BBA3: I Am All Psyched Out!

Written by WhiteSockGirl from the blog BBA3: A SMALL TOWN VIEW on 25 Sep 2008
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I am a proud Namibian woman but I am no fan of Psycho (my little special nickname for Lucille). I have been wishing for sometime now that she should magically disappear from my TV screen cause I am finding everything about her boring; she is just blllaaaaaaaaaah. She is sporting a personality that is as flat as a five day-old coke in an opened can. 

"The Doctor said that the pills would give me some sizzle.  Am I sizzling?"

The fans of Psycho seem to be extremely offended when I, as a Namibian woman, express my opinions about Psycho. WTF, just because I am a woman, I have to support Psycho? Can we just take the damn gender politics out of it? BBA3 is about entertainment. That is all. Thus far, BBA did not make a dent in the social politics of Africa. And please, Psycho simply does not have the personality or intelligence (I am not even bringing big words like charisma into it at all) to even begin trying to address gender politics. So, let’s leave gender out of this.

As for country loyalty,… hella!!! Who is Psycho presenting in that house? Herself. We, the Namibian DSTV viewers did not get to vote for someone to represent us in that house. I am not even going to entertain that senseless argument.

I want Psycho out of that house because she is not entertaining me. I am watching DSTV for entertainment. I am watching BBA3 for entertainment. At the end of every month Multichoice Namibia debits my banking account with N$469-00. That type of amount may not be much to peeps that are earning astronomical amounts of money every month, but in my world it is a lot. For that small fortune I am paying for DSTV entertainment, I am expecting Multichoice to deliver adequate entertainment.

If I at any time do not feel that I am not being entertained, I will complain because I have the right, value to N$469-00 per month, to do so.

Psycho made the choice, (I am dangerously assuming that she was adequately medicated at the time), to enter BBA3 and subject herself to criticism by the paying DSTV African viewers. She did so because she is convinced that she would be able to entertain the paying DSTV African viewers to the extent that we would reward her efforts by voting her the winner, allowing her to win $100,000.

She is not delivering. She is not entertaining me. Therefore, I am voting her out of that house.

I have read that people are describing her as a player, some even add the adjective strong, others would like to convince you that she should stay because she is pretty, because she is beautiful.

Let’s address the beauty part first. Beauty is subjective. And who cares if some peeps find her beautiful? Is that justification for someone to bore the living daylights out of you? Not for me. Besides, I am a woman. I prefer men. Ok, I prefer gorgeous men. And unfortunately for Psycho, on that beauty point of argument, both Uti and Ricco win it for me.

As for Psycho being a  player. That is laughable. She is a player. She is playing with Barbie Dolls. I would know cause I had to suffer through one of her mind boggling indescribable boring conversations with Pathetic (my nick name for Munya, cause I can’t believe any man can be that Pathetic) during which they discussed Barbie Dolls and whatever else. 

"I am a Pathetic pawn in a Psycho game."

In fact, her extremely dull, boring wrist slitting midnight conversations with the men that so utterly adore her is my main reason for voting her out. It is high time that the ‘Psycho Midnight Talk Show’ be taken of the air. She is running out of boring topics anyway.

The menstruation episode is still vivid in my mind. Only a Psycho would remove a blood stained sanitary pad in full view of the man that has a heavy crush on you, am referring to Pathetic, and then take the DSTV African viewers and your admirer, on a full blown descriptive trip of your menstruation cycle. Recalling that traumatizing incident, sent shivers down my spine. In a not so pleasurable way.

I need to get her out because I think her next menstruation cycle is most probably already knocking on her uterus. I am not risking the chance for a follow up traumatizing session. She can have that discussion with any person of her choice, with the audience of her choice, off screen. Not on my TV screen at the expense of my subscription fee. 

Psycho Midnight Talk Show
"I retain water during my menstruation. My legs feel heavy."

During several episodes of the ‘Psycho Midnight Talk Show’, Psycho’s favorite topic of discussion with Pathetic had been the ex-boyfriend. BBA3 viewers were so-not-entertained with each and every little detail of her failed relationship. The fish pond is small and the number of the fishes in the pond is even smaller, thus desperately horny Pathetic endured those conversations in the hopes for a small reward in the end. At the painful expense of us, the addicts. And of course, he has to yet claim that small reward.

Unfortunately, it was not only Pathetic that had to endure the endless sad tails of the failed relationship; other Housemates also had to sit through her reminiscing trips. Escaping is not exactly an option because that house is small and she is Psycho.

Big ups to Da Jersey, that decided that he was not going to sit through that ish. In Da Jersey’s words ‘I don’t have time for baggage’. Schweetttt, high five Da Jersey! 

Da Jersey
'*bleep!* that *bleep!*!  I don't have time for baggage!"

Not only is Psycho running out of topics, she is also losing her audience cause the other night Pathetic wanted to know: ‘Lucille on who’s shoulders are you crying about your ex boyfriend tonight?’ And yes, I did enjoy that one! 

Ok, Pathetic did break out in tears and buried himself under the covers ala Psycho style after that, but who cares? His tiny attempt to break out of the comatose like hold that Psycho has over him was enjoyable to watch and hear.

Yes, she knows how to put a DSTV viewer to sleep. Who could forget the night that she and Pathetic compared fathers? 'My father is bigger than your father.' 'No, my father is bigger and stronger than your father.'

What next,  I am asking you? My fellow BBA3 addict, Hovito, predicted that she will be discussing the brand of shoe polish that she used at school on the next episode.

I am not going to keep her around for that ish. She must get out of the house so that she can deal with issues in the privacy of her shrink’s office.

A word of advice to the Psycho’s fans: Keep your focus on the BBA3 game and the housemates. Analyze them, cause they signed up to be scrutinized, to be idolized and adored by the viewing public. We, the non Psycho fans, are not the ones that are parading around on your TV screens. Why are you trying to label us, analyzing us just because we are voicing our opinions? It is not cool that you are dizzing us just because we do not like your Housemate. Get over it and come back with real arguments to convince us why she should be kept.

Peace out! Oops, wanted to say: PSYCHO OUT!!!!!


25 Sep 2008 09:58

Am loving this........lemme print to read at home.

25 Sep 2008 10:14

i LURVED IT TOO.M glad Im not the only one who thinx Munya is PATHETIC. Both of them out. 

25 Sep 2008 10:35

WSG, i don't have DSTV but on the ODD day that i stumbled upon it, there Psycho was in all her boring-ness counting spots on Ricco's face or was it the other way round. for a full 15 minutes (i had popped in to say hi @ a friend's place and had convinced her to watch BBA), we sat there watching Pyscho and Ricco having a NON-conversation. i concluded right there and then that she's not bright.

The other day she was tellin someone that she's going to bath and then she's going to sleep. WTF? does she really have NUTHIN to talk about? Yho, i resolved right there and then not to stress about BBA if i had to watch her.

So yeah it's too expensive for my pocket to install DSTV, but right now i'm so convinced i'm not missing out on much cause i got so bored watching that chic and i'm ALL BORED OUT.

Brown Shuga
25 Sep 2008 10:35

Sjoe, okay, this is too good...let me post it on Oboma quickly lol

Brown Shuga
25 Sep 2008 10:49

LOL WSG for the most brilliant article ever!!! I am so with you on VOTING that PSYCHO out!!! Who can argue with these reasons??? hahahahahah

<<<<It is high time that the ‘Psycho Midnight Talk Show’ be taken of the air>>>> Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa too true!!

<<<Peace out! Oops, wanted to say: PSYCHO OUT!!!!! >>>
LMAO this is a CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!  gal, you so rocking!!!

<<<In Da Jersey’s words ‘I don’t have time for baggage’. Schweetttt, high five Da Jersey>>> Big Up TK!!!

<<<I need to get her out because I think her next menstruation cycle is most probably already knocking on her uterus>>> Hi hi hi hi tl tl tl tl tl  tl  Paralyzer's gonna have a heart attack reading this yho!!! LOL

<<<I am not going to keep her around for that ish. She must get out of the house so that she can deal with issues in the privacy of her shrink’s office.>>>
Yhu nkosi yam LOL hahahahahahahahaahahah

LUCILLE OUT!!!!! See ya later folks, going to BBSITE to vote her out!!!!

Meme J
25 Sep 2008 11:13

UTI out! Snot haters unite :)

25 Sep 2008 11:16

I support ALM, LLL, AAL and any other Anti- Lucy Movement!

She must go!!

I like this WSG, damn you r good

Meme J
25 Sep 2008 11:31

WSB's article is very flawed :) But, of course it represents her views and feelings, as well as those of BS and Beyonce... and others. Not going to get involved in this!! But will make one point, the only reason Lu ended up doing these late-night sessions was because of Munya's persistence in trying to get into her pants, something he admitted to Tawana and Hazel last night. When he tried to push and pressure her and wouldn't take no for an answer she tried to be nice and explain in detail the ins and outs!! Munya was the root cause of all those long convos. But hey I know u gals... and I'm just knocking my head against a brick wall, but have to get the record straight and satisfy my own sense of fairness. Luv u all anyway, but luv our Lu too :) AND I still believe Lu's in with a chance. Hate that I have to vote Uti out, but life's a byatch. So WSB-G, presuming u don't want Lu for any charity events in your part of the world?!! LOLzzzzzzzz

25 Sep 2008 11:35

Mara lona some of yal think yal could do a better job than lucy,ai mona wa bo darkie...yeer

Meme J
25 Sep 2008 11:35

Oh, WSB-G, forgot to say that I enjoyed the flat as a five-day-old Coke ... wadda, wadda .... !!!

25 Sep 2008 11:45

@ Psychosis...who said anything bout jealousy??? n 4 the record the writer of this article ga se darkie!

25 Sep 2008 13:03

Meme J, it takes two to tango. I know u luv Lu but did u miss the times Munya wuld give a wide berth and she wuld fill it in seconds? I wish you were home today from the morning when she followed him around when he was busy painting and "straightened" his mic for him he he. Oh she went on to make breakfast for him!!!
The other lovesick puppy watched on, if looks could KILL!!!  Lunchtime he went to sit outside  and Lulu picked up her plate and Mary ended up with a little lamb he he. Sorry luv, this yo yo game has been played equally by ur girlie and Mu.

25 Sep 2008 13:29

Yoh pizniz is probably in groote schuur's casualty ward afta reading this!lol!im not home so no BBA 2nyt,geez they just aired a huggies advert on sabc1 how appropriate lol!

25 Sep 2008 14:13

Warever guys! It was nuthing i havent heard before...she entertains me wit dat sexy blue dress or when she giggles or when she is playful wit sheila,etc! Entertainment is also subjective, but the best character is the one that polarise viewers! I find her more entertaining than 70% of da housemates, i.e. my idea of entertainment is nt watching a gorilla bitching about cigarettes, dop while eating half the house's food! P.S: I like the name of da author of da article, he he!

Brown Shuga
25 Sep 2008 16:20

<<<<P.S: I like the name of da author of da article, he he!>>> LOL and we have you to thank for that!!!

Meme J
25 Sep 2008 16:57

OK Teeza! I've gone to sit on the naughty step. LOLzzzzzz ....

26 Sep 2008 00:55

I was fully behind Munya for going all the way to make an impression on Lucille. About that talk of my father is this and your father is this crap, can you blame Munya for that? Munya is having a discussion with a lady who is lacking upstairs and he was only making an impression that he can also relate to her thinking.

As for Ricco, boy oh boy if he was to date one of my closet lady friends I will be livid. The boy with so many bangles around his arm and those earrings, no way, that is not on for me. Anyhow, those three are just kids. I will give it to Lucille; she did set the record straight with Munya. With Ricco I am not so sure.

26 Sep 2008 02:13

Read this at home and it rocks..........Great writing as always keep it up WSG ;-)

26 Sep 2008 02:24

Realist, she did too, a few nites ago and he Ricco said he will follow her all the way to Nam. She replied: You will have to wait loong time to get me so don't waste ur time. He said he's prepared to wait ,hee hee. I also didn't  really mind the your father my father talk. It was a light moment as maybe we shud all have once in a while in our relationships. At least it did not proceed to the polish!!!

26 Sep 2008 02:27

Mr Realist, Lu likes Wihcco so there's no need for records being set straight. At 21 u want em bad like Rikko. Yoh! Munya is gonna be crashed on sunday and his hate for my Keeng is gonna get even better LOL! I am sad for Ricco coz they look street cute together (hip couple).

26 Sep 2008 02:31

At least it did not proceed to the polish!!! LOL! As much as i am not into Lu but i think i am gonna miss the huggies/barbie talk. The night she wore that sexy blu drass yoh! the lesbo in me wanted to come out.

26 Sep 2008 02:36

@ Cngle.....his hate for my Keeng is gonna get even better LOL! 

Keeeng vowed to win the HOH again....coz he knows they'll vote him out! So I'm holding thumbs for him today

26 Sep 2008 02:46

She is sporting a personality that is as flat as a five day-old coke in an opened can. 


wow! WSG... great writing......

I'm also supporting each and every Anti-Psycho Movement out there... I want her out!!!! I've never come across anyone as boring.... 

Last night she was going on about her friends and Southern Comfort.... then she said one friend of hers is wild..... Mimi went like  "maybe she should've been here instead of you"  yhoooo I just LMAO...

26 Sep 2008 02:47

Teeza if he dont win HOH, he's def out nextwk unless he's up against Hazel/Thami & Borris. I pray he doesnt go up against Uti/Wihcoo and too goody Munya anytime soon.

26 Sep 2008 02:53

Thanks cariri, addicts did not give me that piece of info last nite.

26 Sep 2008 02:58

Cariri pls make sure that u go to da neybha's house saturday nite & sunday afternoon coz it gets interesting on those days. You dont wanna miss the EVIKSHON on sunday and their drinking sprees on saturday nites and you will ANDASTUND WHERE DA REEL ADDIKSHON KHAMS FRAM

26 Sep 2008 03:01

@ Teeza: I missed that one. Thanks for the update. For me, that is how 21 year olds should behave when it comes to having a crush on someone. That Ricco I am not sure if he has it upstairs but I will give him the benefit of a doubt.

@ Cnglemother : You said it, she likes him not love him. Let's wait and see when she is evicted and she sees it from the outside which is real the world with all the ad/disadvantages of Munya/Ricco

26 Sep 2008 03:19

Mr Realist, Lu also likes hot guys and not in the munya kinda hot and i think Rikko is closer to the profile. And Munyas start to appeal to women at 25 up and not at 21. You dont wanna rock up at a thong party with a Bill Gate's clone but a G like Rikko.

You remember the day she went to buy the MAP's with the hott-hott guy at the chemist and ladies were starring at her? And i think the X that messed her up was a Rikko type.

That Ricco I am not sure if he has it upstairs but I will give him the benefit of a doubt. The Rikkos are not liked for what's in their heads but their looks;personality and streetsmart attitude.

26 Sep 2008 03:23

personality and streetsmart attitude.
Personality maybe and it is subjective but streetsmart attitude give me a break, no way.

26 Sep 2008 03:30

And Munyas start to appeal to women at 25 up and not at 21. You dont wanna rock up at a thong party with a Bill Gate's clone but a G like Rikko.
That is why I am impressed by Munya, he has it upstairs and the boy is 22 and Ricco and Lucille cannot step up to his level of IQ.

26 Sep 2008 03:37

he has it upstairs and the boy is 22 - I so agree with u. He just needs to ease up on his pathetic puppy love as it is messing up his game.

26 Sep 2008 03:39

<<Personality maybe and it is subjective but streetsmart attitude give me a break, no way.>> i have to agree espesh if he shaved Munya's balls... hhhhmmmm!

26 Sep 2008 03:49

I thought she would have improved by now. I guess she has not and after reading this report, she definately does not deserve to be in there!

26 Sep 2008 03:53

i have to agree espesh if he shaved Munya's balls... hhhhmmmm!- Oh Sego did u have to bring it up again LOL! he was showing him how its done coz Munya has never done it before tl-tl-tl!

26 Sep 2008 04:20

<<<Am loving this........lemme print to read at home.>>>

Hi to my favorite man on TVSA!  TDC, don’t tell me, you are a closeted BBA3 fan? Who would have thought?

<<<<i LURVED IT TOO.M glad Im not the only one who thinx Munya is PATHETIC. Both of them out. >>>>

Sexyzimasa, Pathetic is so gone, once he is up for a nomination that is if some miracle is not going happen soon. The only times that he is not going to get my vote are: (1) If he is up against Borrisa or the Delusional One (Hazel) and (2) When we have to vote for the winner.

<<<<WSG, i don't have DSTV but on the ODD day that i stumbled upon it, there Psycho was in all her boring-ness counting spots on Ricco's face or was it the other way round. for a full 15 minutes >>>>>

LMAO @ Toxic,… you really strike the jackpot there! Thank goodness I missed that Psycho moment.

<<<i concluded right there and then that she's not bright>>
@ Tox:
She is certainly no the brightest spark around,… do you know that Limpopo is an African state? Yep, only Psycho could come up with that jewel

<<<<<So yeah it's too expensive for my pocket to install DSTV, but right now i'm so convinced i'm not missing out on much cause i got so bored watching that chic and i'm ALL BORED OUT.>>> >>>

Damn Tox,.. you’re line is so much better,… I’M ALL BORED OUT!!! Tsk tsk tsk LMAO

@BS: Thanks gal, but you should be aware, you’re excitement is putting you at risk to get the lable of Delilah, Biatch / Byatch… hehe

@Beyonce: Thank You!!!!!!!!

@Meme J: Whatever!

26 Sep 2008 04:31

<<<@ Psychosis...who said anything bout jealousy??? n 4 the record the writer of this article ga se darkie!>>>

Thanks Vesa for responding to that senseless reply. Because I have no intention to address that ish! I think I have said enough about getting personal just because we like different housemates!

<<<Munya is having a discussion with a lady who is lacking upstairs and he was only making an impression that he can also relate to her thinking.>>>>

@ Teeza: I am with you on that one. Pathetic is intelligent and Psycho,.. well… she demonstrated her lack of brain cells on various occasions amply. But that is exactly the reason why I am so disappointed in Munya, he figured out that she was just using him and that she is Psycho (he called her Psycho and schizo in two different conversations that I heard) but he is still making himself a fool over her. He should just grow balls and pride. And then proudly walk away from the Psycho ish.

<<<<Yoh pizniz is probably in groote schuur's casualty ward afta reading this!lol!im not home so no BBA 2nyt,geez they just aired a huggies advert on sabc1 how appropriate lol!>>>

No Cnga,… he was writing and re-writing his reply to the article, trying very hard not attack me personally,..

@ Pizniz : Whatever!

<<<<< <<<<P.S: I like the name of da author of da article, he he!>>> LOL and we have you to thank for that!!!>>>>

I have been telling everyone on this site from my very first article that I am a BITCH,… a Fabulous Bitch. Not a Biatch, or Byatch,.. or any one of those lame variations. I am wearing my Bitch label proudly, thank you very much.

Pizniz, thought that was insulting me by calling me WhiteSockBitch,.. in fact he was just fuelling my inner Fabulous Bitch attitude.

<<<<Read this at home and it rocks..........Great writing as always keep it up WSG ;-)>>>

Thanks TDC babes!

26 Sep 2008 04:36

Teeza: <<<I also didn't really mind the your father my father talk. It was a light moment as maybe we shud all have once in a while in our relationships. At least it did not proceed to the polish!!! >>>>

Cnga:  <<At least it did not proceed to the polish!!! LOL! As much as i am not into Lu but i think i am gonna miss the huggies/barbie talk. The night she wore that sexy blu drass yoh! the lesbo in me wanted to come out. >>>

Well, each to its own. I am for sure are going to get two bottles of wine today,… one for Saturday night (because that would be the last damn night that I have to see Psycho darting around like a butterfly on mandrax in that house) and for Sunday when she is going to leave the house. The end of the huggies, barbies, and father talk.

<<@ Cngle.....his hate for my Keeng is gonna get even better LOL!

Keeeng vowed to win the HOH again....coz he knows they'll vote him out! So I'm holding thumbs for him today >>>

@Vesa,.. me and you both. Da Jersey must hang on that HOH title until we can convince Africa that we need stirrers in that house. 

Thanks Carino!

<<<Last night she was going on about her friends and Southern Comfort.... then she said one friend of hers is wild..... Mimi went like "maybe she should've been here instead of you" yhoooo I just LMAO... >>>

Kwakwakwakwa,… thank you for that info Carino! I could not watch last night, work is such a hassle! Da Deeva told her indirectly that she is a zzzzzzzzzz. And how can I disagree with my Danceeeng Preenccceeess?

<<<I thought she would have improved by now. I guess she has not and after reading this report, she definately does not deserve to be in there! >>>

@ Dimago: She is just getting worse,… don’t think she is going to grow a sparkling personality soon….

26 Sep 2008 04:42

Sjoe, okay, this is too good...let me post it on Oboma quickly lol

@BS are you Adah on Oboma? Someone by that name copied this article to there and now she is getting crucified. Non-patriot are some of the kindest words mentioned. People are just firing from all cylinders.

26 Sep 2008 04:44

Hi to my favorite man on TVSA! TDC, don’t tell me, you are a closeted BBA3 fan? Who would have thought? >>> Yah I am a fan and whener am home or at a firedns i watch it becuase at ma flat i dont have a dstv decoder ;-(

26 Sep 2008 04:47

Username how come u never join us? Oboma is mean peeps let me go check Adah.

26 Sep 2008 04:49

<<<Sjoe, okay, this is too good...let me post it on Oboma quickly lol

@BS are you Adah on Oboma? Someone by that name copied this article to there and now she is getting crucified. Non-patriot are some of the kindest words mentioned. People are just firing from all cylinders. >>>

Username,..  I really don't care.   I have not seen it and I know that Oboma people can get very personal when someone doesn't like their favorite housemate...

26 Sep 2008 04:52

Psycho (he called her Psycho and schizo in two different conversations that I heard) but he is still making himself a fool over her. He should just grow balls and pride. And then proudly walk away from the Psycho ish.

Former President Thabo Mbeki was talking to the Psycho in Zim and he eventually managed to impress upon the psycho in Zim to relinquish some of his powers. I think Munya also was using the same reasoning thinking that eventually Lucille will change her mind. It is not easy when you are at that age to let go.
Anyway I get your point and I concur.

26 Sep 2008 04:57

She also reminds me of Boreeen when she licked Code's pimples eeeegggggg. Coming going to the loo to throw up!!!!!!!

Holy Ghost Fire
26 Sep 2008 05:00

As for country loyalty,… hella!!! Who is Psycho presenting in that house? Herself. We, the Namibian DSTV viewers did not get to vote for someone to represent us in that house. I am not even going to entertain that senseless argument.

Come Sunday you will see that Namibia DSTV viewers supported her. 

26 Sep 2008 05:02

@Cnglema – I am an LSM1 remember and I only “watch” BBA by reading TVSA articles, replies and other BBA forums. So my comments would be limited.

There are sites that I would rather read and laugh at their lack of brain cells and solid arguments. Oboma is one. Peeps there what they lack in brain cells replace with profanity.

@WSG – Great piece of writing and the IDZIOTs (thanks BBA addicts) there just went on frenzy mode when that article went up. One of the distinct attributes that make you a great author is your ability to tell it like it is for you and not fear vengeance.

26 Sep 2008 05:14

@realist:  LOL  You have some way to make your point,... but I like, I like!

@kentse:  Euuuwww,...  why did you have to do that?

@Holy Ghost Fire: Yes, to keep up the pretenses,.. we are very good with that

Username:  Thanks!  I checked it out and this Adah person distorted my article and pasted it as if he/she wrote it.... and only later when the fire got too hot,.. the person mentioned it that he/she found the article on TVSA

I have to say, it was just a number of people who got bitter over it. Entitled to their own opinion!

26 Sep 2008 05:24

Okay, fine.... im not a die-hard fan and addict of BBA, alright.....I just really lahv Munya.... and the only reason i stayed till late at ma neighbours' last night was coz i was really laughin my a$$ off at their conversation with uMazinyo dot Q(thami). It was stupid but believe me, just coz it was Munya,i laughed my tummy sore.

But fact remains, I cant spend the whole day talking only about  BBA.... the LSM1 in me, wants to go hlanyos in other articles..... so, TDC, can the Zone please release something that says it's Friday today..... 
I miss the LSM1 mentality, now all the mahlanyas of this place are silent blockin....

I'm sorry WSG, for going off-topic.

26 Sep 2008 05:43

<<He should just grow balls>> RICCO SHAVED THE AWAY! LOL!

26 Sep 2008 05:44

Former President Thabo Mbeki was talking to the Psycho in Zim and he eventually managed to impress upon the psycho in Zim to relinquish some of his powers. I think Munya also was using the same reasoning thinking that eventually Lucille will change her mind.
Hahahaa!! Love the analogy!

i have to agree espesh if he shaved Munya's balls... hhhhmmmm!
I like people like Munya who're willing to be vulnerable and accept they don't know everything. It's called being real! Imagine, Mu will always remember BBA3 as a place where he learnt the joys of being 'shaven' for the first time! Way to go smart boy!

26 Sep 2008 05:46

<<BS are you Adah on Oboma? Someone by that name copied this article to there and now she is getting crucified>> COPYRIGHT! COPYRIGHTS!! WTF IS HAPPENING?? 

26 Sep 2008 06:10

LOL@ Adah! Obomas are on something fosho, there is no freedom of speech whatsoever there. You voice your opinions about a certain housemate and get bashed like there is no tomorrow my Gaad.

26 Sep 2008 15:36

@wsg, i have neva attackd ur person, i just calld u wsb, coz u called urself one! But it's all cool coz tk being hoh is gona get rid of all interesting hsmts n then my life is gona get bck to normal!

29 Sep 2008 01:47

I like people like Munya who're willing to be vulnerable and accept they don't know everything. It's called being real! 
So so true, there is always a first in life.

29 Sep 2008 02:14

Pyscho was a hit amongst men in da house Tjo! Even male bloggers were up in arms last nite. Sorry Madenza, dont forget most of the voters are women and we are keeping our eyecandy (Ricco). 

Heh Uti going all Nollywood on us ripping of da wallpaper and breaking glasses! Mimzo;Tawana;Sheila;Hazel and Munyaradzi are so gonna nominate him. He has no respect for anyone or anything - spoilt brat!

29 Sep 2008 02:46

<<<Pyscho was a hit amongst men in da house Tjo!>>>

She was a hit (?) for her perceived beauty.  (POINT)....  It is not a damn beauty pageant.  She had nothing to offer,... no personality, no brains,... and certainly not entertainment value...  

Besides, it was clear, VERY CLEAR, that the majority of Africans thought that she was NOT A HIT....

29 Sep 2008 03:02

Did u see KB perving on her, he was so close to her and he was so enjoying the interview! I remember the way he was so not into the Latoya interview but with Lu he prolonged(Uti contributed as well)  the whole thing. I cant wait to see him interview WSG's preencess if the mood is gona be the same. 

Male adddicts are bashing women on the sms strapp saying ugly women voted her out and now there is no motivation for them to watch heh! 

Munya was walking up down mumbling gibberish, Thami sulking on the sofa; Uti Nollywoodising; Borissa completely out of it and not aware of what the fuss was all about looking for his skirts and the BBA cameras.

29 Sep 2008 03:26

<<<Munya was walking up down mumbling gibberish, Thami sulking on the sofa; Uti Nollywoodising; Borissa completely out of it and not aware of what the fuss was all about looking for his skirts and the BBA cameras.>>>

Pathetic is out of it,...  he better grabs himself on his balls (whatever is left of them) and pull himself together.  It is not a dating show,...

Ricco is such a sports,...  he is almost back to himself and Uti,.. well he is getting there.  I like the way he tried to figure stuff out,.. and came to the conclussion that Da Jersey probably made the right decision.  And then did the dishes,... his way of making up,..

For all the faults that the citrus 9ja may have, I find him fascinating (oh, well that he looks good and according to Shuga he might be reminding me of someone,  may count for something),..  I think I am going to keep him around.  

I am saving my dollars for Borrissa and Hazel,...

Borrissa,...  I have no idea what is going with that Meisie,...  She is just on anothe planet.

29 Sep 2008 03:41

For all the faults that the citrus 9ja may have, I find him fascinating (oh, well that he looks good and according to Shuga he might be reminding me of someone, may count for something),.. I think I am going to keep him around. You and BS know how i feel about Citrus-Naija, i want him out ASAP. I cant believe they bought TK's skelem heh! 

I am going to miss Hazel's hair and her oversized vaseline stilettos.

29 Sep 2008 03:49

I know your feelings about Citrus 9ja,...  and believe me some of his comments make the human rights activist within want to commit grievious deeds...  But he is so full of contradictions,... and that makes him interesting..

<<<<oversized vaseline stilettos.>>>

Cnga, tsk tsk tsk....  LMAO...  She has the most irritating voice,... I am not going to miss that.

29 Sep 2008 09:40

OK all of you had me killing with this headlines about Munya's diary session. I thought that he was freaking out by crying and breaking stuff. But boy oh boy, all I see was one heartbroken, caring, frustrated young man who has lost his best friend and love (by the way, it was confirmed by Lucille that the feelings are mutual). Kill her for telling the truth, dont hate him for her feeling him.

I was also watching Uti's diary session and it did not go better. Infact he was questioning some of the housemates' behaviour - he was surprised to see that people can move on so quickly.
If you know what I know, both you and Munya are so not it by showing real emotions. Yes, people I cant see the difference between Munya and Uti's reactions. Both were heartbroken and frustrated as they totally 'feel' her, as friend, mate, 'secet love'. whatever reason you can think of. Well done boys.

I second one forumnite's view on Munya's behaviour. (Nikka or jf?) If he did not show his emotions and if he did not act as he did today. what will be your thoughts? (im talking to you munya hater). That he dont care? That he is heartless, seeing he is (in your eyes) the reason for her eviction? Please be real here friend and enemy, we all have our favourites and we all want to see our favourite win.

Munya and Uti are people that wants to play this game fairly. They questioned the game format because of the cruelness of someone not knowing she/he is up for nomination. They dont like fate and fate dont like them to behave like that. If we all were polite and played a game with no emotions, what would we have? Ricco and Thami giggling all the time, Mimi singing her lungs out waiting for a contract, Tawana with some sick of all the etc, Sheila advicing everyone to stick to who they are, whilst she is doing the opposite (im dissapoint girlfriend, come back to being you), Morris just plain Morris with his stupid believes of women's body being the property of men....endless list, all have faults.

Munya never badmouth Lucille, he gave his honest opinion. He tried to understand he behaviour, he questioned her. Other than Ricco that played and used her as pion, whilst having a 'braai' with best friend, Mimi. How sick is that? Africa voted Lucille out, not Munya, TK or Bigbrother. Please be honest and matured here. As for TK - why must Munya s.uck up to him. Why? Cant he just be himself?

Last but not least...Munya is no saint, nor is anyone else in the house. All I know is that he IS THE ONLY ONE that is true to himself and his feelings; the only one that respect and is respected because of his honesty. Say it just the way it is.

Sorry for this A4 and I know many of you will shut me down - for those of you that cant take it - have a bite buddy!. I dont care what you feel or how you will, you are all strangers to me!

Munya - hate the game buddy, but love the drama! Bring it on and enjoy whatever comes your way. You are ready, yep, you are born ready! You go boy!

29 Sep 2008 09:55

@K.I.G...  Ok,.. ok,....

Next time just write your own article, ok?

29 Sep 2008 11:12

WSG: Is it plagiarised??? Skandale mense

29 Sep 2008 11:27

I think K.I.G. is Munya's best friend... 

 WSG<<Next time just write your own article, ok?>> give K.I.G. a break, he did apologize for hogging your space... <<Sorry for this A4>>

we liked the original Munya, K.I.G but he became something else since being in emotions with Lucille & it wasn't entertaining to watch...

HAIL Keeng Karate HAIL!! respect the keeng, wena K.I.G!!!

29 Sep 2008 11:34

Uti clearly felt different bout tk in his diary session!

29 Sep 2008 11:42

<<<<<WSG<<Next time just write your own article, ok?>> give K.I.G. a break, he did apologize for hogging your space... <<Sorry for this A4>>   >>>

I did give him a break - I did not delete his reply but next time,... I will not be that kind...

29 Sep 2008 12:57

COOL IT WSG. Im just reacting the way a fan should be. I here you Segololo. Sal nie omgee om sy vriendin te wees nie. But truth be told, no-one is perfect. Im just supporting Munya and will keep in Munyalicious till the day he is out.
Much respect.

29 Sep 2008 13:03


Why?  I like being HOT like that,...

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