Gossiping is not healthy

Written by JadaPinkett from the blog BEYONCE SHOWS HER EXPENSIVE RING on 12 May 2009
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Ja ne! It's been a long time for JP to create an article so guys let's share our ideas about gossiping.

As we all know that we live in a world of gossiping ….Today I would like us to share our feeling about gossiping………en I only came up with three thngz that we mostly gossip about which is 
- Family Gossiping
- Gossiping at work
- Friends gossiping

Okey I think whoever in this blog do have a family and we how important it is to have a family. From our first memories to our last, family will be leading the way. The ties that bind families together are mysterious and undeniable. In order to have a family that is functional, all the family members need to treat one another with respect. Gossiping about a family member is very disrespectful and I’m sure that everybody in their family have this one person who is very good at gossiping which is not right. When a family member is gossiping about you, it is alright to feel angry, shocked and betrayed but don’t got an talk to whoever just because you looking for a sympathy ... You can do something about it………..or u may just confront a gossiping family member because the time you go around telling other people about your family won’t help but you just making things very worst and let them basizakele ngefamily yakho.

Here again……Gossiping at work………what wrong kanti about people with gossiping can’t you just confront your colleagues or who ever you hav a problem with other than talking about her/him behind his/her –come on guyz let’s grow up….gossiping at work it’s most embarrassing part especially if you're talking about your coworkers negatively can make you look bad

When you're indulging in workplace gossip, your words could be interpreted as a description of your own personality and actions.

How Workplace Gossip Affects You
Perhaps you're aware that your words can crush, frighten, enrage or annoy people – but what do they do to you? There are three types of stress-inducing words that can break your spirit, sabotage your goals, and damage your health.Talking about your coworkers negatively don't just spread negativity and make you look bad, they affect your physical health. And another thing we must learn to differiantate work and your colleagues private life. 

And the last one most annoying gossiping is Friends
Tjo! Kuyafiwa phela la …………abachomza ay shame they can create a nice story about their other frnd. Well gossip is, simply put, talk about a person or people behind their backs. Most of the time, gossip is not even fact, but rather speculation about a person's private life or situations in their life.
Why do we to ruin our do u have to go around around and talk bad things about your while u promised her/him that you say anything about. Don’t you think that she/he’s telling you because she/he trust you very well. 

Why do u have to make you make friend feel betrayed at all times. If your friend has trusted you with a secret or with personal information, if they find out you have betrayed their trust and gossiped about it, they will feel betrayed by someone they thought was their friend. Once trust in any type of relationship is damaged, it is very difficult to get it back…So plz jst be a good friend………hau kwakutheni ngani nihlale nihleba nje. 

Well they will be suspicious of you. If you have gossiped about a friend, they will be less likely to go to you in times of need for fear that you will tell others about their problems, or gossip about what you think their problems are caused by. Emve kawloko bese uthi wena bayakuzonda abantu while u the one who’s causing it.

So plz ma bloggers do the following and let’s hear what answrs u got from you.
- Ask yourself why you gossip.
- Is it because you want attention?
- Are you using it as a way to bond with people?



12 May 2009 11:37

Hey guyz! watup nihleba nithini namahlanje .............usehlebe ngobani nje namahlanje....... tell us

12 May 2009 11:44

Anyone beautiful bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 May 2009 11:44

Anyone beautiful bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 May 2009 11:52

nice one JP now let me go and read

12 May 2009 11:56

JP u forgot about erlderly woman gossip! i had the torture of listening to 3 grown women gossiping on friday en i must say i was disgusted!

12 May 2009 11:56

i feel bad already coz i gossip 
i gossiped about the peson i am working with that his armpits are smelling ( unoka ama khwapha), the reason I am not telling him is bcoz one day somebody bought him a roll-on,towel body spray and bath soap and that person didnt say their name,   so he said he s gonna investigate bout it , can you imagine if tell him now he will think it was me and it wasnt me

12 May 2009 12:00

tjo zozoe................he's gonna think it was you

12 May 2009 12:05

..i am generally a loner..i never get much of a chance to gossip...but the fear of gossiping and hurting sumone or being hurt in the process is one of the reasons why i like flying solo.....

But everytime (even here on tvsa) i feel like slandering sumone, i think GRACE GRACE GRACE....or if i actually do kills me bcos i think what if the tables were turned arround....i think its the cure for gossip is GRACE....

but it si one hell of a pandemic ka nnete ....thats my food for thought today..thanx JadaPinket honey..

12 May 2009 12:24

wow,,,,,,,,,,Green.arrow i wish i was you coz nna jo ke ya seeba

12 May 2009 12:31

@ work i have no one to gossip with, i have few friends whom i can share real gossip with.My 1 friend i used to share deep gossip with has recently been born-again so we cant gossip no more, and family gossip i do it with my aunt n cousins and everyone

12 May 2009 12:35

Guys i don’t gossip but i tell the truth. I don’t lie, i tell some1 what happened & that is NOT gossip. Whatever happened i take it as an experience. Call it a gossip but i see it as a lesson.

I’m always serious at work & I don’t have to gossip.

But i remember years ago i used to date this guy. He used to like gossips & he knew vele ngizomtshela. He is my friend now & we still gossip even if akamazi loo mntu.

12 May 2009 12:37

I meant 2 say.......I don’t have time to gossip.

But the person i love gossing to is my mum.

12 May 2009 12:38

I've never gossiped in a long time.......and i don't even remember what i gossiped about and to whom. but i think it's not cool to gossip about friends/family or collegues.....because it will only hurt or destroy whateva relationships you have with them.

As for friends gossip, believe me,i've been there done that,and it's not a nice feeling when you know that your friends are gossiping about you the minute you turn your back. Family gossips are the worst especially at family gatherings Yoh,don't even want to go on....

 Eish guys i haven't seen a fight in a long time,where mme wa ko next door a latang e mong because she gossiped about her at the stokvel....Or someone will come to your place in the early hours to kick your a** cos ono bua ka yena last night ko tarveneng, you know those kinda fights........they cracked me up back in the days..

12 May 2009 12:41

I dont gossip at all.  Im the type of girl that other gals like to gossip about, you see I dont talk much because most people judge me before they even know me. So what I do is if i hear that someone has gossiped about me I go straight to them and tell them "PHO KUNANI?" even though I know that maybe I didnt do a thing. iF people gossip about you its them who are insecure, childish and scared of you just leave them be, besides what would the world be like without gossip, gossip columns and stuff?

12 May 2009 12:48

thina we are riends from School  siyi six, each one of us have the name that she doesnt know abamuhleba ngalo although eventually one will tell the other ,so this two its very close to each other ,they will gossip about the other one ,kanjalo kanjalo.

omunye u madam, omunye u house wife , omunye u mother christmas, omunye u my house, omunye my son, ende sizokuhleba shame uma ungekho, ngoba nathi  uma singekho siyahletshwa but its not some secretes you shared with is normally staff like something maybe you like to say or do.,  we know have u (Aqua)  from Socity Drama .sorry for the spelling simbiza u L & L . Loaded  but Lonely.

12 May 2009 12:48

most people judge me before they even know me - sorry Msoe but that line just reminded me of Jade from ANTM

12 May 2009 12:55

Family gossips are the worst especially at family gatherings Yoh,don't even want to go on.................I really like this one coz it does ...............yabona if there's gathering of cousin , nephew, aunt etc

And another thing it's very hurting to tell your secret to sumone u thought she was a friend and thereafter she betray you.

12 May 2009 12:56

gossip makes the world a better place we also learn from and grow because of it. LOL

12 May 2009 12:57

this is what ma elder sis tells ppl who gossip about her: ' im a tsonga gal wena so dont mess with me! i'll make u menstruate for the rest of your Miserable life!' en it always works!

12 May 2009 13:00

Well as i said that we all gossip as frndz .........size siphane namagama so the one gossiping abt won't understand like if umngani wakho wayegqoke izcathulo ezinkulu then en u noticed that in a funny way then u giving her a new name  like"Uscathulo"

12 May 2009 13:02

Darlings...i love a gud gossip...but here is a rule - i will never gossip about you and not have the strength to tell you....but darlings, i love a gud gossip...

12 May 2009 13:04

this is what ma elder sis tells ppl who gossip about her: ' im a tsonga gal wena so dont mess with me! i'll make u menstruate for the rest of your Miserable life!' en it always works!

sorry for the spelling simbiza u L & L . Loaded but Lonely.  

You guys are killing me!

12 May 2009 13:11

uke wahletshwa abantu abadakiwe becabanga ukuthi bakhulumela phansi, uma ufika phambi kwabo , bakubulisele phezulu, kunjani awusemuhle , before you could w=even say thank you, bathi mcimm...... ucananga ukuthi muhke lo Princess Diana, ngihlala phambi kwabo abahlebi and ngiyaba thanda because maba sober ngiyabatshela indaba zabo baswabe.

12 May 2009 13:12

@cleve - and she is Loaded but she making her self so miserable.

12 May 2009 13:17

Family gatherings.... Just two weeks back, we had two wedding at home on two consecutive weeks, so everyone was at home, we spend most of the time together, with aunts' sisters, cousin and you can imagine gossip that was flying in there...  On Friday night before the second wedding, we walked on o aunt gossiping at the kitchen with my cousin, saying who is next, who wont get married and who'll divorce and all sort of stuff .... and the went on to say that whom of their brothers owadlala ngezinkomo(who waisted lobola) .... we couldnt help but laugh, made sure that theyrealise thatwe heard them. ....

12 May 2009 13:20

uke wahletshwa abantu abadakiwe becabanga ukuthi bakhulumela phansi, uma ufika phambi kwabo , bakubulisele phezulu, kunjani awusemuhle , before you could w=even say thank you, bathi mcimm...... ucananga ukuthi muhke lo Princess Diana, ........HAAAAAAAAAAHA THIS IS FINISHING ME OFF coz it i s happening

12 May 2009 13:21

lol@ Best-Achiever

12 May 2009 13:23

in my family there this aunty who does not have a secret at all coz she will just tell every body about what the family is planning to do,   jo she make me sick 

About freinds long time ago we used to gossip about each other but then there was this one who alwys confront us so we will tell each other bout what we gossiped behind our backs

12 May 2009 13:26

Nami i also hav this she can't zip her mouth up............once u tel her sumthin mane wazi ukthi usutshele umhlaba wonke and akuve ephika uze akhale izinyembezi umusa esephika.

12 May 2009 13:27

ithi ngini hlebele theres this girl who is lying about where she comes from she says she is from Botswana but she cannot even speak Tswana and her boyfrend is from zimbabwe jo

12 May 2009 13:32

MIna i dont gossip, never ever gossiped, will never gossip.. gossiping is a Sin and I dont wana commit a Sin   :)

12 May 2009 13:34

to us its so different because we give you a name then the next day  if you make me angry i will call you with it
mine is reputation, i like to say- i reputation yami and my pride doesnt allow me ,in what ever funny thing or place they want us to go. so if  iam not there they will ask uphi ureputation.

12 May 2009 13:36

haaaaaaa ha LOL Awelani.....................ngiyakubongela gal coz u neva lie then don't try it even though abanye bethi make sure u gossip ngongaphambi kwakho coz nawe uyakuhleba lona ongemumva kwakho.

12 May 2009 13:37

at home Jada iam called Solkhesnar- ngoba uma bengibona bafuna imali and ngichina ngibabuza ukuthi bacabanga ukuthi ngingu Sol Khesnar na? nalo ngiyalazi. lelo gama.

12 May 2009 13:40

LOL maud (Reputation)..........ay mina gal I was at the party dancing and screaming and i was saying "Iyona iyona" en everytime bebuza ukthi uphi JP then they will say "Where's iyona iyona?"

12 May 2009 13:47

i had a cousing who formed stories about me all the time. The mother of all stories was how she apparently  saved my life by pushing me out the way of an oncoming truck as i was standing on the road with my hands lifted up  in  the mighty blue sky  waiting to be knocked down all  coz an old boyfie was threatening to leave me. When i asked her why she would form lies and  say such  terrible things about me, she said that (with a k@k attitude) at least she's not gossiping about me outside the family....ndambetha wanyyyyaaa.

12 May 2009 13:51

@ JP -Anyone beautiful bloggers!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I thought you wanted only beatiful bloggers to respond, thats why ngavele ngabaleka okokocina mina. ngikhohlwe nokuthi awungazi , you will never know how agly i am

12 May 2009 13:52

Someone once said to me that even newspapers and the media in general is just organised gossip...

12 May 2009 13:53

@....ndambetha wanyyyyaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwka tltl tl tlt lt ltltl tlt lt

12 May 2009 13:59

Sorry Pooky  but I think you needgive ur sister a big slap so she'll wake up and wena reputation(maud) hahaha lol.......come on dude bengimane ngizincengela ukuthi nami iphendulwe i-article yami since kade ngagcina nokubhala i-article

12 May 2009 14:05

...Just two weeks back, we had two wedding at home on two consecutive weeks,...Iyo BA, ko heno go na le dolar man, 2 weddings consecutively, be careful bazoniloya o'makhi.

Wabona when u gossip, u have to say if ke sephiri or lekunutu otherwise.....

12 May 2009 14:18

i am actually impressed that you ladies he dont gossip that nice no i mean wonderful 
now on a serious note i hate people who gossip coz ivesa uku ngazithand kwa kho
most people say people who gossip are insecure they want to feel better  by sharing other peoples pain and embarassments

12 May 2009 14:22

Jada like i said before ndmabetha wannyaaa(meaning i moerd her) merely because of that attitude she gave me when i'd confronted her. If she had at least apologised  and showed remorse for what she'd done then i would have spared her. Mind you ke she's 5 years older then me and as an older cousin i'd expected her  by good example....that girl had a serious problem with me and was just badmouthing me to anybody who cared to listen. She's  sadly passed on though and i never bothered going to the funeral.

12 May 2009 14:24 lead by example

12 May 2009 14:25

good example

12 May 2009 14:35

BA, ko heno go na le dolar man, 2 weddings consecutively, be careful bazoniloya o'makhi

Extended family Mafresh... not in one

12 May 2009 14:36

well it'a shame dat she passed away......atleast u free now

12 May 2009 14:36

@Pooky- i hope awubulalanga u Cousy ne?

12 May 2009 14:38

Mina my grandmother came to visit me while I was sick, I only had a flu but it was terrible. She came to my room with bananas and all that and a fake smile telling me I look great even though I looked like a skeleton. Anyhow she left my room and went outside and met my neighbour, at that time i wanted to go out and sit in the sun coz I was feeling cold. When I approched the kitchen door i heard her saying  to my neighbour" Yoh! ntombi yabantu ngiyakutshela ingculaza ayizange izifikele nje wayilanda emgwaqeni" I went inside and cried to my dad.

12 May 2009 14:43

Aw shame Msoe .......sorry gal..but ur grandma makes laugh i'm stil laughing............guezzzzzzz i can't stop laughing at this.

12 May 2009 14:44


12 May 2009 14:48

hayi Msoe - bayayazi keleyo, mina i started loosing weight vele because i was going to the Gym and i am on  serious diet.  labobona abangihlebi bayangitshela nqho ukuthi  kuzofanele uyeke ukuya e gymini ngoba abantu bazokhuluma. and mina kwami kuya gimiya strong.

12 May 2009 14:48

LOL i didnt
at least i'm free now nyani Jada

12 May 2009 14:48

Shame Msoe, how could she do that to you! O sele magogo...At the end of the day we don't really realise how gossiping affects/hurts other people until the tables turn!  NEway, please welcome me!!! I'm new...still a virgin!!

12 May 2009 14:52

@ FoxyT- welcome and please stay that way.dont loose your virginity ha hahah

mana melita
12 May 2009 14:52

Mina i have a very big problem ngiyahleba and sometimes it feels normally ngoba I'm can't make a conversation with a person without talking about the other person do you guys think it's a problem? I have this aunt who is very jealousy about me since we were kids and now she talks about me when she's with her friends bese they come and tell me about it. and instead of approaching her mina I just gossip about her of all the gossips and things she has done in the past because of her jealousy.  

Then when it comes to friends if I find out that a friend has been gossiping about me I just stay out of her life, that is why I now prefare male friends. they don't gossip like us women. 

then there is the work gossip, there is this guy we work with he is so irritating me and my other colleague we are always gossiping about him.

12 May 2009 14:55

Msoe,I wud've pushed her to the floor,coz I cant hit her,what with her being an older person and all!

12 May 2009 14:57

Dat was nothing guys, my grandmother (from my father's side) is even worse uma esehlangene nosisi bakhe. Yazi when my father passed on (may his soul rest in peace) my little sister and I heard them in the kitchen making the tea that I bought (they didnt even bother ukuphatha ngisho isinkwa esi-brown lesi bezosibona) bethi " UMsoe, uTha, uMpume nalokhu okungumagcino okubomvana akuzona nje izingane zomtanami". I mean WTF? Where were they? Babekhanyise ikhandlela yini?

12 May 2009 14:59

Atleast you guys are sumtyms far from the people who gossip about you, phela mina the person I work with gossips about me while I'm listening.  O batla mpama nje that's all.  I can't even ignore her coz we are in the same office! Just imagine how my days are like here at work!  Is there anyone out there who knows were I could find a sniper...the next time she says something bad about me to her friends, I could just instruct them to SHOOT TO KILL!  Tl Tl Tl Tl

12 May 2009 15:02

TJO!Kusekhona nezivirgin apha ...........ay into ndyakuxelela isazobusa iNkosi uZwelithin ngokuthola izibumbu ezifresh anyway Welcome my darling ..en feel free kusekhaya apha......................Virgin(Foxy T) U hav my luv gal

12 May 2009 15:02

@mana melita -I now prefare male friends- before Sisi now bayalevela

12 May 2009 15:03

hey wassup FoxyT, welcome!!
oh Maud gal dont even tell me about the losing weight thing...

12 May 2009 15:19

Jp, sana u make me laugh here at work we used to be 4 african woman the rest whites,mix with amadoda amhlophe , so  u knw moss africans always give abelungu names, there is this lady she is white grew up in Zimbabwe,very very clummsy woman, we call her "Lawukazi",,meaning (poor white woman) then  my collegue send a yahoo messanger(internal  telecommunication)" I dont understand  Lawukazi's outfit today "  to me  .. only to find out she send it to her,, ,, 

Lawukazi  send it back  to her and ask who is "Lawukazi". so my collgue quickly call me and adv me if the lady ask whose is Lawukazi i must say its her sisters name, and i was not even at my desk i was in the loo, imagine,, !!!!!!

I told myself,, NEVER GIVE NAMES TO OTHER COLLEGUES THT CORSES TOO MANY GOSSIP AT WRK,, ,, luckily she is no longer with the co. wht a relief aft she left, 

12 May 2009 15:23

haha ha Qaks

12 May 2009 15:37

yu Qaks wa mpolaya i cant help but laugh kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa
tl tl tl tl

12 May 2009 15:43

Nice article JP....but I must say I think there is negative gossip and positive gossip. Correct me if I am wrong. 

Negative when you say BAD things about other people, things that are not true, things you wouldn't be able to face up to if the person you were talking about heard and confronted you!!!

Positive when you tell the other person something about the other, something which is true but you didn't really have a reason to pass on to somebody else, something which you would be able to own up to if it came out. 

The reason I am saying all this is because I think I am a positive GOSSIPER....I do talk about people behing their backs but whatever I say about them, I know it is either true or I can answer if asked!!!

12 May 2009 15:49

@ Qaqmba -Lawukazi-LOL thina sinabonkonkoni babelungu, if you say lenkonkoni you must say it smiling They smile back.

12 May 2009 15:54

Thnx Chix..............its my pleasure

12 May 2009 15:59

Heyyyyy wonderful pple, @Qaqs gal u funy well make sure u do wat maud does

12 May 2009 16:06

talking about gossip at work, Jeez me and other colleague besihleba our boss ke nge emails nathi,.....this damn curious magogo saw i email...guess what? then we had a meeting a week later, and she bursted lomagogo but she didn't say who were the two who were gossiping...

but ke sometimes it helps, because she immediately changed yhazi, ngoku u right yindlela yenqwelo.... (Positive per Chix)..

12 May 2009 16:07

@Msoe Dat was nothing guys, my grandmother (from my father's side) is even worse uma esehlangene nosisi bakhe

Hey are quoting UNCLE JABULANI from Generations...I hope you made the HOLY CROSS>>>starting on your forehead, both shoulders and your chest.....LMAO>>>I am still laughing nangoku!!!!

12 May 2009 16:10


12 May 2009 16:12

dont laugh guys,, i think its becoming a habit, and  abelungu are learning these words,, other lady we call her Nondatshaza,, (bitchy lady same walks like Palesa ), collegue from our branch in Jhbafricans they are all doing the same in Jhb so she was here in Cape Town , held a meeting ,,for Year End Reports, just b4 xmas holidays  and she  greed every1 in the office and she say the lady and say (Hi Ndatshie") with a big smile,, we were all in SHOCK !!hayi bo wena!! how can uthi Ndatshie,, she ran quickly to the boardroom, and Ndatshi smiled,, (i was worried ppl)

12 May 2009 16:22

hayi mina Smiler kakhulu ngihlebangabo ngize ngithi okay nginyakazise intloko athi yes naye a smile ngibe ngithe -uyadina wena ne okay.)

13 May 2009 09:48

Guyz why abantu they hav to talk behind ur back ada than talkin to u  if there's nothin wrong ............... can't belive they just did it after my article i've jst realesed  yesterday ....there's two gals here in the office en they jst hate the fact that we came here before them en they were gossiping about my senior saying that she's thinks she's better jst because uphatha icellphone yecompany

13 May 2009 09:50

I mean if kukuthi they hav a problem with her why bangamtsheli kanti vele nami basanda kungihleba nje.................en ngithe ngiyadlula ngakubona bamane bathula while they were too late coz i heard everything they said.

13 May 2009 09:59

@JP - they are bored ,their love life isboring, the food they eat is boring kanti nabo bayabora,  plus mabahambe bayocela i phone ye company bazenze better nabo if bangakhona -dont mind them , yizehluleki

13 May 2009 12:55

maud......ukuthi awazi ikninga esibhekene nayo lapha emsebenzini...........there's this coloured lady she's gossiping about us to the Boss can u imagine.everytime my Boss cum to the office he becomes very taugh on us Me&the woman i'm workin with.

13 May 2009 12:57

And mina manje I can't handle this .......I'm looking for a new job..........ngifuna ngisho nokurelocater if it may happen I jst want to get out of this office......I don't like the place anymore........Actually that's the reason why I wrote this article.

13 May 2009 13:03

@JP: They blocked my gmail hle. I'm sending you a PM now, pls check it

13 May 2009 13:06

Owk gal.....hope it's a great news gal coz i'm looking for a job eJorburg

Jah Lady
13 May 2009 13:56

Jah Lady
13 May 2009 13:57

It depends on how youlook at it

13 May 2009 15:16

wena how u look at it-ke

13 May 2009 15:44

When I was Grade8 we also used to insult our teachers, so we had Mrs Smith for English-she was very old and cheeky, she said to some guy "Wipe your nose" and the responded in Zulu "Ms*nu wakho" and Mrs Smith thought he was asking if he had mucous and went "Yes ms*nu" we burst out laughing.

13 May 2009 16:08

ha ha lol..the white woman was lost

18 May 2009 16:07

hey guyz zaza zahleba lezinja ngami ngizizwa

18 May 2009 16:10

cha-ke ezi azinambeko nokho.......ningazibona mabloggers seziyakhophoza ngathi inja intshontshe amaqanda

01 Jun 2009 14:54

i'm here to do the gossiping business

04 Jun 2009 12:56

Tjo! guyz kade ngihleba namhlanje after gossiping i thot of this article en angikholwanga ukuthi how can i do such a thing.

05 Jun 2009 15:17

i just overheard people skenering ngami la emsebanzini. ngabaphendula so sweat, it will take time for them to forget me.

05 Jun 2009 15:28

I think u did the best thing sana if u get ppl gossiping abt u , u beta confront them by that tym u heard coz they can deny en they very good at denying sometimes they asku for proof

17 Jul 2012 13:21

I mic these days.............................

17 Jul 2012 13:24

l miss you dear.........

17 Jul 2012 13:27

OMG!Bigmama .....mngan kwangathi ngiyahlanya to see you I 'v missed u so much *crying) I missed u baphi abanye mncwaaaaaaa u don knw how happy I am

17 Jul 2012 13:38

Hey abanye are busy with their things, l'm no longer intouch with them.... How have you been gal.?

17 Jul 2012 13:42

I've been gud lovey but busy as well .......plz buzz me if u stil hav my number mina I ost ur number ngeskhathi ngilahlekelwa ifone

17 Jul 2012 13:44

Ok l will do so now now...

17 Jul 2012 13:48

Wow !
My favourite people ...
Here !
Today!Awesome !!!

17 Jul 2012 14:11

VusiK................Hahahahaha we missed u hun

Bigmama....I jst accepted u

17 Jul 2012 14:20

You can add me also. PM me your link ... you also Mama & Maud.

17 Jul 2012 14:21

ok vusi

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Claudia Jones and Donovan Pietersen of Jy is My Seun headline the voices, with Ilse Klink.

New on TV today: Tuesday 4 March 2025

Netflix signs off With Love, Meghan and two Brazilian telenovelas debut on Viu.

Suidooster crystal ball: what happens between two people

Twosomes go through the most. A close-up on four relationships this month - with a snack at Oos Wes.

New on TV today: Monday 3 March 2025

New telenovela iThonga begins on Mzansi Magic and HGTV investigates Homes Gone Wild.

New on TV today: Sunday 2 March 2025

E! Live from the Red Carpet precedes the Oscars and Nkalakatha: The Life of Mandoza begins on SABC1.


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