English Storm is here to stay!

Written by Shuga babe from the blog Ezase Durban on 02 Oct 2008
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Privates Schools

My daughter goes to this private school. What make me sad is the fact that she’9 years old but can’t read nor write Zulu which is my language, so to her Zulu is a *Mother Tongue Language*

One day I asked her if she’d love to go to Zulu School, she said yes, but she can’t because everywhere u go Black people speak English. when I first introduce her to my boyfriend after her father’s passed I used English coz my man is a Venda speaking person so he can’t speak Zulu and I can’t speak Tshivenda too, we only communicate in English only.

last year I was phoned by her Principal to meet him, he told me it was about my daughter and its was so urgent. I woke up early in morning to meet him at school. Only to found out that a Lady who helps at school threatened my daughter to cut her throat and throw it in a bin. The principal was so angry he wanted to fire a lady.

But as a Black person I asked the Lady why did she say that, but the lady said, “I was only kidding, I wanted her to stop throwing stones at me” I was so mad at my daughter for throwing stones at the lady in front of the Principal. And I told them that, we Black people when we trying to discipline a naughty child we threaten them. They wanted mw to open a case on the poor lady. I told them I won’t open it. After 2months they got her fired.

Must I be worried about the fact that she speaks English like she’s white!!


Shuga babe
02 Oct 2008 10:58

it seem like in 10 years time we all gonna be english speaking people ony. beause if u marry someone who can't speak your language you only use english. so sad really :-(

what aka mathata
02 Oct 2008 12:29

mina i speak sotho,even if you  are latino,i make sure you know where i came from.

it helps a lot,i remember one day i was in down town miami,i was in a phone talking to my sister with sesotho.

this lady came to me telling shis from MAFIKENG,SHE  heard me speaking sotho,yooooo we where happy like hell,skirlek another lady from UMTATA came to us,that time we are in this shop MARSHALL.KWERR KWERR IN THE SHOP,taking photos,yooo it was nice.

after we  went to the perfum shop,we met two ladys from pretoria they work on cruse ship.all of us we   were happy to see each other

language just make our day thay day.sometimes it count a lot

02 Oct 2008 12:35

as her mother it's up to you to make an effort to get her to learn to speak IsiZulu, she is still young, she needs to understand her roots, so that she can have respect for iculture and all that.
speak in IsiZulu with her at home, it's okay for her to know more than one language, even Tshivhenda, so that she does not end up thinking indigenous languages are inferior to English.

02 Oct 2008 12:36

Hay usile umntwana kho qha. Ugibisela abantu abadala ngamatye. Angahlangana nodlwabevu lwempama apha kum. Kuthiwe ndiwutyile ke lomsebenzi.
No child is gonna throw anything at me.

02 Oct 2008 16:00

Uzele ichees girl neh! You decide whats good for her as a mother!

Brown Shuga
02 Oct 2008 16:05

<<<Hay usile umntwana kho qha. Ugibisela abantu abadala ngamatye. Angahlangana nodlwabevu lwempama apha kum. Kuthiwe ndiwutyile ke lomsebenzi>>> tl tl tl tl tl tl lt tl

02 Oct 2008 16:21

Yo akasazi isizulu kwantlobo? damn yenye ke le!usemncinci mos enroll her noba kukwezicourse zamangamla Zulu for beginners.

02 Oct 2008 16:28

you need to teach her Zulu Shuga babe, because she wont learn it anywhere else

02 Oct 2008 16:41

Dont u have a relative esezilalini? ake ayochillaxa khona 4 udecember uzobuya efunde noba yisentence eyione.u can fix this usemncinci lomntu unless this doesnt bother u.

02 Oct 2008 16:47

I was about to say that CngleMa...When schools are closed, take her to the farm!

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 02:27

"I was about to say that CngleMa...When schools are closed, take her to the farm!"
My grandmom speaks Sotho, everytime i sendd there she come back so confuse. i don't know what to do now, she said to me the other day "Mama awungibhayele i plastick Shoes ngizithe see on Mr price" very bad Zulu!!!!!!!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
03 Oct 2008 02:34

"Mama awungibhayele i plastick Shoes ngizithe see on Mr price" very bad Zulu!!!!!!!!Lol

Shuga please man say you are joking here!!!! I think you can send her to your Grandmom as long as she has a lil of the African Renaissance in her that's all that matters don't you think? Even nami myself did Isizulu at school but really i don't know it clearly but i can conversate with anyone in Zulu phela Ingcoloban was very difficult for me!!!! 

But for sure you have Drama Queen of a daughter that, this reminds me of the Sitcom Comedy that use to play ko Mnet the Coconut did you watch that,,,, Double lol!!!!

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 02:42

@Beyonce Knowles Bee, Ngine big problem yosana. my cousin took her to Ladysmith to visit my aunt. but other kids called her a *Kwerekwere* its really killing me (azitakalisi nazwino) not happy at all!!!!!!!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
03 Oct 2008 02:49

Ag man just ease up abit you know this sayng that says Ligotshwa lise manzi, i thikn you should not throw her in the deep end here by taking her to place like Ladysmith, i am sure even i, myself could be gutted like a fish if i were to go and speak my fanakalokho in Durbs you know, i have friends from Kzn whom sumtimes i have to ask to please ease up abit when talking to me in Zulu!!!! Just take it one step at the time i am sure she will come right. Kanti the school that she attends don't they have Zulu as one of the Languages that are being taught there even if it's a Matirial School? phela dis days they try and improvise even if they are being taught by a white person!!!!! lol

03 Oct 2008 02:52

"Mama awungibhayele i plastick Shoes ngizithe see on Mr price" very bad Zulu!!!!!!!! tl tl tl...
But that's a start Shuga babe. We, Xhosas, usually speak like that.
Wena rocka isiZulu with her @ home, Be her(and your man's) private tutor. You can do it as a family exercise.

03 Oct 2008 02:56

My daughter is 4, she goes to a black Nursery School, but all she speaks is English. I have taken it upon MYSELF to teach her Zulu. To date, when we go to the rural areas I INSTRUCT her 2 speak ZULU, which she does because she knows that the people there cannot speak ENGLISH.

When we get back to Joburg she goes back to speaking English on a FULL time basis. She is adjusting quite well, and I am proud to say that I have a 4 year old that is FLUENT in Zulu and English. I am also plaaing on teaching her how to write in Zulu as and when she learns to write.

I went to a multi racial school, and Zulu was being taught as a language. Shuga Babe maybe you should take her to a school that teaches Zulu.

03 Oct 2008 02:59

Shuga babe .... ii think you are being too soft on her with the language issue .. you are her mother for heaven sake, you have a responsibility of teaching your child your own language by speaking it to her, in that case she'll learn. Stop communicating with her in English. You child is very advantageous(if there is such), You speak Zulu, grandma speak Sotho, step dad Speak venda .. and your child must know all these languages and so are you ..... if you are ignorant to learn Sotho and venda(like you said), dont blame your child for being ignorant to learn Zulu ...she learnt from the besst and taht is you.

03 Oct 2008 03:01

speak the language in the house it will help a lot.but it should have started looong before.i have cousins who attended prvate schools but when we will meet re bolele sePetori wayawaya. ok we are Pedi's raised in Pretorian townships so we mix it like that but at least we can have a concersation ka Spetori and they do not feel offended unlike when u use niece goes to a multiracial school she knows and understand and can speak in the language we use.

its sad though-our languages are diminishing-i write a newslwetter for a church i try to use Sepedi on some articles and jo it s so hard even though i did the language up to tertiary.

03 Oct 2008 03:02

Shuga Babe, I've also been to izikole zogamula all my life, but ke my parents always instilled in me that it doesn't matter how well u can speak the queen's language, if u haven't mastered ur own, u are a failure. So nawe gal, as umzali, it was up to u to make sure becuase umtana wakho ushaya "olike like duhhhh no kinda like" abawu 100 when she's at school, she must know that at home u communicate with her in Zulu. U have had ur daugher more than u have been with ur boyfriend, so by the time u met ur Venda man, ur daughter should've been fluent already in isiZulu. Mina my siblings, nieces and nephews also go to izikole zongamula, but they know isiZulu fluent. My one neice is 11 and when she reads iSolezwe for us, it's so well, no stuttering whatsover. She is so proud, coz knows that as much as it's good to know English as our common language, it's much better to be as good at ur own. So ke nakuwe it's possible, try and teach her to speak isiZulu and make her love it as well.

OK, moving on to more serious matter, where the hell do u get a Venda man eThekwini? Haiybo nami ngiyamfuna umVenda ozongidavazela indaba ye Final Exam, damn kuthiwa labantu baphiwe futhi bayayishaya inkonzo ya Khathide.........LOL

BTW, if I'm not mistaken, it's ur first week at TVSA and already u have written quite a no. of articles, keep it us ntokazi. Practice makes perfect, uzobagrand, not that uyihlathi kodwa nje kuzolunga..........*wink wink*

03 Oct 2008 03:08

advantageous(if there is such)
@ BA, have faith in urself gal, yes there is such a word!

03 Oct 2008 03:17

@ BA, have faith in urself gal, yes there is such a word!

@Nonny ... one need to say if you are not sure of something ... phela i TVSA has employed english language teachers

03 Oct 2008 03:17

Ligotshwa lise manzi,
we also have such an idiom in Tswana, Le ojwa le sa le metsi

if you are ignorant to learn Sotho and venda(like you said), dont blame your child for being ignorant to learn Zulu ...she learnt from the besst and taht is you.

tl tl tl..LOL

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 03:21

I'm planning to take her to the boarding school in Pietermaritzburg where they use Zulu as a fisrt language, atleast for a year, coz she'll only come home during school holidays only.  but nami ngizoloku ngimzama ngo mageba wami. can't wait for her to speak fluent Zulu weeepie!!!!!!!!! 

Her stepfather is trying so hard to teach us Tshivenda but I'm so scared what will happen if she pick up Venda easly and that means they can both speak Venda and i'll be left alone clueless naaaa!

03 Oct 2008 03:22

Tru dat BA, this mother created the situation herself, i am sure it was chazaring (beyimchaza)  in the beginning lendaba yeslungu manje seyimxakile. Its so funny when a child throws tantrums ngevernac i cannot imagine it being funny in english, "mommy i dont want this" hellno! i would go mad. Do something Shugababe ngalodecember nje.

Nonnz owam seyeshaya nomashimbakho;fusek; rha! he's 2 so its ok he will outgrow the swearing stage but imagine ethukana ngesilungu hell no.

03 Oct 2008 03:25

But Shugababe kwakuvele kwathini nje uba angasazi impela ehlala nawe? angiunderstand impela.

tha - bang
03 Oct 2008 03:26

25 years from now vernac s going to be a none issue cause everyone will be speakng english with only a few speaking both vernac and english.its not a judgement on vernac or its value but thats the world is headed.even people in countries were the guys dont speak english are now being taught english like mozambique, angola ,drc etc.we cant stop the tide

Beyonce Knowles Bee
03 Oct 2008 03:29

Nonnz owam seyeshaya nomashimbakho;fusek; rha! he's 2 so its ok he will outgrow the swearing stage but imagine ethukana ngesilungu hell no. Double at that!!!!

I can just imagine yah he will out grow it!!!! but then that stage always get to me Futshek mashimbako, tl tl tl kwa kwa kwa!!!! lol thatha Nunuza

But then Shuga, if you have that option rather take it, it's safer that way if you are that worried about it!!!! Take to a boarding school then you can take it from there!!!! As long as you have a Contingency plan then, tsothlo disiame!!! Listen to me practisinng Sotho!!!

03 Oct 2008 03:30

Her stepfather is trying so hard to teach us Tshivenda but I'm so scared what will happen if she pick up Venda easly and that means they can both speak Venda and i'll be left alone clueless naaaa!

dont you know that the best teacher of anything is the person you love .... by now you should be the master of Tshivenda ... kalokhu usincela olimini (you such it in his toungue)

Beyonce Knowles Bee
03 Oct 2008 03:30

tsothlo disiame!!!= Meant tsothle disiame!!! 

03 Oct 2008 03:34

@Cnglemother :But Shugababe kwakuvele kwathini nje uba angasazi impela ehlala nawe? angiunderstand impela. I was asking myself the same question, was she talking english with her from the day she was born?????? I dont understand. 

"Mama awungibhayele i plastick Shoes ngizithe see on Mr price" very bad Zulu!!!!!!!!  Are you for real girl or are you just making a joke here?

03 Oct 2008 03:36

Shuga babe I blame you as a mother,in your article you sound like you are looking for solutions somewhere else, where as they lie with you, ubumteketisa nge English na lomntana?
Ban English at home, stick to isiZulu she'l learn. 
My nephews also go to these white schools but isiXhosa is automatic at home and with extended family. English with their white friends, Afrikaans with their muslim and coloured friends.

We got family friends who are jewish, their kids speak Hebrew (strictly at home and family), English, Afrikaans and French, also learning isiXhosa. They go to a Jewish school but other languages are available too. 

Also reading helps the most, get her some basic books in isiZulu and read with her.

03 Oct 2008 03:36

Shuga Babe you have to take the blame for this one, like Cnglemother has asked, kwathini angasazi impela ehlala nawe, nginethemba you were so proud when you took her to work or when you are chilling with friends, can you imagine when you have to interpret when a whitey say hello to the kid. l used to admire that, but my boy uzitshaya zonke phela la ekasi kuhlangene zonke izizwe. But do your best gal, she is still young, she will learn quickly.

03 Oct 2008 03:36

tsothlo disiame!!!= Meant tsothle disiame!!! 

tsotlhe di  siame in Tswana
or tsohle li lokile in Sotho

03 Oct 2008 03:38

I always say that, when i have kids.... i will take them to the multi racial schools, as i hav'nt had the opportunity to do so, but i will be their tutor for Xhosa (my language) as i am good in writting and reading it so i believe that i will be a good tutor...Shuga Babe take my advice....she must have the extra classes @ home, and told her to stop being a coconut (acting like a white brat) and  to respect the elders

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 03:42

"OK, moving on to more serious matter, where the hell do u get a Venda man eThekwini? Haiybo nami ngiyamfuna umVenda ozongidavazela indaba ye Final Exam, damn kuthiwa labantu baphiwe futhi bayayishaya inkonzo ya Khathide.........LOL " hahaha!!!!!!! usitlaela wena hihihi!!!!

Nonny, we met @ Sun City (North West) we were  on Vodacom Spring Break, ( he asked me if ngiyamfaka noma ngiyamkhipha? hahaha!!  after dating for 4 months, he disided to move to Durbs then the rest is History.

03 Oct 2008 03:44

Nonnz owam seyeshaya nomashimbakho;fusek; rha! he's 2 so its ok he will outgrow the swearing stage but imagine ethukana ngesilungu hell no.
heheheh kids of today, mina ngiyamudabukela owami umtana, coz I will make sure they speak isiZulu saseMandulo..........LOL. 

Her stepfather is trying so hard to teach us Tshivenda but I'm so scared what will happen if she pick up Venda easly and that means they can both speak Venda and i'll be left alone clueless naaaa!
Shuga babe, u don't really take it seriously learning other languages and that's why ur child is also happy with speaking English waya waya. It's unfair of u as a parent to expect abantu base boarding school to teach ur child when u haven't laid the basic foundations at home. Bathwele kanzima badla o-thisha, coz now the teacher has to do ur job as a parent!!!

"I'm planning to take her to the boarding school in Pietermaritzburg where they use Zulu as a fisrt language, atleast for a year"
I feel so sorry for ur baby, kuyanyiwa kwisiZulu "1st language"'s hard even as a fluent Zulu speaking person. it's gonna be even worse for ur child njengoba yena ekhuluma isifanakalo, that's if she even knows that......LOL

Beyonce Knowles Bee
03 Oct 2008 03:47

tsothlo disiame!!!= Meant tsothle disiame!!!

tsotlhe di siame in Tswana
or tsohle li lokile in Sotho

Thanks for that!!!!!

Nonny, we met @ Sun City (North West) we were on Vodacom Spring Break, ( he asked me if ngiyamfaka noma ngiyamkhipha? hahaha!! after dating for 4 months, he disided to move to Durbs then the rest is History.
Lol When last did you hear that ngiyamfaka noma ngiyamkhipha!!!!

03 Oct 2008 03:51

Yho, uyayishay'into yakho Shuga babe. The man decided to make a Great Trek(after only 4 months) Damn girl , you're good!...LOL

03 Oct 2008 03:52

felfel LOL! how do u teketisa in english haybo?

Ban English at home, stick to isiZulu she'l learn. - Amen to that, tough love gal.

03 Oct 2008 03:54

we cant stop the tide
OH NO, please don't say that Tha - bang, I so value the vernac more than anything. Even when I call company or agency I alwasy ask the operator, if they can speak isiZulu or Xhosa, coz that's the language I prefer to communicate in, rather than English. 

Nonny, we met @ Sun City (North West) we were on Vodacom Spring Break, ( he asked me if ngiyamfaka noma ngiyamkhipha? hahaha!! after dating for 4 months, he disided to move to Durbs then the rest is History.
heheheheh ayingeke gal, yini ngathi uphethe umam'nengalo. Umfokazi wawela imfula eminingi just for ikuku yakho?lol

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 04:10

@ Nonny, "heheheheh ayingeke gal, yini ngathi uphethe umam'nengalo. Umfokazi wawela imfula eminingi just for ikuku yakho?lol"
@Luksta, "Yho, uyayishay'into yakho Shuga babe. The man decided to make a Great Trek(after only 4 months) Damn girl , you're good!...LOL"

I just sent this to him, He can't stop laughing! kwa kwa kwa!!!!!!!!!!!

03 Oct 2008 04:26

Mama awungibhayele i plastick Shoes ngizithe see on Mr price" very bad Zulu!!!!!!!!> LOL!!!! Yho hayi uworse lomtana.
nomashimbakho;fusek; rha> intsha yanamuhla, LOL!!!!

ubumteketisa nge English na lomntana>  LMAO!!!!!! i can imagine.

03 Oct 2008 06:28

This English waya waya business is just parents being lazy and ignorant..

03 Oct 2008 07:03

shuga-jus teach ur child the basics..make her speak a isizu;lu when she is with home...teach her what u call a spoon i sizulu,what a knife is..

teach hr to coomunicate in isizulu,how to greet people in isizulu...believe me,she will get so interested in the language...

there is no need to send her to a boarding are the mother -play ur part....

i know u can do this...shuga'''

03 Oct 2008 07:26

"Even when I call company or agency I alwasy ask the operator, if they can speak isiZulu or Xhosa, coz that's the language I prefer to communicate in, rather than English." i also do that, even on my phone when i dial 173 kuthetha u mXhosa..

03 Oct 2008 07:38

Wena Shugii wat language do u speak wit ur child?..wazewavelelwa u jnr Jan van Riebeck endlini

03 Oct 2008 07:41

Its true what they all say Shuga Babe. U gotta teach her now before its too late.Why is she throwing stones at old people? its because white kids do that and because she can only speak English, she thinks she is white.

03 Oct 2008 07:42

i also do that, even on my phone when i dial 173 kuthetha u mXhosa..
That's the spirit gal nami on Vodacoms 111's, ngizwa ngendoda ibhodla ithi: "Wamkelekile kwa Vodacom, uma udinga usizo nge sms, mms noma ukushaya ucingo chofoza u-1.............LOL!

03 Oct 2008 07:44

Hayi nawe u spoiled her. By the time she started learning to speak ,what language did u teach her? I dnt understand Shuga

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 07:49

"That's the spirit gal nami on Vodacoms 111's, ngizwa ngendoda ibhodla ithi: "Wamkelekile kwa Vodacom, uma udinga usizo nge sms, mms noma ukushaya ucingo chofoza u-1.............LOL!"   hahaha!!!!!!!!  

03 Oct 2008 07:51

English Storm is here to stay......i just remembad ukuba its Firday stjoee la Storm undikumbuza i bodlela lam eluhlaza..ndatsho ndanxanwa

03 Oct 2008 07:57

Yazi nami I want my babe to go to Private school but that's doesn't mean she/he won't speak Zulu. And it's important to send them to private school coz they can communicate with anyone whoever can speak English.

03 Oct 2008 08:05

ungu no ntyintyi Sjura u thinkin alchohol abazali bekhathazekile nge coconuts zabo!

03 Oct 2008 08:16

Sssshhh!!! Shuga Babe no need to explain  any further I understand manje and m sure all those who said u have failed ur child will understand too...get ur daughter that P/maritz berg boarding school so she could learn to speak her mother tongue...

ndiyakwazi ke nawe Mabhebs inoba uhleli nge Sav.....apo.

Shuga babe
03 Oct 2008 08:23

wow Sjura thanks Ntombi. really worried!

03 Oct 2008 08:27

Now i understand. But u shud have said so in the beginning then i shudn't have said what i said. I take those words back neh. Hang in there sisi kuzolunga.

03 Oct 2008 08:29

Haai Sjura wandiqibela kudala mchana ndibetha ezingoku ....ibanda mpo uyayiva MPO mntakwethu..!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
03 Oct 2008 08:31

Ag Shuga like i said one step at the time!!! Sori for your loss

03 Oct 2008 08:35

eziphi Mabhebheza? ndifunukwazi ndingaloko ndikumele nge Sav kanti u upgraded..

03 Oct 2008 08:43

Tyni sana ..ndizibambe nge Nestle Pure life mineral water Still sanqa..LOL 
ndithathe umhlala phansi but i will definetly renew my contract with SAB soon haai mchana i cat survive..

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