When i met my galfrend (Shakira),she had just came out of a realy hectic relationship and was still on the rough patch about it, aparently she was madly inlove with this chick,she was all her life but she just did her very rong that they had 2 cal it quits- so she would tel me all about it and i ddnt mind being her ear and shoulder wheneva she needed one.
Anyhoo, thats basicaly how we ended up 2gether she and i, we also worked in the same place (which is actualy where we met). that was about a year ago. Now Thandi (the ex) is back.Recently she has been calling Shak,telling her about her life,how she has divorced the hubby now and why, how much she misses her and all that kinda ish! So Shak tells me about it, and that she's told her about me and she's ok with it,she just wanna be frends with us. i say she's so naive bcz she cant see anything strange or wicked abt any of this,she actualy think its so nice of her to be so understanding.im like "what the hell?!".
About 2 weeks ago,Shakira had to be out of town for sumtime and reason. Fine, she told me she was going to live with a frend of hers.stl fine. while she was there she used her frend's fone 2 chat with me on mixit,aparently she's told her all about me. Cool,her visit is done and she's back now. 2 days later,the frend stil keeps contacting me on mxit. Aparently the "frend" is actualy the ex- she told me herself (the ex) that all this time Shak's been living with her,tels her abt me n how cool she is about everthing. She actualy thanks me 4 taking care of her all this time and that she like and wants to be frends with me but Shak cant know about us comunicating. she tels me about her self and asks too many quesz about me - ofcoz i wont jus give it to her. So she'd sms me, leave msgz on mxt 4me being all frendly but i just dont buy it. I must admit i feel she's much of a threat than the inocent act she's giving me.
Now i dont know if i should ask Shak about this or for how long shud i keep acting along. other thing is that Shak once admited that she stil has it 4 her ex but wuld neva do a thing about it bcz she loves me now and wants to marry me - i belive her. its the ex i dont trust.