A note to bloggers adding new articles: you may have noticed that your past images aren't listed when you publish an article and get to adding your blurb image i.e. the usual drop down box you get just before you publish is blank.
You'll also notice that your archived gallery images aren't appearing in the Image Gallery within articles. If you upload new images for an article they appear, but you can't see or add previous ones.
We're currently experiencing a glitch with the archiving of pictures and we're looking at how to solve it. Don't worry about past images - they are all in the database but they aren't showing up for selection at the moment.
In the meantime you can solve blank images by uploading images while adding your articles - including a blurb pic. Upload a blurb pic before publishing and you'll be able to select it before the article goes live.
We'll let you know when the archiving gets back to normal.