Hey guys...
Just a few thoughts about the NEW RGB... I mean whose idea was it?
I really enjoy the show, really, but I cannot fathom how someone in the higher powers at the SABC could replace DManaka and TNoah- I mean WTF? Is that not called espionage? I think so...
As for NOMAKULA ROBERTS aka Kuli (yawn!!!), who thought it would be an exciting idea to put a old, washed out "celebrity" who thinks her even worse Xhosa accent is actually exciting for the show? Its not only boring watching her in action, but its suicide for the show!
Haai kabi Kuli ma, kodwa uyabhora shame nono! Get another career behind the scenes, maybe in radio? You have the perfect face for it!! Or stick to writing articles about men- its the closest you'll ever get to them without opening your legs!
Come on guys, get the old presenters back- besides the fact that they have better faces to look at, they have more swagger in their left baby toes than Kuli has in that pathetic weave!!
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