OK, we all know that as much as most of us are addicted to Generations, IT IS BORING!! Period! The storyline is crap, that’s if there is a story line at all! I’m thinking their actors are just told to stand in front of the camera and get creative! Say anything abafuna okuyitsho noba kanjani!
Kodwa xa ujonga at whats been happening in Generation in the past two years maybe you would understand why this is happening: Generations is an advertising medium that’s it! You don’t agree with me? OK, I started noticing this during their PEP campaign. It was just clear that they were promoting PEP’s new mission statement and yes, it’s not like they were hiding this! And recently Queen has been busy bleksemming her credit card , by blankets for Khaphela’s Church from PEP!!!
Now they have been busy advertising the HTC phone through the Smart Gym storyline! Is it a story line? I mean really now! Don’t you think they are over doing it??
I think basiqhela kakubi! And there must be no Commercial Breaks when Generations is being aired because it is a LONG PEP COMMERCIAL ON ITS OWN!!! DAMMIT!!
PEP must find new ways to advertise their brand- our Movie industry is so Desperate for that money!!!
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