We watch them every night on our television screens as they try very hard to present the forecasts of the weather in the most entertaining few minutes as they can possibly muster. Some of these men and women are down right bad whilst some, very frew, are good.
Of all the stations, ETV seems to have the best dressed weather anchors and they are more articulate and a bit entertaining than the rest. Look its just weather, all we need to know is how hot or cold, if its going to rain or not, windy or not.
Those ETV “precipitations” are just too much and whenever Derrick and company begin with their “precipitations” of the week, I just want to throw my heaviest coffee mug at the screen with hopes that it would mysteriously land at ETV studios. Only to make a point, enough already, don’t you have any other word in your weather bible to use.
Then, I thought let me observe all other weather anchors to find out what they are like. Trust me this was one observation, I soon regreted since the process was just painful.
Here is my picture blog.
This guy looks like an intern and when he speaks. Lord help us all. It’s a good thing the weather is all pictures and less talk. Only if he could gratify us with less talk!
My sister, less excitement and more forecast data, and please keep up with the slides.
Then, we have Mr. Precipitations himself. Derrick is not bad. I just don’t understand why they could not find a very good guy from South Africa with a South African accent to do the job. Nonetheless, he is a good addition to our screens.
Our good old trusted SABC3 weather guy, I like him, he is professional not too much information or excitement just facts. Always dresses well.
Lady, Weskopies called and they want their leather strap back, for those deranged sisters at ward 14.
I am sure you can get something better at Foschini or Edgars than what you have on. Its like you came running straight from the toilet.
Baldy started to improve his wardrobe with the introduction of Derrick at etv. He is not bad and seems to be very knowledgeable about weather.
Just when I thought "Precipitations" would come to an end. As I watch my morning news, he pops up “Derrick” with another annoying precipitation. Maybe you could precipitate your ass of my screen
Nice, but you are boring. That hair, you know its really sad what black ladies have to do to get straight and long hair. Its a pity the choice of such a purchase may sometimes difine you incorrectly. You should go swimming with that thing in your hair. Maybe the weather will clear!
I am sorry auditions for that gospel reality show are over. This is weather dear, not choral auditions.
He looks too much like a rural secondary school teacher. I think maths or physics.... what do you think?
He presents the weather like a father speaking to his children. Clear and to the point.
Yho! Yho! Yho! Bloggers please help.....
They tell me that those words read - "this night", well I guess its a night of terror.
He is so loud and excited, its hilarious and stupid all mixed into a pot of typical SABC1.
It’s as if he is giving a presentation of his live! You got the job remember? Or do you also want to kill for Zuma?
Okay, I get it stop shouting... yes it’s going to be cold tomorrow... goodness!
Okay, I know you love Keke but you have to concentrate now...
Dude, get that song out of your mind! Do the weather, already....
I guess it’s a job. With a little training and a much better wardrobe he could be very good. Oh, lets not forget a membership to Virgin Active... the tummy!
We can’t order enough miracles to solve this train wreck
He should not be reporting because he cant even talk properly. Don't you dare look at me like that!
Okay, we get it, you work for a television channel. Now can you please do your job?
I am sorry I can’t kiss you. My lips already belong to someone else... And they know how to dress and do their hair!
This is another one of ETV’s lady weather anchors and they dress very well. They are fast and to the point, except Mr. Precipitations…..
Okay, we are bordering on something.... I wonder what?
My goodness!
Sorry I did not mean to offend you...(pssst I think he has a gun)
She is actually very articulate and calm as well. But, 1980 wants their head wrap back!
He is good and always smiling... Bright-smile must sponsor him!
All in all ETV takes the crown for having the best weather anchors in South Africa. As for SABC it’s a shame what they do to their weather anchors. A shameful exercise in employment standards!
This was painful, in all areas. Firstly trying to sit through these weather reports and having to ask friends to translate what these guys are saying and how they are saying it, including the meanings. Trust me, its not cool. So, I thought if anyone wanted me to reveal some top secret, they should just tape the SABC weather broadscasts and play it over and over, as a torture technicque... they could break me in less than 30minutes!
The Observers ReviewsETV takes the cake
SABC looses badly
By The Observer
The information provided here is not journalistic but simply observations and the opinions expressed by The Observer, and guests are strictly their own. The Observer claims no credit for some of the images featured on this blog. All visual content is copyright to it’s respectful owners. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on this blog, please mailtheobserver (at) yahoo.com and they will be promptly removed.