Smoking Cigarette

Written by JadaPinkett from the blog BEYONCE SHOWS HER EXPENSIVE RING on 02 Mar 2009
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Guyz I know some of you will feel offended about this article.

But I've been asking my self since I see the ladies smoking Cigarette and seem to be fine and free about doing it. I have lots of questions I asked my self but never get the answers...But today I believe I will get some answers to my bloggers.

I don't mind if the lady or whoever is smoking but i'm jst feeling so ashamed if she/he get this uncured disease which is cancer, Guyz I've been seeing lots of people dying by Cancer but people seems not to take serious this disease and it is killing people and they are dying. Fine,  it may be not only cigarette which cause cancer but we know exactly that smoking (ugwayi) is dangerous. I even used to see the warning out the Cigarette's box which says" smoking causes Cancer"

So I would love to know that what does ugwayi(Cigarette) does that make most of the smoke it, And if I can guess there's 50% of the ladies ababhemayo which I don't  blame but I'm concerned about their health.

So Guyz do u think it healthy to smoke?
Does it work for those who's smoking cigarette? If it does working maybe in which moment it is helpful to smoke?

And the last question is based only to the ladies who smoke cigarette
How do you feel about smoking in public? 
Are proud for smoking? If you not proud,  then
why you doing something you not proud of?


02 Mar 2009 14:08

Hey Bloggers, how do u really feel about ugwayi?

02 Mar 2009 14:13


02 Mar 2009 14:20

I have no problem with smoking ladies...infact i love them

02 Mar 2009 14:31

At least there's a health warning on ciggie packs wabona Jada? So if smokers ignore it, then they know what's coming.

I dont smoke cause i dont like the smell and taste of cigarettes but i let people each his/her own

02 Mar 2009 14:31

i also don't have a problem but I was wondering why they chose such a difficult step seem others they take, 
And I asked one of the ladies i know and she mentioned that she's only smoking just for style.

02 Mar 2009 14:35

I don't have much of a problem with someone smoking. It's their choice anyway. For me it becomes an issue when a person smokes in the same room i'm in. Not only does it smell bad but i'm allergic too

02 Mar 2009 14:38

02 Mar 2009 14:41


02 Mar 2009 14:45


02 Mar 2009 14:45


02 Mar 2009 14:46


02 Mar 2009 14:46

Any one???????????????????????????

02 Mar 2009 14:50


Sana Lwam
02 Mar 2009 14:55

I don't do ciggies but one thing that urghh urghh me is a lady smoking on the street, (like smoking and walking). The sight is just not OK, if they just stand in one place and smoke thats fine but walk+smoke no.
Its just like a person who will be walking in town/mall eating a pie, walk+eat is also not OK for me.

02 Mar 2009 14:57

Here i am Jadakitkat>>>>(nothing personal girl, there was this girl we called Jadakitkat)

So Guyz do u think it healthy to smoke?
No it is not healthy, that is why those packets have a warning sign

Does it work for those who's smoking cigarette? 
think so that is why they dont want to quit

If it does working maybe in which moment it is helpful to smoke? 
When they feel stressed and cant think straight, just like seneif, se lokisa hlooho.

02 Mar 2009 14:59

So Guyz do u think it healthy to smoke? 
Of course its not healthy, but it trully stops me from suffing my face with food.
Does it work for those who's smoking cigarette? It has worked for me, and I noticed this about a week ago, cause I have stopped smoking for a month now and I have picked up about 8kg, so I am thinking of going backi, kidding

How do you feel about smoking in public? 
It is kind of embarrassing especially when you meet up with old poeple and look at you with disgust.
Are proud for smoking? If you not proud, then why you doing something you not proud of? 
I have stopped about a month ago, but I am picking up weight...

02 Mar 2009 15:01

what?? Smoking can make one loose weight??

02 Mar 2009 15:03


02 Mar 2009 15:04

Well, not loose weight, but it suppresses the appetite=less eating

02 Mar 2009 15:05

Ke s'dudla hle Toxy, my pants sit funny now!

02 Mar 2009 15:06

I have no problem with smoking ladies...infact i love them

Im like Monchy guys....but plz dont smoke inside the house.

02 Mar 2009 15:07

ya i've heared about this smoking your weight away thingie, bare dagga makes you loose weight like nobody's business. but i will rather go the special K way, i want quick fixes lenna waitse! i should just eat healthy and exercise xha!

02 Mar 2009 15:08

So Guyz do u think it healthy to smoke? - Its not healthy but it depends which cigarrets are u smoking, there are very harmful cigarrets and the lights ones. 

Does it work for those who's smoking cigarette? If it does working maybe in which moment it is helpful to smoke? I'm not sure whether it works or what, what i can say is i smoke every two hours so to me i works in every moment.

And the last question is based only to the ladies who smoke cigarette
How do you feel about smoking in public?
When i was in KZN it wasn't easy to smoke in public bcoz people used to mind your business as if they care (if you are 4rm KZN don't be offended coz i'm also from DBN) they will look at you as if your are doing s*x in a park. So here cpt i smoke every where even lekotaxing.

Are proud for smoking? If you not proud, then why you doing something you not proud of? JP lets say you drink coffee everyday, are gonna feel proud? i guess u don't know whether u are proud or what, same goes to cigarrets i just don't know ukuthi i'm proud or not.

02 Mar 2009 15:09

Tox you sound interested

02 Mar 2009 15:11

So here cpt i smoke every where even lekotaxing. 

Triple Lol JuneRose! uyaexagerator manje! for real girl?

02 Mar 2009 15:13

bare dagga makes you loose weight like nobody's business,,,Really now..mhmmm where TL, now we have a reason to smoke dagga,lol

The Punisher
02 Mar 2009 15:16

Eish ya its a bad habit, mara what can we say?  erione smokes for a different reason, stress, lose weight, fun etc

eish i enjoy it more during my alc bingeing

02 Mar 2009 15:17

zol is super good though...ask farai he will tell you

02 Mar 2009 15:18

@Sana Lwam - here is JR, from work to home, take off her formal clothes putting her jeans, preparing to go out (dance class) but she's late, on the other hand she want s to smoke badly, u mean i have to waste that 10min smoking instead of smoking while i'm walking, no way.  walk+smoke it does work for me bcoz i'm always late. 

02 Mar 2009 15:19

LOL @ Monchoo, u exposing the poor brada now..mara i wana try it

02 Mar 2009 15:21

Mina I dont have a problem with ppl who smoke, as long as u will chew a gum after that, coz the after-smell kills me, its worse than the smoke itself and wash ur hands afterwards also..

02 Mar 2009 15:22

Cody if you dont believe me just ask somebody from cpt okileng anamela taxi, bazokutshela ukuthi we learn from taxi drivers, i was even suprised.

02 Mar 2009 15:27

If you gonna smoke like you don't have another R1.50 for a loose, then yilapho khona izandla zakho zizonuka khona or ubhema iRothmans uyilady its where u will need a watermelon Chappies.

02 Mar 2009 15:30

Lerata, your body hides 8kg very well if that's the case!

02 Mar 2009 15:32

LOL @ JuneRose, is Rothmans still available, huuu! As for the watermelon chappies, it makes the smell worse.

02 Mar 2009 15:34

Its true nge dagga. I have a freind of mine who was wearing abo 38-40 while we were doing grade 10 but she started smoking dagga but now she is slender ngathi ngu Miss SA but the problem is, she neva stops. Thats the problem.

02 Mar 2009 15:36

@Myname, so she keeps getting skinnier?? Mina i just wana try it for fun and for my hair,lol..

02 Mar 2009 15:38

LMAO @ Toxic,  all the weight went to the boobs

02 Mar 2009 15:40

Awelani ... me neither I don't but when they somke near by me Ijst get irritated

02 Mar 2009 15:43

She is skinny now coz she is wearing size 28.

Mina i just wana try it for fun and for my hair @Awe and hair also? hai sana kaloku, its for weight not hair. 

For hair eat Dog's tablets LOL

Sana Lwam
02 Mar 2009 15:48

myname, u dont slim uyaboqoka qha

02 Mar 2009 15:53

@Cheesa,, we still fresh from the weekend, so we 4gave her, mara throw us ur article with mistakes from wednesday, then u will get it,,,

02 Mar 2009 15:53

I jst phone one of my frnd and asks how she feels abt ugwayi and she suprised me coz she said that she's okey with coz if she's drunk then she can smoke.

02 Mar 2009 15:54

@ Cheesa - Please respond to the article and no the mistake

@ JP - Please have a look at what Cheesa is talking about, do you see your mistakes? 

LMAO @ myname - For hair eat Dog's tablets LOL

02 Mar 2009 15:56

LOL SL, i call her Skeleton or Ngcondo

02 Mar 2009 15:57

LMAO @ Myname,,Dog's tablets?? LOL... Gal have u noticed how long i-dred labantu who smoke dagga is?? i also want my dred to be super long,,mara amapilisi wezinja, angeke,

02 Mar 2009 16:00

@Cheesa ..............Yini uchuku manje. firstly i was so supportive to article now u want my bloggers to behave badly, anyway thanks for making me realise i have some mistakes need to be filled so in the future i won't do the same thing.

Sana Lwam
02 Mar 2009 16:00

@Cheesa - I didnt saw the mistakes maybe its because I was not shacking anyways I donts go around looking for them they sumtimes are just in ur face.

02 Mar 2009 16:01

ill be honest with u ....u 1st start smoking bcoz of peer pressure it does not matter hw old are u...?

....nd then u smoke becoz u are addicted....period...!!!

...............i must say though its nice with booze and after a gud meal.....

Sana Lwam
02 Mar 2009 16:01

...I mean on ur screen

02 Mar 2009 16:02

@Lerata.......................u'll never know my dear, only people can tell u about  the mistake

02 Mar 2009 16:05

Hi All. NB:hawu bantu, dont start  judging each other coz the next step will be grama. please. some of us are not english even them english pips faulter here and there. Like Supa that English dude. By the way im a smoker.

02 Mar 2009 16:05

@ Cheesa, wa bona gee, JP only saw the mistake now. 

LMAO @ Sana Lwam

02 Mar 2009 16:07

@Cheesa if you see any mistake here my luv remember everybody does the mistake like u did on ur article for an example Didn't saw

Sana Lwam
02 Mar 2009 16:09

donts now blockers donts

02 Mar 2009 16:12

LMAO @ u guys,,

02 Mar 2009 16:15

point of correction : you dont saw you sore,you dont shack you shagg and please donts korek me zikhoko please donts .lol

02 Mar 2009 16:16


02 Mar 2009 16:16

Guys im off so plz DONTS fight.

Chau & lets dos this tomorrow. Bye

02 Mar 2009 16:17

Guys, you gonna start messing up this blog with this thing "MISTAKE", But i must say, these mistakes they can just embarass u symtimes, once i wrote a speech just image T.Mbeki was listening to that. by leaving the A out people were like whooooooooooo. I said Zimbabwe AS WHOLE instead of zimbabwe as a whole.

Sorry JP to say this kwiblog yakho. 

02 Mar 2009 16:19

Well.............Someone metioned something like most of the guyz  with long dread they soke dagga, I used to think those are Rastaz coz when I grew up i was told that Rastaz it's their culture to smoke dagga and eating food with no salt.

02 Mar 2009 16:23

Reply from: zozoe 3/2/2009 9:44:42 PM
To MD of this blog and all staff
i hereby apologies for my dirty replies is jast that i was angry
and fed up with ppl who think they know it all, i was just tired of reading
( new babies, idiots, stupids,) i am sorry for not doing wat i am here for
it not my wish to make this blog a words fight ring. I am determined to be a good gal with respect and humbleness

i hope my apology will be accepted


Sorry JP, this just cracked me and I thot of sharing with ya'll..

02 Mar 2009 16:25

"MISTAKE" im not scared of him, I 'll put him in his  rite place. By the way ngikawuza ne zol..( i smoke the holy holy)

02 Mar 2009 16:28

LMAO @ awelami

02 Mar 2009 16:31

Hhayi kabi, guys are u going to publish all ur PM on public blogs now? And for 4 labo abafika lapha abazodelela then bagijimele kumaPM like zozoe grow up guyz, if you want to do a show off go outside pls.

02 Mar 2009 16:32


02 Mar 2009 16:34

LOL @ Cheesa

02 Mar 2009 16:35

Awe...kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

02 Mar 2009 16:36

awelani, so where exactly is the relationship bte long hair and smoking?

02 Mar 2009 16:40

from whch blog was this reply?

02 Mar 2009 16:41

I wonder what u mean Awelani

02 Mar 2009 16:50

i'm have a same problem like you Sjura...........Awelani is confusing me

02 Mar 2009 17:00

eish, awelani you are crazy did anyone tell u that!...kwa kwa kwa kw aaaaaaa!

02 Mar 2009 17:02

@ sjura >awelani's reponse comes from the Genarations blog...

03 Mar 2009 08:12

Awelani awubuye phela uzochaza ukuthi who said that  to you

03 Mar 2009 08:17

LOL @ JP..No1 said that to me, I found it from the Gene blog, there's been a ,lot of in-fighting there, so i think Zozoe was also involvd in one, she was apologising to the MD of the blog..not to me,lol.

@Tox: I heard that if u smoke dagga, ur hair(dread) grows fast, dunno bout soft hair,,and i also know of a hair salon where they mix dagga with their own shampoo,conditioner and molding cream, apparently it daz wonders to ur dreadlocks,,,and the smell,Wooooooow, wana go again.

03 Mar 2009 08:25

Where's this salon??? i want an AFRO quickly!!!

03 Mar 2009 08:27

LOL..its in vosloorus and I think also in Maponya mall..(DreadMaster)..but dont they wont tell u that they use dagga, u can just smell it.  BTW, they also dont sell any of their products to any1, so that is kinda suspicious,lol

03 Mar 2009 08:31

there's no dreadmaster in maponya mall. ke kopa di digits tu.

03 Mar 2009 08:32

will c what I can do.........

03 Mar 2009 08:34

@Toxic ufuna idread don't there's frind of mine uyalibaxa  and uze akufake nensipho thereafter he'll rub you like with ithawula

03 Mar 2009 08:39

Maponya Mall will cost uToxic I really think uSbhamu (frnd of mine) can help her

04 Mar 2009 09:56

Something I heard about uAndi01 kuthiwa  uyayihuqa insangu but I won't ukuthi ngizwe ngobani

04 Mar 2009 10:04

Are u done withis article????????????No i stil need more replies

04 Mar 2009 10:04

Are u done withis article????????????No i stil need more replies

04 Mar 2009 10:04

Are u done withis article????????????No i stil need more replies

04 Mar 2009 10:04

Are u done withis article????????????No i stil need more replies

04 Mar 2009 10:04

Are u done withis article????????????No i stil need more replies

04 Mar 2009 10:04

Are u done withis article????????????No i stil need more replies

04 Mar 2009 10:09

Well JP what if you date someone that smokes what will you do what rules will you set

04 Mar 2009 10:17


04 Mar 2009 10:22

I just tell him that I don't miond if you but you could please do me a favour and show some respect by not smoking near by me or near by 3 months old son

04 Mar 2009 10:24

Ive been smoking since std 6 but I'm still not addicted. I know my limits and I will not let something like addiction take over me. I will smoke when I want to smoke not coz I have to. I prefer smoking when drinking,  and unless I have a smoking partner to smoke with I will not smoke alone. Makes me feel like I'm getting addicted. 

Smoking is about peer pressure there is no other way. The people I was smoking with in high school are now serious addicts.

04 Mar 2009 10:28

I only smoke at home outside because seeing a lady smoke in front of me does not look good so I smoke at places where its "acceptable" eg: bars. And I can go for months without a single smoke.

04 Mar 2009 10:29


04 Mar 2009 10:32

Awe, do you know where I can get me some zol? Ngizoba yislender, my cousin was sooo huge he smoked he lost wait like crazy...and another friend of mine blazes too-damn she's a size 34 from 42...I'm in.

If it helps with the hair-bonus.

04 Mar 2009 10:33

lol... campaign(er) JP..LOL

04 Mar 2009 10:34

Awe, do you know where I can get me some zol?>>>Will ask my dad, he knows the suppliers,lol...

04 Mar 2009 10:35

I only smoke when I'm drinking with my girls (now it's like one weekend a month), or if I am really bored at home-I never carry ciggarettes -and only smoke ciggarettes with a mint taste.

04 Mar 2009 10:37

What are you still waiting for Awe? I wonder if the space muffins help with the wait loss too...I'll have one for breakfast, lunch and supper.

04 Mar 2009 10:38

Wow it semms like Cleve uyazihlonipha that's great and lovely, i'm glad that u can limit ur smoking

04 Mar 2009 10:45

@The you know where I can get me some zol? ...Go to Andi01 she's got everything

04 Mar 2009 10:51

Andi01 is not in Gauteng, unfortunately.

04 Mar 2009 10:54

Hey wena TL, i sed my day, has contacts, and if i remember correctly, there's a zol tree @ home, lemme call him.

04 Mar 2009 11:05

Wow it semms like Cleve uyazihlonipha that's great and lovely, i'm glad that u can limit ur smoking

Thanks JP
, I knew I would be a mother one day and I didn't want my son to see his mom being addicted to cigarretes or anything else for that matter.

04 Mar 2009 11:05

Guys please lay off dagga, you might not be like cleve, cleve ke skhokho sa dagga so she wont get addicted. so to loose weight you have to smoke everyday, so you are bound to get addicted. 

just eat healthy people you've got nothing to loose, just choose the healthier alternatives

e.g Rice == buy brown rice
White bread==whole wheat bread
chips==baked chips etc. 

and look who is talking lol!!

GI Jane
04 Mar 2009 11:11

I'm a Dunhill Menthol girl...I used to smoke like crazy, then I stopped when I was preggies then went back again, my husband smokes too so I couldn't resist. But now I smoke like 1 or 2 cigs-a-day except when drinking then I go overboard. I wanna quit but it's kinda hard when everyone around you smokes. 

04 Mar 2009 11:12

Guys please lay off dagga, you might not be like cleve, cleve ke skhokho sa dagga so she wont get addicted

@ Cody kwakwakwakwa.
It all about self control.

04 Mar 2009 11:12

Ofcourse i'll be talking  coz i love this article.

04 Mar 2009 11:14

Maybe i should try once and see what's happening after smoking.

04 Mar 2009 13:04

So Guyz do u think it healthy to smoke? - We all know that it isnt healthy, but we love it, I think we thrive on the idea of taking risks, its like sugar, we know its bad for us, but we still take as much as we can.
Does it work for those who's smoking cigarette? If it does working maybe in which moment it is helpful to smoke? - I love smoking when I am drinking, its a catalyst that speeds up the reaction, if I dont smoke, i dont get drunk, period
How do you feel about smoking in public? - for the respect of my culture and religion, I never smoke in public, neither do i drink in public
Are proud for smoking? If you not proud, then why you doing something you not proud of? -  to be honest, we all start by wanting to be cool, to fit in, but eventually we get addicted, most of us dont smoke bcoz we want to, we smoke bcoz we are used to.

05 Mar 2009 19:08

to be honest, we all start by wanting to be cool, to fit in, but eventually we get addicted, most of us dont smoke bcoz we want to, we smoke bcoz we are used to. 

True that Andi01 ... the longing for belonging has destroyed many and left them with no satisfaction.

12 Mar 2009 13:07

OMG where was I when this article was uploaded??? Yall all know how I feel abt my Dunhill Menthol Lights.

12 Mar 2009 13:10

When i was in KZN it wasn't easy to smoke in public bcoz people used to mind your business as if they care (if you are 4rm KZN don't be offended coz i'm also from DBN) they will look at you as if your are doing s*x in a park. So here cpt i smoke every where even lekotaxing.
hahhahah that is so true and then they comment bathi: "yazi smoking doesn't suit u"..........I mean who asked u????

12 Mar 2009 13:11

You were on honeymoon Nonny,, remember?? lol

12 Mar 2009 13:20

You were on honeymoon Nonny,, remember?? lol
LOL Oh Yahhhhhhhhh I remember. By the way choma, I tried visiting ur GB and it gave me an error report!

12 Mar 2009 13:23

The is a lot things we do that aren't healthy like eating KFC but they don't write on that box ya bona that it could cause your heart attack your clothes could stop fitting u if you eat constatly. 
It's just one of those thing man.
Oh  hi everyone I love you guys.

12 Mar 2009 13:27

The is a lot things we do that aren't healthy like eating KFC but they don't write on that box ya bona that it could cause your heart attack your clothes could stop fitting u if you eat constatly. 
Thank u Lbg and we love u too. And futhi, there are many times where people smoke forever and in the end they die from a car accident.

12 Mar 2009 13:31

<<<<<<<<<"yazi smoking doesn't suit u">>>

People still say that to immediate response you know ukuthi your pants are ugly? or do you know ukuthi your shirt is very snaaks....i say anything that will tick them off be it a gal or boy it does not matter

12 Mar 2009 13:34

i say anything that will tick them off be it a gal or boy it does not matter
LOL, Monchy mina, my reply is: "And who asked for ur unvalued opinion?" I tell u nomatter how old or young they are that line just makes them speechless!!!!

12 Mar 2009 13:34

<<<<<<<<<"yazi smoking doesn't suit u">>>
Or if that's coming form a biggeryana person i sometimes feel like sayin food does not suit you........but i don't say it obviously

12 Mar 2009 13:38

Or if that's coming form a biggeryana person i sometimes feel like sayin food does not suit you........but i don't say it obviously

12 Mar 2009 13:40

everything kills these days...even water and air

12 Mar 2009 13:42

Let's just let smokers be as long as that person is not blowing smoke into your face let them be.

drinking and smoking damn goes well together.

Nonny you actually laughin at something am sayin OMG am so happy.

12 Mar 2009 13:43

LMAO...go on and defend yourselvs chimneys, lol,, ngiyadla,,lol

12 Mar 2009 13:47

everything kills these days...even water and air
LOL true and air is filled people's smelly farts so it's unhealthier than cigarette's.

Let's just let smokers be as long as that person is not blowing smoke into your face let them be.

LMAO...go on and defend yourselvs chimneys, lol,, ngiyadla,,lol
Phuma kithi wena. the next time u have a Big Mac Mean ask urself if it's healthy.

12 Mar 2009 13:56

LOL....and i luv u 2 nonny, lol

12 Mar 2009 13:58

Wow!Nonny I'm so sorry u were not around when  i released this article I thought of u when i finished writing it, and i knew angeke uhambiselane nayo........coz u remember onur second visit to my GB .........u laughed at my turn off coz it was ur turns on anyway i'm glad enjoyin it and u don't blame.........Cheers gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 Mar 2009 14:01

Cool JP, I'm also dissapointed I was around when thsi article was released. Very interesting views here.

12 Mar 2009 14:03

Phuma kithi wena. the next time u have a Big Mac Mean ask urself if it's healthy.

CTFU....waze wayi defenda iDH yakho Nonza ahahahahahah

29 Jul 2013 14:53

mmmmmm gone are those days.

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