The Soul of TV is back!

Written by Moagisi from the blog Bringing good TV back! on 09 Feb 2009
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So I was chatting with my BFF Busi on gtalk (which is an everyday occurrence, more addictive than Facebook, for me at least) and it was the inspiration behind me starting this blog. Our chat went a little something like this:

Moagisi: my friend do you watch Soul City chomi? Yes, soul city, 20:30, today
Busisiwe: sumtimes
Moagisi: what is sumtimes, there’s only been about 3 episodes
Busisiwe: i will watch it today
Moagisi: you better. l was never a soul city fan, but when l heard it was starting l decided you know l need a mzanzi story to watch since Isidingo is no longer my need and you know l don’t watch Generations and man was l blown away from episode 1. Jo, no this is the best season yet, fresh cast, marvellous and natural acting. Such real stories told in a real and simple way. I swear it’s like watching your neighbours on telly, or you or your friends. And the stereotypes it explores, like how women also have a healthy libido and how sometimes it’s the man who is on the low side. But it’s done so smoothly, not forced, just seems like, "ja, ofcos" type thing. Oh l love it!
Busisiswe: I’v seen the previews, it luks good
Moagisi: It’s an absolutely good production, respect to those who made it. Mzanzi tv is really growing hey
Busisiswe: It is Generations needs to catch a reality
Moagisi: for a while l think we had gotten lost in the Joziwood soap opera type TV, with bo Generations and all these silly soapies leading the pack and being seen as something to aspire to and we nearly lost the whole drama streak, even dramas had a soppy soapy thing to them. Look where Isidingo has gone, down down down
But Soul City is bringing good quality real story telling back!!
Busisiswe: gees, ur quite a fan, u shud blog about it on, lol
Moagisi: l should! l will. Wait, l can?
Busisiswe: yes, bt obviously u must register as a member on first
Moagisi: aha (light bulb moment)

And the rest is still to come! 

I don’t even know where to start expressing my absolute appreciation of Soul City 9. Do I go on about the scummy Zimele and his ten-timing tricks (can’t say two-timing cos given ten I’m sure he’d take all and leave none)? Or talk about his loyal wife Lebo who, even though she has love for and is loved by another man, decides not to (so far) stray and stay true to maikano a gagwe (vows she made when she got married)? She could have easily used the excuse of not feeling loved and appreciated by hubby and gone for her splakaveli, but decided to do one thing at a time. (Plus she doesn’t yet know, or at least her womanly instinct has not been proven right, that Ou Zimmy is playing Papa Madlesa).

Then there’s Zulu Boy (Zakes) who I know has impressed many of us with what seems like a natural talent for acting. Wow! He has got to be my favourite character. Jo, and he took poor Lulu-belle back last week. What’s going to happen next? I suspect, and this is just me thinking ahead, she too is going to find out she is preggy with Mr I-can-have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too Moloi (Zimele). And on that note, do you think Lebo is HIV positive? I’m crossing fingers and waiting with bated breath to find out what’s going to happen tonight! I can’t wait. 

Monday night TV has become good again especially for those of us who had nearly given up on any essential viewing. So, my friend Busi (and anyone who happens upon this random blog), you better watch tonight’s episode because all our stories creep up in the captivating scenes and it makes you smile nervously, or cry, or laugh out loud or just sigh. Here’s to bringing good tv back (sexy needs to step now, she got us into bad weaves and way too bright for our eyes outfits). Soul City has revived mzanzi tv spirit of telling real stories! 

Watch Soul City, Monday, 20:30 and re-discover your soul!


09 Feb 2009 22:27

what happened in tonites episode, is Lebo +?

Brown Shuga
09 Feb 2009 22:51

<<<what happened in tonites episode, is Lebo +?>>> Yeah...Lebo's story is a sad reality.

@ Moagisi, Busisiwe is not much of a talker, is she? Lol 

Great blog dude and I'm also enjoying Soul City. Anything but that Zone14 ish....
I just hope Zakes is smart enough not to have unprotected sex with Lulu

09 Feb 2009 23:16

Eish its 23:15 and i'm too lazy to read....i'll read 2moro....

Moagisi - Cande does a recap every be on the lookout for it 2moro....

10 Feb 2009 09:06

InHisShadow <<<<what happened in tonites episode, is Lebo +?>>>>

Yep, just like I predicted, Lebo is positive. Jo, and Papa Zimele's reaction of counter accusation and carelessness was just too much! 

@ Brown Shuga, I sometimes call her Cryptic (after another person who also speaks like he has a daily limit of how many words he can say a day and his purpose in life is to keep mystery alive), lol! Shame but she does talk hey, a lot actually and will probably kill me for saying so.

10 Feb 2009 09:48

I've neva watched it but after reading your blog today i guess i'd have to give it a try from next week..

10 Feb 2009 10:02

Soul City is definately worth watching..I remember even when it first started  - back in the day with Sol & Ali- it was always educational bt a bit too preachy / education programme.  Its definately grown, I was quite surprised to see a SA programme show female sexuality & mastubation - in a positive light nogaal!  Def worth watching...missed it last night though  : (

10 Feb 2009 10:09

This season of Soul City is da Bomb....

10 Feb 2009 10:09

I sometimes call her Cryptic (after another person who also speaks like he has a daily limit of how many words he can say a day and his purpose in life is to keep mystery alive), lol! Shame but she does talk hey, a lot actually and will probably kill me for saying so.....Lol!

10 Feb 2009 10:12

i really must start watching hey, but is there a repeat nah?

10 Feb 2009 10:16


10 Feb 2009 10:17

Belz, maybe if you dropped the people at Mzanzi Fo Sho a little email they'd slot in some repeats, wink wink! But all the more reason to watch hey!

10 Feb 2009 10:19

I still have not watched it...but i know before there's soul city 5 there'll be another soul city 4.

10 Feb 2009 10:21


10 Feb 2009 10:22

With mzansi4sho u are guaranteed repeats like it or not, maybe not this year but we will be seeing this season again lol...

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