Ok, this article was supposed to be up yesterday, but thanks to technology, I could not get into TVSA yesterday, ALL DAY! Each time I'd type
www.tvsa.co.za, it would take me to
www.tvsa.co.za/com....I mean, what the hell is that! I was livid yesterday. But I'm still gonna post the article anyway!!!
So here goes!
We start tonight’s episode with a nice looking Ms Gaeleswe informing us that this is the last episode of the season. Next week, we can expect a bigger and better KK. Now, I’m a fan of the show, but I can’t imagine how one can possibly improve on such of this type. The format perhaps, will we now have 3 stories per episode. Or maybe they are getting a new hair and wardrobe person for Andile? Perhaps she’ll broadcast from a studio with an audience? Hai, I don’t know, I’ll wait for next week I guess.
Story 1: Malebo Chilwane has written to KK on behalf of father, who would like to find his brother, Malebo’s uncle. The uncle had gone to work in Brits, but as one has come to expect from “abogoduka” from back in the day, he never returned, and was never seen again.
The grandfather, Malebo’s father’s father, had 3 wives, who did not get along (surprise!!!), and one of the wives, Malebo’s grandmother, left the polygamous home. Soon, her 3 sons also followed suit, leaving home for the greener pastures of Brits. At some point between then and now, the one brother was burnt to death by his wife who poured him with boiling water.
The other brother is the one who disappeared, and has made the KK wanted list.
Malebo has a lead that she should look for Mam’Nyambeni in Brits, who will be able to point her in the right direction. Now, a lot of times when KK goes looking for someone, they ask for help from people on the streets, and I’ve never had reason to doubt the authenticity of this scenario.
However, this time, they get to Brits, the first person they ask about Mam”Nyambeni, is none other than…..wait for it….her daughter. I mean really, the coincidence!!!!! And the last language I was expecting in Brits was Venda…hehe…Brits + KK = Venda….? LOL!
Anyway, back to the story: Mam’Nyambeni is indeed a good lead, as she happens to be family as well, and leads Malebo to the right place.
Malebo with Mam'Nyambeni
We meet the uncle, (whose name at this point I still hadn’t gotten). The uncle is a simple old man, who is only too happy to go and see his brother. However, he has to consult with his “girlfriend”, (I assume it’s a girlfriend), whom he had sent on some errands. When she arrives, my first impression is that the uncle is somewhat sly, because she looked rather young, but upon closer inspection, she was older looking. She is told of the situation, and goes off to pack some clothes for her man.

Malebo then heads to Venda with her uncle, to see his brother. On arrival, the father and his sister are seated under a tree, and the family is reunited. Malebo’s father even gives uncle a jacket. They then return to sit under a tree, and talk.
The two long lost brothers in deep conversationStory 2
Sindi Gingci from Cingabout. She has written to KK in an attempt to reunite her mother and aunt. Her mother, Zanele, tells us that the issues with her sister began when the sister’s grandchild passed away. Mam’Zanele had sent Sindi to inform the child’s paternal family of the passing, and had also wanted that the child be buried next to it’s paternal grandmother. Her sister was not happy with this, and because of the little elaboration Mam’Zanele gave, it is not really clear what the real beef was, or where the child was eventually buried. Also, one can’t help but wonder why Mam’Zanele had decided to take it upon herself to decide where the child should be buried.
Sindi Gingci
So Sindi and her mother fetch an uncle who will act as mediator, and head to the sister’s home. On arrival, the sister’s family refuses to be on camera, and so KK only gives us the voices, and in the place of seeing people, they show us chickens, dogs, and random boys.
The house where discussions were being held.The discussions are clearly heated, and at some point, Mam’Masukude (the sister) lets out a big cry, and drama unfolds when she has to be escorted outside to calm her down! Someone then calls the police, who get there, but are told that the issue will be resolved within the family. After the police leave, it seems that the family starts talking again, with resolution this time. Andile deduces from her KK experience, that the issues are not oly with the burial of the child, but also because of the gossip and harsh words exchanged withing the family!
Eventually, peace is achieved, they break out in song, and a meal is cooked. Oh, classic blackness, I love it. Although I must admit, this story jumped over my head, I was never really sure what was happening.
P.S. Don't forget the new look KK next week.