Which ad does it for you?

Written by Phikza from the blog FOR FUN on 09 Apr 2009
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I saw this ad on TV last night…the VODACOM free minutes ad and I couldn’t help but LOL at how stupid it is but it’s a bit funny. Where the fire men are talking bout working night shift and uTata would appear telling them bout FREEDOM…lol..and he goes on and say: ‘Are you FREE or are you DOM?”. Playing that musical instrument of his…tl tl tl

And then is the SAVANNA ad which kills me every time I see it…with a barman playing a smallanyana katara(guiter…if that’s what it is) at some bar…and the monkey…and a dude drinking a SAVANNA. That monkey goes on and take the dude’s SAVANNA and that dude asks the barman: “Do you know your monkey stole my SAVANNA?” and the barman answers him by saying: “Mmm…No, but if you hum it I’ll play it”…LOL

Oh, before I let you guys mention more of the stupid ads and funny ones and your favorites…MTN’s dumelaaaaaaa..used to love this one too but they are not airing it anymore. And the guy at the end would just phola and ask: “so o jwang feela(my own remix cos I don’t remember his exact words..)

Ok, I’ll leave the rest to you guys.
Which ad cracks you up every time you see it?
Of, course there some that makes us wonder, what they were thinking. Which are the stupidest and favorite ones?

Happy Easter you guys…Hope you will make it to church and see three most important things bout Jesus’ death and resurrection;
1. Jesus' death and resurrection paid for our sins.
2. Jesus' death and resurrection make us acceptable to God.
3. Jesus' death and resurrection release us from judgment.


09 Apr 2009 12:25

Lets have fun before we go to this looooong weekend..

09 Apr 2009 12:29

I like the Vodacom add too.... hilarious!!

And those annoying cell c's add, they crack me up!! just forgot how the latest one is like, but it has that talented woman!!

09 Apr 2009 12:31

Oh ja! en dat joko add with brenda going on about her huby who turns DIY into destor it yourself

09 Apr 2009 12:32

And yeah man, I used to luv the nike adds, what hapnd to them anyway!!!

09 Apr 2009 12:35

c'mon pumkins lunch is ready!!! ...LOL cant stop lol and that young lady with wrong make-up and sfiso's face when he realize that there is no kfc.

and that KFC advert of a boy, whom they use his head to wipe their it

and then that ABSA little girl with inspirational talk

09 Apr 2009 12:36

I dont understand the Chicken Licken one- that big man wakes up sleeping of the smallanyana bed...but all the Chicken Licken adverts are silly to me, but Ilooove the hotwings tsa koo...

09 Apr 2009 12:37

Yes Tynt, love that add too (infact i like Brenda and all ads with her)

09 Apr 2009 12:37

that whenever ad from cell c should stop now, i cant take it anymore, i have never seen such nonsense in my life, nxa!!!!

09 Apr 2009 12:38

I love the new one ya ko Chicken-Licken ya di hotwngs with false pregnancy

09 Apr 2009 12:39

Hi guys, ndiyaba im so busy & its not funny

Oh my current fabulous 1 bt i havent listen to it carefully but i love the video....LOL

Its where the gorilla is listening to a song & out of the blue, it beats the drums like those rock people.....I luv it! I luv it!

09 Apr 2009 12:39

im loving the new chicken licken one!!!!!!!!!

09 Apr 2009 12:40

LOL BA...I love it "c'mon pumpkins"...its a nice one.

09 Apr 2009 12:40

ja BA doz 2 kfc adds!!!

LOL belz!!!

09 Apr 2009 12:41

i dont like that chicken licken add, it looks stupid.

09 Apr 2009 12:41

I love the Savanna ad!!! it kills me lol

i also love the KFC ad of the boy that never takes off his weird costume

09 Apr 2009 12:41

And olso, the standard bank add, the new members!!! hehehehe luv it...

09 Apr 2009 12:42

lol @ the chicken licken one

09 Apr 2009 12:43

As dry as it is, the savannah add rocks

09 Apr 2009 12:43

LOL belzino

09 Apr 2009 12:43

Its lunch bar, OBVIOUS!!!!

09 Apr 2009 12:44

Oh ja! en dat joko add with brenda going on about her huby who turns DIY into destor it Tynt! love this one 2

Ha BA wena you love Inyaba(why KFC's ads'mon pumkins lunch is ready!!!...LOL

I dont understand the Chicken Licken one- that big man wakes up sleeping of the smallanyana bed...i dont get this one 2 ms. t

09 Apr 2009 12:44

bye good ppl!!!!!!!!

09 Apr 2009 12:47

me too pikza, it doesnt make sense. stupid ad

09 Apr 2009 12:51

Desmond Dube kissing 100 rand notes in those Clientele ads irritates me.

And how about Sarah and Hollard's free groceries for a year benefit? LOL. These insurance companies are just the worst nje yazi.

09 Apr 2009 12:52

that whenever ad from cell c should stop now, i cant take it anymore, i have never seen such nonsense in my life, nxa!!!!LOL belz....same here

I love the cellc one with that man o tshegang thata(the one who loughs a lot)...dont know what hes laughing at

09 Apr 2009 12:54

Awusasho GStar, uSarah is wrong on that ad. that clientele reminds me of Firstdvd each time it plays and i laugh, not coz its funny but coz njeee.

09 Apr 2009 12:55

Desmond Dube kissing 100 rand notes in those Clientele ads irritates me.<<<< OMFW!!! I'm so tired of the Clientele ads, it's time they pulled them off manje. Good people please support uClientele so that they'd stop hlohling us with their ads. Hhay ngeke!!! Every where i look, there's Desmond Dube and the R100

09 Apr 2009 12:57

yhu Golden* Clientele and hollard ads irritates me a lot ..esp when Des say "these people bless them"

09 Apr 2009 12:59

@ BA<< gal you even pay attention to what they say?? Mina i just switch channels or put the TV on mute

09 Apr 2009 12:59

The Dstv adds (not the ones with Robert Marawa) always does it for me, have you guys seen the latest one, with the girl that makes a looooong speach after winning some science thing, and when she just said that "you love me" It just finishes me. 
I love the Telkom Broadband one, not the do the reliable connection but "The evolution of the Internet", I get chills just watching it.

09 Apr 2009 13:00

LMAO Zah, ngiykuzwa maan shlobo. kwakwakwakwa @ Desmond, im sure yena he's not even with clientele, kodwa ubhizi the whole day ustshela ngeR100, mina eyam ipolicy its 60 rand thanks clientele.

09 Apr 2009 13:01

calamity, we dont have DSTV.

09 Apr 2009 13:05

mina eyam ipolicy its 60 rand thanks clientele.<<< kwa kwa kwa kwa!!! Futhi eye Clientele ivuthwa after 12 months?? Cabanga the whoe year!!! No way.....

calamity, we dont have DSTV.<<< LMAO!! It's all Greek to me too

09 Apr 2009 13:07

Desmond Dube kissing 100 rand notes in those Clientele ads irritates me. LOL....these people "Bless them"

And how about Sarah and Hollard's free groceries for a year benefit? LOL. These insurance companies are just the worst nje yazi. ....awu, GS...why ezama hate those insurance ads

09 Apr 2009 13:09

Happy easter y'all!!!

09 Apr 2009 13:10

@Zah000 : i agree.....ive ben tired of clientell ada 4 a while..but the clientell-dube comb is just too much....cant stand them (kissin the note n all)

BUT the outsurance ads r funny...deloris and parter..they're great..creativuty award 4 outsurance

then there is the insurance ad were they're doing the CSI thing..quite funy


savanna add: “Mmm…No, but if you hum it I’ll play it”…LOL...LOl 2

And the GM adds: 

particularly the one were the dad cums home, greets the son, the vrou...and then asks about ouma who died while he was busy at work...

and many ads r great!!

09 Apr 2009 13:15

love the new chicken licken ads....very creative...

09 Apr 2009 13:17

Good people please support uClientele so that they'd stop hlohling us with their ads.

I'm cancelling all my policies with Clientele, am still waiting for them to pay my funeral insurance claim for someone who passed away last year in August.

submitted everything and they kept on asking for more just to frustrate me, no thanks ke a bo leboga batho ba clientele.

09 Apr 2009 13:18

And the GM adds: ............i dont get their ads mna shem...what are they always away from family?

sa ads r great!! ...they sure are

09 Apr 2009 13:25

eish the one that rubs me the wrong way is the one with Sarah from generations...dont even know what its about, but  i always flip channels as soon as i see her...

09 Apr 2009 13:37

I love the one le ya Khekhe laka lavaya...hahahahah

09 Apr 2009 13:44

YES!!!! i love the GM ads, all of the, they crack me up big time. the one that say "No Isuzu" instead of Suzy, kwakwakwa, sigh.

09 Apr 2009 13:47

LOL cheesa...."No darling Deren is not here, later darling bey bay"( he doesn't even let the lady finish her lines I love that ad).

09 Apr 2009 13:50

l love the KFC, with a little gal wearing stiletos. come on pumpkins lunch is ready.

l think the Chicken licken hotwings, with false pregnancy is so stupid......

cool one
09 Apr 2009 13:57

C'mmon pumkins lunch is ready.
Sifiso, the food is getting cold, iam busy right now, but we are having KFC (soil). Did you see the look on Sifiso' face?

09 Apr 2009 14:17

Omo washes 1000 socks....LOL And also that one os the school boy chasing the chicken

09 Apr 2009 14:20

The KFC ads that flighting at the moment are really good.
Some stupid people were complaining on bizcom about the one with the little boy whose uncle wipes his hands on his head - saying it offends black people.
I totally disagree and feel most black people will find the ad funny cause they can relate to it.

I also like the DSTV one with construction workers taking lunch and one has 2 THICK slices of bread and the other has a gourmet meal.

I hate the cell c ads

09 Apr 2009 14:23

@ belz, I think they will show it eventually on mainstream Tv, I think it replaces the one with Fezile.

09 Apr 2009 14:49

and Oh ... i love the telcom one with the sabc3 TV presenter .... forgot her name.

saying it offends black people.
I totally disagree and feel most black people will find the ad funny

blacks can be over sensitive sometimes ....

09 Apr 2009 14:51


Some stupid people were complaining on bizcom about the one with the little boy whose uncle wipes his hands on his head - saying it offends black people......i think this true but i never thought it will go as far as being burned t...omo ads nazo kodwa hayi cha!

C'mmon pumkins lunch is ready.
Sifiso, the food is getting cold, iam busy right now, but we are having KFC (soil). Did you see the look on Sifiso' face?
....awu, cool one you memorized the whole

DJ Why why
09 Apr 2009 15:54

I luv the ad with the song, now i forget it think it's the Amstel ad.... with the guy and guitar...

I like the Windhoek one with Dave, i like his pose when the older dude stops him from drinking the pink drink...

10 Apr 2009 07:28

Reply from: belz 4/9/2009 6:54:18 PM

Awusasho GStar, uSarah is wrong on that ad. that clientele reminds me of Firstdvd each time it plays and i laugh, not coz its funny but coz njeee. 

>>>>>>lol! Haibo why me? I see, "this is not a gud place to be"!

10 Apr 2009 07:43

Which are the stupidest and favorite ones?

My favorite ad used to be (ngama '90s) that one of the boy and his old man...
Goes like: UKUPHI UKHILIMU (cream) MKHULU..................

two hippos>>>WANDE NGOMLOMO lol

10 Apr 2009 08:29

Desmond Dube kissing 100 rand notes in those Clientele ads irritates me.
 I hate this two Adverts, especially in the mornings when I flip through channels watching my soapie repeats, you find Desmond on 1 and on E-tv is Lillian, I sometimes switch of the TV.

Savannah.................Oh I hate, i hate, I hate. I also change the channel, maybe is the dread locked guy.

The Gorilla advert is brilliant, I've never seen the gorilla who blasts the drums like that, I am loving it. I think its lunch bar.

What's up with Shoprite and their ads, these ppl can advertise the flipping joko for the whole week.

10 Apr 2009 08:53

im watching soapy repeats ryt now as a write...and gues whos's on in between the isidingo adds.....bra Desmond...
And i actually 4got i was watching tv and swallowed myself in the computer....
they are tooo long bathong...

Finally its done...let me see gore bo nandipha ba reng

10 Apr 2009 09:00

even on etv...this man is all over man

10 Apr 2009 09:28

i love the new spur advert with that girl and her mother, they're sitting next to a glamorous lady and her dog and the girl starts to giggle and says to her mother " mom that lady looks like her dog"  and the mother says " oh my baby, (as if she's about to reprimind her) you're so clever...she does look like her dog" 

10 Apr 2009 12:37

It's nasty Kakapana.

10 Apr 2009 13:28

it cracks me up Floh....

02 Oct 2009 16:18

vodacom-all the single

02 Oct 2009 16:29

loving the new Audi ad, the one where everybody at Ferrari street.. or is town ...neways its Ferrari cursing at it. Saw it once and i fell inlove with it

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