Oops we did it

Written by Moagisi from the blog Bringing good TV back! on 10 Mar 2009
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Done and dusted 

Yes they did people! The deed was done by Zakes and Dineo and those of us who watched saw Dineo do the walk of shame the morning after. I like how she woke up looked all shocked and surprised to find she is naked and in a naked Zakes’ bed. Life is full of surprises as is, must you now surprise yourself too? Drink responsibly. 

Anyway, her embarrassment, I assume, kept her away from school on Monday and she missed a test! Yikes! Even Meneer was wondering where she was and when he asked the class if they knew, Zakes hung his head in shame. 

Someone who also found it hard to crawl out of bed was Lulu, still distraught about what Zimele had told her about him being HIV positive and the possibility that she and Zakes could have it. 

Good wife Lebza (like stop-it-already-this-is-not-good-for-you type of good) asks Zimele if he has broken the news to the person who infected him. Zimele, who lied about how many extras he has had (remember my reference to his love polygons last week), got all stiff and bothered by Lebo’s innocent question. But answered yes to it. 

Good news Lulu 

Later Lulu Belle goes to the clinic to get tested. She comes back with GOOD results! A job! You weren’t thinking I meant a negative HIV test did you? We don’t know what her status is because after seeing “CANTEEN ASSISTANT WANTED” on the notice board at the clinic en route to counselling centre, Lulu rushes to put in her application (travels with her CV like a good job seeker, good girl!) and forgets all about what she was there for. But I was happy for her because it’s one less worry off her plate of hurdles and spinach. 

Bad news Zimele

A classic moment for me was when some guy got a pack of Lovers Plus condoms with his purchases at Zimele’s shop. Zimele thinking he is now going to save the world from self destruction throws a 'that’s a good thing you are doing by buying condoms' comment. To which the shopper replies with a quizzical, “Are there still people who don’t use condoms?”. Ou Madlesa Zimele could not reply, slapped into silence buy the truth of his own mistakes. 

“I want to lay you down on a bed of roses…” 

Tefo surprises his wife with a bed of roses after another visit with wise man Sol. Candles and all (maybe some of the misplaced ones from last week finally being put to appropriate use). And you should have seen them the next day, oooh Lihle (Tefo’s wife) wiping ornaments with a sway in her hips and Tefo coming up to grab her from behind and seal their post bedroom revival with a let’s do it again kiss. It was too sweet! 

“Sorry seems to be the hardest word” 

While those two were happy about their bedroom antics, Zakes and Dineo weren’t celebrating theirs. Zakes goes to Dineo’s house to apologise. Dineo speaks to him from inside the house because she could not bear to see him. She replies to Zakes’ apology saying that she too is sorry and asks Zakes not to tell Bulela and Lulu. And so it went from opposite sides of the door until Zakes left. Mmh, if doors could talk… 

Rejection, rejection 

After his short encounter with the condom buyer, Zimele takes a box of condoms home and later that night in bed, he pulls one out and tries to get it on with Lebza who declines and suggests they rather go for marriage counselling. Zimele agrees with a heavy sigh. At least he didn’t want to go and have a drink about it with the guys. 

Dineo is back at school after missing a test and breaks up with Bulela at break time (taking it literally hey D). She says she is mad about being stood up at the fateful Friday night party. Bulela explains that he was grounded all weekend. Dineo says it is best they stay apart because their relationship is not going to work and she really wishes that Bulela had been there on Friday night (he of cause does not know why but we know it was for her sake more than his). Blaming a no-show for the lack of self control? Not cool. 

Saving the best for last 

At the end of last night’s episode Lulu told Zakes about what her dash to meet Zimele on Friday night was really about and the implications for both of them, i.e. how she did not use condoms with Zimele, that she could have the virus and Zakes figures the rest out. Fade to black. 

It can’t get worse than this right? Or is it one of those things are going to get worse before they get better? Hopefully we'll see some change from HIV to HIVictory! Monday 16 March, 20:30, SABC 1.


10 Mar 2009 12:30

1st one..............ok let me read now

10 Mar 2009 12:36

Alrite, thanks sis, i only managed to watch half the story

Ms. Jay
10 Mar 2009 12:39

I was wondering what happened to teh recaps...hmm i hope zakes tells dinny before she kisses and makes up with so glad that she broke it off but her life will be shattered when she gets the news...unless they used a condom...

10 Mar 2009 12:41

l just wonder if Dineo is not pregnant and HIV positive at the same time? Did they use condoms when she slept with Zakes the other night?

10 Mar 2009 12:42

Im glad that Lulu got a new job so she can look after her sister and granny, shame poor gal...she's so responsible.

I just pray that she don't have HIV.

10 Mar 2009 12:46

am so glad that she broke it off but her life will be shattered when she gets the news...unless they used a condom...I doubt dear. Remember they were both drunk & miserable.

Mna i lost hope with Dinny, im just waiting for her morning sickness (i hope im wrong yhazi)

A child without a father (if she slept with Zakes without a condom then how would she know its Z & B nc nc nc, life sucks D).

Lastly, loosing her bursary. Then really life would b a b****!

10 Mar 2009 12:50

Lulu has HIV, so is Zakes and Dineo. The only person who doesnt have it is Bulelwa because they used protection. Dineo is definitely preggies. K those are my thoughts

10 Mar 2009 12:54

im just hoping that Dineo real ended that affair with Bulela so he wont infect him.

10 Mar 2009 12:58

nice recap the mini titles you got going.

i'm also glad dineo broke things off with Bulela and i just hope it stays that way or else...

10 Mar 2009 12:58

I think zakes was unfair whe he said to Lulu..."ungayenza kanjani into enje(meaning how could she sleep with zimele without a condom)" ngoba even him Zakes was suppose to use a condom when sleeping with Lulu or Dineo..

"are there still people who dont use condoms??" I loved that response, i would have said the same thing

10 Mar 2009 13:00

Bulela & Dineo didnt use protectio Msoe, but he hasnt slept with her after she slept with Zakes

10 Mar 2009 13:02

@Msoe Bulelwa and Dineo did not use protection..........but Bulelwa should be negative because if Dineo is HIV+ she got it from Zakes on Friday.and ever since then Dineo did not sleep with Bulelwa......I hope I make sense.

10 Mar 2009 13:02

Msoe<<The only person who doesnt have it is Bulelwa because they used protection.>>

They did not use protection...remember they fooled each other by saying they are both virgins so they dont need condoms

10 Mar 2009 13:02

Bulelwa because they used protection. No dear they neva used a protection....Remember D told B that she went for istofu so nee girlfreind. Yes Bulela is safe kwiAids but D might b pregnant B & Z' child

Bye its lunch

let baby
10 Mar 2009 13:14

this is bad.. atleast Zimele is trying to change his life but he is not finished yet telling his women to get tested.. the  condom part shows that he is accepting his status...

let baby
10 Mar 2009 13:17

so is lulu older than zakes??? cos she has passed her matric and zakes is still at school....

10 Mar 2009 13:19

yeah man let baby, Zimele is starting to show that he wants to change.. I Loled @ Tefo at the wife finally doing it the "spiced up" way..In the morning the following day you could see they both got it all

10 Mar 2009 13:21

so is lulu older than zakes??? cos she has passed her matric and zakes is still at school....

That would make Lulu a Mama Madlesa, who had a Papa Mdlesa! Young, younger, youngest. Oh how things trickle down...

10 Mar 2009 13:42

so is lulu older than zakes??? cos she has passed her matric and zakes is still at school.... 

no they are trying to say Zakes is nt gud with his books remember that bulela and dineo are the bright ones in class...and Zakes keeps on saying to Bulela's mom he wished he had the brain of her son....

10 Mar 2009 13:49

i dont watch Soul City, but i have to commend  your writing have a way with words dude/dudess...

10 Mar 2009 13:57

Humbled, thanks

10 Mar 2009 13:58

HeY Moagisi, thanks to you I dont have to watch anymore. Thanks, what a good service you are rendering to the republic! Keep it up.

10 Mar 2009 14:41

Thanks Mo for the recap did not see last episode. Good to hear Lu finally got a job now she should take gogo for an id, then pension.
I hope D is not preggas so at least she can still go to university even if she tests positive. its sad but this is the reality facing the youth of today.

let baby
10 Mar 2009 15:01

did dineo take the pill only for the time she was sleeping with Bulela or she continued taking it??

10 Mar 2009 16:04

My two cents worth..D is preggers, I saw her in a martenity dress the second she suggested not using a condom bcoz of istofu the day she lost her virginity. nci..nci..cnci.. Luckily she was a virgin then otherwise poor  Bulelwa wud be in sh*t too, what a vicious circle that would be coz technically he would have got it from his father!! 
Lulu def has it, women a re like bowls, contract anythin & everything if its not covered up -  too many romps with Zimele.  I actually think  Zakes could be negative, I dont know how many times he slept with Lulu after she contracted it bt the sad reality is men dont get HIV as easily as women, e.g, if he slept once only with Lulu he cud ..cud..possibly have avoided it., thats no reason to sleep around tho guys! 

I think Lebza is too forgiving,& the nerve, the audacity of Zimele t suggest sex!! It hasnt even been a month since their HIV discovery!! .poo,sies!

10 Mar 2009 16:17

I dnt see how D can get pregnant becoz I thought I heard her sayin that she is on pill.

10 Mar 2009 16:26

@Lantombi: You know Lebza is so forgiving that I try not to dwell on her because I would get awefully upset. Look how she is the one suggesting they go and get counselling to make things work! But you know at the same time we all know of our mothers, aunts, friends who have taken it all and a bag of fists, and continue to remain in those situations (sadly at times to their own deaths). Qina baba, some say. But if keeping it together under such unnaceptable circumstances is her strength, then call it my weakness! 

10 Mar 2009 16:31

Amen to that..ngekhe..she should scream,throw things, he gave her a life threatning day she's gon snap!

10 Mar 2009 16:57

Oh yes please. I want to see the fury of a black woman scorned!

sweetie my baby
10 Mar 2009 17:06

i really, really, really like your recaps! especially the headlines, they just set the tone, makes it all so anticipatory!!! thanks for putting the TV back into TVSA!!!!!!!

10 Mar 2009 17:37

Wow! Good writing indeed! Keep it up so that we can stay on track if we miss out on TV.

I am just shocked (though it's reality out there) how HIV travels around. Especially amongst the teens. I once told my kid brother when he was only 15 that when he decides to engage in sex he must never fall for the "I'm still a virgin story" cos Joe, it ain't safe out there. 15 year olds are mothering babies of 30 year old soccer players and musicians. 

I ain't pointing fingers hey cos molahlo or mongata. Older men take advantage of school girls thinking ba safe. Look how viscious the cycle is.

I think zakes was unfair whe he said to Lulu..."ungayenza kanjani into enje(meaning how could she sleep with zimele without a condom)" ngoba even him Zakes was suppose to use a condom when sleeping with Lulu or Dineo..

Seconded Monchooza.

10 Mar 2009 17:37

Wow! Good writing indeed! Keep it up so that we can stay on track if we miss out on TV.

I am just shocked (though it's reality out there) how HIV travels around. Especially amongst the teens. I once told my kid brother when he was only 15 that when he decides to engage in sex he must never fall for the "I'm still a virgin story" cos Joe, it ain't safe out there. 15 year olds are mothering babies of 30 year old soccer players and musicians. 

I ain't pointing fingers hey cos molahlo or mongata. Older men take advantage of school girls thinking ba safe. Look how viscious the cycle is.

I think zakes was unfair whe he said to Lulu..."ungayenza kanjani into enje(meaning how could she sleep with zimele without a condom)" ngoba even him Zakes was suppose to use a condom when sleeping with Lulu or Dineo..

Seconded Monchooza.

10 Mar 2009 19:28

Hi evrybody...

"but i have to commend your writing have a way with words dude/dudess......"......i totally agree....u r good.......
I was watching sabc 1 at the time but i really engaged with the story wen i read ur review.

I hope that people r watching this drama.....the HIV/AIDS stats about SA are scary 4 such a small country!!!!....great job soul city!

11 Mar 2009 07:30

Life is full of surprises as is, must you now surprise yourself too? Drink responsibly. 

Lulu rushes to put in her application (travels with her CV like a good job seeker, good girl!) 

Dineo is back at school after missing a test and breaks up with Bulela at break time (taking it literally hey D). 

kwa kwa kwa!!!!

11 Mar 2009 07:49

Good Recap Mo! very interesting and nicely written.

11 Mar 2009 10:38

11 Mar 2009 12:11

Really nice and well written recap Moagisi.

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