Khumbul'ekhaya - Finding Family

Written by Renegade from the blog Reviews on 14 Aug 2008
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Tonight's show starts with an "ok" looking Andile standing at a Taxi rank, making me wonder if this was meant to set the tone for the episode's stories. Alas, not so!

Andile looking "Ok" at the taxi rank


Boniswa Dube, from Rossettenvile, has written to KK on behalf of her sister, Nobuhle Majola. The crux of the matter is an issue about little Sizwe, who is Nobuhle’ grandson. Sizwe was taken by his father, Mgomezulu, without consent from the Majola family. 

Boniswa Dube 

According to Nobuhle, Sizwe was staying with her as early as 3 weeks after his birth, after Mgomezulu denied paternity, on the basis of the child’s soft hair, and something beeped out by KK. To Nobuhle’s understading of the the matter, her child, Slindile, most likely gave the child to Mgomezulu, as stories told by the police to her do not add up.
Slindile herself says that she had been living with Mgomezulu, and they eventually had a baby together. This baby was then left to live with Slindile’s mother. However, as these relationships go, they soon parted, due to Mgomezulu’s physical abuse. Slindile eventually met someone else, and moved back home. One day while walking down the road, she saw Mgomezulu, who asked to talk to her. They discussed how they still loved each other, and decided to get back together. Slindile then went to fetch clothes (her’s and the baby’s I presume to move in with Mgome, geez but people are hasty). Now this is where the story gets a bit confusing, so bear with me. Slindile went home, and somewhere between this point, and her going back to Mgomezulu, Mgomezulu had the child, and took him to his mother. The exact details here are rather sketchy, but I persist and continue. 

Nobuhle and her daughter, Slindile

So now the child is gone, Slindile realised this, tells her mother, and together they go to the police, who order Mgomezulu to bring back the child. But according to Mgomezulu, Slindile dumped the child with him. And so like that, the child is still with its paternal grandmother.
Thus, they head to where the child is, and on arrival, Mgomezulu’s mother says she does not know what they are on about, as she was not there when this child was taken. Nobuhle asks the reasonable question of how she could just accept a child whose origins she does not know. However, Mgomezulu seems to have told her the same story about the child being dumped with her. 

Mgomezulu's mother

They argue, and eventually, Mgomezulu’s mother calls her son in Johannesburg, telling him these people should rather have spoken to him first. (hehe, this woman!). Mgomezulu asks to speak to Slindile, however, Nobuhle takes the phone, and they argue because Mgomezulu accuses them of being disrespectful. ( bathing, the nerve!).
Eventually, as this woman is the only one there, it is decided to continue this matter on another day.


Althea Buys from Westbury, whose dad passed away when she was 2 years old. Consequently, she had never met her father’s family. Her mother has also died, and now she takes care of her siblings and her own child. She says she wants to find her father’s family for the sake of her child, whom she wants to know his whole family. She then goes on for a long time about her life. 

Althea Buys with her son. 

Eventually, they head to Cape Town, with her sister. And ya, KK is moving up, they flew to Cape Town, and in all my years of watching KK, I’ve n ever seen anyone being flown anywhere, they are always driving. Surely they’ve been to Cape Town before? Hai, improvement nonetheless. Three cheers for KK.
They look and look in Caledon, and eventually, find the place, which is her aunt’s house. (Hihi, there was a man on a horse in a very residential area, hai, only in Cape Town.(
She introduces herself, they cry, normal KK drill. She is shown photos of the family, including her father. 

Anthea's teary aunt.

They then decided to go and see her grandmother, who lives in Heidelberg. On the way, Althea asks that they stop when they see an isolated house, which she explains she sees as a metaphor of her life. Lonely.
When they get to Heidelberg, it is again emotional, as she meets her grandmother. ( I found it strange that her grandmother didn't really know her name, since she needed clarification as to whether it was Anthea or Althea, but I'll just put it down to old age). We also learn that Heidelberg is a small close knit community, and the news of Althea’s arrival signals the braaing of meat. (Isn’t that the type of neighbourhood we all would like?). In fact, even the local paper people come, because apparently Althea was in some production when she was younger.
All in all, it was really emotional, but a good story. 


Unfortunately, no one I know yet! But I am not losing hope as yet.


14 Aug 2008 01:02

Story 1: Eish, another one of this little girls baphaphang...Did she not say that at some point this boy was living at her home? Hai!
But anyway, I'm tempted to think this girl gave the boy the child, as he says, but I can't be sure. 

Story 2: Althea shame, she seems like she has a lot on her plate. I hope her family keeps in touch, and helps where they can.

14 Aug 2008 01:10

Story 1.

Those people could have grabbed Sizwe and ran away, that makhulu was not going to run after them mos..
Slindile looks young to be "vat N sitting"
Mgomezulu's family? i mean how does the mother accept Sizwe ekhaya without doing any traditional ceremonies?

Happy ending, i hope Althea gets someone to help her with the burden, KK flying SAA my bru, lekker!!!

14 Aug 2008 01:12

But anyway, I'm tempted to think this girl gave the boy the child, as he says, but I can't be sure. That little tikkiline wanted freedom and could not cope with the harsh realities of motherhood and gave that Mngomezulu boy the child. No emotions no nothing sies! looking all posh on the chair awukhali awenzi nix, some mothers need Jizas fosho! 

I dont know why but  i did not really bother about the Eldo's story and wont even comment ngaso.

14 Aug 2008 01:13

Those people could have grabbed Sizwe and ran away, that makhulu was not going to run after them mos
Lol Cande, I guess you are right, they really could have, and it's not like they'd be legally wrong, angithi vele the child was stolen from them?

KK flying SAA my bru, lekker!!!
Tsho, I was laughing, and thinking, SAA nogal, not Mango!

14 Aug 2008 01:15

Rene, I remember u saying that u don't ubnderstand isiZulu 100%, how do u cope with the subtitles thingie, coz somethimes KK doesn't translate very well and 99.9% of their stories are always in Zulu, yet ur recaps are always on point???

14 Aug 2008 01:15

looking all posh on the chair awukhali awenzi nix, some mothers need Jizas fosho! 
: Hey wena, in a pencil skirt nogal, and they kept showing her "modelling" , i was like WTF, this girl!

14 Aug 2008 01:17

Story 1: the mother of the little boy is a liar. She handed over that child like a gift hoping Mngomezulu would take her back, between her red figure belt, her stockings and her aunts’ eye brows I couldn’t stop LMAO. I liked the part where her mother was blaming her for the whole mess and didn’t sugar coat anything.

Story 2: It’s a really sad story and I hope Althea finds an adult person in that family who will give her the guidance and support they need. Hopefully they weren’t accepting her for the sake of KK.

14 Aug 2008 01:18

@Nonny: Lol, not 100% might mean 99% angithi? Nah seriously, I don't understand deep zulu 100%, but I can hold my own. I generally speak Gauteng zulu, phela mina I was born and raised in Jozi, so you know how we are very multilingual. I cope though. 

Eish, I forgot to put it in the recap, but the first time, they beeped the reason why Mgomezulu was denying the child, but later, the mother said he said, "he could not have fathered an indian child because of the soft hair" Buahahahahahahhahahahah, that is the most stupid thing i've ever heard!

14 Aug 2008 01:19

and 99.9% of their stories are always in Zulu, yet ur recaps are always on point??? 

LMAO, what are you trying to say about the Zulu people Nonny..LOL...they run away from home?

14 Aug 2008 01:20

Rene when i also heard the "indian child" story, i LOLed

14 Aug 2008 01:21

between her red figure belt, her stockings and her aunts’ eye brows I couldn’t stop LMAO - Oh Simmone, so true...her aunt's eyebrows take teh cup though!

14 Aug 2008 01:37

I liked the part where her mother was blaming her for the whole mess and didn’t sugar coat anything. That woman impressed me by telling it like it is.

Rene i think Mngomezulu stayed at their house as border (umqashi) emaroomini and this little tikkiline was bonked ebackroom.

14 Aug 2008 01:43

Why was Slindile doing the cat walks? i think Slindile sister is more touched by the baby issue than Slindile, she looked too young to be a mother gape.

14 Aug 2008 01:44

LMAO, what are you trying to say about the Zulu people Nonny..LOL...they run away from home?
@ Cande, it's not always Zulu people, it's just that most people say their stories in Zulu and u can sometimes hear that baya bidilisha *struggling* but the insist on speaking it.

"he could not have fathered an indian child because of the soft hair" Buahahahahahahhahahahah, that is the most stupid thing i've ever heard!
@ Rene, nami I LMAO, that man who said that is a fool and a half!!!

Story 1
uMaka Sizwe
seems childish and imature and she is not serious about getting her child back. Did ur'll see her tying to look all kassi smart for KK???......LOL

Story 2
Sadly, I realised that Anthea still has a hole inside her, even after finding her famliy. She reminds me of the saying that: "Sometimes we look outside, for sopmething we already posses within"........she is the only person that can make herself complete!!!!

14 Aug 2008 01:46

Why was Slindile doing the cat walks?
As I said Odie, she is still childish and immature, u can even see that usemcane!

Story 1
They shoud came with a letter from teh police that allows them to take their child if they really wanted Sizwe back! As for ugogo ka Sizwe *from Daddy's side"......that salukwazi is rude man!!!!

14 Aug 2008 01:52

Umamncani ka Slindile yena ne Twizzz...LOL

14 Aug 2008 01:59

Monchy umamncane is not a bad looking chick dont know what possesed her to gunda konke. 

Nonnz i liked unakaMngomezulu big time.

There were two toddlers abangcolile i wonder if uSizwe was the one womfana

14 Aug 2008 02:06

Umamncani ka Slindile yena ne Twizzz...LOL
haahhah Monchy, I was just about to ask Cnglema & Rene how they felt about umtwizo ka Aunty *not mancane* ka Siwe *not Sandile bofsssss*.......angikaze ngihleke kanjena. I still get the whole concept of removing all ur eyebrows, only to redraw them and look like a clown futhi?????

14 Aug 2008 02:07

Nonny whats does usemcane mean? i watched the first 20 minutes then decided to study instead,  the issue of kids having kids ke mathata fela.

14 Aug 2008 02:10

@Nonny<eish phela wena uyi script writter se KK>

14 Aug 2008 02:21

Mna i lmao when slindile kept calling her ex bf 'mngomezulu',i mean @ her age,i cant imagine callin my bf by his surname!

14 Aug 2008 02:21

I liked the fact that they went all out to look good for KK cameras, ne-eyeshadow kamamncance? 

Andile needs a makeover soon guys, did u see her looking all KK ngase Noord taxi rank next to that crowded butchery that we get robbed kuyo after hours.

14 Aug 2008 02:28

Nonny whats does usemcane mean? 
@ Odie, usemcane means she's still young!

I liked the fact that they went all out to look good for KK cameras, ne-eyeshadow kamamncance? 
@ Cngle - Don't even go there, I wanted to Juluis Maleme her for that crime she comitted!!!

Mna i lmao when slindile kept calling her ex bf 'mngomezulu',i mean @ her age,i cant imagine callin my bf by his surname!
Same here Afro, that was a bit too much!!!

@Nonny<eish phela wena uyi script writter se KK>
LOL @ Monchy, wena ngizok'phoxa wena!!!!

14 Aug 2008 02:30

Andile needs a makeover soon guys, did u see her looking all KK ngase Noord taxi rank next to that crowded butchery that we get robbed kuyo after hours.
@ Cngle - I've given up on Andile, she honestly doesn't wnat to chabge!!!!

14 Aug 2008 02:34

Guys most men abahlala ehostele babizwa by their zithakazelos or surnames. The area (Vusumuzi-Tembisa) abahlala kuyo there's a hostel nearby engase station setrain so i think ubhuti lo uhlala ehostele hence all this nhlonipho engaka.

14 Aug 2008 02:36

The area (Vusumuzi-Tembisa) abahlala kuyo there's a hostel nearby engase station setrain so i think ubhuti lo uhlala ehostele hence all this nhlonipho engaka.
LMAO @ the hostel nhlonipho syndrome......LOL

14 Aug 2008 02:39

I wanted to Juluis Maleme her for that crime she comitted!
kwa kwa kwa Nonny its too early in the morning to be killing me like this ngentsini.

14 Aug 2008 02:44

Hee... Isnt it just funny how the people in KK always give their house numbers like that.. Its always.. igama lam nguRebecca Siloka, ndihlala kwa number 44 Selani Street Tembisa, ndihlala no mam'wam uRachel Siloka notatam Michael Siloka, ndibalele uKhumbulekhaya for usister wam uNtombi Siloka.. 

14 Aug 2008 02:49

carino LOL! what's wrong with that?

14 Aug 2008 02:54

carino LOL! what's wrong with that?
Mna I think Its way too much info Cngle...they might aswell tell us the province,the country,the continet and the planet ke mos.

14 Aug 2008 02:55

@ Carino, the poor people are desperate, so they don't even mind giving the ID no's as well, kunzima shem!!!!

14 Aug 2008 02:56

I wanted to Juluis Maleme her for that crime she comitted!
kwa kwa kwa Nonny its too early in the morning to be killing me like this ngentsini.


14 Aug 2008 02:58

<<Those people could have grabbed Sizwe and ran away, that makhulu was not going to run after them mos..
Slindile looks young to be "vat N sitting"
Mgomezulu's family? i mean how does the mother accept Sizwe ekhaya without doing any traditional ceremonies>>
That is exactly what I wanted to say... 

I missed the crux of the stories because King K was busy babbling away comments that made me laugh! 

Comment 1: (This was when the mother was explaining the story): Hai! This woman, she doesn't pause to breath.. Sho! Can you imagine if she's married, hubby can't get a word in... She needs to give other people a chance or breath!

Comment 2:(When aunty was full face on screen): No no no! they must fire the make-up people. She looks like they tried the best KK make-up on her... No maan! maybe it's the close-up, can't be - it's definitely the make-up

Comment 3:(When the ma was talking to the old woman): She's not giving the other woman a chance to speak! This old woman can surely see that this is the worng person to fight with.  Where is her back-up? She's sitting on the floor getting a lecture? No

Comment 4 (When the old woman was struggling to stand up): What's happening now? Is she running away? Maybe she's giving the other woman a chance to breath. Is she calling the police?

Stotry 2: (Missed it completely)
King K comment: SHE was definitely pushed to the front of the queue! Can you imagine when the producers got an afrikaans letter? They pushed all the others away and put her first! Don't you think so? How often do they show Afrikaans stories? It's always zulu...

14 Aug 2008 03:10

I used to be a no 1 fan ka KK, until yesterday. Why do we only see SAA when they are dealing with an Afrikaans story, talk about racism. I need to seat down with Julious Malema to discuss this, this is wrong, if this kind of thing continues KK needs to be eliminated. After 14 years of democracy I cant believe that, some people are still treated differently, and its quite ironic cause most of KK fans are black people. Mnxxiiim, soze luphele ucalu calulo apha e South Africa.

14 Aug 2008 03:11

hi guys

That Tax Rank butcher is in Alex , not Noord

Golden Star
14 Aug 2008 03:14

@Sego LOL @King K's comments
It's always zulu... LOL at your Zulu hating:)

I missed it completely, was too tired to stay up and watch but Rene you came through for us as always. Much love

This Slindile girl just pisses me off she sounds like so many young girls I come across who want it all... open their legs and go gallivanting all over as if the have no responsibilites...

14 Aug 2008 03:14

i know this ,because iam from Alex, that place is called Pan africa.

14 Aug 2008 03:15

aowa Andi, its not about clour man..they were going from JHB to CPT. C'mon now, you dont expect them to drive 1400+ KM whereas they could have gotten an SAA sponsored flight.

14 Aug 2008 03:18

clour i meant colour

Golden Star
14 Aug 2008 03:19

@andi01 my thoughts exactly... thanks for saying what I was too scared to say. But ke let's give them a chance and see if they will do the same for others from now on...

14 Aug 2008 03:23

@maud ePan? isn't that the Meat Too Nice butchery opposite eNoord kuplein street joe? Awe fakaza phela, u r a taxi rank queen?

14 Aug 2008 03:25

Goldy<<@Sego LOL @King K's comments
It's always zulu... LOL at your Zulu hating:)
>> Ha ha ha! We don't hate Zulu, my dear. King K said that! I just can't read it, but try to understand it when spoken. It's just hard to get people to understand that they need to give a choice which I find very lacking in those that speak the language, they force you to be Zulu! AND King K was right, KK is a Zulu show - Andile only speaks Zulu and most of the stories are Zulu...   

14 Aug 2008 03:36

There have been people driving from Joburg to East London, couldnt they have booked SAA then. I see plain racism here thats all. We dont need to give them any chance they fu&&d up thats all, why do they have to introduce SAA by using it fro an Afrikaans family, hee Are we not good enough for SAA.

14 Aug 2008 03:41

no my dear thats Alex @ Pan, its called Taxi Rank Butchery,I pass there everyday , any way i was just trying to help..

14 Aug 2008 03:44

the last place where Andile said her Goodbyes was at 4th avenue . i know (ikasi lami)

14 Aug 2008 03:44

C' mon now Andi, you cant compare the two distances..
In my 3 years in CPT i came to realise how much some Xhosa people dislike Afrikaans people particularly coloureds, i never got to know what wrong did they do..i think its the case here...
Do we really have to put race in everything?? I was actually happy to see that KK is even getting sponsorship from airlines.

14 Aug 2008 03:46

If you have a problem with Zulu , just stick to SABC 2 then, otherwise you'll be complaining the whole year, cause nothing will change , just like RGB is Xhosa...and 7 De Laan is Afrikaans...
no one is forcing you to watch KK,,,
mna i don't even bother to watch 7 De Laan cause it's afrikaans ,,you have freedom to watch what you like and not to watch what you dont like,,,

stop complaining here,,,you have you Muvhango on 2....

14 Aug 2008 03:51

thanks for the help maud it looked like eNoord. 

cansi-olumnandi LOL! uthi ufosho ngowethu?

14 Aug 2008 03:54

@Cande-In my 3 years in CPT i came to realise how much some Xhosa people dislike Afrikaans people particularly coloureds, In my more than 10 years in Cape Town I have never disliked coloured people, most of my friends in the last 5years are coloured people, so please dont include me in that generalised statement of yours. I have dated 3 coloured guys, i used to work with coloured people hence my broken afrikaans taal. I am still going to say this. i felt as though it was wrong, blacks is the majority of people that watch and support KK, I think they desreve the luxury of being flown in SAA, and thats all. the reason some black people hate coloured people is bcoz blacks (esp in Cape) have always been treated as second best to coloured people, and KK just proved that, this still exists.

14 Aug 2008 03:54

Cnglemama, that was definitely not Noord..

14 Aug 2008 03:57

I have not generalised Andi, i said SOME

14 Aug 2008 03:57

mna i don't even bother to watch 7 De Laan cause it's afrikaans ,,you have freedom to watch what you like and not to watch what you dont like,,,

14 Aug 2008 04:00

Is UCANSI referring to me in that response? Oh boy/girl *shaking head* you don't want to go there... YOU really don't!

14 Aug 2008 04:01

Maybe SAA just started sponsoring KK a week before they shoot that episode, and its the first one of many many to come that will see the  guests being flown S.A.A..
please lets leave the race issue out of the matter

14 Aug 2008 04:06

don't scare me with dead snakes here,,,just show me what you got lento embi le!!!!

Golden Star
14 Aug 2008 04:11

I don't know about the CPT MaXhosa-Coloured dislike coz I've never been there but Cande I agree with andi01 100%. KK has gone to CPt before and they showed us those Tazz's and no plane... I do smell fish...

14 Aug 2008 04:14

@Cande, please lets leave the race issue out of the matter and lets keep the love/like issue out of this matter. I aint racist but ke I am telling it like it is. This isnt about Xhosa's hatin coloured. Its about me thinking its unfair that, that certain afrikaans family was given a superior treatment than thousands of black familes that have appeared on KK. Whatever their reason was, it sent a wrong message to the country that spent years, millions, blood, tears and sweat while fighting against racism and preferential treatment bcoz of skin colour. 

Look if that was a Bhaca family being flown to kwaBhaca, i would still have a problem, bcoz we dont see many of those in KK, but once we see them, they are flown. However if teh family was Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Shangaan, Sotho, Pedi I wouldnt have teh problem coz they appeare on KK, weekly. Hoep you get my point.

14 Aug 2008 04:15

language issues..LOL

14 Aug 2008 04:15

Maybe SAA just started sponsoring KK a week before they shoot that episode, oh cande no! how convenient. 

14 Aug 2008 04:18

I don't know about the CPT MaXhosa-Coloured dislike coz I've never been there but Cande I agree with andi01 100%. KK has gone to CPt before and they showed us those Tazz's and no plane... I do smell fish...

Maybe SAA just started sponsoring KK a week before they shoot that episode, and its the first one of many many to come that will see the guests being flown S.A.A..
please lets leave the race issue out of the matter

I get your point Andi, but there was a coloured guy before in KK..he was driven to Matatiele from CPT

14 Aug 2008 04:27

I get your point Andi, but there was a coloured guy before in KK..he was driven to Matatiele from CPT, and they coulndt drive the second one to CPT, i am even more upset now.
@Cande-In my 3 years in CPT i came to realise how much some Xhosa people dislike Afrikaans people particularly coloureds

there are townships like, Delft, du Noon, Mandalay, Eerste Rivier, Kuils River, Hout Bay, Elsies River, Belhar etc. this places have almost 50/50 Xhosa-Coloured population, and no racial war has erupted yet, since your statement of Xhosa' s disliking Coloureds. I know many families here in Cape Twown where by the mother is coloured and father xhosa, or vice verca. I dont know how you came to that conclusion, but I can safely say that, that is a LIE. Yes there are people that hate one another bcoz of clushing personalities and it has nothing to do with the skin colour. My first coloured boyfriend Jerome (Rompie) had 2 brothers. teh older Jackie and we were friends coz he was quite sweet and the young one Richard we were sworn enemies, nto bcoz he is coloured but bcoz he was a brat. so before concluding taht amaXhosa hate ama-coloured, i think you need to consider the real reason behind that hate relationship. i am deeply offended by your statement coz I only refer to my friends as coloured (when joking) and they call me darkie (also joking). our friendship goes beyond colour and so do other people I see around me.

14 Aug 2008 04:28

Reply from: UCANSI 8/14/2008 12:06:13 PM

don't scare me with dead snakes here,,,just show me what you got lento embi le!!!!

nc nc nc nc

14 Aug 2008 04:30

point taken Andi, but i still see to racial issue about yesterday's episode.

14 Aug 2008 04:39

Maybe shame uAndile is trying to get uUdo back

14 Aug 2008 04:39

*shaking head* what a waste... moving along!  

14 Aug 2008 04:53

*shaking head* what a waste... moving along! 

keep shaking mubi mubi!!!!!

14 Aug 2008 04:56

Mina I'm just getting bored with this looooooooooooooooooooong story.

14 Aug 2008 05:49

Maybe shame uAndile is trying to get uUdo back Andi01

UAndile divorced? I wondered lastnite why she's using her maiden name Kalagewswe or sumthing like that. Shame man! That was quick...i reallythought they adored each other...mmmh celebrities? U may never know what's going on

14 Aug 2008 05:56

she has been divorced for long Tazzy

14 Aug 2008 06:03

Oh Gaad, what now, I missed out on some coloured/Xhosa beef as well as SAA sponsorship controversy????

14 Aug 2008 06:06

That Makhulu ukhohlakele, whether Slindile gave the child to Mngomezulu or not okusalayo nje ayihlawulwanga so it's not officially Mngomezulu's.  She's promoting into ebhedayo nje. 

14 Aug 2008 06:43

she did say that Ngomezulu guy was living kubo.(WTF?) 
And when they bumped into eachother in the street, he (Mngomezulu) was walking "...nabanye abobhuti.." that just tells you, along with his name, that he's way too old and she's way too young!! 
She went back home to go get her clothes to go vat n sit with him again, but it was late and she decided to go back the following day(Sunday), but it was too late. lol, these people?
They could have just taken the kid (Sizwe) if he was amongst those dirty little kids playing next to the gogo. I dont have a kid but I definately wouldnt leave mine to stay lapha? Hell no!! With all due respect, Mngomezulu's mom looked dirty too. 

14 Aug 2008 10:27

Those people could have grabbed Sizwe and ran away, that makhulu was not going to run after them mos.......... 

hahahahaha, i was thinking the same thing too Cande.

Mgomezulu’s mother says she does not know what they are on about, as she was not there when this child was taken. 

hahhhahahaha!!!!! And when she kept saying she doesn't know anything about THEIR police station. That gogo was seriously offended shem. How dare they do this to her on national TV....nxxxx!

didn't watch the second story though.....mara the SAA bit doesn't sit well with me either.

14 Aug 2008 10:31

Tsho guys, I went to a meeting at 9, it just conclude now, at 5:30pm, when the agenda said it would end at 1pm, I am livid right now!

14 Aug 2008 10:42

She went back home to go get her clothes to go vat n sit with him again, but it was late and she decided to go back the following day(Sunday), but it was too late. lol, these people?
They could have just taken the kid (Sizwe) if he was amongst those dirty little kids playing next to the gogo. I dont have a kid but I definately wouldnt leave mine to stay lapha? Hell no!! With all due respect, Mngomezulu's mom looked dirty too.

double LOL

15 Aug 2008 21:54

Tonight's show starts with an "ok" looking Andile standing at a Taxi rank, making me wonder if this was meant to set the tone for the episode's stories. Alas, not so!
Kanti uMngomezulu akango mdrayiseni na?

Mina I was so pissed off on that girl strutting with those high heels in front of the camera's, it was so clear that she doesn't want the child only the granny and the aunt who were worried, 

mnximf.........on these teenagers, khenivaleni imilenze man niyeke ukuleqana ne ncanca in Khuli's voice on RGB

15 Aug 2008 21:54

Tonight's show starts with an "ok" looking Andile standing at a Taxi rank, making me wonder if this was meant to set the tone for the episode's stories. Alas, not so!
Kanti uMngomezulu akango mdrayiseni na?

Mina I was so pissed off on that girl strutting with those high heels in front of the camera's, it was so clear that she doesn't want the child only the granny and the aunt who were worried, 

mnximf.........on these teenagers, khenivaleni imilenze man niyeke ukuleqana ne ncanca in Khuli's voice on RGB

15 Aug 2008 21:56

Tonight's show starts with an "ok" looking Andile standing at a Taxi rank, making me wonder if this was meant to set the tone for the episode's stories. Alas, not so!
Kanti uMngomezulu akango mdrayiseni na?

Mina I was so pissed off on that girl strutting with those high heels in front of the camera's, it was so clear that she doesn't want the child only the granny and the aunt who were worried, 

mnximf.........on these teenagers, khenivaleni imilenze man niyeke ukuleqana ne ncanca in Khuli's voice on RGB

She didn't even ask if little Sizwe is fine, no wonder noMngomezule emshiyile.

15 Aug 2008 21:56

Tonight's show starts with an "ok" looking Andile standing at a Taxi rank, making me wonder if this was meant to set the tone for the episode's stories. Alas, not so!
Kanti uMngomezulu akango mdrayiseni na?

Mina I was so pissed off on that girl strutting with those high heels in front of the camera's, it was so clear that she doesn't want the child only the granny and the aunt who were worried, 

mnximf.........on these teenagers, khenivaleni imilenze man niyeke ukuleqana ne ncanca in Khuli's voice on RGB

She didn't even ask if little Sizwe is fine, no wonder noMngomezule emshiyile.

15 Aug 2008 22:01

My appologies for the thousand replies...........

@Cande .............With all due respect, Mngomezulu's mom looked dirty too.
Hhhayi wena Cande phela it's harvesting time, she has to be dirty. We getting exposed this days, oguqa sthandaze basemakithi babaveza qho!

ayzo neh
16 Aug 2008 13:24

Floh/ FLOOR nam nditsho ababantwana mabavali milenze maan. yhuu! ingaseyo mak up kumbishe "Boniswa" usisi thiza hehehe yhiyho!

umama kaMgomezulu yho hay cha andifuni nothetha, huu umdaka udarly lonto uyazibhuqa emhlabeni, kodwa ndimthandile xa ephendula iphone

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