Geez, I haven't watched KK in ages, months, if not a whole year, but I'm back, just needed a little push, and some work adjustment, and wala.
First, I must say, not much has changed, Andile still had blonde hair(i liked her hair last night by the way),but a different "studio".
Ok, to the stories.
In the first story, we meet Rose Zwane from Middleburg, wrote to KK looking for biological father who left his family in 1974, when she was only “5-4” years (
Sorry, I couldn't resist, i laughed when she said that). At the time, they were living n Dooronkop, and her father set off to go look for work in PTA, leaving her and her pregnant mother behind.
In following a lead, the KK team sets off to Cullinan, hoping to find Piet Sibanyoni. Nge shwe…hehe, they do indeed find his household, where there is an old woman sitting outside, and when they enquire, they find out that Piet is out at work, and she is his wife. They then start to explain who they are, and go on to ask this woman what Piet had told her about his life back home. Apparently, Piet told the woman that he had left a woman with a child, but was not married.
A few moments later, Piet arrives, all jovial, and initially, it’s not clear that he is not of sound mind. They try to talk him, but then It become clear that Piet is not absorbing much as he has had
Pharoas water, to quote our host Andile.
Thus, realising that not much will be achieved, they decide to go back home, and address this at another, more suitable time.
Piet's new "wife"Fast forward to what I think is a few days later, and it’s time to hear sober Piet’s side of the story. He says that he left home after a disagreement with his wife in order to get some “
fresh air”, his words, not mine.(
I guess the air was very fresh since he never came back). So in being away from home, he went here and there, and eventually came to settle where he is, and found himself a companion. He says he left his child with his parents, and not on the streets. Also, he knows only of one child, and did not know that the woman was pregnant. He is willing to go back home, and would love to see this mother and father.
When Piet gets to Middleburg, Rose’s mother explains how things actually went down. She even still remembers the exact day Piet left, promising to come in 2 months if he does not find work, but 2 months became 2 years, which became 35 years. In that time, Rose’s mother gave birth, and named the child Lindiwe, symbolizing her wait for the father of her children. Sadly, Lindiwe recently died, never having met her father.

Rose' mother, Piet, and RoseIn reply, Piet explains that it was rough out there, which leads Rose to ask him who he is living with. He tells her that he lives with a woman who he has not married, but they are happy together.
As they are currently in Rose’s house, they decide to take Piet to his home, the Sibanyoni homestead. On arrival, there are a lot of people gathered for some function or other. He is told who has since passed away.At this point, he gets emotional, particularly at the passing of his parents. I
must say, I was a bti surprised that Piet seems to have thought he’d be gone 35 years and find everyone still alive, does he think him being away makes his loved ones immune to death? .
Although it is not clear what Piet will do from now on, I suppose Rose is just happy to see her father is still alive. I feel sorry for the poor woman in Cullinan.
At this point, Andile come on screen, and reads a letter. Hau, now they read letters! Oh well, the letter is basically someone looking for someone. And then, they bring in another mini story of Mandla Nhlapho who is looking for his brother, Schoolboy, who went missing in 2004, and he’s mentally ill. Schoolboy had stopped taking his medication when he went missing. On the last day he was see, he had R200, and left saying he’s going to the shops, and that was the las they saw of him. He’d told his friends he went to Joubert Park to go to get on a train.
So basically, Schoolboy, buyelekhaya, bayakukhumbula.
In the second story, Joyce from Kwa thema, lives alone, but always has cousins children vistit.
She is sick with some form of cancer, and thus always needs someone around to help her. The woman she refers to as her cousin is actually not really her cousin, but a close friend who has become like family.
She tells us that her mother parents got divorced when she was young and her mother took her and her siblings to Lesotho, where she lived until the 80’s, when she decided to come to Gauteng.
Essentially, she is looking for the father’s family, who she believes is in Bloemfointein.
Once again, following a lead, the team sets off ot Bloemfontein where they indeed find the right house. When Joyce find this out, after explaining the reason for the visit, she is becomes very emotional, and is even more so when she is told of those who have passed.

She tells her new found family of the suffering in Lesotho at the hands of her maternal grandmother. She also asks them why they never looked for her, leaving her to spend her holidays alone.
I found this particularly sad…no one deserves to spend holidays alone, especially not Christmas.