Angels, Demons, Countrymen...
“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
That is my response to your replies. Since I was asked to respond to them, I thought, why not? Unfortunately I cannot always be around anticipating your replies due to my job, but, when I can, I do. And yes, this is it, Im here now.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you all in managing to convince yourselves that you are better off than I am- less bitter, more Christian etc. I sat laughing at the replies posted because like my article, its a load of bull. So many of you think you are better off because your not as honest, but guess what? Your are! The only difference is that I talk about people who are out there to be talked about and you talk about me.
Celebrities know what they get themselves into before they do it, thats why they do it. All that talk about "it is a passion for me, Im satisfied that knowing that my job is making a difference in so many lives," blah blah blah is *bleep!*. They may love their jobs, but they love their fat paycheques too! You can bash me all you want, if it makes you feel better, go ahead!
Next, the issue of hypocritisism. I know of another bible quote that I adapted because I feel it refers more to life than we think...
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a hypocrite to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”
So many of you felt that I am insensitive, unhappy etc (I cant remember the rest there were so many) but at least Im honest with myself. Im not perfect, neither is the world I was born in to, so why should I pretend it is by writing "feel good" articles to please the masses, when the people reading them are just as messed up if not more f***ed up than I am? People please, if you dont like the articles, dont read them. Pay no attention to them. You say that I bash people because Im unhappy, then turn around and bash me for saying my opinion? Are you seeing the pattern? If I call a spade a spade, whats it to you? If you call it a shovel thats your choice. Its a fucked up life with fucked up people, and yes, Im fucked up too. Im cocky, bitchy, and Im opinionated, but how many people arent? Be honest with yourselves.
Just to emphasize my point on hypocrites, here are a few posts on my GB last week.
Message from: Cande 11/4/2008 12:07:01 PM
so you are the forever bashing M?? Welcome by-the-way...
Message from: Shuga babe 11/4/2008 12:12:15 PM
hey, Finally i've met you on your GB. I wish you could follow your motto."Never take people for granted. Treat everyone like a diamond for one day you will wake up and realise you dropped the diamond and picked up a stone" Welcome anyway!!! we love you.
Message from: AkaS 11/4/2008 12:18:40 PM
You're gorgeous mkhaya!
Message from: BigMama 11/4/2008 12:22:32 PM
Welcome home MaMchunu, l wonder if you will cook us the best food here at TVSA.
Message from: Centrepiece 11/4/2008 12:25:45 PM
Is this really you? You are more than gorgeous!!! WELCOME HOME!!!
Just goes to show that what people say to different people is astonishing!!
Ok, my next point is this- and correct me if Im wrong- if this article was written by someone else who wasnt as infamous as me, you all would be applauding. What gets to most people is that I have only been here a few weeks and (quote) "already throwing my weight around". If saying what you feel when you feel it is throwing weight around, then Im one fat person!
Im not going to name and shame anybody here as there are so many of you, but, Im not here to be liked. TVSA is a forum that allows anyone to say what they want about anything and Im merely going to exercise my right to do so. Why do I write these articles? Because I can. What's the worst you all can do? Because your replies are the fuel to the fire, the more you reply, the more I go on.
If you look at the blog stats, only a fraction of you reply, because the majority know that these articles are nothing more than that, words on a computer screen. They are meant to entertain those who are willing to be entertained. If you read the articles objectively, you all would see the pun behind them. Telling you what it is would be defeating the purpose. I don't just write for the sake of writing, a lot of planning goes into what I write (believe it or not, I dont care) Funny enough, you replies prove one thing to me, you see what you want to see, and read what you want to read. Interpretation is powerful. It shows the power of the human brain- pity so many of you are wasting its true potential.
In ending, I would say "look in the mirror and judge yourselves before you judge me", but the mirror allows you to see what you want to see. If you think you are beautiful, thats what your mirror will always tell you, likewise if you thought you were smart, charming, rich... whatever.
I will say this though, unless you are a new born baby without a sin in the world, you are just as bad as I am.