Top 6 Comic Showdown (Pics Added)

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 15 Jan 2009
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Over the past two months SABC1's comedy reality search So You're Think You're Funny has narrowed down the competition to a final six contestants.

The Finale's coming up on Tuesday 3 February and the pressure is on the finalists to out-funny each other in the remaining episodes to win the R100 000 prize.

The final six are (in no particular order): Tsietsi Matlakala of Witbank, Mdu Mazibuko of Johannesburg, Khanyisa Bunu of East London, Isaac Sithole of Johannesburg, Thabang Manyelo of Polokwane and Sifiso Nene of Durban.


This coming Tuesday (20 January) two of the six will be outwitted and eliminated and the following Tuesday (27 January) one will be whacked, leaving a final three for the showdown.

In addition to the cash prize the winner will also star in a David Kau show for 12 months. Kau's been a mentor on the show and is also one of the judges. Completing the final panel are comedian Ntosh Madlingozi and actress Moshidi Motshegwa.

The show is on SABC1 on Tuesdays at 19h00.


15 Jan 2009 16:21

I'm rooting for Thabang.

DJ Why why
15 Jan 2009 16:38

I was sad to see Mthawelanga go, yebo he is not funny maara, .......he was eye candy....mfxim.

Tsietsi had sum nice jokes 2.....Yo it's tuff to make peops laugh....I dont want kanyisa to leave maara she do nt make me laugh....and no i wud nt pay to see her....

15 Jan 2009 16:43

I failed to understand this show.

15 Jan 2009 16:49

I LOVE KHANYISA'S PRESENCE. Just the sight of her alone makes me crack up! i also love that guy with sparse dreads on his head- not sure what his name is.

i am so glad that guitar boy is gone! He wasn't funny shame, he was mildy witty but so not funny.

If only there were pictures, i'd know who the guy i'm rooting for is!

15 Jan 2009 16:56

Just glad its comingto an end and atleast 1 person will be R100 000 richer in 2009 to improve their lives.And the show i never got it in most times.

Brown Shuga
15 Jan 2009 18:15

Eish, was also hoping for pictures Tox coz I do'nt know their names.....

15 Jan 2009 19:36

Sfiso is going to take it...he is too funny...i've been to a few of his shows here in durbz and he always delivers...

Mthwelanga entered the wrong competition coz the brother aint funny but he surely can sing...hes creative, has the voice, the look and hes educated...that's a recipe for success right there...hope ama music executives were watching...

Brown Shuga
15 Jan 2009 19:46

Kakapana kanti are you based in Dbn??

15 Jan 2009 19:50

Me2 BS..but il be glad its ova...ncono kwa Show me the Funny!

15 Jan 2009 20:11

Pics added! There's no pic available of Thabang unfortunately. If one comes in we'll add it.

Brown Shuga
15 Jan 2009 20:18

OMG!!! Those pictures hahahaha!

Brown Shuga
15 Jan 2009 20:23

Thanks TVSA Admin! LOL

15 Jan 2009 21:12

Y don't they do like stand up comedy where people are voted off each week.These sketches and other crap are tedious (I've only ever watched less than 10min of this show but I got the gist and I didn't like it) 

15 Jan 2009 22:51

ok, i don;t watch the show....but if the pics are anything to go by......this must be the funniest show on SABC tv......I'm def watching next week.......

16 Jan 2009 06:27

I've watched it once and by looking @ these pics~~KHANYISA is taking this R100K

16 Jan 2009 07:44

Thabang manyelo al the way.................the kid Rockz!!!!! Eish

16 Jan 2009 07:53

Thabang is not funny @ all......SIFISO 4 molla...

16 Jan 2009 08:11

Sfiso for the Rands...brotherman is good.

Oh uMthawelanga-he was hott...

Thabang is the kiddo? If it's him-he has a lot of work to do before I can go to his show

16 Jan 2009 08:14

I watched it on Tues & was impressed ke Sfiso & Mdu. I also like Khanyi, but my money is on Sfiso!!

Shame  it was said seeing the guitar man go, but with a talent like that i'm sure we are going to spot him somewhere, doing his thing, clearly comedy was not it.

As for the presenter(4got his name), u have grown with this show, i remember in the first few episode we were all complaining about u, big up 2 u boet & keep it up!!

16 Jan 2009 08:16

I have never laughed during a broadcast of this show, if anything, it's traumatizing to watch.

Kim Possible
16 Jan 2009 08:17

Sfiso is going to take it...he is too funny...i've been to a few of his shows here in durbz and he always delivers...

I certainly agree wif you K'kapana.....Sifiso is the man ( wearing my "Fact Durban Rocks" Tshirt).....

16 Jan 2009 08:18

Sifiso is so funny eishhhh I missed most of the episodes, glad the guitar guy is gone, he was not cracking it sometimes.

16 Jan 2009 08:22

LOLOLOLOLOL, kanti dont they put make up on these people.

16 Jan 2009 08:32

These people look KAK funny themselves, they dont need to share a joke to crack me up..LOLOLOLOL

16 Jan 2009 08:57

They look funny yessesss

16 Jan 2009 09:01

The presenter is still pathetic

16 Jan 2009 09:06

MY FAVS ARE SFISO (after his Somizi joke) and Khanyisa!

thanks for the pics!!!!

16 Jan 2009 09:08

LMFAOROFLSTC..LOLOLOL cant stop laughing @ these guys's facial expressions.. kwa kwa kwa kwa wkwa kwa kwa, them N TVSA just made my friday morning.. *Phew*

16 Jan 2009 09:16

Abasebabi yho ingathi badumbile

16 Jan 2009 10:43

Kakapana kanti are you based in Dbn??
BS yebo...

ya u thomas sucks as a presenter....and worse of all he also tries to be funny but brother man aint funny...he should just stick to acting

16 Jan 2009 10:46

Heyi ungiqedile uKhanyisa ngehlaya lakhe lol 

16 Jan 2009 10:52

Bafethu uKhanyisa ngicela nimbuke ha ha ha ha ha

16 Jan 2009 10:53

Felfel LOL..........haini guys niwrongo hehehehehe. I can imagine irattex nc nc nc

16 Jan 2009 11:58

I didn't watch this week's episode but I really like Khanyisa

16 Jan 2009 12:09

Thanks TVSA Admin *kisses & royalties*....

now these pics r funny ...especially with David kau face appearin kwi background! hahahahahahaha
R we back 2voting........eish mina the show was boring so angiwa khumbuli amajokes wabo ..! Kodwa ingathi Khanyisa was better !

16 Jan 2009 12:17

eish Mabhebheza u just made me go back and look at them again, LMFAOTIFSTC kwakwkakwkakkwkk hehehehheehhehehhe

16 Jan 2009 12:17

the thing about Khanyisa is that she knows how to make fun of herself....

16 Jan 2009 12:22

Guys can anybody  tell me how is Ntosh as a comedian.  Must admit it was my first time seeing him on this show, i didn't know of his existence.  Is he gud, coz he's pretty much giving these aspiring comedians a hard time. Just wondering nje hore yena o gud ho le hokae?

16 Jan 2009 12:24

LOL Sbam. he was on late nite with Kgomotso the other day and i only managed a smile. Didn't find him funny @ all!

16 Jan 2009 12:45

I LOVE KHANYISA'S PRESENCE. Just the sight of her alone makes me crack up! 
I know what you mean...

I also saw him on Kgomotso. He's wack period! That's why Tladi wanted to BEAT HIM UP!  For a person who's that harsh he should be funny!

16 Jan 2009 12:49

Guys zoom in 2Khanyisa..*kwek* I like her eyebrows thou
Oh yini ISAAC ne rosara *sigh* I join Cande LMAO haai shame iyibafuna i camera

16 Jan 2009 13:02

Oh my goodness! the show is so under budget it's not even funny and i am just praying that the contestants are not starving and drowning in Fanta. i would like to say the Eastern Cape guys you have my support but Sifiso i have hope that you are going home R100 000 richer.

16 Jan 2009 14:28

its funny how they never show us where the contestants (thomas, the presents irritates me when he says this word) sleep or where they eat and chillax....they are always sitting at that dingy hall or whatever it is and they're always carying their bags....
tjoe!!! they arent even chairs or some runned-down sofas for them to sit on. when they're writing their material they have to lie down on the floor or kneel down.....cha cha cha surely as a coca-cola product, Fanta could afford a few basic things like chairs....noma lezi ezamaplastici....

16 Jan 2009 14:35

I also saw him on Kgomotso. He's wack period! That's why Tladi wanted to BEAT HIM UP! For a person who's that harsh he should be funny!


16 Jan 2009 16:22

uSIFISO for the money, even when he walks in, I just laugh, deserves it, I say if not him then Thabang, otherwise this show was just boring, as for uNTOSH, never heard of him, dont like him, if he was one of the contestants, he would have been the first to leave, with his and Moshidi's YOU KNOCKED IT OUT THE PARK statement, bayabhora.

Brown Shuga
16 Jan 2009 16:41

<<<<Guys can anybody tell me how is Ntosh as a comedian. Must admit it was my first time seeing him on this show, i didn't know of his existence. Is he gud, coz he's pretty much giving these aspiring comedians a hard time. Just wondering nje hore yena o gud ho le hokae?>>>> 
I saw him at one of the Blacks Only Comedy shows...and he uses foul language a lot. Based on that perfomance, I'd give him a 6/10 rating.

what aka mathata
16 Jan 2009 17:24

m m m.this ppl look scary,all of   them they deserve to win.o kare batlatla ba go tshwara poo tjo,haowa batho ba ..............

16 Jan 2009 17:32

LMAO mathata!!!!

what aka mathata
16 Jan 2009 17:36

this is not a joke,if they found you in a train ,you will kill yourself before they get to you.

this are real comedians,tjo aowa,is this for real?

16 Jan 2009 18:59

the guitar guy is Mthawelanga, he was in IDOLS in 2005 and was eliminated ib the top 8. i am sure he was rooting for some music producer to spot him

lil something
17 Jan 2009 23:47

This is a  gr8t show even though it lacks somethin', however raw talent was spotted in this show en i think many event organisers saw wht talent South Africa really has in terms of comedy. The guitar guy was not all so good 4 me, it was a mistake that he went that far, I am sure Anyway I think the guy 4rm Durbs, uSifiso will nail it, he rocks!

DJ Why why
20 Jan 2009 05:21

@ zo , i thot he luked familiar wif his guitar...mmmmm.

LOL @ the close up pix....... I suppose it's between Fiso n Tsietsi 4 me...Tsietsi was creative last week, Fiso delivers but he is too neat in his perfomances... I loved his Sowetan galfrend joke....

And abhuti wa" overall Isaac...mina i loved him on the hijack sketchyakudala  manje he speaks too much sotho, tswana ......

At this point i wud pay to see Fiso .........n it's Fiso for the Mani! I wanted to laugh at Thabang's joke about Vendian wars maara i got lost....mid-joke the language.....

20 Jan 2009 08:03

Thabang is not funny period...

20 Jan 2009 08:14

Guys, have ur'll seen that pathetic Nandos advert with Ntosh, with his kiss madolos and qopsi *4got the Ingrish word* pants.............gosh he reminds of umadlanduna.

20 Jan 2009 08:17

Guys, have ur'll seen that pathetic Nandos advert with Ntosh, with his kiss madolos and qopsi *4got the Ingrish word* pants.............gosh he reminds of umadlanduna.

My sis said "Ntosh has upgraded from being a comedian to a comedy" ...eish that tone on his phone

20 Jan 2009 08:23

My sis said "Ntosh has upgraded from being a comedian to a comedy" ...eish that tone on his phone
kwa kwa kwa, BA ur sista is so right uNtosh is a real comedy in that ad, the thing is uzithwele, he thinks he's all that. Neway as for that makes me hate the ad even more. But ke Nandos has always made it clear that theyare proud supporters of Zuma and the ANC. Ever noticed those two full chicken meals, they call them option A AND C *as in there is no B, so as to say ANC*.......and the ad is also in the ANC colours.........mxim!!!!

20 Jan 2009 08:27

But ke Nandos has always made it clear that theyare proud supporters of Zuma and the ANC. Ever noticed those two full chicken meals, they call them option A AND C *as in there is no B, so as to say ANC*.......and the ad is also in the ANC colours.........mxim!!!!

very true..i didnt believe my ears the first time when i heard that.

Ms. Jay
20 Jan 2009 08:41

But ke Nandos has always made it clear that theyare proud supporters of Zuma and the ANC. Ever noticed those two full chicken meals, they call them option A AND C *as in there is no B, so as to say ANC*.......and the ad is also in the ANC colours.........mxim!!!!

had also not noticed this! mxim!!!! thanks for telling us

20 Jan 2009 08:59

had also not noticed this! mxim!!!! thanks for telling us
Jael, the next time u go to Nandos look around and u'll notice.

20 Jan 2009 09:14

Nandos advert with Ntosh, with his kiss madolos and qopsi *4got the Ingrish word* pants.............gosh he reminds of umadlanduna

My sis said "Ntosh has upgraded from being a comedian to a comedy" ...eish that tone on his phone 

ROFLOL , kwa, kwa, kwa, hi hi hi - Iyo I couldn't resist not to laugh at those statements. As for the ring tone speechless he is even shayaring the ingwazi for it before he answers.

22 Jan 2009 23:21

All in all, Ntosh failed 2 pull that advert...I think he also needs 2 audition for So you think you are funny 2...the thing I don't like abt him is that he is so shrewd even more the David Kau and he is a complete critic yet he failed doing a nice Nandos Advert...

DJ Why why
24 Jan 2009 06:55

Haaa u guys? I LOVE that advert, and the way he says....*noma----li ne*...he is the exaggerated BEE dude. I think he was a perfect casting! I am still enjoying it.......the part bout *legs n thighs* and zooming on the breasts...i thought that was brilliant on the creatives side.....there are so many things they did ryt... (...connected/cellphone/mshiniwam..)

I suppose i love the offish the "we ve been having it-voda, Smoof n not smoof tropika*

Back to the topic....nx i missed the show 3/4 of the show coz i thought almal was showing uncle Obza's day....

M not sad Kanyi's gone she came that far......afterall....

24 Jan 2009 09:37

Damn! damn! damn! khanyi's gone??? Shyte, i loved her! hope something else comes up for her.

Rooting for sfiso!!!

DJ Why why
27 Jan 2009 19:35

Mdu left today, hayi shame torho these kids are taking strain..... missed the first 2 acts. Maara Fistaz sucked! shooo! kunzima ngoku! Mdu was struggling period......dry jokes, breaks in between.....oyi torho...! Askies mabhuti ne!

27 Jan 2009 19:39

u love Sifiso

Brown Shuga
27 Jan 2009 20:20

The whole point of this show is for the viewers to LAUGH but all I could say was "Shyte, Shyte, shyte. OMG, OMG, Ag shame...." 

Brown Shuga
27 Jan 2009 20:23

Thabang is only through coz Mdu sucked more than he did...oh gaad, am so disappointed! 
Big up to the guy who did the Zuma-mouth

DJ Why why
28 Jan 2009 17:13

The whole point of this show is for the viewers to LAUGH but all I could say was "Shyte, Shyte, shyte. OMG, OMG, Ag shame...."

true was embarrassing and sad....oy tog, and audience nayo ijongile....ithule.

And that old joke about Ntosh... isiyabhora manje hhawu!

Big up to the guy who did the Zuma-mouth
Ja, most of the audience did nt get it, but David sure did...that was nice....

28 Jan 2009 17:48

Thabang is only through coz Mdu sucked more than he did...oh gaad, am so disappointed! 

Thabang HAS reached his sell-by date. I dont understand why he choked (as Donald trump would say). He started off well with the xhosas and the click thing then he became a joke.

Big up to the guy who did the Zuma-mouth

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!Isn't that Sfiso????? That dude rocks!

DJ Why why
28 Jan 2009 17:55

yes it is Tox, Fiso did it....! Luv him....pity  missed Tsietsi...Tsietsi has the kasi vibe....

I still say Fistas is too clean but yes i wud pay to see him...but there is something cold about his deliverence, maybe it's tone of his voice...i do nt know.

28 Jan 2009 18:40

LOL DJ! I like him cause he is sooo original. i'll never forget his stabane joke....

somizi is to blame for all this nonsense. even dogs want to be gay. his pet dog was loungin on the pavement and he tried to play fetch (i think) and the dog said, you can go and fetch it yourself, now i'm a hotdog.

I never really warmed to Mdu but his 4 minutes is too long statement cracked me up.

who's the guy that was going on about horses and lambo's in Lesotho? i was sooooo bored during his set shame.

DJ Why why
28 Jan 2009 18:50

somizi is to blame for all this nonsense. even dogs want to be gay. his pet dog was loungin on the pavement and he tried to play fetch (i think) and the dog said, you can go and fetch it yourself, now i'm a hotdog.

Kwa kwak wkakwak wa Tox, i missed this one...sho sho sho! I am  already imagining him with his hands...he - can go fetch it...

I never really warmed to Mdu but his 4 minutes is too long statement cracked me up.

i felt pity anf lolled at the same time coz u cud see that it was really long....

who's the guy that was going on about horses and lambo's in Lesotho? i was sooooo bored during his set shame...

Donno, i missed two he the skinny 1, with dot dreadlocks? Tsiestsi?

28 Jan 2009 19:24

28 Jan 2009 19:25

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