Hello err'badee... Lahvee is BACK!!
I must admit that I had forgotten how this (blogging) is done - but I found my way around - phew after a good 10 minutes. It’s been a while since my last article and I really missed this.
So why this comeback all of a sardine?? Well I have this crazy colleague (who I believe only watches TV for ADs) who always comes in the office and say "Have you see the xyz ad?? Hee maan that's a good advert!" and we'll start discussing and laughing at all the good ADs and very bad ones. (I know you've had similar conversations with your friends.)
I also have a lot of friends who are "creatives", so from hanging out with them, I get schooled all the time about ADs, marketing, clients, who got the pitch, which agency did what AD, retrenchments (sad but true), the Loeries, etc. I also recently found out that there are AD awards every month where the best ADs are chosen. This is basically how it works:
Any of the agencies around can enter their work into "Ad of the month".
- Then judges come together and vote for the best ADs.
- At the end of each month creatives from all around get together to find out if their hard work (believe me they work overtime) has paid of by receiving an award or 2 or 3 (depending how really good the agency is).
So I thought... "hmmm, how come we don’t know about them?" - I mean think about it! Who are these adverts created for? US!! Who decides which ad deserves an award? NOT US!! I’m not saying that they should let us into their little world of abstract thinking. All I'm saying is; we should have a say (well some say!) Aah what the hell, WE SHOULD HAVE A SAY!! After all WE ARE THE TARGET MARKET... RIGHT???
Then I got the "ping" (light bulb) moment - What if WE voted for the ADs that WE think deserve an award? When I thought about this, I knew there was no better platform for this than this right here -TVSA! Yes my friends...
Every month we will vote for the ADs that we think are the BEST and give the people who worked on them some recognition, from US the people who matter. I'll go behind the scenes to find out which agency worked on the winning AD and the team who delivered the brilliant work. And we'll name and shame those who should have went back to the drawing board... haa haa haa!!
I know its mid-April and it might a bit late, but lets use this month to perfect OUR process :-) It is voting month right? So what better way to practice voting for who you want?
So what have been your favourite and worst ADs on both radio and TV?? VOTE FOR THEM by simply "replying" to this article.
BUT there's a catch!! You have to help me come up with CATEGORY NAMES... so we can have more than ONE award! Be a creative and come up with killer categories. I have a few in mind but I need your input!
So while you are watching the TV or listening to your favourite radio show, please don’t switch off during ADs (like some people I know do) – LOOK and LISTEN and let’s vote for our favourite and worst ADs. If it means carrying a little notepad with you so you don’t forget, so BE IT!!! Don't forget to add your reasons too...neehhh!
If you can remember the pay off line/tag line, go ahead and add it :-) I hear coming up with one is as difficult as creating an ad.
As you can see I refrained from using logos or use actual AD examples in this article, so I don’t look like I’m favouring some brands over others :-) but I couldn't help using the NIKE image as a BLURP IMAGE :-)
Come end of April - I’ll announce the TVSA's AD OF THE MONTH (well half a month) ;-) winners!! (Now I must get one of them creative friend to design the award for me...hmmm)
That’s it from Lahvee - for now! Remember you can also reach me on lahvee@tvsa.co.za if you have other suggestions or if you need to chat to me :-)
What are you waiting for? Start voting!!!!
NIKE IMAGE SOURCE: img178.imageshack.us/.../nikejustdoitjt6.jpge