How Aware are YOU???

Written by MsDee from the blog How aware are YOU? on 17 Mar 2009
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Hey bloggers

I’ve been a silent bloggers for a while!!!!!!! Please give me a warm welcome…thank you in advance for that.

Anyways I was just wondering do young, black and the fabulous ever watch shows like 50|50.

Does climate change, carbon footprints, preventing rhino horn trades and smuggling matter to you? Do you ever think of such?

Because at the end of the day it’s all our Earth, we all have to be responsible for it. Will you be participating on Earth Hour day?

Let’s talk environmental awareness. How aware are you? Do you even care?


17 Mar 2009 14:11

When is Earth Hour Day....

I care about global warming

17 Mar 2009 14:19

I watch the animal programme on sabc3 on sundays around 18:00, i'm conscious of global warming, climate change etc, and i want to dispose of my fone charger but i wanna find an 'environmentally friendly' way of doing that.

17 Mar 2009 14:21

What happens on Earth Hour Day?

17 Mar 2009 14:26

welcome back Dee.

17 Mar 2009 14:26

28 March 8h30pm

17 Mar 2009 14:27

Earth hour is on the 28th March 2009, you switch off your electricity for an hour from 8h30pm  visit

But how come its almost like Makgowa care more than us darkies??  Do we watch and listen only to go on with life as it is or do we take actual steps to actually change our behaviour??

Why do we litter so much... how dirty are our South African towns???? 

17 Mar 2009 14:27

@Belz, everyone switches off their lights for an hour

17 Mar 2009 14:28

thank you

17 Mar 2009 14:29

Thanks toxic!! 

Pooky so what you  doing? Are you starting your own garden, driving slower or using single ply toilet paper?

17 Mar 2009 14:29

Yazi this Earth Hour thing... Apparently we should switch our lights off for an hour... on this day..

My first thoughts were.. heheh... these people.. why didnt they just partner with loadshedding for an hour and leave South Africa wondering.... 

Coz I dont think trying to get us to be in the dark to support some cause we know nothing about is gonna help.... they should ask desmond Dube how it feels like to organise a million men march for 400 people...

17 Mar 2009 14:29

Oh, all things electrical, my bad...was being narrow there...

17 Mar 2009 14:34

LOL Carino!

But how come its almost like Makgowa care more than us darkies?? Do we watch and listen only to go on with life as it is or do we take actual steps to actually change our behaviour?? 

eish wangshapa (in David's voice) Dee! I would blame apartheid mara it's a tired excuse so i'll settle for ignorance. We just dont care until it directly affects us. It's the same way with most thing.

17 Mar 2009 14:35


17 Mar 2009 14:37

LOL!!! carino, thanks Ms Dee and Rene, i wont be able to switch off electricity for an hour at work, i'll try other things, but im in a lift club so that should count for caring for the earth and i dont litter.

17 Mar 2009 14:37

I love animal shows and yes i do watch 50/50....

as for the environment i only care nge environment eklin...lapho kungcolile khona nami ngiyangcolisa

17 Mar 2009 14:38

*most things

17 Mar 2009 14:40

LMAO @ Carino

17 Mar 2009 14:42

lol @ carino

17 Mar 2009 14:45

i dont watch 50/50 or anything with animals on TV i dont find it facsinating unless im seeing them live .... so if i want to see animals i visit Zoo or animal parks.

i dont litter, so im doing my bit and i cant switch off  anything but not my TV

17 Mar 2009 14:56

do young, black and the fabulous ever watch shows like 50|50. 
yes, the one on SABC 3 is interesting, (but it clashes with medical detectives). But I am not the one to go to game lodges to see animals, I go to the zoo for that!!

Does climate change, carbon footprints, preventing rhino horn trades and smuggling matter to you? Do you ever think of such? 
I do think about them, but I am not sure what can I do to lessen the effect

Because at the end of the day it’s all our Earth, we all have to be responsible for it. Will you be participating on Earth Hour day? 
Hell no, e plays some interesting movies on Saturday at 8pm, so to miss an hour out of the movie is out of the question. But I do my bit by making sure that I switch off the geyser during the day, light only the rooms that I am using. 

These are the things that directly affect me and were on TV and that's how I got to know about them.

17 Mar 2009 14:59

hawu i thot moments of silence were like for a minute, why do we have to switch off the lights fo an hour.

ill stick to not littering too.

17 Mar 2009 14:59

Pooky so what you doing? Are you starting your own garden, driving slower or using single ply toilet paper?

am growing a guava tree in my back yard
Have five plants, Beauty,Cutie,Lovie,Lemon Twist and Stoney....planted Lemon Twish outside two months ago and she is just growing beautifully, Stoney will follow in a month or ya i am doing my bit.

17 Mar 2009 15:03

lol @ Carino.. but seriously do you think we should have those in ur face kindda campaigns like we do for HIV, woman abuse etc. 

@Best -Achiever mos at the Zoo animals are just there..lazing around... 50|50 & all related shows you learn their behaviour how they fit in the whole eco system ... how lionesses do all the job while the lion chills.. and he gets to eat  1st .... 

17 Mar 2009 15:08

lol Pooky, ubhizi sana.

17 Mar 2009 15:14

These are the things that directly affect me and were on TV and that's how I got to know about them

this is the crux of the matter really.

E.g: i KNOW that world cup tickets went on sale in Feb cause it was all over the radio but i still haven't bought cause the msgs were so confusing! At one point i got the impression that we were buying tickets for the confederations cup. Then we were told we're only registering but still had to pay and we must register on the FIFA website. To cut a long story short, someone else may have missed this message because they didn't do enough to reach everyone with this message.

Same thing with Earth Hour: those that know know because they know. I only heard about this last year and it slipped my mind until you reminded me because nothing has happened to build up to the hour. I still dont know HOW exactly this "dark hour" will assist Mother Earth. Maybe someone must break this down for me. 

On the whole, i'm worried about the environment but not sufficiently enough to get off my butt and do anything about it.

17 Mar 2009 15:19

 i speak to them's the quirkiness in me belz what can i say  LOL

One and Only
17 Mar 2009 15:19

On Earth Hour Day I will be switching all my lights on in fact I will switch on everything ranging from stove, iron to heater.

Since load shedding I have made a point that I put lights on only in the room that I'm using. I would switch lights off when leaving one room, walk in the dark and put them on on the other room. I do everything I can not to waste our natural resources.

But what pisses me off is that most people in my neighbourhood have these stupid fancy walls with lights and those lights are always on even though the street lights are operating.

As from now on I'm joining them, waste everything as long as you can afford it.

17 Mar 2009 15:22

50|50 & all related shows you learn their behaviour how they fit in the whole eco system ... how lionesses do all the job while the lion chills.. and he gets to eat 1st .... 
MsDee .... the thing is im not interested in their bahaviour or how they fit in that eco system beacsue i DONT even know how that affect ME, and there is real nothing that hs happened to push me to learn about that .......

One and Only
17 Mar 2009 15:22

On Earth Hour Day I will be switching all my lights on in fact I will switch on everything ranging from stove, iron to heater.

Since load shedding I have made a point that I put lights on only in the room that I'm using. I would switch lights off when leaving one room, walk in the dark and put them on on the other room. I do everything I can not to waste our natural resources.

But what pisses me off is that most people in my neighbourhood have these stupid fancy walls with lights and those lights are always on even though the street lights are operating.

As from now on I'm joining them, waste everything as long as you can afford it.

17 Mar 2009 15:23

eish i came here rushing to see 1ndOnly's comment thinking he's going to say something dramatic. Not disappointed!

17 Mar 2009 15:28

eish wena wedwa, you never disappoint

17 Mar 2009 15:34

single ply toilet paper?....................gawwwwwddddddddddddd tse dingwe nka di leka like watchin 50l50 and animals and maybe driving slow mara single i aint going back there...oh hell no! *in my best Madea Mabel voice* 

17 Mar 2009 15:34

Tox its NOT the one you thinking off... Dee.

17 Mar 2009 15:38

earth hour aim is to raise awareness about climate charge, energy etc and what can be done like those red & pink, HIV & cancer ribbons

@Toxic I feel you bout the messages not  hitting home, something must be done

@One and Only.. I so feel you cant resist 2 share... late last yr this boy was hitting on me so he invited me to a party with his friends. We were travelling in 4 cars, along the way we stopped 4 directions.. then dude in the car infront of us decides to throw his beer can out the window.. me being the environmetally englighten I went picked it up put it in my bag.. nether to say till 2day I havent heard from the boy...tough.. but dont give up.. they might just learn from you....

17 Mar 2009 15:39


17 Mar 2009 15:39

On Earth Hour Day I will be switching all my lights on in fact I will switch on everything ranging from stove, iron to heater. wa bona jaaonong ga o na nnete. o ka se apeye wa iron wa fetsa wa orela heater at the same time......any way you are doing your bit

As from now on I'm joining them, waste everything as long as you can afford it.
i knew the above statement was too good to be believed......gotcha!

nna i do my part with conseving....I NEVER PRINT BLOGS AND FORWARDED E-MAILS

17 Mar 2009 15:40

*light blub moment*

thanks TDC!

Shoulda said WELCOME MSDEE.

17 Mar 2009 15:43

I went picked it up put it in my bag.. 

lol, why not in the bin though Ms?

17 Mar 2009 15:50

@ nice.. statement... making a statement....I bet they still talk bout me ......

17 Mar 2009 15:51

nna i do my part with conseving....I NEVER PRINT BLOGS AND FORWARDED E-MAILS


17 Mar 2009 15:55

i know fairly enough about climate change issues and i try to learn as much as possible and i also do a lot to try to save the environment.
i do not litter at all and it upsets me  when i see it
i go around switching off lights where they are not necessary in the house
i have been trying to find out about solar eletricity and how effective is it in a home cos i think i would love to have it in my home
i also dream of grwing a vegetable garden in the backyard of my house one day 
and i get irritated when they cut down trees for new developments,cant they leave nature alone?

17 Mar 2009 16:06

Bathate Jinxed Bathate tjovetjo!!!!
Blueroze..everything starts small....
Best-Archiever you could be so suprised... to discover how fascinating the animal kingdom is....
I bet all of us here have an animal that resembles us, in behaviour n personality that is.....

17 Mar 2009 16:14

but seriously do you think we should have those in ur face kindda campaigns like we do for HIV, woman abuse etc. 

asazi... maybe having minimal marketing is also part conserving the environment. 

Toxxx... is right:

those that know know because they know. I only heard about this last year and it slipped my mind until you reminded me because nothing has happened to build up to the hour. I still dont know HOW exactly this "dark hour" will assist Mother Earth. Maybe someone must break this down...

I can just imagine uGogo ezilaleni cimaring izibane.. because of some Earth what what.. huuuuwiii... heheheh

17 Mar 2009 16:28

I can just imagine uGogo ezilaleni cimaring izibane.. because of some Earth what what.. huuuuwiii... heheheh


Miracle Child
20 Mar 2009 03:19

I think the whole idea of this earh our thing ne e le gore, to do ur part, u can find something more interesting to be doing in that hour that wont need electricity, U knw like plan a candle lit dinner with ur partner/ family,  have a slumber party with friends le tla dula ko lefifing and start telling whateva mghosi u wanna share orgo out with friends maybe restaurants wil be doing the same switching off the lights thing or whateva. If i could, i'd definitely support this earth hour thing cos it is relevant, i think its just that their message is not clear.

Miracle Child
20 Mar 2009 03:20

eish i am supporting this thing problem i'll be working so gwa tshwana nje but i do my part cos am using a gas stove.

20 Mar 2009 06:35

What pisses me off the most is people littering a meter from a bin!! Sometimes i get so frustrated when i cant find a bin...i dnt knw what's wrong with me, i just cant litter, i carry stuff around til i find a bin!

20 Mar 2009 07:13

I didnt know about the lights cimaring until lstnite when someone hinted.i dont litter so that should count.yo but the littering in our area awelani is disgusting.

60 Plus Madala
20 Mar 2009 07:39

O nkosi yam- it seems that poeple have been lured to this environmental scam of Al Gore.....! The dude is looking 4 something 2 keep himself busy sisnce he could "president" US, now he want 2 president us through guilty feeling. Using argumentsly similar to those used by Mr Mbheki when he said HIV does not coz Aids, I say environment is not going to anywhere, stop this crazeeeeeness and enjoy indalo as given 2 u by the One Above 

20 Mar 2009 08:36

bet all of us here have an animal that resembles us, in behaviour n personality that is- True dis, Dee, i couldtn believ how similar to a monkey I am

20 Mar 2009 08:43

Very interesting topic indeed, especially bcoz I am an environmental student.
OK, sometimes for us darkies its harder to care for the environment than other races, bocz, If for example we don’t litter, that means someone else’s mother (a street cleaner) might lose a job bcoz there is no litter to pick up. Also as useful as the trees are to our health (it takes 16 of those to provide for one person for a life time), people don’t live in trees but in houses, therefore if we don’t take them down, where do we find the space to provide safe and nice accommodation for everyone (as the constitutional right). Also bees that help pollinate our trees and provide us with honey (which is a great antibiotic), if they keep on stinging and biting us, how are we gonna not kill them.

All in all, I think sustainable development is impossible, hence it means someone out there will be left poorer, or rather people will not benefit from it equally.

20 Mar 2009 08:44

provide for one person for a life time= to provide enough oxygen for a life time

20 Mar 2009 08:49

hehehe monkey, see monkey do andi01

20 Mar 2009 08:52

@60Plus Madala- i think before you rule this out to be a Scam, consider what he says, and look around bhuti, I thing for sure, that aint no scam., cant you see the climate has change, kakhulu, i.e we never had thuderstorm and lightning in Cape Town before, but manje, ha ha.

20 Mar 2009 08:54

Sometimes i get so frustrated when i cant find a bin...i dnt knw what's wrong with me, i just cant litter, i carry stuff around til i find a bin!

Paralyser, you should see the inside of my car. i'll walk around with an empty packet of crisps and leave it in my car if i cant find a bin!

60 Plus Madala
20 Mar 2009 08:59

Hayi Andi01- the literature also tells us that these are naturally occuring cycles- an normal parttens- just like the economy goes in to rescession every now & then- so there were lightning in Cape Town many million years ago......!   

20 Mar 2009 09:02

so there were lightning in Cape Town many million years ago......! - Ma bad, i should have said, ever since I was born, I only witnessed them for the first time last year

Shuga babe
20 Mar 2009 09:05

<<Sometimes i get so frustrated when i cant find a bin...i dnt knw what's wrong with me, i just cant litter, i carry stuff around til i find a bin! >>

Just like me, i rather put it in my bag. and the time I get home, my child would like "Hawu mama u had this and didn't leave anything for me" 

hahaha! Toxic, Dont turn yo car into a rubbish bin.

But really i dont watch 50/50. I dont even know what is it about.

60 Plus Madala
20 Mar 2009 09:11

so there were lightning in Cape Town many million years ago......! - Ma bad, i should have said, ever since I was born, I only witnessed them for the first time last year

kwa kwa kwa Andi- u r so.........hayi kodwa nam ke I wasn't born million years ago

20 Mar 2009 09:15

you should see the inside of my car. i'll walk around with an empty packet of crisps and leave it in my car if i cant find a bin!

i also do that my dad even suggested that i get a big plastic bags and put all rubbish in it instead of leaving it lying around my car.

20 Mar 2009 09:18

Shuga I recommed you atleast watch 1 episode, 50|50 mondays 19h30 SABC 2.. anyways wena @ 60 Plus Madala you do know the economic rescessions are man made, in some estances they could have been avoided.. so is global warming.. but please as andi01 suggests do some reseach dont just write it off as a scam... the're so many things we do in life as humans that are so unnecessary!!! And greed is the number 1 cause!!!

20 Mar 2009 09:27

Also green house gases are useful in the atmosphere, but too much of anything ke is deadly, they do occur naturally, but the human activities increase the quantity beyond acceptable rate

20 Mar 2009 09:29

@60plus,Do you mean you cant see all the climate change? Or the polution or the litter and all the bad unrecylable waiste we have in our earth? Hayi man do not bury your head in sand.
 It may not affect you directly but dont you want your children and their children to still have earth as their home long after you have gone?

Shuga babe
20 Mar 2009 09:30

<<<<<<<<<Shuga I recommed you atleast watch 1 episode, 50|50 mondays 19h30 SABC 2>>>>>>>  Eish! that means i will have to skip the news. but anyay u right MsDee i have to watch it.

20 Mar 2009 09:31

Paralyzer you are not alone gal, i'd rather keep the stuff in my bag till i get home if i cant find a bin.
..and then there are those ignorant human beings that tell you they're creating jobs by littering, someone's gonna clean it up coz its they're job they'll say....yeerrrrr

20 Mar 2009 09:54

@pooky-and then there are those ignorant human beings that tell you they're creating jobs by littering, someone's gonna clean it up coz its they're job they'll say....yeerrrrr- but thats true sisi

20 Mar 2009 09:58

andile please tell you are not one of those

bongeka sengane
20 Mar 2009 10:01

honestly i havnt bt nw felling guilty bcs nw ngilost guys. 

20 Mar 2009 10:03

True, we as black people (most of us anyway) are very ignorant!

i only print what is necessary, even then i'll print double sided or 2 pages on  sheet.  I dont litter at all, like Tox my car is my bin if there is no bin nearby, sometimes i keep a plastic bag in the car for matlakala.

20 Mar 2009 10:03

@Pooky- Ngqo ng veg ke sisi, oomama bethu depend on lamsebenzi to pay for our fees, so that we can bcom environmentalist one day, and teach them better.

20 Mar 2009 10:06

i don't understand why we have lost the pride we had in keeping our country beautiful. creating jobs gaaaaa!

60 Plus Madala
20 Mar 2009 10:18

suggests do some reseach dont just write it off as a scam... 

@ MsDee, I can sense how u feel about this "Sister Earth"- so are all environmental activists I know! This topic also happens not to far from be my area of researchl! You will be surprised how much evidence & data is available that suggest the contrary. As a Scientist, the eveidence-based practices requires me to criticaly review & scrutinised each data & I have have done so! I will also encourage u to dig a bit deeper that the OXFAM vocalisation tactics- and to the research of the 'different view' and contrary evidence

Do you mean you cant see all the climate change?

@Onna, yes- I see it all and that is not my point! My point is not that its not happening- but my point is climate is changing and this is a normal partten of nature- you will recall from the bible the stories of 7yrs of drought and 7 yrs of relief?????? just that, a cycle- so at this stage we are at the stage of the 7yrs of drought!


20 Mar 2009 10:20

Hi Everyone

I do My bit to save the environment by using solar energy and its the best
I also try not to furt a lot cause that is most dangerous thing for planet earth as it releases CO2 and I use the lift club so I think that will be fine on earth hour I will switch off everything but my TV

20 Mar 2009 10:22

@billyb2- idon't understand why we have lost the pride we had in keeping our country beautiful. creating jobs gaaaaa! its easy for u to speak like that, what about that illetarate mother, a widow, with children to look after, who depends on that job to provide for her kids, instead of sitting kwi traffic lights ascking for handouts, she is doing something to clean this environmnent, the least we can do is make sure that her job remains.

20 Mar 2009 10:23

...dont you think you'd be making it a bit easier on her by just throwing that paper in the your little bit to keep your country clean  andile.

20 Mar 2009 10:24

@pnyembe-I also try not to furt a lot cause that is most dangerous thing for planet - but keeping a fart is also dangerous to you, if you dont release that fart, it goes back to your head, covers your brains, and you end up talkin a lot of bullsh@t, so dont do like Malema, release it.

20 Mar 2009 10:27

Well Andi I Fart when it is nessesary or when I have Stomach problems

20 Mar 2009 10:30

@ Pooky-do your little bit to keep your country clean andile- i do more than a little bit
-I walk to work
-I dont smoke
-I apologise quickly to ensure that a fool doesnt argue with me so much that he/she ends up polluting the air (with all the rubbish from his/her mouth).
-I dont use aircon, I open all windows
-instead of a heater, i get a "talkin heater"
-i switch off the lights and use TV, after eating super
-I drink imported alcohol instead of water (that needs energy to be cleansed, before and after I drink it).

20 Mar 2009 10:31

Well Andi I Fart when it is nessesary - how do you differentiate, that oh no, thsi fart isnt nessecary, i 'll keep it in, and release when the nessecary one arives.

60 Plus Madala
20 Mar 2009 10:36

-I drink imported alcohol instead of water (that needs energy to be cleansed, before and after I drink it).
Kwa kwa kwa- Andi: 
4 some reason I thot a line like this could come 4rm Belz nc nc nc- I apologise Belz

20 Mar 2009 10:38

@andi01..i think you misunderstood me. i meant everyone who litters and says they are creating jobs is ignorant. i get that it affords unemployed women some form of income but it also teaches that woman's children that littering is ok and so the cycle continues. there is no point in teaching in our children that littering is bad and it destroys our planet if we (entire nation)all don't support that way of thinking.

20 Mar 2009 10:39

LMAO @ Andi

20 Mar 2009 10:42

@billyb- chill baby, this is just debating for fun, OK amigo

20 Mar 2009 10:49

@andi01..who said it was anything else;-)

20 Mar 2009 10:52

There's BillyBob and BillyB2????? WTF is going on here??

20 Mar 2009 10:52

...and yet you still choose to delibarately dirty your country by littering.

20 Mar 2009 11:01

i forgot my password, it is still me..nothing untoward i promise.

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