Happy besdeyi Hlehle

Written by Nonny from the blog A bit of this and a bit of that....... on 18 Aug 2008
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Happy Birthday Hlehle

Ever had a friend that you only know in the cyber world yet they call you everyday just to say "hi" and check up how you're doing? Well Hlehle is that friend for me.

Today is her b'day and I just want to wish her a superfantabulous day and may she grow to see many more prosperous years.

Enjoy your day baby girl, and BTW, grand grand iminyaka yakho ingaki namhlanje???

Bloggers feel free to wish uMiss Party ibesdeyi enhle bandla......

Mngani, ubalulekile and thanks for being such a super friend.


18 Aug 2008 00:45


18 Aug 2008 01:11

Happy befday Hlehle.

18 Aug 2008 01:14

hepi befday slender! wonwabele imini yakho!

18 Aug 2008 01:20

Happy b-day Hlehle. I know u really was looking forward to today. Enjoy ur day to the fullest. Happy Monday beautiful bloggers

18 Aug 2008 01:21

Happy Birthday Hlehleza!!!!!

18 Aug 2008 01:22

Happy besday Hlehle, wish you can c many more years to come, Enjoy your day!!.............How young r u 2day?

Thobeka Jeli
18 Aug 2008 01:27

greetings mahleva"s hlehle mini emnandi kuwe .count your days by smille not tears but count your age by friends not years .ukhule!!!!!  ukhule ubenga ngo gogo. happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!best day  happy  happy dis day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .thanx to the woman who give berth to you  couse unguqondondondo wakwa tvsa and a good mncebisi  khuhle ukukubiza umhlobo apha etvsa  happy  sihlobo sam

18 Aug 2008 01:27

Happy Birhtday Hlehle...have a fab day!

18 Aug 2008 01:29

Hlehleza?? OMG Belz, where did that name come from, yazi that is so ghetto.......hayi shem uyangithusa........LOL

18 Aug 2008 01:30

Happy befday 2 u,Happy befday 2 u, Happy befday 2 u, Happy befday 2 u, Happy befday 2 u, Happy befday 2 u! happy befday Hlehles!!! welcome to adulthood! you are now 21, you can safely say that you are a woman now!!! i would give you a key but i guess you have already opened the gates, without the key!LOL!

18 Aug 2008 01:31

Happy B-DAY!!

18 Aug 2008 01:39

Haaaaappyyy Besday gaaaaaaaaaaal...........enjoy ur day va...................

18 Aug 2008 01:41

Haaaaappyyy Besday gaaaaaaaaaaal...........enjoy ur day va...................

18 Aug 2008 01:45

Happy bday love and hope you live to be madibas age.

18 Aug 2008 01:50

Hapieee besiday, have a lovely day gal.  Happyyyy hapyyyy!!!!

18 Aug 2008 01:52

Ube nemini emnandi ezele amathamsanqa. Ukhule ungakhokhobi ntomb' encinci. Happy befday Hlesko

18 Aug 2008 01:52

Nonny just because hlehle is yo cyber friend doesnt mean we all have to fell the same way about her as you do. kaofela rena le di birthdays and you not always there to wish us all d best. am i wrong. 

guys m not being mean here but as sad as it may sound. this is a fact!!

no string attached and no hard feelings.

18 Aug 2008 02:08

Lol@ monwy. Mara mos you don't have to wish Hlehle a Happy Birthday if you don't want to! Lol!

18 Aug 2008 02:35

True, Rene....u r not forced 2 wish enibadi a happy besday...

18 Aug 2008 02:42

u damn right renegade i dnt wanna to. but i'm afraid though, i might be hlehle's lifelong enemy! HAPPY BESDEY ANWAY HLEHLE ubenosuku oluhle

18 Aug 2008 02:48

Nonny just because hlehle is yo cyber friend doesnt mean we all have to fell the same way about her as you do.
@ Monwy - No one held a gun to ur head and forced u to come here, so please if u are not getting f@$ked as much as u'd like too, don't make that my problem vha?

18 Aug 2008 02:50

Nama ke ya eng Monwy? if i may quote Toodecent. Happy birthday Hlehle...(((((((cyber hug))))))))

18 Aug 2008 02:57

Monwy its either you are new here or you are jealous of Hlehle having a fabulous friend eyingu Nongalaza. 

This birthday thing is a culture lana ekhaya.

happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie -

18 Aug 2008 03:03

Oa hlanya wena carino, i dnt even know lohlehle wakho, now if u dnt shut dat hole on face?........ u..........

18 Aug 2008 03:10

"Monwy its either you are new here or you are jealous of Hlehle having a fabulous friend eyingu Nongalaza."
LOL @ Carino and u do know Hlehle is gonna kill u when she sees that u stil call her Bullie

"This birthday thing is a culture lana ekhaya."
@ Carino - Angithi uMonwy - uyisi student blogs ngokutshonthsa when he bunks lectures, so ke we forgive shim for their ignorance, vele uyi once in a blue moom blogger so asingamnaki.......LOL

18 Aug 2008 03:11

Hlehleza?? OMG Belz, where did that name come from, yazi that is so ghetto.......hayi shem uyangithusa........LOL Nonny> nigga please, uyazi nje ukuthi im ghetto like that.

18 Aug 2008 03:12

ai i rest my case, monwy there is a thing called i-vibrator, it will take away all your frastrations neh skat?dont take it out on us, its monday for crying out loud so please stop spoiling a beautiful blog with your voet voet nonsense! Cleva! this is Hlehle's day so lets keep the peace okay. nxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18 Aug 2008 03:25

Happy BirthdaY...Dhlengza!

where is the birthday cake nah? nje suprise us tell us to go to the nearest Mugg & bean & say our username 2the manager & confirm our password kwi computer yapha( all organiseed by TVSA & Hlehle) kwa mugg & bean thena get a free slice of chocolate cake ...

Nje ...just 4sweets & peanuts sake ...once in a blue moon plsss Hlehle!!

18 Aug 2008 03:43

Ohh i'm so Happy to receive all these wishes from all of u guys. Nonny thank you very much sisi and wena Monwy where do u come from? Neway Happy Monday to you and God bless ur honest soul.

@Carino thank u sisi and Nonny let her call me that only for today i dnt mind.
@ Mabhebheza i'll sleep on that. Lol

Happy 21st Birthday to me. Guys i want to through a party this weekend but ppl say i shudn't coz i'm enganged now and i've already accepted the BIG QUESTION without my parents approval so why shud i do a 21st Birthday? Is that true guys bathi sendimdala already.

18 Aug 2008 03:49

where is the birthday cake nah? nje suprise us tell us to go to the nearest Mugg & bean & say our username 2the manager & confirm our password kwi computer yapha( all organiseed by TVSA & Hlehle) kwa mugg & bean thena get a free slice of chocolate cake ... 
Mabhebheza u are crazy!

Happy 21st Birthday to me. Guys i want to through a party this weekend but ppl say i shudn't coz i'm enganged now and i've already accepted the BIG QUESTION without my parents approval so why shud i do a 21st Birthday? Is that true guys bathi sendimdala already.
Hlhehle gal, do what makes u happy and khohlwa ngabantu, u will never be able to satisfy them vele!!!!

18 Aug 2008 03:56

happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie - happy birthday Bulie

18 Aug 2008 04:01

where is the birthday cake nah? nje suprise us tell us to go to the nearest Mugg & bean & say our username 2the manager & confirm our password kwi computer yapha( all organiseed by TVSA & Hlehle) kwa mugg & bean thena get a free slice of chocolate cake ... 
Mabhebeza, when is your bday, lets see if you can hook us up like! You are crazy wena!!!

18 Aug 2008 04:06

I've just received a call from my Dad, he said i must not do anything here. He is busy preparing a party for me home. So i'll be home on the 6th of September and then the party will go on. But i'm thinking of just doing a small braai with friends and then the Big DO will be at home in EC.

U R ALL MY SUPER REAL CYBER FRIENDS,Nonny ,Cody, Zolx, Rene, FD, Carino,Mabhebheza,Thobeka Jeli,Belz,Kicks,Awelani,Molilo, Simmone, Strolicious,Felfel, Tynt, Pullie, Cngle,Centrepiece, thank u very much guys. U r  family to me.

Thank you : -)

18 Aug 2008 04:09

Rene send me ur proof of residence ...uzobona umhlola wena ..abahla 10kms away 4rm a Mugg & bean ...haai ke il organise a makhekhe wobhako ka si Sthandi!!..elokshin

Nonny ungazozenza juice kanti umageu cake slice on a Monday Morning ..tell me u wud refuse!! 

18 Aug 2008 04:15

minemnandi kuwe Hlehlez,  hope u enjoy ur day sweet thing !!!!
ukhule, ukhule ungakhokhobi qha

18 Aug 2008 07:09

Happy Befday Hlehle gal, enjoy your day and may you have many more to come........usathanda uku clubba?? Lipz, Vudu and Velvet Lounge hehehehehheeh

18 Aug 2008 07:29

HAPPY B_DAY GIRL! Hope everything goes  well with you. Enjoy babes!

18 Aug 2008 07:35

Rene send me ur proof of residence ...

@Mabhebeza: Lol, eish your bday was in may(i think i actaully wished u a happy bday), mara we can have another one, confirm the date, and i'ill send you my proof of residence.
P.S. Why does it have to be 10km's away, my closest one is abt 15km, but as long as i can get there right?

18 Aug 2008 09:25

happy bday Hlehle, hope u r having a great time, n i wish u many more haapy years. 

18 Aug 2008 10:05

Bangatsho bonke ndingasala njani na mna,
ukunqwenelela umhlobo wam usuku olumnandi
oluyokozela amathamsanqa okomthi wepesika
abenawe umdali ntsuku zonke zakho zokuphila

simomondiya somxhosakazi wasempuma
Onolusu olugude okweguzu liphumekhasini
Mdakasholo ndini wethole lethokazi
Zubhokoxise loomabele wakho azele uthando
Ntsuku zakho zande njengemilenze yehashi

Owu siphalaphala sakuthi ubenosuku oluhle
Ndingandingathetha ntonje ndisikwe imilebe
Kuba kuninzi okuhle ngawe hlehle

Mhla kwavela wena ilanga laphuma nokhozi
kuba zonke zingxamele ukubona obubuhle
bona bungangxengwangwa noba intsuku sezimkile
Zakhali nkomo anxakama amathole, ngoba ufikile
yena ebekudala elindiwe, uze ungadlali ngobomi bakho
qhajazana ndini, ngoba kuninzi esikujonge kuwe.

Ndee gram, iyhoooooooooooo (in Zolani Mkhiva's voice)

Happy birthday sihlobo sam esisenyongweni.

18 Aug 2008 10:37

happy birthday, dear! you share the day with my ma... Hope it was all you hoped for and more!

18 Aug 2008 10:53

Happy birthday Hlehle, enjoy the rest of your day...

19 Aug 2008 00:32

Though i'm late to wish you: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :-) on your gb i was on time ;-)

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