Sometimes in life you try being the best parent and giving your kids good advice but wats the use if you dont lead by example??
The last episode of Soul City had me in tears yeah yeah we all knew that Zimele was the one who infected everybody but6 wer nevert really think who infected him??? mmmmm. Anyway thats not important now my point is: Did you guys cry on the ending scene? It was really sad I felt shivers down my spine.
Zimele loved his son so much and wanted him to have a bright future and protect him in all means but wat he did instead was rob him of all that he hoped for him to acheive. Bulela was so emotional when he was telling his dad wat he had done to him...
He acted that scene too well that I was snifffing myself I went to bed so sad even though i know its just acting but things like these happen and you coould just imagine how it feels like to know that the person you have to protect and love is the same person you infect with HIV. We've been preched about it so much yet we still not afraid of it we love it more than ourselves... guys please use protection because even though Zimele had HIV and slpet with LULU and she infected ZAKES and he had abit too much to drink and did it skoon with DINEO wenza ubufeba and gave it to BULELA, this all could be prevented if they did their dirty ways but used a condom the only person who would've had this Virus would have been Zimele and his wife.
Because we all know that you can not trust anybody these days but you would hope and wish that your husband does not sleep around especially wit AIDS so popular but yet you get irresponsible men and women cheating in their marriages and not using protection cos they think they're too great or healthy to get infected well news flash HIV/AIDS IS HERE AND HERE TO STAY SO, UNTIL THERE IS A CURE. So rather protect yourself and flip HIV to hiVICTORY !!!
This scene touched me so much that I will never ever be unfaithful to my partner and even though i trust him i'll always use a condom...
And yes I am tried and testing and im proud to say im NEGATIVE...
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