It's a bird, it's a plane, oh no it's Pepi

Written by Toxic from the blog Random Recaps on 11 Feb 2009
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This is my second attempt at this! My first attempt was eaten up by the internet gremlins......ARGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! This copy and paste lesson ALWAYS deserts me when i need it most.


Anyway,this isn't a recap as i saw a lot more than i heard (the benefits of a 3yr old in the house). As the only people remaining on the show, Lee and Sean had to choose 3 people each from the fired contestants and these are the team selections:

Lee:  Pepi, Roxanne and the self-appointed recruitment manager, Lenny.
Sean: Andrea, Tarek and Tammy (no surprises there)

Lee chose people he felt were most loyal to him. It didn't matter that there may be air between their ears.....all he cares about is that they want to see him win. This displays a massive over-estimation of his intellect and truly displayed his politicalnessness....

Sean chose people he considered the cream of the crop, a mix of talent across all areas and he was very pleased with his choice and doubly so about Lee's choice.

Lee's task was to organise some celebrity event proceeds of which will go to some firemen (the bravest people on earth) charity. Sean's task was some event with naked women. Last night proved that whole behind everyman or woman thing incorrect. Sean, a project manager in the very last task chose to be with Tammy and discuss THE MENU!!!!!! Andrea and Tarek had the boring task of securing sponsorship for this event......




I already know who the winner is (googlin pictures does that) but based on last night alone i'd have thought the winner was:

Lee: because in almost all episodes of the apprentice, the team that's shown to be struggling with the task wins. Lee looked flustered last night and we saw what that that badly dressed, overweight woman thought of their grand fundraising ideas! No surprise that Lenny looked as half-asleep as ever.

Sean: because his team seemed to know what was going on. Andrea seemed like a project manager in that sponsorship meeting. She's a multi-millionaire for frak's sake!

Then the TREEEHGIIIC happened! Andrea lost a MASSIVE amount of blood cause she was coughing blood. Blood people!! A FOUNTAIN of blood flowed from her nose and her chest was DRENCHED in blood. In the event of such an emergency, Audrey had to walk her ass to the nearest hospital! Isn't there a medical team on the show, kante?

I hate these events challenges (dubbed the most difficult task on the apprentice). They only serve to display Carolyn's smirk, irritating charity people, the madness of getting 4 people to run a massive event, the self-importance of Trump and almost always the appetite of George! Is George the self-appointed sampler on the show? Whenever there's food, George is tasting it!! 

this is Carolyn at seeing Pepi on Lee's team!

So, who do you want to see win this? Lee or Sean?




11 Feb 2009 08:13

I felt sori for Lee yesterday, it looked like he was lost and his team mates didn't do much either, especially during consultation with  that "charity woman' and the sponsors.

As for Sean, shame the guy is SMITTENED with Tammy, u can see it in his eyes, his conduct around her and he was not ashamed to show it.  I was even worried that he will loose focus of what is at stake(bt luv can do that 2 a person neh).
Sean can sometimes be overly confident and underestimates his opponent, which i find disturbing, but in this last round i hope it works for him.

my money is still on Lee though, he is a risk taker and have people skills, if he is not apprentice I hope Trump hire him for something else(that will be a good investment for him)

11 Feb 2009 08:19

Guys does anyone know y is SABC 1, showing soccer at the time of Real no no..not everyone is crazy about soccer, isnt it enough that we watch it on weekends & on some other channels during the week? it really is not many weeks have we not seen RGB? Even today it seems like its goin to be soccer at 10pm!

11 Feb 2009 08:22

Blood people!! A FOUNTAIN of blood flowed from her nose and her chest was DRENCHED in blood. In the event of such an emergency, Audrey had to walk her ass to the nearest hospital! Isn't there a medical team on the show, kante?

LOL! You had to say it like that! Talk about being a dramastist!

Ms. Jay
11 Feb 2009 08:31

Ok toxic wont spoil it but its pretty obvious!

11 Feb 2009 08:31

This is my second attempt at this! My first attempt was eaten up by the internet gremlins......ARGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! This copy and paste lesson ALWAYS deserts me when i need it most.
 Oh, no! Askies...I know the feeling... glad you didn't give up though!

Hmmm ok, I'm rooting for Sean, but he really irritated me when he chose to go with Tammy to discuss the flippin' MENU...COME ON man, can he just keep his pants on till the task is over? Hai man.

As for Lee's team, that wasn't Lee's choice, it was Lenny's, simple as that. I mean honestly, PEPI? Who the hell remembers PEPI? And what is so great about Roxanne? 

Sean's team is on the money, but the apprentice is such a drama, did they really have to make such a scene of Andrea caughing out blood? I mean, I know it can't be healthy, but the way they saw and opportunity to create a dramatic ending...and you know next week we'll learn that she's fine, and the fussy lady that's stressing Lee will suddenly like everything!

As for Carolyn...guys, someone needs to bring that woman back to earth. The meer look on her face is enought to get my blood boiling!

Anyway, like I said, I'm rooting for Sean, and if Lee wins, I'll blame it on Sean for losing focus because of Tammy.

11 Feb 2009 08:36

@Jael, to me, it actually isn't obvious, coz judging from other seasons, the event always goes ahead with a few glitches here and there, but it happens without major catastrophes. So I've always thought that Trump doesn't really make much of his decision based on the final even, he probably knows when the final two is left who he'll hire, all he has to do is justify it. Only if somehting really big happens do I think the final event will be an issue.

11 Feb 2009 08:40

Eish...Lee is a youngster and has a lot to learn....I understand where he's thinking is coming from....we both studied from the same i'm not bragging.....

11 Feb 2009 08:44

I like Lee.....he has a very positive attitude.......I don't like Sean in fact he used to be my fav until he chose Andrea's side.......But it was funny to see peopel sucking up on him to be in his team.....

And what is so great about Roxanne? - Roxanne has won all her task as Project Manager....adn to be blunt....SHE WAS THE ONLY BLACK PERSON ON THIS SEASON......

11 Feb 2009 08:49

I don't like Sean in fact he used to be my fav until he chose Andrea's side.......
Same here. That showed me that he doesn't have a spine and if He wins it would be by sheer luck! My opinion no need to attack!

11 Feb 2009 08:52

we both studied from the same i'm not bragging....., kudala ngithi wena uya choma, lol

Nami, i had no idea who pepi is/was, the guy was quiet, he never sed a damn word, he was just noding, and speaking of noding, i just hate dit when Sean and Lee where busy noding like dummies when Mr Tope was congratulating them,,  Um so temptd to google who the winner is,,

Anyway, like I said, I'm rooting for Sean, and if Lee wins, I'll blame it on Sean for losing focus because of Tammy. Um also rooting for sean,,,mara he must focus on the competition, sometyms bizne$$ and pleja are not suppose to mix and this is the time...he will drool over her after hi wins dammit!!

11 Feb 2009 08:53

Damn! Thought yesterday was the finale. Cant wait for The Amazing Race.

11 Feb 2009 08:57

me neither Foxyy

Ms. Jay
11 Feb 2009 09:03

Rene - trust me the result will be a bit of shocker. apprently after a couple of months after this particluar show Trump did something he never would normally me if you would like to find out more

11 Feb 2009 09:04

Mee too Foxxy.......The Apprentice has lost the plot.....its too predictable.......I just can't wait for the Celebrity version to see my friend Amarosa again.......

The coming season of Amazing race is going to be exciting.....i saw a short person on the promo and couldn't help LOLing.....

11 Feb 2009 09:10

hayi suka, um going to google the winner, what if there is no power next week tuesday or um not @ home??lol

11 Feb 2009 09:12

what season are we currently watching??

11 Feb 2009 09:15

never mind, already found out who the winner @ jael, please expect a PM from me..

11 Feb 2009 09:23

Jael, If I PM you I'll spoil myself  mos? I'll PM you this time next week ne?

11 Feb 2009 09:25

Oh bathong, i hate coming to a blog so late...

Sean, a project manager in the very last task chose to be with Tammy and discuss THE MENU!!!!!! 
I couldnt believe it...this is his most important task and he can not focus.

Lee's team sux big time, i didnt see them brainstorm any ideas. They just budged into the badly dressed woman's office and wanted to auction fire men...i mean WTF!!!! This is supposed to be a high class event!

As for Lee relying on Lenny to recruit for him? Hai he e, and Pepi kwa kwa kwa...the guy hardly said anything!!!!

I think Lee might be the winner, not because of his skill but based on how Trump feels about him.

11 Feb 2009 09:29

I think Lenny wanted people that had no hidden agendas and most people that were on Lee's team didn't like Lee....more than half of them in Pepi was ideal if you look at it in that way.....

The guy with a higher GPA and a Perm was so desperate to be choosen shame....

Ms. Jay
11 Feb 2009 09:36

Will check my PMs, Rene you will kick yourself when you find out who won....

GI Jane
11 Feb 2009 09:44

I hope Trump fires both of them, I don't really see an apprentice in these 2. 
Lee can't even pick his own team, he has to rely on the Lenny "the Russian" to do that for him and who does he come up with ?"PEPI!!!!!". 
Sean is so hung up on Tammy he's loosing all focus, he'd rather go look at shrimps and cookies than go look at a Pontiac.

Trump I say fire these 2 morons they r not worth it. 

11 Feb 2009 12:40

Hawuuuuuu Nomhle T...did u not read where they say:  DON'T YOU DARE SPOIL IT FOR THE REST OF US!!!!


11 Feb 2009 12:47

NomhleT, dumb doesn't come worse packaged than YOU. I specifically TOLD you not to spoil it for others you dimwit!!!!! You're obviously wishing you get banned from this site...nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

11 Feb 2009 12:54


Nomhle T
11 Feb 2009 13:03

Whatever B***ches, I have important things to do with my time anyway, you can block the da damn profile.

11 Feb 2009 13:06


11 Feb 2009 13:06

nc nc nc Nomhle T..go back to whatever hole you came from and STAY THERE!!!

11 Feb 2009 13:14

LOL @ Toksiki, mxolele  uNomhle maan lol

Sana Lwam
11 Feb 2009 13:27

Nice pics Tox... I would like it if Sean could win, Lee was so lost yesterday. 

Damn I miss the Nomhle part

11 Feb 2009 13:31

Nomhle - if you have important things to do - why are you here????

11 Feb 2009 13:34

Yey,at last Im a member.Love watching tv and had no idea such a site existed where one could chat to other "addicts"! 

Who would you guys have chosen if you were in one of the 2 finalists' shoes? I also would've gone for tarek cause the guy is creative. I also liked that guy that won the chicken jingle challenge.and even though she was a bit of a pain at the end, andrea as well

11 Feb 2009 13:44

Tarek is the guy with a perm and loud mouth?????


Sana Lwam
11 Feb 2009 13:46

mjj - Tarek is that guy with a vey high IQ

Sana Lwam
11 Feb 2009 13:50

By the way mjj, do you tickets to JC on saturday. Sho luv will hook us up strawberry or leopard outfits. Please wethu ndishumanizekile

11 Feb 2009 13:53

That's him big mouth no actions....

Sana Lwam....I'm going to the JC concert on sat...thanks for reminding me....let me buy the tickets....

11 Feb 2009 13:53

Who would you guys have chosen if you were in one of the 2 finalists' shoes? i would fire the two fools and choose Roxanne----1st black female apprentice.....

11 Feb 2009 13:53

Tarek is the guy with a perm and loud mouth?????

ja that's the guy. he shouldn't have revealed his IQ at hte beginning like that coz everyone,especially trump, expected miracles from him. he should've let his actions do the talking instead. he just looked stupid at the end shame.especially the way trump made fun of him. 

just because he's a genius didnt mean he knew everything.but then that's what u expect from a genius i suppose...

Sana Lwam
11 Feb 2009 13:55

Roxanne was a yes ma'am to Allie.

11 Feb 2009 15:33

Lol, Aren't I glad I wasn't here for the spoiler...!

11 Feb 2009 15:40

Roxanne was a yes ma'am to Allie.
And she is not helping Lee right now

Lol, Aren't I glad I wasn't here for the spoiler...!
lucky u gal

11 Feb 2009 16:07

I just want to see the winner already. Lee is such a child sometimes, how can he bring Lenny.

11 Feb 2009 17:15

Because Lenny wants him to win business you take those that can do the job whether you like them or not...

12 Feb 2009 19:19

The loser of this finale was hired by trump 3 months later and they both ended up working for whoever wins now was just for show

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