
Written by belz from the blog Belz's Lounge on 26 Mar 2009
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What do we mean by a tithe

A tithe is ten percent of everything you are blessed with, example: if you have a fruit tree? tithe ten percent of your fruit tree. If you have a garden? tithe ten percent of the increase of your garden. Do you rent houses to others? tithe ten percent of your profit
If you own an apartment and rent it out. This does not mean you begin spending lots of money to fix it up, saying, "I’ll give what is left over to the Lord." Perhaps, you try to justify spending large amounts of money on your taxes—as tax write-offs. You are not to do that with God. You are not to play games with God. Ten percent of your total income, before taxes, before bills, before food, belongs to God. Ten percent of your gross income, right off the top: before electric bills, before water bills, is God’s. If you rob God, you can expect to have a curse on you. “Malachi 3:8 asks the question "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole

So in simple terms 

The tithe is that tenth of our income that we give to God, which enables Him to move on our behalf in the area of blessings. The Bible records numerous accounts of man tithing to God. God is the creator of everything that exists. He owns everything and we are simply stewards of what we have been entrusted with. The tithe principle is this; "He gives unto us, we give back to Him one-tenth of all that He has blessed us with." So our salaries are not ”our salaries” but “His salary that He trust us with”. 

Leviticus 27:30 "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD."
This scripture states that all the tithe, whether it be seed of the land, fruit of the tree, or one tenth of all that you earn, is holy unto the Lord. Deuteronomy 14:22-29 states that one-tenth of all that comes into your possession, belongs to God. This was God's plan to instruct His people as to the way of blessings that He had for them. God is a multiplier by nature, and He could not multiply that which was not entrusted to Him. When the children of Israel were obedient to give back to God that which was His, increase was guaranteed. Scripture states, It's better to be obedient than to sacrifice. When the children of Israel were obedient, blessings came; when they were disobedient, they had to sacrifice. Many Christians today are wanting God to honor the covenant that He has with His children, but disobedient children cannot receive the same reward as the obedient “1 Samuel 15:22: "And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams."” 

The Old Testament records two other tithes; one tithe was called the "festival tithe," when they came to Jerusalem three times a year for fellowship. The expense for the festival, (travel, food, etc.) was taken from this tithe. The third tithe was given in the third year and was a tithe holy unto the Lord. It was a tithe of almsgiving for the poor and needy. All of these tithes were brought to the storehouse, and the priest oversaw the distribution of same. The first tithe was for the upkeep of the priests, since they had no inheritance. All of their income and portion was to be given to them by God's people. This tithe in and of itself, is not considered an offering. It is the minimum requirement for all of God's people.
The reason God instituted the second and the third tithe through Moses, was that His children needed to give above and beyond this tithe. It is these tithes that God is referring to in Malachi 3:8 where His people have robbed Him in tithes and offerings. In verse 10 of Malachi 3, you will notice that it states "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." 

I am convinced that when people see the tithe as an instrument of blessing they will not be looking for a way to give less, but a way to give more. God will help them so that they can be generous on every occasion.
Tithing after the law does not do away with the law, but establishes it. Are you honestly blessed to where you can give generously on every occasion? Or are you like so many that can't give the way they would like to be able to? I've come to the knowledge that most Christians are looking for the truth, so they can be set free. Just because you're a child of God, does not mean you are a "mature" son of God. A mature son or daughter of God will not be found robbing "daddy" God. Revelation 3:18 gives us good counsel on how to re-establish right covenant with the Lord. Jesus' advice to those of us who have become lukewarm is to buy from Him gold that's been refined in the fire. He tells us to do this so that the shame of our nakedness will not be revealed.
Revelation 3:18: "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see."

This is the portion taken from Pastor Eddie Cude on Tithe and Offering


26 Mar 2009 13:25

26 Mar 2009 13:28


26 Mar 2009 13:35

l thought we are suppose to give what we can manage to give whole hearted. l am not good with verse but l am sure l read or heard that , ¨a widow gave the last penny that she had in her pocket and from there on wards everyone was suppose to give from their heart not the 10%.

l hope you understand what l am saying?

26 Mar 2009 13:36


26 Mar 2009 13:37

Hey Belzie Well done Kind!!! you did it girl!

Like i said on the previous article, i think i have robbed uDaddy countless times! i have made peace with paying the 10%

26 Mar 2009 13:38

Bigmama ... there are different kinds of giving

tithe .. is non negotiable, it is 10% of your blessing as it is said there, then there is 
 free will .. that's when we give according to what our hearts says.

26 Mar 2009 13:40

Bigmama that is the Sunday collection-it has nothing to do with tithing.

26 Mar 2009 13:40

Thank you BA

26 Mar 2009 13:50

The tithe principle is this; "He gives unto us, we give back to Him one-tenth of all that He has blessed us with." So our salaries are not ”our salaries” but “His salary that He trust us with”. 


26 Mar 2009 13:54

Belz, this is yours??? Um impressd, there is hope for me afterall,lol

26 Mar 2009 13:54


26 Mar 2009 13:59

Ya belz bengisathi "never ubelz how does she even know a leviticus lomuntu oqale isonto last Sunday" LOL

26 Mar 2009 14:00

If you have a probem with tithing,take the scriptures above and read and pray over them until you understand and have your own revelation of why and how you should tithe cz God loves a cheerful giver not giving out of guilt or obligation. Most of us as Christians we don't tithe because of greed and lack of understanding that is why we always justify it even though we know it is the word and His word does not change to suit our greed or selfishness. Yha I want the devil to see that I now mean business,I'm really gonna shame him this time and tithe faithfully.

26 Mar 2009 14:01

besengithukile ..thinking my mzala has written an article...on the Bible nogal.

anyway mina my 10% is debited straight from my salary....only because some months i forget about it and then end up regreting it the rest of the month...and i am now happy with my arrangements

26 Mar 2009 14:02

LMAO!!!! TL, I  will get there.

26 Mar 2009 14:05

Ya belz bengisathi "never ubelz how does she even know a leviticus lomuntu oqale isonto last Sunday" LOL
Mna I was wondering ba she is the one who didn't understand why we should tithe in the first place, but then I thought maybe udade fell asleep at work(like the day she was caught sleeping wasethi,in Jesus' name I pray,Amen),then she got the revelation,phela God is a God of wonders!

Crazy Jess
26 Mar 2009 14:06

It's so funny you wrote an article about tithes, we were talking about it yesterday in our bible study. Personally if I don't give my tithes, I don't see where my salary goes but as soon as I do I will have money till my next salary. Amazing how the Lord works.

26 Mar 2009 14:06

Very useful article. I seriously have to pray over parting with my 10%.

26 Mar 2009 14:08

Ya belz bengisathi "never ubelz how does she even know a leviticus lomuntu oqale isonto last Sunday" LOL

kwa kwa kwa The Lady.. please sukudlala ngobelz, thanks wena belz. No guys that's Pastor Eddie Cude' work ... i just added some narrating what what to make it article friendly ...LOL

anyway mina my 10% is debited straight from my salary.

That's a good one Monch, in that way you wont have excues... well i dont do the same though, simple because i dont pay mine the same way... sometime i pay them to mt church her, sometime to my church back home and sometimes just give or do things for the needy.

But i have to admit i havent been able to pay my tithe from other salaries that i get  ... sure im stealing from "daddy"

26 Mar 2009 14:20

BA ndithe you can't eat kuKentucky waseNquthu and pay kowaseJoburg,you pay where you,I'm kidding, me and my sister also used to do that pay here or pay back home cz I eat kaloku even when I'm home,ok that was before I started stealing!

26 Mar 2009 14:26

LOL Lela and for some strange reason i thought of you and your centcky when writting that but i cant lie ... nna i always say i need to pay my tithe back home also because it is that church that groomed me.... and they is still a long way to go there very few people who pay tithes

26 Mar 2009 14:26

yesterday at our home cell we were learning about ubulili buka Nkulunulu(gender)....our cell leader said we can call god what ever we want as long as what ever we call him represents The provider, healer,Lover and caregiver..

so i think i will start refering to God in a female form ngoba to me nobody is stronger than a woman, and woman are the best in protecting and taking care of us than men.....well in my world atleast...

26 Mar 2009 14:32

I will always believe God is a man......and I love Him like that.

26 Mar 2009 14:34

Guys im sory i know im off topic but i cant help but wonder wat ever happened to the Queen.Flirt..yazi shame poor thing? lol coz i got a hold of izelebrum musa and asked him who his dating and he said a gal from p.m.b so im wondering maybe yshe wasnt lying afterall but eyi publishing it here was a wrong move!!!

26 Mar 2009 14:34

inzima lendaba (this is heavy), but I will try. 

(there's a voice in the back of my head and scream, those could be my savings)

26 Mar 2009 14:34

so i think i will start refering to God in a female form ngoba to me nobody is stronger than a woman, and woman are the best in protecting and taking care of us than men.....well in my world atleast...

WOW... i like your world and that's very true

26 Mar 2009 14:40

(there's a voice in the back of my head and scream, those could be my savings)

The thing is nice ... the devil knows what is in store for you if you could start paying what is due of God, that's why he'll do anything to hinder youmy darling ... ke skelem satan

26 Mar 2009 14:42


26 Mar 2009 14:54

nna i have a situation, i was tithing at my church and then lost a job had a baby, had another job, my pastor never blessed my child  wara i go to a different church in town, 

@ home they want me to tithe at my family church 
(because we get receipt so i think that is why they so plus there is a time when we geta report with everyone's names and the amount they contributed the whole year)

the thing to which church must my tithe go?

and yes i know what the bible says about tithe and i know that all the scriptures says is yes and amen

mara guys what must a gal do ga go le so?

26 Mar 2009 14:54

I hear you BA, I hear you

I seriously have to pray over parting with my 10%.
me and you both Tox. 

you can't eat kuKentucky waseNquthu and pay kowaseJoburg
but Lela, I visit Free State, at least once a month, and I eat there I will need to split my 10 fairly. 

monchooza, cant follow you with the debit order as I plan to split it between my two churches and some very good cause for the needy.

26 Mar 2009 14:55

LMAO!!!!! Angelic, wrong blog babe. have you tithed this month.

26 Mar 2009 15:00

Thanx Belz & BA I like such topics

In the Old Testament in everything that they're not doing it right there was a curse posed upon them.  Then Jesus if we remember the reason why Jesus came on earth (God wasn't happy himself that everytime ppl sinned that death will come upon them then He asked Jesus to come......) -am trying to summarize eish time is agaist me too much workload.
So when Jesus came downfulfilled all the requirements of the Law and has therefore taken the curse of not fulfilling it from us.

1 thing I want to emphasize is that there is no curse for "not tithing" in the New Testament church (as is often implied on sermons from Malachi 3:10-12).Our Lord has fulfilled all the requirements of the Mosaic Law and taken the curse of (not obeying) the Law away from us (Galatians 3:13). 

I'm a faithful tither but I don't  believe in scaring people on what is going to happen when they don't pay tithe.  Remember now we're living under grace. I don't encourage people not to pay tithe but I tend to differ if its going to be a cumpulsory thing that bring a curse to the church of the Living God.

Remember God loves a cheerful giver!

26 Mar 2009 15:00

Mina i've now made a decision.

I will find a child to financially support WITH ALL MY HEART than give to a church and keep wondering what they do with my money. I may not give the equivalent of 10% of my GROSS salary but if my heart's in it and i can see the results pay off, i'd like to believe God would be happy with it. I know I'd be happy.

26 Mar 2009 15:01

Angelic......maybe you can answer

26 Mar 2009 15:07

heyi bigmama if i knew my way around the p.m.b campus ngingamfuna ngize ngimthole lmao..but eish ngize ngomsebenzi la ep.m.b not for gossip 

26 Mar 2009 15:13


Matthew 5:17-19
Jesus said, "Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill" .Anyone who breaks the least law and teaches others "will be called least in the kingdom of heaven" .

i agree with you His blood took broke the curse and we are living by His grace and beyond curses but like him we still need to fulfil the law.

26 Mar 2009 15:19

Ja guys! with tithing i still feel that i need to go to my family's church which is uniting and pay my tithes there, God knows i havent payed my tickets for over a decade. The thing is this is what i have been feeling in my heart for a long time now.

The thing is i am not involved that much in my current church, i only know some of the women.As much as i love my charismatic church, i dont think that mfundisi will come and bury me one day when i part with this world, not because he is a bad mfundisi, it is because he doesnt know each and every member of the congregation, it is really hard to keep up because there are so many of us, and people joining every single day.

26 Mar 2009 15:25

very very good decision there Tox ... that's very fulfilling dear

Cody .. you mean Uniting Reformed Church?

26 Mar 2009 15:30

Whee BA this 10% is it a must be?

Mna guys i know nothing about the bible, honestly. Mna i never attended i Sunday School. I used to bunk or hide somewhere until iqale icawe. 

When i saw this heading i thought u were talking about ukuphuma kwamazinyo kwabantwana now i just realise the spelling 4 that is Teething not nc nc

26 Mar 2009 15:38

LMAO!!! myname, yes Cody, nami this burying business worries me.

26 Mar 2009 15:39

LOL myname ... injalo ntombi .. lithi ibhayibhili "lethani okweshumi ngoba kungokukaThixo" so that's a command 

LOL@ you teething
 hhayi ke ngoku wethu ubunker necawa ..tjo

26 Mar 2009 15:42

nna Cody .. i pay to my church here and also a church at home just because the all groom my spiritual being ...  but i pay more time at home than here... well my reason is... here there are many people who pay tithe for the work of the Lord to be fulfilled that at home .. so i pay more times at home

26 Mar 2009 15:44

i dont think that mfundisi will come and bury me one day when i part with this world hau macodeza tithe has nothing to with burial

Mna i never attended i Sunday School. I used to bunk or hide somewhere until iqale icawe.
leinalame why o dira so?

ukuphuma kwamazinyo kwabantwana now i just realise the spelling 4 that is Teething not Tithing..... tl tl tl tl tl u ya s'khohlisa

26 Mar 2009 15:46

@monchooza: anyway mina my 10% is debited straight from my salary lol even myself -  sisonke

@Lela: ndithe you can't eat kuKentucky waseNquthu and pay kowaseJoburg,you pay where you eat U're too right here my dear kodwa nami am still facing a problem of giving it back home I think I need a short prayer from u guys to be delivered is just I've some issues that I need to be cleared with my current church it's too small but believe me don't feel welcomed at all I'm still praying that God show me another one.  

@ BA That's a long topic for another day my dear I don't want to go there but Jesus said this he was still under Mosaic Law remember he wasn't crucified by then so he was not gonna chitha umthetho engakafi bt let's leave it here. But I told u am good tither I don't really have a problem with tithing

26 Mar 2009 15:56

Cody .. you mean Uniting Reformed Church? 

yes BA how do you know? he he heh!!! ya maan! i feel i owe that much to the church the mfundisi raised me bafethu and he has known me since i was a baby joe! i owe that much to the church. They taught me how to shumayela, atleast they took me to bible classes, gave me a certificate to show that ngiyasonta and i should now eat the holy communion so hayi they deserve it! maybe i will pay a little to my current one as well. or maybe split it in half. 5here 5there

yes you are right, my church has the same dilema, plus umfundisi has told imbandla ukuthi at least pay R10 as your tithe, karoloya leshome = R10, if he were to say 10% people will run away lol!

LOL@ you teething
hhayi ke ngoku wethu ubunker necawa ..tjo

bhwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! huu hai uwrongo sana!! teethings? triple lol!!!

26 Mar 2009 15:56

yes AkaS.. let's leave like this.. or maybe just write an article about it so we can enlighten each other

26 Mar 2009 15:58

OK BA ,You mean if my salary is R5000 i should give him i R500?

hhayi ke ngoku wethu ubunker necawa ..tjo BA I know it was wrong but really mna i attended one class & the 1st day i went there, the teacher asked me ukuba uyesu wafelaphi then i told her estayloni samahashe & the kids laughed at me so i decided 2 bunk bcoz ngizophinda ndenziwe i comedy.

leinalame why o dira so? Blueroze im still learning this lingo kaloku sana so rite now im blank. So tell me what were u saying?

ukuphuma kwamazinyo kwabantwana now i just realise the spelling 4 that is Teething not Tithing..... tl tl tl tl tl u ya s'khohlisa serious doll!!!

26 Mar 2009 15:59

let's just say ... i can sing almost all songs on HOSANA Cody

26 Mar 2009 16:02

macodeza tithe has nothing to with burial 

i know my skat, i am just "feeling from my heart" that it is what i should do, if I tithe at my church were the priest knows me and my family, when i was in sunday school, i feel that it would mean a lot to me, since i feel that they have been with me ever since i was born. 

so when i depart, atleast my name will appear in the books, therefore making it easy for the priest not to hesitate to bury me. and it would mean a lot then that i at least thought of them when i realised that i have to tithe

akere bible ere, we must do things from the heart. so i doing my bit from the heart lol!!

26 Mar 2009 16:03

the teacher asked me ukuba uyesu wafelaphi then i told her estayloni samahashe & the kids laughed at me so i decided 2 bunk bcoz ngizophinda ndenziwe i comedy

kwa kwa kwa kwa  ... yhu hhayi myname ..undigqibile sana

OK BA ,You mean if my salary is R5000 i should give him i R500? 
ewe sana... and if you say salary you mean GROSS not NET
kha ujonge ukuba incinci njani kwalemali ... kalokhu uzawusalelwa ngu R4500.00 yonke uyi one... tjo inindzi lemali for umunt emnye...LOL

26 Mar 2009 16:04

Wow BA mee too my skat! Im sure you know tumelo ya bakreste off by heart just like me. Pity i only understand what it means now. tl tl tl tlt

26 Mar 2009 16:08

LOL 2 ur poor Xhosa....

So BA i should pay this money every month or once a year?

26 Mar 2009 16:09

the teacher asked me ukuba uyesu wafelaphi then i told her estayloni samahashe & the kids laughed at me so i decided 2 bunk bcoz ngizophinda ndenziwe i comedy

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa!!!! waziceda ntombi, next they would have asked you ukuthi ubani ubaba kabantwana baka Yakobo (jacob) and you would have been blank!!!!

I am loving my zulu!!!! 

oh just joking girl!

26 Mar 2009 16:12

So BA i should pay this money every month or once a year?

everytime it hits your account sana ... if ingena everyday then you pay everyday... only i first fruit that you pay once a year....

oh yes Cody you can wake me in the middle of the night and i'll smile and tell you ...LOL

26 Mar 2009 16:16

ubani ubaba kabantwana baka Yakobo (jacob) 

o batla ho reng jwale mosadi?

26 Mar 2009 16:22

Oh thanks BA, U such an angel yhazi!  but i can pay once a year not every month, hai inkosi should 4give me. I will just continue tithing my R5/R2 every sunday if ndiyile offcoz.

LOL Cody.

Guys byebye, im so tired today.

26 Mar 2009 16:23

nicy, kere ntate wa bana ba jakobo ke mang. o ithute sisulu (isizulu)mosadi phela TVSA has taught me xhosa and zula

26 Mar 2009 16:26

kwa kwa kwa @ Myname, hayi wawuyicomedy nyani nam ngendakuhleka. 
Lol @ BA convincing Myname that 4500 ininzi. 

About the burial guys,in these big churches like Rhema you have your Pastor that deals with you directly,they are called zone Pastors,so if you attend cell  you fall under a certain zone and you have a Pastor. 

Mine was Pastor Simon when I was stil @ Rhema and I love him to beats,he was very close to us ,he would visit the cell often and when we had our zone parties he'd be there. Obviously if I were to die nguye bezondingcwaba as well as weddings of his zone members bezenziwa nguye. Unless ke umtu ufuna ungcwatwa ng uPastor Ray ubuqu,hayi ke that will never happen.

26 Mar 2009 16:31

Thanks for the article guys!! Will have to print and read later

26 Mar 2009 16:33

LOL!!! @ being ngcwabad by pastor Ray. yho BA, ayininzi tu i4500, not at all!!!

26 Mar 2009 16:34

@Cody-- im also a member ko Uniting. And i make sure hore my ticket is up to date, its the least i can do.

There o patala yo ticket ( around R120 annualy)
2.And take part in monthly( Mjigelezo{sp} = R50 per month)
3. Ditalente/Talents: here you give according to what God gave you
4. Dilopotsia (Im not sure)
5. Bazaar ba congregation (once yearly)
6. Women's Bazaar (once yearly) 

26 Mar 2009 16:43

There is so many moneys to be paid in church.

26 Mar 2009 16:47

Thanx BA about this.

Guys nna i luv God & try hard to do all He commands, maar i must confess when it comes to tithing i fail decimally hleng.  Is not like i don't know about it, i do, and i do tith often, but not always.  Especially if i have financial problems, i just don't do it. As a result i have an on-going  financial problems.  

lemme continue reading replies......

26 Mar 2009 16:50

B A & Cody-- Im so addicted to this church even after mshado. I cant c myself being a full member to another church. Hosanna 396

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