I am a proud Namibian woman but I am no fan of Psycho (my little special nickname for Lucille). I have been wishing for sometime now that she should magically disappear from my TV screen cause I am finding everything about her boring; she is just blllaaaaaaaaaah. She is sporting a personality that is as flat as a five day-old coke in an opened can.
"The Doctor said that the pills would give me some sizzle. Am I sizzling?"
The fans of Psycho seem to be extremely offended when I, as a Namibian woman, express my opinions about Psycho. WTF, just because I am a woman, I have to support Psycho? Can we just take the damn gender politics out of it? BBA3 is about entertainment. That is all. Thus far, BBA did not make a dent in the social politics of Africa. And please, Psycho simply does not have the personality or intelligence (I am not even bringing big words like charisma into it at all) to even begin trying to address gender politics. So, let’s leave gender out of this.
As for country loyalty,… hella!!! Who is Psycho presenting in that house? Herself. We, the Namibian DSTV viewers did not get to vote for someone to represent us in that house. I am not even going to entertain that senseless argument.
I want Psycho out of that house because she is not entertaining me. I am watching DSTV for entertainment. I am watching BBA3 for entertainment. At the end of every month Multichoice Namibia debits my banking account with N$469-00. That type of amount may not be much to peeps that are earning astronomical amounts of money every month, but in my world it is a lot. For that small fortune I am paying for DSTV entertainment, I am expecting Multichoice to deliver adequate entertainment.
If I at any time do not feel that I am not being entertained, I will complain because I have the right, value to N$469-00 per month, to do so.
Psycho made the choice, (I am dangerously assuming that she was adequately medicated at the time), to enter BBA3 and subject herself to criticism by the paying DSTV African viewers. She did so because she is convinced that she would be able to entertain the paying DSTV African viewers to the extent that we would reward her efforts by voting her the winner, allowing her to win $100,000.
She is not delivering. She is not entertaining me. Therefore, I am voting her out of that house.
I have read that people are describing her as a player, some even add the adjective strong, others would like to convince you that she should stay because she is pretty, because she is beautiful.
Let’s address the beauty part first. Beauty is subjective. And who cares if some peeps find her beautiful? Is that justification for someone to bore the living daylights out of you? Not for me. Besides, I am a woman. I prefer men. Ok, I prefer gorgeous men. And unfortunately for Psycho, on that beauty point of argument, both Uti and Ricco win it for me.
As for Psycho being a player. That is laughable. She is a player. She is playing with Barbie Dolls. I would know cause I had to suffer through one of her mind boggling indescribable boring conversations with Pathetic (my nick name for Munya, cause I can’t believe any man can be that Pathetic) during which they discussed Barbie Dolls and whatever else.
"I am a Pathetic pawn in a Psycho game."
In fact, her extremely dull, boring wrist slitting midnight conversations with the men that so utterly adore her is my main reason for voting her out. It is high time that the ‘Psycho Midnight Talk Show’ be taken of the air. She is running out of boring topics anyway.
The menstruation episode is still vivid in my mind. Only a Psycho would remove a blood stained sanitary pad in full view of the man that has a heavy crush on you, am referring to Pathetic, and then take the DSTV African viewers and your admirer, on a full blown descriptive trip of your menstruation cycle. Recalling that traumatizing incident, sent shivers down my spine. In a not so pleasurable way.
I need to get her out because I think her next menstruation cycle is most probably already knocking on her uterus. I am not risking the chance for a follow up traumatizing session. She can have that discussion with any person of her choice, with the audience of her choice, off screen. Not on my TV screen at the expense of my subscription fee.
Psycho Midnight Talk Show
"I retain water during my menstruation. My legs feel heavy."
During several episodes of the ‘Psycho Midnight Talk Show’, Psycho’s favorite topic of discussion with Pathetic had been the ex-boyfriend. BBA3 viewers were so-not-entertained with each and every little detail of her failed relationship. The fish pond is small and the number of the fishes in the pond is even smaller, thus desperately horny Pathetic endured those conversations in the hopes for a small reward in the end. At the painful expense of us, the addicts. And of course, he has to yet claim that small reward.
Unfortunately, it was not only Pathetic that had to endure the endless sad tails of the failed relationship; other Housemates also had to sit through her reminiscing trips. Escaping is not exactly an option because that house is small and she is Psycho.
Big ups to Da Jersey, that decided that he was not going to sit through that ish. In Da Jersey’s words ‘I don’t have time for baggage’. Schweetttt, high five Da Jersey!
Da Jersey
'*bleep!* that *bleep!*! I don't have time for baggage!"
Not only is Psycho running out of topics, she is also losing her audience cause the other night Pathetic wanted to know: ‘Lucille on who’s shoulders are you crying about your ex boyfriend tonight?’ And yes, I did enjoy that one!
Ok, Pathetic did break out in tears and buried himself under the covers ala Psycho style after that, but who cares? His tiny attempt to break out of the comatose like hold that Psycho has over him was enjoyable to watch and hear.
Yes, she knows how to put a DSTV viewer to sleep. Who could forget the night that she and Pathetic compared fathers? 'My father is bigger than your father.' 'No, my father is bigger and stronger than your father.'
What next, I am asking you? My fellow BBA3 addict, Hovito, predicted that she will be discussing the brand of shoe polish that she used at school on the next episode.
I am not going to keep her around for that ish. She must get out of the house so that she can deal with issues in the privacy of her shrink’s office.
A word of advice to the Psycho’s fans: Keep your focus on the BBA3 game and the housemates. Analyze them, cause they signed up to be scrutinized, to be idolized and adored by the viewing public. We, the non Psycho fans, are not the ones that are parading around on your TV screens. Why are you trying to label us, analyzing us just because we are voicing our opinions? It is not cool that you are dizzing us just because we do not like your Housemate. Get over it and come back with real arguments to convince us why she should be kept.
Peace out! Oops, wanted to say: PSYCHO OUT!!!!!