TVSA’s Jozi Get-Together/Party
TVSA continues to grow into becoming a South African television authority to be reckoned with. The interaction between the large family of bloggers who post articles and respond to conversations is an important part of the site for many members. We have laughed, cried and fought on many occasions - yet, the bloggers always find a way back to each other. This site has become part of our lives and great enduring friendships between bloggers have been formed. To celebrate all of this, some of us Jozi members are organising an official TVSA party for readers and bloggers in the Gauteng area. Those who are outside the province but can make it to Jozi are so welcomed to party with us. Read on to find out how you can be involved!
Where? Zoo Lake
When? 29 November 2008
The date falls on the same date as the Metro FM Awards weekend. The idea is to have the bring and braai event from the afternoon till 10 pm at Zoo Lake. Thereafter the whole TVSA group - including friends and whoever else you’d like to bring - will invade one of the clubs in Johannesburg to have our own Metro FM celebratory party until the last man/woman leaves! TVSA buzzes because of the interaction between bloggers - to make this event rock we need your participation and support.
How can other bloggers help?
Music/ DJ: Ideally we want to have a good DJ at the party. Nobody parties like TVSA bloggers. Is there a great DJ that is close to one of our blogger and willing to come spin his discs for us? Let us know!
Goodie bags: Izinto zamahala - Don't we all just love freebies? I am certain there are bloggers who can be able to assist us in getting great goodie bags for our fellow TVSA bloggers.
Sponsorship: This event can only grow bigger if we can acquire a host sponsorship for the whole party!
Bloggers get your thinking caps on and hit us with your ideas! What do you think? Talk to us maar aseblief try and post suggestions that are in line with the initial proposal. Now get posting boys and girls!!!
Please drop us a line if you can actively participate in turning this event into the mother of all 2008 parties.
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