Old man is trouble maker in the taxi

Written by JadaPinkett from the blog BEYONCE SHOWS HER EXPENSIVE RING on 09 Oct 2008
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Guys I have a problem here, every time when I’m on taxi there’s always window problem, it’s either me or other passengers. On Tuesday on my way back home I was sitting next to the window and it was kind of cold then I closed the window…Can you believe it, there was old man sitting at the back of my sit and guess what? He opened the I closed it, he opened again, I looked at him and said” Hey baba ingoba ungaboni ukuthi kuyabanda ? Yini ungavuli lewindi ohleli eduze kwalo? Which means can’t you see that ot’s cold? Why don’t you open the window that is close to you/ And this men said I don’t have respect how can I speak to him like that and I said “ please Baba I’m not interested.

And today in the morning same man he’s having the problem with other passenger, Today’s weather is kind of hot here in Durban so the old woman I think she was feeling hot, she opened the window so she can feel the cool air and I was sitting next to her. This man did the same thing as he did to me on Tuesday the different is: He was closing the window this time. Guyz I really don’t understand what’s wrong with this man, the old woman opened the window the third time and Guess what the man did…He took out his gun and close the window with his gun… I mean there was no need for him to take out his gun while he was not going to use just because he wanted us to feel frightened then we just let the window closed as he want coz we didn’t want to die early in the morning.

Ey mina I don’t know what’s wrong with these people who act as if they owning the taxi’s while they are passengers just like very passengers ang’phathi kona if it’s a drunk man they making trouble as if we all drunk… I think people need to behave themselves coz we all pay in the taxi… That is why I’m going to buy my own car coz I can’t stand to be treated like a dog.

Guys do you think It’s ok to fight one another while we all passengers in our public transport coz sometime we end up having enemies because of the window of the taxi .


09 Oct 2008 05:41

Hey Guyz I'm tired of this man, how am I going sort him out coz wiyinkinga to everybody abagibela naye. mekushisa uyalivala iwindi mekubanda uyalivula iwindi angazi noma usuke ecuphe uchuku or unenkinga

09 Oct 2008 05:51

Guess what the man did…He took out his gun and close the window with his gun… I mean there was no need for him to take out his gun 

the imegary is killing me softly....LMAO........kanti people are how??

09 Oct 2008 05:51

Where are you guys? I need your views here.

09 Oct 2008 05:57

JP...I've heard of this before but it was just a joke...That makes me ask: is this for real? Amataxi akuph'lawo?

09 Oct 2008 06:02

It's true Fisrtdvd the taxis  are from Town to Hillcrest.

09 Oct 2008 06:02

The poor man has iBP. My aunt aslo has it, when it's hot she feels cold, when it's cold she feels hot, so just work ur way around him, simply don't take a taxi with him.

09 Oct 2008 06:06

tl tl tl tl tl....umsuzo lo! when the gun was taken out, where was the taxi driver and amanye amapassengers?? ungazodlala ngathi!

LOL Pooky....

09 Oct 2008 06:07

I said “ please Baba I’m not interested.

JP i think you should avoid being in a taxi with this old man. He sounds like trouble

09 Oct 2008 06:09

I agree with Dimago.

09 Oct 2008 06:14

But no ways coz amataxi asuka from to Hillcrest ayoskasi so nayo lendoda he's working here in Hillcrest. and I can't take take Pinetown Taxi's coz they expensive while ngisazoxhuma fron Pinetown to Hillcrest.
tl tl tl tl tl....umsuzo lo! when the gun was taken out, where was the taxi driver and amanye amapassengers?? ungazodlala ngathi! ... Okey.

09 Oct 2008 06:16

a gun?? really unnecessary

09 Oct 2008 06:17

Hey baba ingoba ungaboni ukuthi kuyabanda ? Yini ungavuli lewindi ohleli eduze kwalo? 
@JP ... if it was me and i had guts to say it... i wouldnt have asked the older person like that, it sounds a little bit irrespectful .. rather i would have said ...."Baba, im only closing this window because i feel cold, if it is ok with you can i please close it and open the the one next to you?" ... and wala the madala would allow me to close it and even forget to open the one next to him. ...LOL

On other hand ... i think it was wrong of the old man to do it like that, atleast he should have asked to open that window next to you especial after he saw that you closed it. But ke it is always like that in taxis, there are passengers who like to act big.

09 Oct 2008 06:19

He took out his gun and close the window with his gun…  kwa kwa kwa!!!!!!!

09 Oct 2008 06:20

gosh this is so funny. What is wrong with some people??

Shuga babe
09 Oct 2008 06:42

Gal, sometimes old people take advantage of us because we are young. he should have ask u if he can open it or not ,hey bathong!!!. but Noooo because he's old he  can boss u around.

last year I was in a bus with my daughter * she insisted we take a bus* it was full but fortunatley for us we were sitting and there comes u Mama she just went straight to my daughter and demanded her to stand, haaaaaaa!!!!!!!! I told her my child is only 8 she can't stand while the bus is moving *haybo!! ufuna ingane yami iwe yini? atleat carry her ?*

she said" yini laba enifundisa kabi izingane ukuthi zingasukumeli abantu abadala. uzobe ehlulwa yini ukubambela?" eish old pips sometimes they can make you sound like a very rude person.

sweetie my baby
09 Oct 2008 06:51

yeah, i gotta agree with Best-Achiever , Mrs. Pinkett-Smith - i think you were quite disrespectful in how you first spoke to him - we simply do not say things like 'i'm not interested' to bagolo, as Africans - it doesn't happen.

so my dear, i'm not blaming you for him taking out a gun, but you certainly set the tone for an interaction of disrespect... he just took it way too far though, with the gun- no doubt about that

but you should've spoken to him the way Best Achiever suggested. it  might have  created a happier compromise for everyone

09 Oct 2008 07:03

Some of them are Rude,imagen closing the window ka Sethunya,bathong,
@where was the taxi driver.............Dnt ask,cause they are all the same,they sometimes tells u hore dnt open the windows,they will be dirty or dnt bang the Door,otherwise u will die.

i remember the other Driver,he bought the new Siyaya Taxi and the door were still new,he will just tell u hore(NO Leave the door Opened)and he he he.......the guy only pressed the Accelerator and walaaaaa the door just closed withong being banged by anyone 

tha - bang
09 Oct 2008 07:04

ublic taxis are an indiginity that s without cars hae to bear for the that car and save yourself

09 Oct 2008 07:44

@BAi wouldnt have asked the older person like that,But he thinks like a Kid,Think abig and be big

09 Oct 2008 07:58

Guyz ukuhlonipha yes I do respect but only if you respect yourself and you doesn't take the advantage that you old. so to those who think I don't have respect just imagine someone is sitting at the back of ur seats and he/she is doing something you don't like Oh please guys just stop pretend as if nihlonipha kakhulu otherwise this called overespecting to let someone do nonsense to you.

09 Oct 2008 08:15

Tell him to buy his own car and stop abusing public transport Sies mannn

09 Oct 2008 08:48

Haa, vele lamaZulu ayadelela, they always want everything by force and they say umfazi must not answer back if bakhuluma (you must always say yebo baba, uqinisile baba)  and JP you should have told him to go to hell with more fire. the older must respect the younger so that he will get his respect back.
When he took out the gun you should have asked him to shoot, hey but lezinto zaseNatal ziyomile emakhanda so you better stay away from him, rather take a expensive taxi than being in the same one as him.

09 Oct 2008 08:59

Haa, vele lamaZulu ayadelela, they always want everything by force and they say umfazi must not answer back if bakhuluma (you must always say yebo baba, uqinisile baba) and JP you should have told him to go to hell with more fire. the older must respect the younger so that he will get his respect back.
When he took out the gun you should have asked him to shoot, hey but lezinto zaseNatal ziyomile emakhanda so you better stay away from him, rather take a expensive taxi than being in the same one as him.

@Bigmama ... i find yourresponse both Tribal and Provincial insulting ...LOL

09 Oct 2008 09:01

haha ha ha, l am a Zulu as well and geez am l suppose to apologize, when l know that it is true.

09 Oct 2008 09:06

@Bigmama ... i find yourr esponse both Tribal and Provincial insulting ...LOL
Same here.

When he took out the gun you should have asked him to shoot, hey but lezinto zaseNatal ziyomile emakhanda so you better stay away from him, rather take a expensive taxi than being in the same one as him.
nc nc nc *shaking my head*

Shuga babe
09 Oct 2008 09:08

@BigMama, maybe u JP was wearing ibhulukwe, phela these Zulu men like my Late Grandpa don't like Pants on ladies. or maybe u showed your G-string when u gating in to a Taxi so he was already pissed with u hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

09 Oct 2008 09:09

09 Oct 2008 09:15

Please guys don´t get upset with me, l am just fooling around but we all know the truth behind oKhabazela.
@SB,you have a point there..........hehehehe

09 Oct 2008 09:16

haha ha ha, l am a Zulu as well and geez am l suppose to apologize, when l know that it is true.

@Bigmama .. i dont believe this judging from your Zulu

09 Oct 2008 09:24

@BA................Believe what you think is believable my dear.

09 Oct 2008 09:30

@BA................Believe what you think is believable my dear.
 @Bigmama ... done that already sweety

09 Oct 2008 09:46

BA Degree,kanti Smoko?

09 Oct 2008 09:51

Eish sorry JP but next time try not upset old people.

My taxi experience with old people went like this, Booooomtsuka for a mama carrying heavy bags decided to plant a heavy ass bag in my lap when she was trying to get into the taxi and I was sitting behind the driver, so me thinking when she finally catches her breath she will take it, I just sat there waiting patiently for her to take it. Yho!!! Was I wrong; I made a mistake of asking her to take it halfway to my drop off point. She tore into me, never in my life did I feel like asking the earth to open up and swallow me.Hayi Shem wandithuka kakuhle.

So every time I feel like missing my car repayments, the woman’s voice pops into my head. 

09 Oct 2008 09:57

@ Best Achiever sometimes I think there's something wrong  I done to you coz every replies you giving you fight with me anyway I'm cool and I'll be alwayz cool.

09 Oct 2008 13:54

LoL at JD and her taxi experience!!! You are something else my dear, reading this article was real fun for me kwa kwa kwa kwa

09 Oct 2008 18:47

I feel for you Miss Jada, one day I got into a taxi from Bryanston to Jozi, and there were these two ladies, they were very loud and said who ever who seat next to the window must know its use, shim must open it when they want some air.

And you know me, because I feel cold so easily, I just went to the backseat and sit in the middle, ppl are always looking for a fight.

please ignore the old man or else you will loose your life.

@ tl tl tl tl....umsuzo lo! when the gun was taken out, where was the taxi driver and amanye amapassengers?? ungazodlala ngathi! If you were a driver what will you do...........try to pull over and got shot from behind, mina ngingayishaya izule ngithandazele ukufika elenkeni.

09 Oct 2008 18:49

This article reminds me of JORDAN, gal where are you?

10 Oct 2008 01:32

@ Best Achiever sometimes I think there's something wrong I done to you coz every replies you giving you fight with me anyway I'm cool and I'll be alwayz cool. 

@JP .. not at all my dear and sorry if you find my response fighting, that wasnt my intention at all ... i just said what i would have done not that im fighting with you.

sweetie my baby
10 Oct 2008 03:51

Oh please guys just stop pretend as if nihlonipha kakhulu otherwise this called overespecting to let someone do nonsense to you.

hau! akere you asked for our opinions and we gave them? if you wanted sympathy - just say so, on some r. kelly-style 'heaven i need a hug'. then we'd have rushed here with hugs and kisses and swore at the old gun-toting man for you -  but if you ask us what we think, lavo - we'll give you our thoughts...

 go easy on the oversensitivity, and be clear on what you ask for - more often than not on tvsa, that's exactly what you'll get....

and on that note, happy friday! i'm out!

10 Oct 2008 03:57

Kanti where is Jada Pinket from?

10 Oct 2008 04:03

Kanti where is Jada Pinket from?...She's from California, Why do you want to know or you confused?

10 Oct 2008 04:06

@Sweetie my baby...yazi the way ukhuluma ngakhona it's like you gave me an opinion but I didn't even get one repliy from you so back off coz awunasizo.

10 Oct 2008 04:07


10 Oct 2008 04:09

Reply from: sweetie my baby 10/9/2008 12:51:55 PM

yeah, i gotta agree with Best-Achiever , Mrs. Pinkett-Smith - i think you were quite disrespectful in how you first spoke to him - we simply do not say things like 'i'm not interested' to bagolo, as Africans - it doesn't happen.

so my dear, i'm not blaming you for him taking out a gun, but you certainly set the tone for an interaction of disrespect... he just took it way too far though, with the gun- no doubt about that

but you should've spoken to him the way Best Achiever suggested. it might have created a happier compromise for everyone

10 Oct 2008 04:09

i have this joke on my e-mail, but ke i know things happen and people turn them into  jokes, so now i knw where the joke comes from....ngxesi wethu JP ngalotamkhulu ukuvezela i gun in the morning..

10 Oct 2008 04:11

Word of advice Jada DONT cross it with me! i've got dont wana be Rude to me,Now PLAY NICE......

Now back to the article just wondering wat was Jada doing in a Taxi from Town to Hillcrest....all this where was Will Smith's Millions?

10 Oct 2008 04:13


10 Oct 2008 04:13

Now back to the article just wondering wat was Jada doing in a Taxi from Town to Hillcrest....all this where was Will Smith's Millions?
heheheheheh classic Farai, classsic!!!!

10 Oct 2008 04:17

Nonny sweety im just wondering!!!!

Shuga babe
10 Oct 2008 04:23

OK!!! everybody come down!!!!! lets behave ourselves *as Professional as Posible.*  

10 Oct 2008 04:24

@ Faraimagic...Word of advice Jada DONT cross it with me! i've got skills... Okey, I got u well now SO can I have a space.

Now back to the article just wondering wat was Jada doing in a Taxi from Town to Hillcrest....all this where was Will Smith's Millions?...If you really clever do you think Mrs Smith would have to blog with people like you come on I thought you matured but since you asked that poor question thingz was clearly that this lady/boy is s......y.

10 Oct 2008 04:33

time to blog with people like me? Wats wrong with people like me from Jada?where im standing i think its you who need a life........You dont even know me but you are making such statements,get yo Facts before you mock people..and stop waisting your Boss's money!You need serious help!

10 Oct 2008 04:50

JP.....I understand the window debacle...(although the gun story..mmmh I take it with a pinch of salt.   funy as it sounds)...neeways   your reply was a bit harsh to an elder..whether a zulu elder or a nigerian.

.and BA is right you coulda said  "ungadinwa baba bengisacela uvule leo eliseduze kwakho sengifile amakhaza.." you know that would have warmed his i always say  its not the window drama its how you it .LOL  you managed to have you morning spoilt by some old man...

10 Oct 2008 05:03

stop waisting your Boss's money!You need serious help!..Just like you do maybe we both need help but on my side, I don't think so...

10 Oct 2008 05:14

lay'khaya kwaTVSA  kubuye kugcwale ubungane..including abesilisa (or abafana)   ...sometimes these childish antics are a bit too much for a friday

10 Oct 2008 05:15

She tore into me, never in my life did I feel like asking the earth to open up and swallow me.Hayi Shem wandithuka kakuhle. 

Heish uyadelela ugogo neh.....LOL....bendomthi take -5  mina ,ayazi indawo yakhe....LOL

So every time I feel like missing my car repayments, the woman’s voice pops into my head. ......LOL

10 Oct 2008 05:18

@ tl tl tl tl....umsuzo lo! when the gun was taken out, where was the taxi driver and amanye amapassengers?? ungazodlala ngathi!

Floh i think LM said this ,not me

10 Oct 2008 05:20

@ tl tl tl tl....umsuzo lo! when the gun was taken out, where was the taxi driver and amanye amapassengers?? ungazodlala ngathi!
LMAO, nami that's what I wanna know.

10 Oct 2008 05:30

JP.....I understand the window debacle...(although the gun story..mmmh I take it with a pinch of salt. funy as it sounds)...neeways your reply was a bit harsh to an elder..whether a zulu elder or a nigerian... 

LOL am glad you with us again Spopopo

10 Oct 2008 05:33

LOL am glad you with us again Spopopo 
Gal u like remixing people's names.

10 Oct 2008 05:36

@ tl tl tl tl....umsuzo lo! when the gun was taken out, where was the taxi driver and amanye amapassengers?? ungazodlala ngathi!
LMAO, nami that's what I wanna know.
Oh! Nonny nawe ucabanga nganjalo?

sweetie my baby
10 Oct 2008 05:37

thank you tox... *sigh* i think jada pinkett needs a hug, on a serious much aggression, so early in the morning. on a friday, nogal!


on a happier note - WELCOME BACK, SPOPO!! it's been foreva!

10 Oct 2008 05:43

thanks sweety and pooky  i'm tryin to brighten up my friday with your company ...and just now i've been called for an interview..wish me luck so I'm off ....


10 Oct 2008 05:51

*loud sigh*

10 Oct 2008 05:57

Some people just dnt care cause this didnt happen to them,lets just wait and C,they will come here running begging our sympathies,telling us hore they went kae kae?and ho etsa etse this and that......JP stop stressing yrself,..............Word of advice Jada DONT cross it with me! i've got just wondering wat was Jada doing in a Taxi from

11 Oct 2008 06:59

you could have just said you aint the real Jada Pinkett!thats all  Sies!

13 Oct 2008 02:52


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