwishihsa

16 Jul 2008 05:26

ha ha aha ............ Halala Pitoli

ga ba itse le bone gore ba bua sekae, mixmasala lunguage, venda, shangaan, sepedi, setswana = KAK
Their tone is like ..........
" kete tebeletse"  = ke itebeletse
" Ke te bone" = kedibone 

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 05:30

@andi01,hai wa nketsa jo, serious,ka sesotho sa gago!

16 Jul 2008 05:36

@tshepiso ga ba itse le bone gore ba bua sekae, mixmasala lunguage, venda, shangaan, sepedi, setswana = KAK 
actually mixmasala lunguage, venda, shangaan, sepedi, setswana = being open minded and willing to explore and unite the beauties of SA in one sentence.  
my dear darling being ignorant and sticking to ur mother tounge coz u soo scared to learn something new, you dont beleieve you have it in you to create something and be someone =KAK
what does nketsa mean??????

16 Jul 2008 05:36

@tshepiso ga ba itse le bone gore ba bua sekae, mixmasala lunguage, venda, shangaan, sepedi, setswana = KAK 
actually mixmasala lunguage, venda, shangaan, sepedi, setswana = being open minded and willing to explore and unite the beauties of SA in one sentence.  
my dear darling being ignorant and sticking to ur mother tounge coz u soo scared to learn something new, you dont beleieve you have it in you to create something and be someone =KAK
what does nketsa mean??????

16 Jul 2008 05:36

LOL Tshepiso!!!! 

andi01! easy girl easy maan. ntshwarele ke taiwe! 

16 Jul 2008 05:43

Ziyawa la ePitori blog.

tha - bang
16 Jul 2008 05:46

Their tone is like ..........
" kete tebeletse" = ke itebeletse
" Ke te bone" = kedibone
the language(s) have now being relegated to level of creole,kinda like how afrikaans started.I guess its not a bad thing if the people who use the language have no issues with it and helps them communicate.

16 Jul 2008 05:53

I forgive you Cody aka ma girl (Khodeyi), I aint fighting witcha nigga alright (pronounced ayth)

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 05:56

Wa nketsa-direct translation(you do me)its like you are killing me,wa mpolaya.Ke sePitori!!! @andi01

16 Jul 2008 06:02

thabang creole =? engels iyabaleka sumtimes.

16 Jul 2008 06:11

Thanks Lady D for the compliment, akesetsebe grand-grand sesotho ebele, kea traya, hanyane hanyane maar I will get there letsatsi lengwe,  kea oethsepisa my friend

16 Jul 2008 06:11

Double Lol, andi01 thank ya my nigga! jeezzz dawg! you almost bit my head off!!! Lol. PEACE! (in Tupac's voice)

16 Jul 2008 06:15

@Cody, nigga pulezzzzz, stop trippin ur black arse, ya know me nigga, i always gotch ya back nigga, i aint flippin man, i mean dis for shiziii, ma nizzzii. ya feelin me mafacka. i m ur nigga man !!!!!!!LOL (in Martin Lawrence voice)

16 Jul 2008 06:41

I think Tshepiso spoilt ma mood for this article.........! Mxxxm ! Ke tla go thola Tshepiso....ur day will come.

tha - bang
16 Jul 2008 06:55

thabang creole =? engels iyabaleka sumtimes
creole is like a language that is born from a combination of other langages like pidgin english with the jamaicans. Afrkaans was a combination of dutch and some of the local language breeding a new language

16 Jul 2008 07:18

what does nketsa mean?????? YOU MAKE ME(dira)/ TO IMITATES

16 Jul 2008 07:23

@TDC, tshepiso= ignore me

16 Jul 2008 07:31

SORRY TDC my friend ga e se ka moya o mobe.

sorry tlhe!

16 Jul 2008 07:39

Tjo tjo tjo tjo, TDC oentja, big time skhokho, this is the first, the very first apology that tshepiso ever given to anyone, anyone, mo TVSA, Wena Tshepiso TDC oetla gobonsa gore its dangerous to mess around with the BIg Guns here. Bothatha kaoena tshepiso is that uyadelela grand -grand

16 Jul 2008 07:45

LOL at Andi....... !

16 Jul 2008 08:05

actually mixmasala lunguage, venda, shangaan, sepedi, setswana = being open minded and willing to explore and unite the beauties of SA in one sentence. 

am so loving you right now, you really are a matured person.

I'm a Pretorian by the way, born, bred and buttered. Lovely town really.

I have now moved to Port Shepstone in KZN - the place is boring bathong.

people are so into your business it's irritating

16 Jul 2008 08:20

i remember my days while studying @ TNT(TNG)(TUT) in Sosh, you really had to be streetwise, it reminds me of the streetbash @ TRANSFER

16 Jul 2008 08:20

i remember my days while studying @ TNT(TNG)(TUT) in Sosh, you really had to be streetwise, it reminds me of the streetbash @ TRANSFER in

16 Jul 2008 08:36

 Cande who's the guy you went and attended his hair studio launch in Pitori - saw u on duku-duku, that boy is so damn fine

His name is Given he is an opera singer.dang, you should go to his place and see his cars.but am not sure about him heh, LOL(if you catch my drift)

I think Tshepiso spoilt ma mood for this article.........! Mxxxm ! Ke tla go thola Tshepiso....ur day will come.

O bua nnete mos, Tshepiso ngwana ko gae ga go nnete e e fetang eo...

Tjo tjo tjo tjo, TDC oentja(ntswa), big time skhokho, this is the first, the very first apology that tshepiso ever given to anyone, anyone, mo TVSA, Wena Tshepiso TDC oetla(o tla)  gobonsa( go bontsha) gore its dangerous to mess around with the BIg Guns here. Bothatha kaoena(ka wena) tshepiso is that uyadelela grand.-grand

You are getting there my gal, you need to be ready for the final exam..

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 12:16

u4me;I rember those street bashes tsa ko transfer too,they were off the hook big time.Gals who dated magintsa were muuch respected.Di freshers ball tsa ko TNT were quite a bomb.Damn i love this place!!!!!!

16 Jul 2008 12:41

Ayeye byanong ayeye!!!! 

Just had to start with that reminds of my friend Gwen when we were busy drinking Castle Lite during those crazy nights ko Soshanguve........... Those were the days......

And when I was still staying there....I knew all the hip and happening House songs because taxi drivers tsa ko Sosha wiould just break your eardrums to town ka tsona....he-he-he
Let me go up and read


Lady D
16 Jul 2008 12:46

Tsh21,house music ke taba mo Pitori,if your doesn't have loud sound system,then batho ga ba nyake go namela.

what aka mathata
16 Jul 2008 12:50

Iyoo petori,tshepi eo ke nnete,im sotho but i mix tswana n pedi,aslong ke bua,
Lady D ,iyoo what about Nandos ya ko sunnyside  bosigo saan,on friday sunnyside iyoo,i miss it,one plaze i like island grill,nama ya bona,music,iyoo dont say it,until ekseni,di ya boya,

Shoprite ya sunnyside,iyoo this oldman with students,hei this student ba kuta,ba kuta,thats why they open it until late,shame bo ntate ba batho,haa lebona.

i used to like ZWAKALA,YHOO THOSE DAYS hm,bathong nge khubula e khaye,
 one thing i hate cops mo sunnyside at night they are like maphele,but boshodu maan,what about menlyn,when i went home i try by all means to go there

16 Jul 2008 12:51

Eish I know gals and I used to specifically go to Universal go namele di tsxi tsa ko teng because they were doing!!! LOL

Ere nna koo robala byanong neh?? Ke tla le bona ka boshiu!!!

what aka mathata
16 Jul 2008 13:05

if you are a men in d blog,n o shela someone FRM PETORI ,hm MATHATA,tshaba,gijima,famba,they will clean your pocket ,if you cant run your CDs are gone,

first thing can i show you petori,that person talks abt menlyn n spitz,,n you must pay her rent,not all of them are like that but 65%

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 13:33

LOL Tshs21 Ke tla le bona ka boshiu!!! EISH GAL,THAT'S HOW I SPEAK
nandos ya ko sunnyside bosigo is a life saver.phela ge le tswa motjakallong le tshwere ke tlala,sunnyside is the place to be.You can even make you groceries there and then cause le shoprite e te tswallela late!!!

Good night kgarebe!!!

what aka mathata
16 Jul 2008 13:37

shoprite,they know that dinyatse buy more safe than day light

Lady D
16 Jul 2008 13:47

ROTFLMBAS@ mathata

Brown Shuga
16 Jul 2008 13:54

<<shoprite,they know that dinyatse buy more safe than day light>> Heh? Nna ha ke utlwe Mathata o reng mos...ntolokele hle Mathata, oreng?

what aka mathata
16 Jul 2008 14:11

BS,shoprite they open until 10-11,so if o lenyatsi is more safe n easy for you ,bcz most people that time they are not ga otsamaya le someone husband is more safer you can use that credit card the way you want,that time the is no use to hide your self

25 Jul 2008 04:14

ba re dilo tsa gao di a runner jy is top ka mo sosha ba chitse ka mo short left via brooklyn waitseba moos le gore keye capellos kea mense ba go se tshabe dikoloto mara e ke tla sosha wena o tla o tlwa monate via phillip ko di L DI A BOYA TILL MORNIN COME KE RE BONA PASSOP JONG

04 Aug 2009 08:08

tltltlltlt archives!

04 Aug 2009 08:21

lol chomma...y dig from the grave...tltltltltltltl

04 Aug 2009 08:58

pitori is the only place in sa where you're guaranteed to see a guy wearing a carvela shoe in 2008
@Bra Bizza
kwa kwa kwa kwa
and they put elastoplast infront tl tl tl tl!

04 Aug 2009 09:05

lol chomma...y dig from the grave...tltltltltltltl choma someone send me a link yesterday........i couldnt stop loling at the truth said in here

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