Yellow SAMA(Pics uploaded)

Written by Cande from the blog This That There Then... on 05 May 2009
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OK, what an nice experience i had of this year's SAMA's!!

Before i begin i would like to know why is it that people call it the SAMA awards? kanti what does the last A on SAMA stand for? Is it just me or is it wrong to call it SAMA awards?
Anyway that is not my reason for this article...
From the day i got confirmation for the tickets, to me worrying on what am i going to wear, to the day a fellow blogger reminded that im not a celebrity so i do not have to worry about the sama awards's outfit, to going around Parktown trying to find the PR company for the media pass sticker to the actually day of the event and the afterparty, i have been nothing but excited. 

1 ticket was for the goodie bag room(which i never went to), 2 for the drinks room(which my date was waiting for me at), 1 for the yellow carpet, and 2 for the main event. Am sure y'all are wondering why am i telling you all these? Well we were told that the after party is full. WTF?? When does a party get full? I would expect to be told that the superbowl is full because the seats are limited, but a party where people stand the whole night?? full?? I never bought that and told myself i will go to that after party by force, of which i did but thats a story for later.

So we where told to arrive at 16:00 to prepare because the yellow carpet starts @ 17:30 but you know African time mos, that 16:00 we where about 80 km's from sun city, and i had never been to sun city. I didnt know about the bus/train systems there..

Got around there @ 17:50, had to wait for the train to take us inside for the tickets. Had to ask around for the place to get the tickets, asked friendly & unfriendly *sigh*(wonder why you take a job that requires you to talk to people if you know you are so damn rude, biatch)

Eventually when i got the tickets, i had to go back by train*sigh* to fetch some stuff in the car, and go back by bus only to find out i missed out a lot on the yellow carpet. I will let this few pics that i took do the talking...

So here goes... 

Miss Puff still in  Mzantsi

Everyone arrived on Audi Q7 & A4’s except for one person that is a special case, she made sure she made an entrance.

There was some woman(pictured below) that was standing on the yellow carpet, and asked me who am I taking pictures for? I mean WTF? I know I was the only who had a ‘small’ camera from all those big media camera’s but I had a media tag and that should have meant to the woman that I am not taking pictures for my personal album. Even if I was, I wasn’t taking pictures of her and people whose pictures I was taking didn’t mind besides I had permission to be taking pics there. But like they say common sense is not always common 


I love celebs, they are the friendliest people I have ever come across. Am not sure if they do it in public or they are friendly in real life. Everyone posed for pictures, from Snuki Zikalala to Julius Malema to the yotv kids. 

Snuki Zikalala

looking too hot for a jobless dude, Mr Zikalala


JUJU, that linen jacket & polo neck was a NO NO

Penny Lebyane

This was the most unfriendly pose i got, but its probably that she was on the phone

Kelly Khumalo
Kelly Khumalo
nearly lost it when one of the photographers called her Khanyi, she passed without posing for him and shouted ‘haiye, im not Khanyi’ . Well I wont be able to comment on most of the pictures since am not a fashion guru but there were some people looked too horrific. E.g Tamara Dey. 

Tamara Dey

I also spotted Mmabatho Montsho craming her lines, haiye maan sisi you are allowed to cram but not on the yellow carpet in front of camera’s. 


The sweetest celeb award has to go to Theo Kgosinkwe, that man loves God, loves his wife & kid and he doesn’t finish a paragraph without praising God. I had never seen him in person and he didn’t know me but he was soo nice to me that he thanked me for taking a pic of him. 
you know when people get too nice that it just feels wrong? that was the case with this man.

The Kgosinkwe

I tried cracking my skull asking myself if I was really seeing Meikie from Muvhango? Are they allowed to attend functions or is she trying to be Khanyi? Hopefully she has a rich husband to back you up when bra Duma shows you the door. 


Kim(Lolly from Isidingo) arrived with a little girl who it seemed she was told that she will be interviewed. She went straight to Zizo Beda of Selimathunzi for an ‘interview’. Hahha that was classic. 


OK, I don’t like it when people who usually come with celebs also think they are celebs. I asked to take Julius Malema’s pic and some woman in orange hair was like they are not celebs so they don’t take pics. WTF?? Was I asking them or him? My groupie date also wanted a pic with Lesley from Jozi & his friends also wanted to be part of the pic and they got pissed when I asked to take a pic with DA LES alone. I mean I don’t know them, what on earth am I going to do with their pictures? 

It seemedShoes 1 like some people where shopping in the same place

Shoes 2

Bonang's lovely dress(my opinion)

When you see this, what comes to mind?

Khanyi arrived on her yellow toy for the yellow carpet, weren’t the bank repossessing it last week? When she got there the car was ravved(sp) to make everyone aware that Ms Mbau had arrived. The madala who had to drive the car back couldn’t start the car & the crowd booed him, but Ms Mbau wasn’t interested @ all. She is soo patient and was nice, she greeted everyone who greeted her back and anyone who asked for her picture she posed for them. She had the yellow carpet outfit, the stage outfit & the afterparty outfit. Her sidekick Jeff of Jeff international dressed her. 

Jeff & Khanyi

OK i no longer have much to say, i will let you judge and separate the best from the worst.

Tansey Cotzee

Anele & Jen Su
Anele & Jen Su of 5fm

Selimathunzi crew

I was also nice enough to take pictures of unknown characters on the yellow carpet because they posed


and this one


anyway where was i? more celeb pics

The parlotones




She was one of the biggest nominees of the night, wats her name kanene??

Jozi without Ishmael.


always looking good Criselda

Siya & date

siyabonga & date, dude we take pics on the yellow carpet. RIGHT!!!

BIG NUZ, i also thought it was 1 person


1 of the most horrible dresses of the evening

sis Reebs


daddy dearest, pity Zakes didnt win anything

Andile & date
someone mentioned Andile having a good taste, haiye andikhosho

Sizwe Dlomo

Rhythmic elements
this guys needs to tell me who exactly are their group membas, the guy in the middle was new to me.




Ringo n Mathapelo
bhuti Ringo and the lady with a great voice , Mmathapelo

The main event started and with a host like Trevor Noah I can have the SAMA’s every month. We were seated very far so I couldn’t take stage pics but then again we were told that we cant take pictures inside. But am sure y’all caught up with the fashion on stage, the performances and the acceptance speeches. 

I will be back with PART 2 of more pics and afterparty goss....

Special thanks to Tashi for organising the tickets to the event, you are the best -:)


03 May 2009 23:13

I'll come back after u upload the pics

Brown Shuga
03 May 2009 23:35

Hahahahaah someone is bitchy kwa kwa kw a kwa kwa kwa Cande!! I love it!!!

<<<to the day a fellow blogger reminded that im not a celebrity so i do not have to worry about the sama awards's outfit,>> lemme guess...Michael Jackson Junior!

<<<and told myself i will go to that after party by force, of which i did but thats a story for later.>>>
Tjo, bebevelelwe!!! lol

<<<*sigh*(wonder why you take a job that requires you to talk to people if you know you are so damn rude, biatch)>>> kwa kwa kwa kwa name and shame...who dat???

<<<There was some cow that was standing on the yellow carpet, and asked me who am I taking pictures for? I mean WTF? >>>
They are so irritating...

<<<Kelly Khumalo nearly lost it when one of the photographers called her Khanyi>>> Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
She's looking good though, (not her muddy face), he can see she's working out!!! I love her arms!!,

<<<I tried cracking my skull asking myself if I was really seeing Meikie from Muvhango? Are they allowed to attend functions or is she trying to be Khanyi? Hopefully she has a rich husband to back you up when bra Duma shows you the door. >>> heheheheheheeheh too true...

<<<Kim(Lolly from Isidingo) arrived with a little girl who it seemed she was told that she will be interviewed. She went straight to Zizo Beda of Selimathunzi for an ‘interview’. Hahha that was classic. <<< tjowe hahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahha ao bathong...she watches E! too much lol

<<<I asked to take Julius Malema’s pic and some woman in orange hair was like they are not celebs so they don’t take pics. WTF?? Was I asking them or him?<<<< Good for that orange lady!! What were you doing trying to sneak on my Juju!!! Well done to that lady... lol
Mara really now...what the hell was that about? JUJU is a NEWSMAKER!!!! Of course we want his pics....

Glad you had fun Cande....

Trevor rocked...and regardless of what people say, thank goodness for Brickz' comment about Cleo and Cleo's comeback, NOW we have something to talk about , other than how great Trevor was & Tumi's (GI) dress! lmao! Trevor for SAMAs waya waya!

Brown Shuga
03 May 2009 23:35

Oops, sorry for long reply. Gudnite.

04 May 2009 01:20

World-class event,except for that hip-hop vs hip-hop (hayi bo) battle,everything was top notch.I know its artistic blah blah but what the heck was Siphokazi doing playing a spider esisekoneni?

04 May 2009 01:27

...ok..ive been waiting for the bloggers controvesial take on the SAMAs...
im gon sleeep now and check it out in the morning....

04 May 2009 07:37

The stage was too small. Crowded perfomances. Bonang doing the vuma dance in that dress, a big NO. The GI lady was uncomfortable in her own dress. Nice dresses from DFC. Adbullah Ibrahim winning i'm not sure. Miss Teen flirting with Hlomla on stage, rollin my eyes. Vusi Twala's accent, nangoku??? Yvonne ChakaChaka, lifetime award for Umqombothi? hayi suka.
All in all, great show.

04 May 2009 08:40

Cande kanti where r the pics???? The show was. Yawn......reminded me when Unathi was still the host.....The only good thing about those award was the hosts, everything else was just below par.....all the presenters were boring.....where were the glam people? Maggie from Isidingo presenting an award? Really now? Who watches isidingo? Cande, Patrice and Winnie haven't missed the awards in the past 5 years, where they there?

04 May 2009 08:47

well done jamali

kiki X
04 May 2009 09:03

The less said about Bonang the mehlola nje qha!!! I had nightmares coz of the Vuma dance she tried to do in that dress.The knees almost fell apart.....her knees i mean!!!!

04 May 2009 09:28

@Cande: I wish I was there...I wudve given that COW a piece of my mind....and then????Share the afterparty story kaloku!!!!!!!!

04 May 2009 22:40

some pics uploaded

Brown Shuga
04 May 2009 22:50

<<<<There was some cow(pictured below) that was standing on the yellow carpet, and asked me who am I taking pictures for? I mean WTF?>>>>

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
the funniest thing about THAT comment is that the person you are referring to is Melanie Ramjee and she's your FB Friend and the first person who used the "like" FB feature on your Yellow SAMA Album on Facebook!

Lemme read on....

Brown Shuga
04 May 2009 22:55

Triple LOL @ could he do that mara!!

Brown Shuga
04 May 2009 23:00

LOL Cande, the "unknown character" is Poppy Ntshongwana from 5FM.

<<<She was one of the biggest nominees of the night, wats her name kanene??>>> Jodie - Idols winner.

Eish @ Maggie (isidingo) and Rebecca!!!


04 May 2009 23:04

OMW BS, did i just call my FB friend that? i take it back and even edited the part. But her question was totally unnecessary.

04 May 2009 23:24

Rebecca is 2 much! Lol @ cande, no wonda u took so long! Kwa kwa kwa kwa.

04 May 2009 23:38

Rebecca is 2 much! Lol @ cande, no wonda u took so long! Kwa kwa kwa kwa.

oh nooooooo

Lady D
05 May 2009 00:25

Kwakwakwa,Cande wa rocka,me i like the recap!

60 Plus Madala
05 May 2009 03:51

Wooow, it looks like u had fun....... thanx 4 these pics & info... looking 4ward to part 2

2 for the drinks room(which my date was waiting for me at)..... tl tl tl tl- - -that was a 'prime"  position 2 wait for a date who is @ working during the date....! Hope s/he still remembered yo face face when u returned 

Theo Kgosinkwe, that man loves God, loves his wife & kid and he doesn’t finish a paragraph without praising God - the 4ever mentioning of the wife & kid is strategic- now he can do what ever he wants on those all-night parties; the wife will be happy know that she is still in his mind, the 'night-partners' will also know to have all fun they can have "this dude ain't comming back"! It does not get better than that! The "God praising" ke yona uyayibaxa ke uKhehle...... he is some internal decorator of some sort, & he even thanked God for giving ideas on decorating a table 4 Agape....duh!  

someone mentioned Andile having a good taste, haiye andikhosho - kwa kwa kwa, I had 2 look at the lady again & again, just ascertain that u were not unfairly jelous of her..... nope, u r spot on! Perhaps she wud hav bn better if she had closed her mouth, and toned down on the fluffy-goat hairdo!  

60 Plus Madala
05 May 2009 03:53

OMW BS, did i just call my FB friend that? i take it back and even edited the part. But her question was totally unnecessary
LOL ....... kaloku u r not suppose 2 take it back coz it was the truth even if in "yo" friend....!

05 May 2009 07:21

Great job Cande! Thanks for the pictures! I still say if it wasn't for Trevor the show would have fallen flat on the ground! 

BIG NUZ, i also thought it was 1 person! Me too esp the big guy called Mampintsha (hope that's correct)!  Did you guys see how big his stomach was especially when he came on stage wearing a tight white t-shirt! I thought he was going to fall over from that stage. Maybe he has a tumour and he's not aware of it like that woman on Oprah!

Siyabonga was too grey ...a dissapointment for a colourful guy like him! 

Mmabatho's dress she is strou-meisie sika Jacky's! I still think she's lovely though! 

 Juju le ena okare ke mokgalabe, he looks old, he needs to work out! Someone said to me that he has cellulite on his face! heeeehehe...

Okay let me give you guys a chance...I was just following B Shuga! Uzitike!

Savanah Dry
05 May 2009 08:02

Lol... at some dresses i missed the show.

Savanah Dry
05 May 2009 08:02

When is the repeat???

05 May 2009 08:10

Hey andi khosho!!! tu  with Mmabatho's dress what were you thinking mara sisi

05 May 2009 08:11

The pic of The Parlotones is actually a pic of Prime Circle

05 May 2009 08:28

Mmabatho looks like a school girl on that pic.....

05 May 2009 08:33

LOLOL@ Tamara Dey's hand gloves!! bathong!

05 May 2009 08:54

Morning every1,

Say that again Miss T. She got a nice body. I think she bought that dress in those Magogo boutique's. 

Mmmmmmmhhhhhhh im luving ZamaJobe's shoes. Can i have them tu Zam?

LOL Theo' pose????? he looks gay(ish) but i still luv him!

Guys i luv Parlatones, they sing so nice.

Tamara & leather black gloves????? Im scared of fashion sometimes waitsi.....

Thank Lord Criselda was dotless.

05 May 2009 08:55

Jeff and khanyi's brochures...tsho

05 May 2009 08:58

Love Juju's jacket, love it. Tamara Dey, OMW!!!! I wanna cry. Mabatho Montsho %^**^%$^^ , Cande please try and edit that pic, LMAO!!! CANDE!!!!! You looked cute baby, i want your dress!!! want it. damn omontle yang, did Beyonce take you to the Sandton salon for the weave?? Jamali looked like 1997 bridesmaids. Love Miss SA Teen!!! Zamajobe: i believ i can fly!!!!

05 May 2009 09:01

OMW!!!! How the eff did my reply come out i look like a new blogger, this programme that im using damn!!! hope you can read it peeps. mnciim google chrome.

05 May 2009 09:03

LOL at the new blogger...uzojwayela sisi

05 May 2009 09:04

hehehe Cande, you commentary is classic!! Calling known people unknown..hehehe and calling abanye cows... hahahah!! Thanx babes for the update!

Juju looked liked a BEE CAT!! No he looks like he's a BEE LION!! Hhahahaha!!

Mmathapelo's (with Ringo) dress is stunning, simple, something I would definately go buy.!

Those BigNuz bradas look so Zulu - You cant miss it. There's something about about the Big one though... I dont know... eish.. he looks like a cuddly teddy bear, call me strange!!

Maurishen (sp) (Jamali)'s dress looks cheap man! Looks like it was made by Auntie Gladys from Mitchells Plein - who bought material on wednesday and finished sewing it on Thursday. That's a dress to wear at a matric farewell.

05 May 2009 09:04

@ cande, that is not the Parlotones, it is Prime Circle, you should know this seeing that they performed two songs.

05 May 2009 09:07

Who is that in the tartan dress and flat shoes???? lol

05 May 2009 09:11

And Mmabatho Montsho, that dress and those shoes????????????

05 May 2009 09:13

I cant get over Mmabatho's hideousness, jeans and a nice sweater would have looked great or those things she used to wear on Gen, hayi this!!!

05 May 2009 09:16

Sizwe Dlomo ........I lay my love on you .............en Kelly Khumalo was really beautiful angimdleli umona shame................
When you see this, what comes to mind? ................Well it's obvious that it's Khanyi's high class car..........................As for Jamali u still pushing gal en u rock I must say that keep it up gal ....even though u were like birdemaid but u were also beautifuls
En wena Bonang shame u hav to forgive me gal...............I really don't like noma kuthiwa ugqoke kahle kanjani i jst don't like u but  I don't hate you.

Sana Lwam
05 May 2009 09:19

LOL @ the "flat shoes" part ka Vesa!
Great weave

05 May 2009 09:30

Hayi guys I disagree about Andile's girl, she looks good in the pic on Sowetan. Bonanag also looks very distorted in the pic you took Cande.

05 May 2009 09:38

Guys please assist me in understanding the logic behind this statement. I think Sizwe must come out of the closet now. We have not seen nor heard of him with a gal not even a rumor.
So if a guy has never been seen with a girl, does it automatically make him gay? Just wondering.

05 May 2009 09:49

I am with you calamity, I do not think it's fair that sizwe is supposedly gay because he has not been rumoured to be with a girl. What nonsense is that? Bloggers grow up man. Ouch nami I agree, Andile this picture doesn't do the poor  girl justice, I have seen her in person and she is really beautiful. Le picture eSowetan is better.

05 May 2009 09:58

Siyabonga was too grey ...a dissapointment for a colourful guy like him! 

Siyabonga Ngwekazi? whatss up with those glasses...
Are they currently in? somebody please fill me in...i dont wanna miss out on the latest fashion trends. 

05 May 2009 10:17

Reply from: Brown Shuga 4/15/2009 4:40:10 AM
SMS from Sizwe:
"Your readers are jokers! If BEYONCE is hot, tell her I'll prove to her how gay I'm not....."

>>>Where is BEYONCE...So, calamity 'I' don't think so

05 May 2009 10:25

        My brother calls those glasses Tomkats, lol

kiki X
05 May 2009 10:26

The OSTRICH,looks much better kwi close up........................

05 May 2009 10:35

Its assumption people, one would just assume Sizwe is gay since he is hott but have never been seen with a woman. I mean yini edlula amehlo e-paparazi bakithi? U mean to tell me Sizwe is so secretive that not even one Shwashwi has seen him having a drink, driving with a gal or rather having tea with someone? Cum on be relistic he might as well be gay.

05 May 2009 10:37


05 May 2009 10:43

..but i loved Penny's dress, she looked gorgeous

kiki X
05 May 2009 11:25

Sizwe,thanks for last was great.....

05 May 2009 11:25

Its assumption people, one would just assume Sizwe is gay since he is hott but have never been seen with a woman. I mean yini edlula amehlo e-paparazi bakithi? U mean to tell me Sizwe is so secretive that not even one Shwashwi has seen him having a drink, driving with a gal or rather having tea with someone?

Some people are able to keep things under wraps, or they just escape the scrutiny yabo shwashwi....Nonhle Thema has also never been seen with anyone anywhere/ even been rumoured with anyone

05 May 2009 11:26

..but i loved Penny's dress, she looked gorgeous
....................isn't she ALWAYS.  

05 May 2009 11:40

Vesa Nonhle was once rumoured to have been spotted with some American dude at the airport. They even showed the picture in Sunday World early last year.

05 May 2009 11:44

Reply from: kiki X 5/5/2009 5:25:02 PM

Sizwe,thanks for last was great.....

hihihihihiihi, don´t beat around the bush, just tell it as it is, you poor thing. What did Sizwe do, or give you that you have to thank him on TVSA?????????????

05 May 2009 11:47

Khanyi Mbau is the best example of Biltong, how can she be so skinny, she needs to add some flesh.

05 May 2009 11:49

Anyway what is it to us if Siwe is indeed gay, that will not be the end of the world. Fact of the matter is that the guy is hot and he just oozes sex appeal. Tyhe ladies went wild for him, who wouldn't. And his thing about him being arrogant, I think some people confuse arrogance with confidence.

05 May 2009 11:50

hai the Sizwe Dlomo topic is boring..who cares whether he's got a chick or not, his not hot stuff man, Andile Ncube is rather HOT stuff, but her comment!

I like Mmabatho Montsho, but the way she dresses..she has no style.Period!

05 May 2009 11:50

Sizwe I'm your don't go after kiki X........JP is urs..............I love you Sizwe
Sizwe I lay my love on you babe.

kiki X
05 May 2009 11:51

hahahahah @ BigMama isn't  ya'll say u gay.

Good girls don't kiss and tell.LOL

05 May 2009 11:54

Sipping on a cold Fanta Pinee

kiki X
05 May 2009 11:54

You are too late Jada.....LOL

05 May 2009 11:56

@ Msoe....I missed that one

05 May 2009 11:56

Kiki X.......But u have already told us that he did you last nite, he did you so well that you had to come and tell the nation (TVSA) that you had a great time. And hey the guy is too damn hot to be gay.
JP..... please stick to Will and leave Sizwe to all the Single ladies.

kiki X
05 May 2009 12:06

Eish BigMama,u wil  get me into trouble.

Sizwe sthandwa sam,hope this doesn't spoil the memories of last Summer.LOL

05 May 2009 12:10

Sizwe will be my roll on but engizifelayo ngayo hau..............plz Sizwe tell me dat there's nothing happened between u en kiki X...i KNW SHE'S LYING

05 May 2009 12:11





05 May 2009 12:17

BATHONG THE LADY WITH A SCOTCH DRESS IS SHE A CELEBRITY EE CANDE? COZ SHE LOOKED ORDINARY AS IF SHE WAS JUST GOING TO SHOP ISINKWA.....................l just love that lady she is her own celebrity and thus how really people must look. Why wear a R5000 dress when you don´t even have R100 in your pocket.

05 May 2009 12:20

LMFBA @ zozoe, she is indeed an ordinary person, to me she looks HOT

05 May 2009 12:25

please leave my Zelebrity  with a check dress alone

05 May 2009 12:27

Kanti which one is Cande?I wanna see the mcwaa dress,it better not be the check dress and flat shoes.

05 May 2009 12:37

JP kanti which one is it, Slikour, Sizwe, Will or Gugu, ????????????? l just want to know my friend.

05 May 2009 12:38


05 May 2009 12:49

Is Cande the skotish dress gal with flat shoes????? She looks nice----anyana shame

kiki X
05 May 2009 12:52

OMG,i knew i was gonna get into trouble...eish!!!!

Bye Bye guys ndithathi khava ngoku.

05 May 2009 12:55

kiki X..........Before you go pliz tell me one thing, is he that good that you actually have to THANK him?????????????????

05 May 2009 12:56


hahahhah Zozoe, i wanted you guys to see what type of weird outfits some people rock @ the sama's

05 May 2009 12:57

I am NOT in any pictures...

05 May 2009 12:57

l like the pose ka-light purple dress just before the skotish zelebrity, what was she trying to do vele?

05 May 2009 12:57

Nice recap Cande, lurve ur hair...u looked glam **nice and simple**

05 May 2009 12:59

tl tl tl tl tl Cande....hi hi hi hihih ihihihihihihi...dont do that to others! My zelebrity is looking sooo hot, there is nothing next to weird there

05 May 2009 13:00

@zaa.........Is Cande a celebrity as well?

kiki X
05 May 2009 13:06

@ BigMama, i told u good girls never tell. kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

05 May 2009 13:07




05 May 2009 13:10

Cande, wa yaka

05 May 2009 13:12

@ BigMama, Y do u ask? LOL

05 May 2009 13:14

LMAO @ Cande,, that name-less is looking HAAAAATTT!!!!

05 May 2009 13:16

lol, guys say something about Tamara Dey's dress. i heard it was imported. The hair?? She looked like a recovering junkie

05 May 2009 13:29

LOL at the checkscotish lady zelebrity...... khanyi Mbau did not start with a Lamborghini and melrose ntoni ntoni clearly this girl will be a full Celebrity soon...I will buy her album as soon as it hits the shelves (if she is a singer...)

05 May 2009 13:32

LOL at the cow

05 May 2009 13:34

@Fantapine-hai the Sizwe Dlomo topic is boring..who cares whether he's got a chick or not, his not hot stuff man, Andile Ncube is rather HOT stuff, but her comment! 

its true when they say one man,s meat is another man's poison, till today i am still trying to find the Hot Part on Andile Ncube. no offend but angimuzwa shukela.

05 May 2009 13:34

Reply from: Cande 5/5/2009 7:16:40 PM

lol, guys say something about Tamara Dey's dress. i heard it was imported. The hair?? She looked like a recovering junkie.

There is nothing to say about her, she looks like a hobbo, l would have done better than her with my Identity yellow ribbon dress.

05 May 2009 13:37

Poppy (pronounced Phophee) looks ridiculous!

Love your comments love, i'm just tired cause i wasn't among the 1st to read or reply so manje i had to read the article, then the replies.

About Jen Su, she's actually of Summit TV and does weekly hollywood reports on 5fm.

LMAO at your Mel comment...kwa kw akw akkakkakakakak!

05 May 2009 13:38

Awelani u doin gal

05 May 2009 13:38

@maud.......l am with you on the Andile issue, whats hot about him. With Sizwe l can go on and on.......his lips ooooh, his body damn, his arrogance (well thus part of what makes him hot), he has beautiful skin, his charming eish he can take me to mount Kiliminjaro anytime of the day.

05 May 2009 13:39

Zamajobe hayi I just don't know what to say about her but I want to say something but I don't know what really. 
Easy, an orange sack, water and soap under the arms. A ikgotlhe ka Setswana. Exfoliate in English. The armpits are too dark.
Still on Zama: That dress was made within two hours. That sequined top of the dress is sold like that at The Oriental Plaza for R100per meter. That's half a meter. Let me not cut her dresses to pieces. As far as I'm concerned the cost of the dress was less than R150. I hope she didn't pay the person who made it. The hat is cute. I love her shoes though maar ayi the uncreative roko yona.

Mmabatho? I think we are just taking SJP (Sex in the City star) too far. SJP makes anything look cool. Even a tree on the head. SJP..... not Mabatho.

Bonang and Khanyi? I love their dresses. Though I wasn't sure about the blue tail on Khanyi's dress. She looked like a bird. A polipoli. I think she must either start eating again or cut the gym. The baby fat is gone now. The only problem with both dresses for me was the legs.

Penny's dress was lovely. 

Can the guys stop it with the Vaseline suits.

Cleo was dressed exactly like Fabiani's window dolls. Oh, he was dressed by Fabiani. But he looked good anyway. The haircut  is cool as well.

Checked dress and pumps? Mmmhh..... I've seen this look before.The Osbourn's daughter. Not bad at all but should have given someone to hold the jacket for the picture. Lovely hair Cande. and thanx for the story.

05 May 2009 13:40

Zamajobe hayi I just don't know what to say about her but I want to say something but I don't know what really. 
Easy, an orange sack, water and soap under the arms. A ikgotlhe ka Setswana. Exfoliate in English. The armpits are too dark.
Still on Zama: That dress was made within two hours. That sequined top of the dress is sold like that at The Oriental Plaza for R100per meter. That's half a meter. Let me not cut her dresses to pieces. As far as I'm concerned the cost of the dress was less than R150. I hope she didn't pay the person who made it. The hat is cute. I love her shoes though maar ayi the uncreative roko yona.

Mmabatho? I think we are just taking SJP (Sex in the City star) too far. SJP makes anything look cool. Even a tree on the head. SJP..... not Mabatho.

Bonang and Khanyi? I love their dresses. Though I wasn't sure about the blue tail on Khanyi's dress. She looked like a bird. A polipoli. I think she must either start eating again or cut the gym. The baby fat is gone now. The only problem with both dresses for me was the legs.

Penny's dress was lovely. 

Can the guys stop it with the Vaseline suits.

Cleo was dressed exactly like Fabiani's window dolls. Oh, he was dressed by Fabiani. But he looked good anyway. The haircut  is cool as well.

Checked dress and pumps? Mmmhh..... I've seen this look before.The Osbourn's daughter. Not bad at all but should have given someone to hold the jacket for the picture. Lovely hair Cande. and thanx for the story.

05 May 2009 13:41

About Jen Su, she's actually of Summit TV and does weekly hollywood reports on 5fm. 

at first glance she actually looks like Melani Son Bala

05 May 2009 13:42

Cheesa.........., at-least they look beautiful on her and l am sure she is not stressed about paying a lump sum of cash for just that one nite. l don´t think it matters that much if she bought them fro the jozi streets as long as she is comfortable what more could she want.........

kiki X
05 May 2009 13:44

BigMama, now i know why u were so curious to know how good Sizwe is in bed........uyamthanda...admit it.....LOL

05 May 2009 13:46

@kiki X........lunch bar (obvious)

kiki X
05 May 2009 13:48

Hayi ke sisi sebamthathile!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

05 May 2009 13:49

Guys is Sis Ribs expecting?

05 May 2009 13:52

Hayi bo guys kanti where is Cande coz I thought she is that gal with the check check dress and flat shoes. So that is why I decided to keep quite about that gal. LOL at her dress and shoes ingathi they are those pumps from Mr Price and Jet yho...

hahhaha eish

Guys is Sis Ribs expecting?  No, she cant have children last time i checked

05 May 2009 13:52

@Venusseed - is( the lady )with the checked dress our cande? if so ubumhle sana ubabethe bonke.

05 May 2009 13:54

i like ZamaJobe's look, its cute,diff & daring

05 May 2009 13:55

@kiki X...........l know and but l will survive, l will always be there when you gals break his heart, l will be his shoulder to cry on, the tissue to wipe away all his tears (gays do cry for really) most of all l will always care about him and be a loyal listener to his

witty lady
05 May 2009 14:02

Nice article.

I think the gospel category is rigged I mean Rebecca again??? tjo!

As for Lekgoa ena or snotkop, whateva he calls himself these days I mean really did he think saying Trevor Noah o jola le Yvonne Chaka Chaka was funny TJO! O WORSE, and poor Yvonne was not impressed at all and ke mang that OU TATA that was singing with her with LOLLIPOP SNEAKERS? that man okare o quarter to death maan, shem.

I dont wanna talk about UR GAL B le her peacock dress mmmm. The one she wore when presenting one was stunning, she shouldve worn that one to the awards instead of that poor bird.

Kelly made a big whooo haa ka her dress only to find gore its just a simple black dress WOW!!

05 May 2009 14:04

LOL@ the vaseline suits

05 May 2009 14:04

Jody is cute and she looked lovely

witty lady
05 May 2009 14:08

and yah re lebogela di pics tsa those random chicks hehehe

05 May 2009 14:10

@Cande - hawu Sana ungomphi wena?

05 May 2009 14:10

kwa kwa kwakwakwa tl tltl tl tl tl tl hehehheeeereeeeeeeee

05 May 2009 14:16

Hou batung Mzanzi is getting there!!!!!!1

05 May 2009 14:25

i want what Cleo was wearing

05 May 2009 14:27

go to FABIANI Monchi

05 May 2009 14:46

Hayi bo guys kanti where is Cande coz I thought she is that gal with the check check dress and flat shoes. So that is why I decided to keep quite about that gal. LOL at her dress and shoes ingathi they are those pumps from Mr Price and Jet yho......Sori Cheesa! don't get me wrong but Cande is looin very stunning on her dress en blieve it's not from Mr Price.......abt the flat shoes she was making herself feel comfortable.....

He he Bigmama ngahi siyambanga nje USizwe....anyway he's mine
en plz guyz stop insulting Khanyi she's goergeous jst that she lost weight! adayz she's hot bt not too beautiful

05 May 2009 14:53

@JP.........Sizwe knows that l will not fight for him, his happiness comes first. l will let him be with the one that makes him weak on his knees, that gal that makes him toss on his bed thinking of her, the one that makes his heart melt and give him courage to enjoy life. If that gal is you, kiki X or whoever, you are all blessed to share your bed with such a hunk. Otherwise l wouldn´t mind to be his roll on

05 May 2009 14:55

Eish Khanyi, l don´t really see the beauty in her.

The Punisher
05 May 2009 14:55

Those BigNuz bradas look so Zulu @ Lahvee, whatchu mean? this tribalism sh*t is really getting to my nerves!! I hope you get that through that thick skull of yours!

05 May 2009 14:56

Nice pics.

Shame about the piss poor written content, grammar..........OMW. Especially  LOL'd at this one Everyone arrived on Audi Q7 & A4’s kwa kwa kwa kwa. How did they do this? Where are the pics please share.

05 May 2009 15:04

Tokolo your english is poor too

05 May 2009 15:11

@LOLLIPOP SNEAKERS...................i am dood kwa kwakakwa hahahahahaahaah hiiiiiiiiiii

05 May 2009 15:14

Go moncho! Go Moncho! Go Moncoooza! (mind u, this is in singing) hi hi hi hi hi

05 May 2009 15:17

Checked dress and pumps,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the shoes really look like my grannies caande are yu sure she is a celebrity , wasnt she the gal who sneak to the SAMAS maybe ugogo wakhe bekafuna those shoes jo!

Easy, an orange sack, water and soap under the arms. A ikgotlhe ka Setswana. Exfoliate in English. The armpits are too dark.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, true that ,  ZAMA if reading try to use the advice given yho thats disgusting sies

Zama no offence sisi but as gals we advice each other next i wiil be looking hope you will use the tip

05 May 2009 15:22

moving on to the next item on the agenda....

05 May 2009 15:23

kiki X
05 May 2009 15:24

Hhahahahahha BigMama, are u not one of those that were saying Sizwe is gay?? okanye you were saying that so he can proove to live that he aint. hahahahah.

Shem BM, cela u will be

kiki X
05 May 2009 15:25

What's the next item on the agenda Cande darling???

05 May 2009 15:25

@KiKi X........not even once did l say that boy is gay...........

05 May 2009 15:26

Please leave the Zelebrity in a check dress alone now, & pick someone else like...Tamara Dey?!?!   or the velvet dress lady Please...I love my Zelebrity wearing flat shoes & i dont want to see these coments anymore...she is a personal friend of mine for God's sake

05 May 2009 15:28

cande you did not tell us what was in the goodie bag

05 May 2009 15:28

Mjj please come back, did Cande not tell you she uploaded the pics...

05 May 2009 15:31


You will understand i dont write for a living, and English is NOT my mother tongue. Am 100% Motswana. As long as the majority understood what i was trying to say.

05 May 2009 15:32

There's actually nothing wrong with Cande's dress yazi, she coulda rocked it with sum hot high heels and that woulda finished it completely.

A friend of mine who's on the plus side rocked a checkered dress tailored the same way as Cande's last year to a year end party with some killer GUCCI gladiator like heels, fancy clutch, killer hairdo etc.... she made a grand entrance which lasted till we made our exit. So Cande, the dress is rather nice gal but the shoes killed it, i can also appreciate that u wanted to be comfortable throughout the night, nothing wrong with that...........

kiki X
05 May 2009 15:33

@ BigMama, konje ubani othe u gay??

Please STOP reffering to him as a BOY, the word MAN sounds more appropiate especially ku Sizwe.LOL

05 May 2009 15:35

<<Those BigNuz bradas look so Zulu @ Lahvee, whatchu mean? this tribalism sh*t is really getting to my nerves!! I hope you get that through that thick skull of yours!>> 

Punisher  Khok'umoya baba- relax... I am Zulu! So I aint tribalist..hee banna!! When you look at them you can tell they are Zulu - as in when you walk up to them, you'll automatically speak Zulu to them! And besides - mina I love Zulu men!

05 May 2009 15:35

hehehhe Felfel, i can never rock high heels. I cant walk on those. I have tried & tried and gave up.

The Punisher
05 May 2009 15:36

Shame about the piss poor written content, grammar..........OMW. Especially LOL'd at this one Everyone arrived on Audi Q7 & A4’s kwa kwa kwa kwa. How did they do this? Where are the pics please share. !

@ Tokolo, who died and made you a grammar teacher?

05 May 2009 15:37

Lavhee you are zulu? all this time i thought you were sotho.

05 May 2009 15:37

hayi man Cande,s shoes are not totally flat, ngibona little bit of a wadge there.
angazi noba amehlo ami.
ndisatsho ubumhle sana ...ubumhle.

05 May 2009 15:38

@Cande.......that was not worth your explanation, somethings are better off ignored. l am proud that you have made an effort to write this article in your broken (so says tokollo) to accomodate everyone, if you had written it in Tswana l wouldn´t have understood a thing at all. So thank you for that.

@kiki was Beyonce and some other bloggers but l remember her mentioning something along Sizwe being gay.......

The Punisher
05 May 2009 15:39

Punisher Khok'umoya baba- relax... I am Zulu! So I aint tribalist..hee banna!! When you look at them you can tell they are Zulu - as in when you walk up to them, you'll automatically speak Zulu to them! And besides - mina I love Zulu men!........

lol...point taken Lahvee!

05 May 2009 15:44

hehehhe Felfel, i can never rock high heels. I cant walk on those. I have tried & tried and gave up.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so the the lady with check dress was you coz she was the only with flat shoes oooooooooooohhhhhhh sorry hle darling i didnt mean to........

 @ms.tebby  i am sorry from now i stop commenting on that sista of yours shame she was funny but what can one say its a lack of fashion taste i undestand

05 May 2009 15:45

Zintle iimoriri zakho Cande sisi...

05 May 2009 15:47

I get u Candy gal and believe me i can't rock high heels all the time myself, i like them on display but my feet were not made for them, so u were rather sensible gal : ))

05 May 2009 15:50

"Checked dress and pumps,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the shoes really look like my grannies"  As far as i can see those shoes are wedges not pumps as you guys put it...c'mon now give a lady a break bathong....can the subject be closed now...uv made ur point

05 May 2009 15:51

have a great evening u, bye!!!

05 May 2009 15:52

shame uJaqui ( jamali) dressed for ivalentine didnt someone tell her she is going to the Samas not Ivalentines ball jo you people are selfish (as for red and white ku ma samas nogal)

05 May 2009 15:52

I'm loving the colour coordination of Ringos outfit and that Mmathapelo lady, very nice....... : ))

05 May 2009 15:56

Cande o matured e le tota. Ke rata the way o sa istresseng ka maikutlo a batho. Very impressive girl

05 May 2009 16:02

Oh, Cande are soo cool and collected...luhv the way you handling the whole thing

05 May 2009 16:09

Reply from: Cande 5/5/2009 9:22:12 PM

moving on to the next item on the agenda.... 

>>thats it, i have been waiting my girl, I gues it should be :...and told myself i will go to that after party by force, of which i did but thats a story for later.

05 May 2009 16:39

"Checked dress and pumps,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the shoes really look like my grannies" As far as i can see those shoes are wedges not pumps as you guys put it...

NOTTTT!!!! Those are not wedges. They are PUMPS. Fashion 1 on 1? Google "wedge heels" and look at images. On most shoes, the "heel" sits under only the heel of the foot, but a wedge heel runs under the foot, from the back of the shoe to the middle or front.
As you've probably guessed, it has a wedge shape, but not all wedges are high heels. In fact, wedge heels range from low to high, it's the shape and the length of the heel that classify it as a wedge.

Pumps are now one of the most recognizable of women’s shoes. In most cases, they are a closed-toe shoe that covers the toes. The shoe uppers on the sides of pumps extend around the back of the foot to cover the sides and heel of the foot. 

Yes Candy you looked cool and comfortable. It's cool to be laid back sometimes.

On Zama again: It is not the cost of the outfit that matters. My point was about the design and the colours. Gold, grey and black.

05 May 2009 16:41

Khanyi Mbau is the best example of Biltong, how can she be so skinny, she needs to add some flesh.

i think Khanyi is in an abusive marriage a ka se be slender sa ma catalogue naturally looking like that...... i mean if you look @ her shoulders dts proof enaf gore ga a sharp........Mandla wa mo trappa goet ganog

05 May 2009 17:40

Ms T - I'm fasting this all i have to say is that.....everyone looked gr8...I mean Everyone.......... It;s nice to see Big Mama and her Gen crew on this blog....ninganqabi please......(I'm joining the Gen crew imm after finishing my fast)...... Gr8 article Cande..............

05 May 2009 17:49

hehehhe emjayjay i hear my advert just played on air -:)

Brown Shuga
05 May 2009 17:51

Tjo, ingathi ndinilibele!!

<<<<Sizwe,thanks for last was great.....>>> kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
Yhu kodwa Kiki uphambene you sihlobo!!! lol

Brown Shuga
05 May 2009 18:15

<<<<hahahah!! Thanx babes for the update!>>> Lahvee, I'm tryna imagine you saying "babes".......ayikufaneli lol

kiki X
06 May 2009 08:26

BS, please don get me started again. He has already given me the 3rd Degree.....LOL

This is what happens when a no name like yo friend Kiki gets passionate ne celeb..................goes and shouts it to the entire world.......NX, DARKIES bathong!!!! LOL

06 May 2009 08:30


kiki X
06 May 2009 08:57

Hey Suge, if  Sizwe is not hot then  what do u say about Tbo Touch??? LOL

06 May 2009 09:08

Sizwe Sizwe Sizwe

06 May 2009 09:53

Heeheheh No Cheesa its okay. I dont take everything personal @ all. I knew what i was doing when i put the pic on...Its your true opinions and you have a right to voice them... -:)

06 May 2009 09:55

what attracts me to Andile is his humanity and i do think that he's hot....(good looking, but in a manly way...not pretty like a girl) ....

06 May 2009 10:02

and you should have heard him when he went like *ooh i worked hard enough to be able to say nah i still want to relax, when a new job comes*...It was like after some journalist asked him whats next from him.. some guys are lucky/hardworkers.

KK 2008
06 May 2009 10:02

LOL about uZamajobe's armpits...!!! O utliwe, orange sack and exfoliate sana!!! Really now, your Polokwane man though rural as he is, should know better than to let you out of his sight looking like that!!!

06 May 2009 10:05

who is she dating in Polokwane??

06 May 2009 10:14

KK 2008, Polokwane is not rural,if you say Polokwane is rural then it is like saying Pretoria is rural. Polokwane is a town, just be specific which village he is from, is he from Ga-Matlala?

06 May 2009 10:39

OW MY GOD and here i was thinking I was the only one who saw Bonangs knees eshaya IVUMA i was like WTF?? Wenzan umntano muntu evele eyinkinga on the legs lol but the dress was beautiful shame but people close to her must remind her never to do the dance with it again yoh its horror...

AWE MA Phila is so hot for me right now I love the guy shame bandla jealous down

06 May 2009 10:59

and mina lapho i love sizwe dlhlomo hawemah he is a gentle man and a half angmaz umunt onjeyana mina haybo

06 May 2009 15:55

07 May 2009 10:29

hau kante BS didnt do the SAMAs this year - i thought the she was the one in the black dress in the picture with the lady wearing purple and Precious the model....

07 May 2009 10:35

Whoever was asking about Zama Jobe''s shoes, just saw them in a fashion catalogue, they available at Nine West for R999,99, so ke start saving otherwise its cornflakes for u all month this winter, hehehehe

07 May 2009 11:51

I forgot to tell you Cande,moriri wa gago ntwana,ne o di busa busi-busi!

08 May 2009 03:36

Hi everyone! A headsup that all of Cande's pics are up on Snaparazzi - a total of over 80 that also click through to big images ... SAMAs GALLERY.

08 May 2009 07:01

Just curious, was Sbu alone at the SAMAs?

08 May 2009 08:02

thanx Lexx, Ye Positivity he arrived alone

08 May 2009 10:35

Wow people, I'm glad for Jamali!  Out of all the Coca Cola Pop Stars I think they are the only group doing well!  Keep it up girls.

08 May 2009 10:49

@Ouch - Hayi guys I disagree about Andile's girl, she looks good in the pic on Sowetan. Bonanag also looks very distorted in the pic you took Cande.

Shame I also disagree with those who say the girl is a No No, maybe it's my eyes but I don't c nothing wrong with her.

08 May 2009 14:20

Reply from: mjj 5/5/2009 11:40:50 PM

Ms T - I'm fasting this all i have to say is that.....everyone looked gr8...I mean Everyone.......... It;s nice to see Big Mama and her Gen crew on this blog....ninganqabi please......(I'm joining the Gen crew imm after finishing my fast)...... Gr8 article Cande..............

hehehe Pastor may you please name two of my wonderful crew members?????????

08 May 2009 14:27

crew member...holla

08 May 2009 14:29

@monchooza...... Do you know my crew members as well?????

11 May 2009 16:17

jacqui from jamali look beautifull i love her dress ilove her

11 May 2009 16:45

Maggie Webster (Isidingo) WTF is that? Girl puhleeez!!!!

Ok Mr Dlomo-that suit is sooooo last year move with the times...damn!
This Mapop corn isht needs to pass now-I can't believe R.E' grown ass man wore that nonsense!

Siyabonga's glasses are what my friend calls ama little-bom-bom-there hahaha

I saw you for 2 seconds on Selimathunzi Cande, eish I was hoping they could veza you again-I said "I know.." and you dissappeared-my girls looked at me like I was  crazy!Nx.

11 May 2009 16:47

hahahha TL

11 May 2009 17:17

Big Mama - waving to you my sister.....eish.....I'm going to watch Gen today....hopefully i'll join you and your crew in the Gen blog.......Are u till the Head Mistress on that blog?

14 May 2009 22:33

14 May 2009 22:47

14 May 2009 22:58

Sister, if you did a little more research about who I am and what I do, you would not have had to resort to insults on a blog that i might happen to read. Anyone who knows me, knows I am the kindest and nicest person let alone one of the most humble people in this industry. 

Forget the part that I am the person who gave out the media tags and did not remember giving you one, and then asking you who you were taking pictures for as part of my job. 

You calling me a cow and refer to not having common sense in you piece, NOT COOL. As a well established and successful publicist in this industry, I find your comment insulting and disrespectful....

I am all for freedom of speech and hold no grudge against you for the insults you have made, but please learn some manners and remember this industry is small and stepping on the wrong toes but not always be the wisest thing...

Much love

14 May 2009 23:06


14 May 2009 23:06

Brown Shuga, maybe you can advise this girl about who I am and what I do...And for those who find her comment funny. SHAME, its why this industry is not growing. We are supposed to stick together to grow. Not sure when doing someone's job was a crime.

Brown Shuga
14 May 2009 23:07

Hawu Mel, sorry maan love.....Cande is just as sweet as you are and after I explained who you were she felt bad and even removed the statement about you being a was just a misunderstanding really.

<<<<Anyone who knows me, knows I am the kindest and nicest person let alone one of the most humble people in this industry.>>> Too true, I can attest to this and I also know you don't hold grudges. Peace neh?

15 May 2009 08:15

Hi Hypress, I am really sorry that you found my comment (that i took back) insulting and disrespectful as much as i found you to be undermining and rude. Everyone that knows you might know you the kindest & nicest but you were not kind or nice to me.. I know that was part of your job as it was part of my job to report back on my trip, but that was rather insulting to me.. Everyone that knows me too knows am the kindest and nicest person hence i took back my comment.

15 May 2009 08:21

To the kindest and nicest ppl peace

15 May 2009 08:38

Everyone that knows me too knows am the kindest and nicest person hence i took back my comment..>>> Too true, I can attest to this and I also know you don't hold grudges. Peace neh?

Brown Shuga
15 May 2009 08:41


15 May 2009 08:47

LOL, ja am disabling replies in this article

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