The Apprentice: How did Lenny not get fired?

Written by Toxic from the blog Random Recaps on 10 Dec 2008
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Last night's task was to create a radio jingle for Arby's Chicken Natural's (a sandwich company whose products are natural or something like that) Donald Trump's favourite sandwich company *roll eyes*

Anyway, the teams got to work on the radio jingle and team Gold Rush (Lennie's team) struggled in the beginning with Lennie showing how lost he was in the coming up with any semblence of a workable idea. First he wanted the jingle to have the sound of bells, as in jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. *his team mates rolled their eyes for you*. Then he wanted them to have a line along the lines of *what came first, the chicken or the egg? Try Arby's Chicken Naturals to find out* or something to that effect. Clearly this wasn't something he knew anything about but he tried to throw in ideas as BEST he could.

Synergy, the other team were on a creative overflow with Roxanne showing her melodic talents by coming up with a jingle in the lift (elevator if you wish). The team then worked together to make the jingle sound even better and they came up with a good jingle although it did sound more like a song than anything.  I don't remember what Andrea did during the task though. Anyway, in the end, theirs was judged the best because they remembered to include the words THE ONLY NATURAL CHICKEN in their song. Their reward was the most expensive meal flown all the way from Italy with Sean showing off his English and American accents and the girls liking it. I couldn't hear the difference just by the way.

Anyway, the losing team went to the boardroom where the non-loser was fired. Bryce chose Lennie and Lee (who was observing a religious holiday during the task and had no reason to be in the boardroom) to be in the boardroom with him. He failed to convincingly explain why he chose Lee to come to the boardroom over Charmaine whose fault it had been that they were over 25minutes late to a meeting with the execs at the start of the task.

My problem is that Trump wants the people that came up with ideas to be fired. The other week he wanted to fire Michael for coming up with a 'gowns theme' to some task. I don't get this at all. What he is saying is that don't even risk coming up with an idea cause if it fails, you're out! Shouldn't the project manager ultimately be responsible for the idea he rolls with? In this case, my problem with Bryce leaving was that Lennie knew nothing, did very little and Trump has already said he's sakiting on thin ice! Should THE APPRENTICE perform well at all tasks?? Clearly, Lenny is not going to be the next apprentice and last night he didn't do much to show that he could be the next one so why would Trump let go of someone like Bryce? I can't even hear a single sentence that comes out of Lenny's mouth!!!


10 Dec 2008 11:03 loving these tv articles..ok let me go read...

10 Dec 2008 11:07

Donald Trump's favourite sandwich company *roll eyes* >>>>>> right back atcha!!! Lemme go back & read.....

10 Dec 2008 11:10

Lennie showing how lost he was in the coming up with any semblence of a workable idea. First he wanted the jingle to have the sound of bells, as in jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. *his team mates rolled their eyes for you*. >>> I think Lennie's time has ran out la. He gets worse every week but gets off lucky!!!

10 Dec 2008 11:11 loving these tv articles..ok let me go read...
Same here Dimag's.

10 Dec 2008 11:11

true Zah! I can't even think of one thing he did where he stood out from the rest!

10 Dec 2008 11:12

Guys, do they still do the Saturday repeats of the show?

10 Dec 2008 11:12

First he wanted the jingle to have the sound of bells, as in jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. *his team mates rolled their eyes for you*. Then he wanted them to have a line along the lines of *what came first, the chicken or the egg? Try Arby's Chicken Naturals to find out* or something to that effect.
I caught the show at 19h54, so i missed this bit...are you serious...bathong Lenny...

Bryce was asking to be be fired. I mean bringing in Lee was uncalled for. And he kept talking about how he was brought up and how he will stand for what he believe...puhleese...These people never learn that in the boardroom you have to look out for number 1. Every1 for themselves and God for us nc nc

My problem is that Trump wants the people that came up with ideas to be fired.
I have a problem with that as well, i mean you come up with ideas, the teams accept them and PM gives the go ahead, so ehy get fired if the idea fails...nah, that does not make sense Mr Trump.

Lenny pulled the German thing very well, but he wont be so lucky the next time. I was so sure that Tarek would be going home, phela Mr Trump is doubting his mensa membership. If Bryce had called him in, he was surely gonna go home.

Thanks for the recap Tox. Can you make this a weekly thing, pretty please :)

10 Dec 2008 11:13

What he is saying is that don't even risk coming up with an idea cause if it fails, you're out! >>> I agree. The ones that do nothing there are the ones that don't get fired. I still think it was a bad idea to fire Bryce & save Lenny

10 Dec 2008 11:14

@ Nonny: yes dear @ 5PM

10 Dec 2008 11:16

Guys, do they still do the Saturday repeats of the show?
Yes they do Nonns, either at 16h00 or 17h00.

10 Dec 2008 11:17

Thanks for the recap Tox. Can you make this a weekly thing, pretty please :)>>> Pretty pliz Tox!! *colgate smile*

There's this guy (can't remeber his name) but he's got black hair ngathi zimanzi from the Gold Rush group. He irritates the c*ap outta me with his stupid decisions

10 Dec 2008 11:19

Thanks Dimago & Zanh00, but this weekend is Miss Word angithi? So I don't think they're gonna show The Apprentice.

10 Dec 2008 11:19

But ke i couldn't help but LMAO at Gold Rush's jingle. Ngathi eyase pre-school!! I was like WTF??

10 Dec 2008 11:27

In the morning Nonny.

I don't understand how Lenny even made it on the show, whats his business achievement by the way???????

I think Trump is just keeping him for entertainment, he's damn silly, says stupid inaudible things.....and also arrogant..

10 Dec 2008 11:31

Nonny,Dima &Zah, the repeats are in the morning on saturday, i think around 08:00/08:30...,

Lenny didnt go?? Y is he still there? the dude has been asking to b fired since the beginning but Mr Toupee refuses to let him go.. First he wanted the jingle to have the sound of bells, as in ♫♫ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way♫♫.I just LMAO when he did this,  

I didnt see the firing part and cant remeber who Bryce is, was he the PM?

10 Dec 2008 11:32

I love Lennie, the guy with a perm thinks he's clever than the rest........

10 Dec 2008 11:34

I think Trump is just keeping him for entertainment, he's damn silly, says stupid inaudible things.....and also arrogant....He so damn arrogant, one might even slap the arrogance out of him, nx!, He's just the the chubby guy who got fired 2weeks bek, he always for with everybody,,

10 Dec 2008 11:40

Bryce was the PM Awe. I think he got fired for back-chatting Trump. Loved it when this happened:

Trump: Why is Lee here? Lee shouldn't even be here?!
Bryce: well then you can send him up
Trump: yes, maybe i will

Trump: why didn't u bring Charmaine back
Bryce: cause i was raised blah blah blah
Carolyne: why don't u just say, please fire me.

At the exec's meeting (Gold rush)
Exec: we've been waiting for more than 25minutes. Did u guys get lost?
Someone: Guys did we get lost?
PM: Err, we have a few issues to clear up, so and so will ask those questions

If i could get hold of last night's transcript, i'm sure there were other killer lines

10 Dec 2008 11:43

OMG, Tox did that really happen?? Wow, next time um not missing a thing, especially the firing part, the lil boy will just have to 4get bout Generations on tuesdays, lol

10 Dec 2008 11:55

First he wanted the jingle to have the sound of bells, as in ♫♫ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way♫♫.>>>> LOL

10 Dec 2008 12:15

Thanks for the recap Tox. Can you make this a weekly thing, pretty please :) yhaa MAAN

 My problem is that Trump wants the people that came up with ideas to be fired.
I'm with u on this one, i think Lee should have gone home, he is almost neva there for being an asset 2 his team, because of his religion( and No i have nothing against him doing it, bt Timing ppl, timing) in all honesty, for the sake of the team effort, his team always goes into these challenge(s) with minus one creative mind.  And i think Trump is scared to fire him cz he will be accuse of being prejudice to the jewish -religion.  
As for Lennie, i think he is intelligent in his weird way - and he's going far shem.

I was impressed ke Bryce - the man has balls(xcuse the pun), stading up to Trump n his pple like that!!!!  No, he can be out bt he has my respect.  He stood up 4 what he believe in and 4 me THAT'S LEADERSHIP.  and He was right  ha a ne are "the Next apprentice was fire today(meaning maobane), and Trump will soon realise that".  Talk about walking away  in Style.  Wow

10 Dec 2008 12:27

I was impressed ke Bryce - the man has balls(xcuse the pun), stading up to Trump n his pple like that!!!! No, he can be out bt he has my respect. He stood up 4 what he believe in and 4 me THAT'S LEADERSHIP. and He was right ha a ne are "the Next apprentice was fire today(meaning maobane), and Trump will soon realise that". Talk about walking away in Style. Wow 

THAT's exactly how i felt le nna Sbam!!!!!

10 Dec 2008 13:53

Trump does not want any1 to stand up against him. When will these contestants learn that if you are not in the firing line you must just shush...Trump does not want leaders he wants servants....

10 Dec 2008 14:26

Hey girl, thanks for this!

Trump pisses me off for two reasons mentioned here:
1. The idead thingie
2. Not wanting to be told anyhthing

I loved Brye's backchatting. There was a point when he said something, Trump said he said it in another way, and Bryce said "Yeah, that's what I said", in a very sarcastic tone. 

Eish, but ya, Lennie should have gone, he did nothing. And even Bill was suprised at him for not knowing what a jingle!

10 Dec 2008 14:35

The idead thingie

what's that rene?

I loved Brye's backchatting. There was a point when he said something, Trump said he said it in another way, and Bryce said "Yeah, that's what I said", in a very sarcastic tone. 

LOL! At this point i think he had decided he was sick of Trump and was going to say what was on his mind.

His interview in the taxi was also funny, the line about Trump learning to listen cracked me up cause my lil sis said Bryce must learn to shut up as well.

10 Dec 2008 14:40

Hve u guys noticed how Caroline & the other guy(Jake or something) even the old man Dave, r they always agreeing what the big Boss say.  
Haai maan 2 me it ain't right.
And that's what Bryce put on the table yesterday, and i could c that even Trump was taken aback by it, cz it's always { yes, Mr Trump, I fully agree Sir, I'd say that, nywee...nywee...}  like people plz don't u have ur own mind, IF YES, why aren't u using it.  
I Know he is the Man & all bt plzzzz 

10 Dec 2008 15:04

Trump is arrogant, and he had no reason to fire Bryce. Always firing the wrong people.

10 Dec 2008 15:08

@Sbam; and that comment from Caroline about the firing not being a tough one was bull!!!! Why fire someone and then say they have a great future ahead of them? loses me!

Sobza, u're right. He fires people for the wrong reasons, i am so not getting him at all this season.

Dimago, it's true about people needing to keep quiet to remain in the game but at some point Trump must hear the truth!

10 Dec 2008 15:17

I honestly dont think that there was a need for the drama that Trump tried to create last night. Someone had to go and the Jewish guy should have left. You dont tell people who are "interviewing" you that you have something more important than them. He should decide if he wants to be religious or if he wants the job. Even Lennie is Jewish. SACRIFICES

Lenny was useless, however he was not negative. He tried to give ideas but they weren't great- so what? The girls who came up with the song should have not been blamed seeing that they worked alone on it. Effort should count....

10 Dec 2008 15:19

Trump is making the show boring...... One cannot tell what is expected in order to win

10 Dec 2008 15:19

and that comment from Caroline about the firing not being a tough one was bull!!!! Why fire someone and then say they have a great future ahead of them? loses me! wa bona, no consistency @ all, u would think Trump is their god or something,  I feel they just fear and not respect him.  
And trump was right about Bryce, that man has a great future ahead

10 Dec 2008 15:24

bona, no consistency @ all, u would think Trump is their god or something, I feel they just fear and not respect him. >>>> They never phikisa him on anything!! This season is not that great futhi compared to the previous ones

10 Dec 2008 15:25

You dont tell people who are "interviewing" you that you have something more important than them. 

The thing about Lee (i think that's his name) is that Trump understood his need for that religious break during that other task he missed and Lee was probably thinking it's fine to go and rest once more. I don't know enough abt the Jewish religion to even wonder if he HAD to take that day of rest and prayer. Couldn't he have dedicated some time in the morning to do that? I doubt Trump wanted to fiddle with religion because of the uproar it would have created and i think Lee took advantage of that. There was no way he was gon get fired and therefore it was stupid of Bryce to bring him to the boardroom.

What we forgot to mention is how Lenny in the penthouse was telling everyone how he was willing to go but when he got to the boardroom he changed his tune. i think he started the Bryce pissed-offness!

10 Dec 2008 15:25

what's that rene? 

I meant to say "ideas", the thing of him picking on the ppl who came up with the ideas.

I was also pissed off when trump fired Brent, for really no reason. EIsh, that guy, he's just on a stupid power tip nje.

I missed the taxi interview...damn!

10 Dec 2008 15:26

I was also pissed off when trump fired Brent, for really no reason. EIsh, that guy, he's just on a stupid power tip nje. 

Me too. All Trump had to do was wait for Brent to be PM and fire him then!

10 Dec 2008 15:30

I was also pissed off when trump fired Brent, for really no reason.
I feel Brent was discriminated against cause he's not the picture of Corporate America. I mean when they refused that he do the presentation cause he was not the picture they were protraying...are they trying to say that in advertising if u r not the target market for the product you cant present to the client...mxmn...

10 Dec 2008 15:31

Oh, and I also hate how Caroline and Bill (or whoever else) don't seem to have a point of being there, I mean, if they are always going to say yes to who he fires, what's the point of them being there, just to glorify Trump.

By the way, did you see when trump(im now gonna type his surname in small letters, that's how little  i think of him no), was talking to the guys fixing the escalators? I was like geez dude , get over yourself, it's an escalator for pete's sake!

10 Dec 2008 15:32

I missed the taxi interview...damn!

I also missed that one. Wonder what he had to say.....

10 Dec 2008 15:32

Hve u guys noticed how Caroline & the other guy(Jake or something) even the old man Dave, r they always agreeing what the big Boss say. 

he pays their salary, they have to or will be "fired"

10 Dec 2008 15:34

Kanti which one is Brent??

What was the big guy's name (the one that wore glasses) *don't know how else to describe him*

10 Dec 2008 15:36

are they trying to say that in advertising if u r not the target market for the product you cant present to the client...mxmn...

LMAO!!!!! Trump even agreed to this! Look at Trump, he isn't excatly the ideal picture for anything but he's gotten far with his looks hasn't he?

10 Dec 2008 15:36

Yeah, Brent's biggest downfall was that he was not the model of Corporate America.
And that Andrea(red hair girl), just rubbed it in! AHHHhh, i could scream when i think about this season's contestant.
I don't even have a favourite, I only slightly like Roxanne coz she put Andrea in her place last week!

10 Dec 2008 15:37

By the way, did you see when trump(im now gonna type his surname in small letters, that's how little i think of him no), was talking to the guys fixing the escalators? I was like geez dude , get over yourself, it's an escalator for pete's sake!

i hate it when they show him in action!!!!!!! By the way Rene, he was demonstrating how to earn the respect of your workers!

Zah000, that guy u're describin is Brett.

10 Dec 2008 15:38

I don't even have a favourite, I only slightly like Roxanne coz she put Andrea in her place last week!

me too!

10 Dec 2008 15:39

Kanti which one is Brent??
What was the big guy's name (the one that wore glasses) *don't know how else to describe him*

That's Brent!

LMAO!!!!! Trump even agreed to this! Look at Trump, he isn't excatly the ideal picture for anything but he's gotten far with his looks hasn't he?
Nice one Tox, I hope he doesn't have a hairline though

10 Dec 2008 15:45

I don't even have a favourite, I only slightly like Roxanne coz she put Andrea in her place last week!
I think i like Lee...and the political game he is playing...He is a typical consultant. You don't have to know anything, just know the right people...

10 Dec 2008 15:46

that guy u're describin is Brett>>>> Thanx, i can't remember most of their names since i don't have a favourite kule-season. uBrett talked too much naye but i didn't give anyone to treat the way his team members did. I was glad for him when he was fired

only slightly like Roxanne coz she put Andrea in her place last week! >>>> I was very pleased with Roxanne coz that Andrea chick was undermining her!! She's very cocky that one

10 Dec 2008 15:47

it didn't give anyone a right........

10 Dec 2008 15:51

I was very pleased with Roxanne coz that Andrea chick was undermining her!! She's very cocky that one
Bodering on being racist.

10 Dec 2008 15:52

EIsh, that guy, he's just on a stupid power tip nje.  true, this.  And how about that smile ........  eeeeuuuu.... he's  sooo ... but i suppose if u r as rich as he is u can get away with anything neh?

10 Dec 2008 15:55

Ok, i'd love to continue talking about my growing hatred for donald trump, mara i have to go...later guys!

10 Dec 2008 16:00

people i love Lenny,the fact that he can tell Trump that he is Jewish... i love him,he's not there to bow for the boss its either he get teh job or he hets fired but he iis clearly not going to bow for Trumph.

I think The boss just cant stand Lenny,the man can tallk and he never   raise his voice ...

10 Dec 2008 16:07

people i love Lenny,the fact that he can tell Trump that he is Jewish...
That's Lee therapy, not lenny...Lenny is German...or am i confused?

10 Dec 2008 16:11

The show has lost the "reality" part of it. More and more unnecessary drama is being created for the viewers. Nx

10 Dec 2008 16:14

Lenny said he's Jewish in the episode where Lee 1st observed the religious holiday, D.

10 Dec 2008 16:15

It's no longer interesting as before. But hhay cha the guy with black hair ngathi yi-perm or zimanzi (from the Gold Rush group) irritates me!! Especially last week when Lenny suggested that they use a voice-over for their ad........

10 Dec 2008 16:43

Lenny is the guy in the pic above he is Jewish he told Mr Trump two weeks back.

10 Dec 2008 16:48

Ok, thanx therapy and tox.

10 Dec 2008 16:56

I LIKE LENNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Dec 2008 18:15

Guys i like Lenny. I hope lasts a few weeks longer. He musnt win though. Where is he from btw, coz the first thing he said yesterday was "Whats a jingle"?

10 Dec 2008 18:33

Where is he from btw, coz the first thing he said yesterday was "Whats a jingle"?

Foxxy, please don't tell me you like him because of THAT?

Brown Shuga
10 Dec 2008 19:51

Gosh! I so don't like getting to an interesting article sekugcwele AMA-replies! Will comment later Tox, nice

Brown Shuga
10 Dec 2008 19:53

Eish, phone blogging. Meant nice recap. Trump is a bully!!

10 Dec 2008 19:59

Thanks Foxxy..........i was also like WTF is Lennie on about when he asked What's a jingle???????

Glam Gal
10 Dec 2008 23:21

I was also surprised by Trump's decision to fire Bryce. Why keep people who did absolutely nothing during the task and fire the who made an effort?

Brown Shuga
11 Dec 2008 00:22

The more frustrated Bryce got with the attacks, the more arrogant he got and that's why he got fired. Lenny should have left coz even if he didn't know what a jingle was, he should have tried to find out. 

Brown Shuga
11 Dec 2008 00:26

It was obvious that Caroline didn't like Bryce....eish, was disappointed he left. 

Trump and the hair....gaaadddddddddd!!!! I don't know what's the point of asking questions if he doesn't allow the guys time to answer....

11 Dec 2008 10:20

I don't know what's the point of asking questions if he doesn't allow the guys time to answer... power trip, ha hona niks hape.  Maybe the contestants should start giving him a standing ovation each time he walks into a room.....

Brown Shuga
11 Dec 2008 20:06

LOL @ standing ovation.....hayi Sbam, uyayibaxa...

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