Hi my fellow Bloggistos. Have you guys heard about the new marital law to be enforced since “Vat ‘n Sit’ was regarded as Marriage? Well let me fill you in since I have friends in “high” places and I get to hear things before the general public.
People have complained to the “powers that be” that marriage is out of fashion and divorce rate is beating Zim’s inflation. Men are no longer getting married because things are free now and with so many men batting for the same team there’s single women galore. Bloggeresses how many of you ladies here are over 25 years of age and still single? And how many of you are single parents? When I say single I mean “unmarried”.
I am not saying there’s anything wrong with being a single parent or with Bra Mike in the picture. What I want to touch on is about men not marrying and too many women not being married.
Bloggers and Bloggeresses, I just want to hear your views. I have been pondering on this thought since last year. Firstly I just want to hear from the men: “Why are you not marrying your long term girlfriends?” Those who are not in steady relationships why are you bed hopping every week? When are you going to stop? Don’t you get tired of ducking and diving in public hang outs because you don’t remember the girl you were with two weeks ago? Is it woman independence? Should we blame the constitution? Are women too readily and freely available since they have their own houses and you no longer have to ask for permission from her parents to see her?
Ladies what is going on? Is it because you can “afford” to take care of yourselves? Are your pockets too deep you do not need a man? Do you feel you are men enough to raise a child on your own? Men have turned into donors and no longer fathers. Is it a curse of some sort?
You are probably fed up reading this blog wanting to hear about the new marital law: “THE PAY AS YOU DATE LOBOLA”. Well I am a single almost 30 year old woman. I have no children because I don’t believe in sperm donors. I would rather adopt and raise a child who has no mom or dad than raise my own without a full time dad. I am a CIA/ CSI (CUTE INTELLIGENT ATTRACTIVE/ CUTE SEXY INTELLIGENT). I am a complete package but hey, I am not married. I came up with this “brilliant” idea because I am tired of donating my time, company, intellect, image, respect, understanding, humour, craziness and most of all good sex to men who feel they are either not ready to marry or they are never going to marry.
You all know it is said that not everyone is meant to get married. Blah, blah, marriage is a gift. I never wished to ever get married. Well I thought, “Bullocks!” ke jewa mahala! Any man who wants to date me now must get into a contract with me. A “PAY AS YOU DATE CONTRACT”. I never used to expect or accept money from men so this contract excludes those little top ups from guys. The contracting party can either pay upfront on a monthly, quarterly or annually basis. If the affair ends before the expiry date there is no refund because it could be the contracting party’s fault. Bloggistos please tell me your views, ideas and experiences. Sorry guys I know sugar mommies already pay you to be with you. But hey please fill me in on your feelings about this new law. Is it fair or unreasonable?