I found myself in one of the family gathering yesterday, and this is because it was a cleansing ceremony for my cousin.
Let me first explain what the ceremony is all about, and how it is done in my family.
My cousin’s husband passed away a year ago and she was dressed in “inzila” (sorry I do not now the English word) on the day her husband was buried till it was burnt on Saturday night. The inzilo comes with a lot of rules, like the sun should never set until you reach home, you cannot let other people sit behind you as you will cause them badluck, and have to use a certain dish and cutlery, and most importantly it can only be washed at night and many more which I may not be familiar with.
How the cleansing is done is that her mother/ maternal family has to cleanse her of all “isinyama”, and to do this she needs some herbs that she combines with COLD water and washes her with. After she has been cleansed with the mixture she is not supposed to look back.
In the world that we live how realistic and possible is it to wear one garment for the whole year. Traditionally these used to be either blue or black, but I must admit to have seen some that are a little bit modern. Are these modernised ones even acceptable in other families as a true inzilo is another issue?
But my questions to you out there are these:
-Is it possible, to go to the workplace with the same outfit for the whole year………especially for people that have to deal with clients daily?
-Is this some kind of punishment OR a way for a person to mourn and heal given the fact that it has to be worn for a year, at least?
-Have you known of anyone women, who have had to work and negotiated with their families and in-laws successfully not wear inzilo because of work?
-Do you have any suggestions of how it can be handled?
-What is the best thing to do, when you were never married to the man, but had a child together. Is there a smallanyana cleansing that has to be done?
PS: The fact that my cousin has this ceremony in summer was also another debate in the family, but nonetheless she had hers in November……………which according to the norms is not acceptable, it can only be performed in winter.
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