Relate your take on incest

Written by Savanah Dry from the blog Lounging with Savanah on 13 May 2009
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There I was as usual channel surfing … when I saw this program on TV.
I normally watch the news headlines at seven then go on to make dinner or watch a DVD until eight when I have to watch Genrubbish.

Yesterday was a bit cold and I didn’t have any DVD to watch. As soon as the news I wanted was finished I started channel hoping, if you don’t own a Dstv then there isn’t much you find. I found myself watching this Programme on SABC1; there was a mother and daughter she (the mother) wanted the daughter to apologise for having a child with her Brother.

I thought what the effing is happening here… unfortunately I only started watching it in the middle and I had no idea what had taken place.

From what I gathered, the mother wanted her daughter to have an abortion as they had committed incest, but the daughter refused claiming she wanted to have the baby.

Fellow bloggers I have the following questions that bothered me about the whole thing please explain…

1. Is there no law that can help the mother as this girl from what I understood is still young and in school. And its her Bloody brother for crying out loud
2. And is that the presenter was pushing for an apology instead of solving the real matter at hand… whets the purpose of the programme, I failed to understand???
3. And that Girl crying like that on TV, then going back to stay with uncle…what was hilarious was she kept saying yes yes to everything.
4. If you were the mother how would you have sorted that one out? Your brother doing that to you for Pete’s sake…


Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 08:12

What say you????

13 May 2009 08:22

OMW???? what???

13 May 2009 08:26

The father of the baby, is he the mother's brother or the daughters brother?

13 May 2009 08:31

Sies! That's just disgusting. I think the uncle should be charged.

Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 08:31

Its the mother's brother, the girl's uncle.. they actaully claim to love each other????

13 May 2009 08:32

That Palesa girl and his uncle are a curse sies, its like abananembeza. How could they do this?

13 May 2009 08:35

The father of the baby, is he the mother's brother or the daughters brother?

The father of the baby is the mother's brother...that makes him the uncle to that girl.
I watched the show apart from the fact that this was a sad was hilarious<<their sotho ofcoz>> it reminded me of my high school friends straight from the land of moshoeshoe(Lesotho)

Im still reading Savs.....

Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 08:36

@ Foxxy .. I thought so too but the presenter kept saying the mother now needs to concentrate on her other Kids.. and i thought what the F%$#@ is that man not supposed to be charged.

Here's where it gets funny

Presenter : Did he tell you to take your panties off
Girl: No
Pres: So you took your own panties off?
Girl : Yes
So it was concetual sex ??

13 May 2009 08:42

If you were the mother how would you have sorted that one out? Your brother doing that to you for Pete’s sake…

If I was Palesa's mother I wouldn't have asked my daughter to have abortion but to come stay with me and then I would make sure that she gives the child away for adoption after birth and also make sure that she goes back to school.........................but it was a bit hard for Palesa's mother to convince Palesa coz tjo, ngwana o hloho thata jong(stubborn)

13 May 2009 08:45

The mother should leave them, the ancestors will punish them..SIES MAAN

13 May 2009 08:45


This make me sick to the core, how can you willingly sleep with your uncle and have a baby with him. Are there not enough man out there? I wonder how this relationship began, and what does the uncle offer kids.

I was disgusted yesterday to hear that an Argentinian man was having babies with his daughter, what is our world coming to?

My take on incest is a no = disgusting and not acceptable, now someone please help me to find a scripture in the bible as well that emphasizes these point as I am 99% sure that there is.

13 May 2009 08:51

Presenter : Did he tell you to take your panties off
Girl: No
Pres: So you took your own panties off?
Girl : Yes
So it was concetual sex ??...................LOL, that presenter mara...i think she should learn a thing or two from Zola7. That woman did not 'realy' need an apology from Palesa but she wanted to make sure that her daughter does not give birth to her brothe's child and that she goes back to school and that she comes back to stay with her at home.....but no aus'Angie(the presenter) shifted the whole nc nc nc

13 May 2009 08:53

I'm worried...Palesa's mom said..."This is not the end" & you can see she looks like those mom base maplazini...

13 May 2009 08:55

Damn i missed it, at first i thought this was just made up. 

But guys thing is i am actually used to that from where i come from. things that happen, mathata. its sad, gongwe the uncle o mo utlusitse somethin wonderful

13 May 2009 08:57

I think that the mother should have had the uncle arrested for incest. It is illegal and should be punished for it.

if the man takes your panties off then it's not concentual? If you do it is? What if he had a gun to her head and forced her to take them off herself?

13 May 2009 08:58

I watched the show  and i was firstly disgusted at the uncle then Palesa.

if i remember correctly ... Palesa's mother said, she was born in SA and at the age of 4 moved to Lesotho and grew up there, got married and was blessed with Palesa in that marriage, things didnt work out so she left her marriage and her child with her inlaws. Years after she came back to SA his brother was gravely ill (he was like cooked veges, that's what she said), so she took his brother in to the house where she was staying(i guess their home, i couldnt get it there) and took care of him until she recovered. Then at some point Palesa called her mother and told her that she is having hard time in lesotho with her family(where her mother left her), the mother then went to Lesotho to fetch her daughter to the house where she was staying with her brother and other family members .... When time goes on, she suspected that something wasnt adding up in the uncle-niece relationship but didnt have any grounds to take them on since they denied any fishy happenings. Things went like that until Palesa fell preggies, It was only then that the mother's fears were confirmed. Confused and ashamed, the other asked the daughter to abort the child but the daughter refused, later the daughter and the uncle went to the police to report that the mother is ort of forcing the child to abort, when asked why did the uncle and the niece did that, they said they did it to spite the mother.

sweetie my baby
13 May 2009 08:59

And is that the presenter was pushing for an apology instead of solving the real matter at hand… whets the purpose of the programme, I failed to understand??

this is what disturbed me most, that presenter was horrible!

13 May 2009 09:00

Just how can you sleep with your uncle to spite your mother...disgusting..

To me it appeared that Josias was at first forcing himself mo go Palesa and Palesa was scared to tell the mother as she is strict.. and how she went along saying that she was drunk when they first had sex.... yooo

13 May 2009 09:01

Thanx BA for naratting the story, am even more disgusted

13 May 2009 09:04

@BA: Are you serious? To spite the mother? After everything that she did for them?

13 May 2009 09:05

eish that program, tjo things that happen in this world!

palesa o na le nkane

i lmao when 
the uncle asked to change the sandal before they left
when palesa said that "monna o nketseditdeng ngwana o tla mo sapota" 

that is arrogance, you do not say that to your mom (even if she is that vulgar) you never know when you will be going back home to her ge lefatshe le go jiketse

13 May 2009 09:06

THe girl will have a lot to learn. The mother must just leave here she will feel the pain of the world when she is no longer the hottest thing to the uncle. The unlce will start mistreating her. No man will love and respect you if you don't respect yourself. So let her be, she will soon learn that life is not about love.

13 May 2009 09:09

furious mother then moved out to stay at her grannies, she asked the daugher to go with her but she refused and chose to stay with the uncle. the mother tried everything to reconsile woth the daughter to no success, then she wrote to relate .. eish yazi when i saw Palesa crying like that i thought the uncle raped her, talk about crocodile tears. But i was stunned when i had taht the uncle didnt force her, she refused to move out with her mother and now playing wifey for the uncle. Nonetheless when she was asked what she wanna say to her mother, she said "in a very convincing manner" that she is seeking her mother's forgiveness, will move to stay with her mother and she promised to go back to school and that what is happening now will never happen again. After they were assigned task to do ie counselling, moving Palesa and to see adoption agencies,they left the studio ... But on the next day palesa refused to go any of these, saying out loud the "The father of the baby will take care of the baby" ... i sat there thinking what is this world coming into....

im not a mother yet but i was so so terrified to see what that mother was going through ....

13 May 2009 09:09

hi guys, as much as i didnt want to respond to this, but i feel i have to
i am still blamig the mother of the girl, she said, i code( i have been suspecting that they are sleeping to gether ,nobody told me but their actions) uncode. she did nothing until now that the child is six months pregnant.

Palisa at first wanted help but all off a sudden she no longer wants anything to do with her mom, the father of the baby will support her. to tell you the truth, i think Palisa sedused that poor uncle , the attitude that girl had, and i am not condoning what uncle did , but something is fishy, they were suppose to call the uncle and let us here the whole story.
usile upalisa qha- they deserve each other nomalume wakhe bakhohlakele period.ngathi bangathola umtwana we cabbage

13 May 2009 09:11

is this from that sad excuse of a show called RELATE?? Was watching the chronicles of Narnia LOL so missed it. Dont like that show much, the tasks are pathetic, the show nje doesn't have the rite kind of ingredients and i'd like to find out where the presenter comes from.....

13 May 2009 09:12

@BA: Are you serious? To spite the mother? After everything that she did for them?

Yes the mother said... the said so in the statement they took at the police station

at some point i heard the mother saying to his brother "Your mother that you killed will come back to haunt you."

13 May 2009 09:13

This was so embarassing and too painful to the mother. l couldn´t believe my eyes and ears when l heard and saw the girl tell her mother that she is not going anyway and the baby´s father will take care of them. My brother sleeping with my own daughter eish..........this world has seriously gone to the dogs.

13 May 2009 09:13

IAnd is that the presenter was pushing for an apology instead of solving the real matter at hand… whets the purpose of the programme, I failed to understand??? >>> The show is not serving any purpose because it doesn't deal with the issue at hand! It rides on sensationalism period! I mean really now how do you forgive this kind of behaviour in like two seconds of being asked the question? 

Palesa le yena osele fela! She wasn't forced, maybe the first time she was manipulated because the uncle offered her alcohol that's when the whole relationship started! After that she claims that she was afraid of her mother??? I mean why wasn't she afraid when she went to pick her up in Kempton Park??? She told her mother that the "man who made her pregnant will take care of her". For a fearing person she sure has guards!!! She's seriously sick! And the sad is that she's going to suffer for a very long time! O seke wa nyela sidiba! Her mother is wise, she is not! Don't *bleep!* on drinking water!

Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 09:14

@ BR  lmao when
the uncle asked to change the sandal before they left
when palesa said that "monna o nketseditdeng ngwana o tla mo sapota" 

I also laughed on that part. 

BA ... I Missed that part where they say she slept with uncle to spite her mother..
Honestly how can one get pregnant to spite your own mother its not like its the mother who is going to give birth and feed that baby Sies man some girls have no self respect whatsoever..

13 May 2009 09:15

ke mathata the grandmother will be the aunt of her granchild and a squeeza to her daughter!

13 May 2009 09:16

And that Girl crying like that on TV, then going back to stay with uncle…what was hilarious was she kept saying yes yes to everything.

Palesa is very good actress, after those tears I thought that she was gonna be a good girl and obey her mother

13 May 2009 09:17

i am still blamig the mother of the girl, she said, i code( i have been suspecting that they are sleeping to gether ,nobody told me but their actions) uncode. she did nothing until now that the child is six months pregnant

No maud, the mother asked and they both uncle and niece said there wasnt anything going on, and when the girl was asked why she didnt tell her mother the truth, she said because her mother is strict

13 May 2009 09:17

the twin plug story that palesa fabricated......tjo palesa o creative or was scared of the camera and set up that is why she was crying answering "yes" all the time

13 May 2009 09:19

she did nothing until now that the child is six months pregnant. NO maud, she said she's been telling her to go for abortion even before people could even notice that she is preggies

13 May 2009 09:20

Haai this is just a sick story and i hope its not happening in every corner of our country. That uncle naye indlela ebenyabe ngayo ngoku athukwayo you wouldnt think he did such a thing - he didnt defend himself or anything he jst kept quiet. if he was seduced he would have said something mfxim nalomntana uthanda umthondo. Now that she sees the man akasathethi lanto abeyifuna yenzeke hasuka..ingaske azale amawele ayi5 sizobona uzabathini...bloody manyala

13 May 2009 09:20

Was watching the chronicles of Narnia 

So was I Toxic, I love these kind of movies. They just take me to another world.

Sorry for going off topic

13 May 2009 09:28

After that she claims that she was afraid of her mother??? I mean why wasn't she afraid when she went to pick her up in Kempton Park??? She told her mother that the "man who made her pregnant will take care of her". For a fearing person she sure has guards!!!

I thought so too Positivity....that kid was telling us maka fela...cos if she realy was scared of her mother for being 'strict' she wouldnt have said that statement on her face.

13 May 2009 09:30

LOL Cleve.....

Loved it too though!! Animals take on a different dynamic when they talk neh? 

Sorry for going off topic

13 May 2009 09:37

LOL Cleve.....

Loved it too though!! Animals take on a different dynamic when they talk neh?

Oh and the Kings and Queens of Narnia, they look so cool especially when they play that music and it's the five of them walking side by side.  Not forgetting Islam the LIOn, he is so cute. The water man............ I could go on but I won't.

Sorry for going off topic

13 May 2009 09:43

Hey I have never been this pissed off at someone I don't know-Josias needs some brothers from the hostel to beat the isht out of him-are there no hostels in Orlando East? Hayi maan he must never.

When I first saw Palesa I thought there's a mable or two missing here-ok she slept with the uncle but she is 17 yrs old !!! And the uncle got her drunk the first time it happened- The uncle in question is 29 yrs old.  The uncle can easily manipulate uPalesa-she's a little slow on the uptake and she didn't really grow up with her mom.

Apparently Josias killed his and Mirriam's mom (Palesa's grandma), the woman would have died from all this embarrassment anyway. Hey wangijulukisa uJosias bo!

13 May 2009 09:48

Ba tlile go sha ko diheleng,all three of them:The uncle for obvious reasons,the child for obvious reasons,the mother for wanting an apology from the child and forcing the child to have an aborting,instead of being a loving mother to her daughter and taking care of her.

13 May 2009 09:54

Haaa Lex hello the your daughter is pregnant with your OWN brother's child. I wouldn't be a loving mother myself-I'd demand an apology!!!!

13 May 2009 10:45

@Best-Achiever - as a mother when she suspected ,she should have taken her child, vele, they were not going to tell the thruth.

@Phikza - by nothing i mean before she even felt pregnant she should have taken her child.

if you know where is Josias  please give me the address ngizomlungisela nabazayo. unesibindi lomfana Sis

13 May 2009 10:50

@maud ... they were still staying together at that time, the mother only moved out when she find out about the pregnancy

Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 10:57

She told her mother that the "man who made her pregnant will take care of her". For a fearing person she sure has guards!!! She's seriously sick!

Yes i agree she did have guts for someone who was shedding tears the day before, she was so calm and acted like she knew what she did... She really is a good actress and desrves an award for her perfomance..

13 May 2009 11:07

what they should do to Josias is cut his penis off, so he doesnt go around sleeping with his nieces, i mean what sick person is he is, and again that idiot of a girl uvuma kanjani ukuvulela umalume wakho

13 May 2009 11:22

Eish Sav ...eish hello guys.

Sana my freind came & said we should tune in & i couldnt believe what i saw yesterday. Sometimes u'll think ur family is worst but nah some people are so unbelievable. Yhoo that girl???

Can u imagine maan? Rhaa i was so disgusted 2 both of them. What surprised me is the way they react. They did not feel ashamed or humilaited. Its like its normal....rhaaaaaaa sis!

13 May 2009 11:39

@Best-Achiever - you mean this was happening write under her nose, now i have to say this, she is very ignorant for a strikt mother.

13 May 2009 11:41

Damn i missed the show but thanks mabloggers for updating me of what went down....I agree with you guys that presenter is not competent enough for that program, at first i thought she'll improve with time but it seems she's failing drastically....and those tasks at the end of the show......aahg.

13 May 2009 11:43

No nanazile that girl should give birth 2 a FROG. They r not human beings

13 May 2009 11:59

@maud .... what if the mother leaves home at 05h30 am and comes back beween 19h00-21h00, would you still blame call her ignorant?

that mother was real hurt and from what i've gathered she did her best for her stubborn, unshameful and disrepectful daughter, out parents can only do so much for us maud but they will never be with us 24/7, and in times like that they can only rely on what we tell us because of the faith they have in us.

13 May 2009 12:03

I watched the show initiially i felt the girl was manipulated by uncle but when she couldnt say HOW she was shagged (and i bet it wasnt once)  I got annoyed coz that presenter kept pushing for an answer  then she mentioned booze and i thought OK so the uncle got  her drunk whenever he wanted to have his way with her...BUt all of the sudden the girl refuses to GO....I was like DAMN ...kushukuthi umalume wayemnemba ngempela    or there's some screw missing from the girl...LOL-then she got screwed.for real..phew !!!  what is haappening

13 May 2009 12:08

Disgusting, yha.... and uMalume Josias just made me LMAO the way he was so less of a man. 

Shame that mother... 

umama Angie, the presenter of that show is rather inexperienced, if i have to say.... she has a long way to go in these things.... at the end of the show it was all just useless and so heartbreaking for the mother coz she didnt mos get anything out of being televised like that for the whole world to see?? 

Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 12:14

@ My name ...No nanazile that girl should give birth 2 a FROG. They r not human beings

Kwakwakwa  LMAO

13 May 2009 12:14

Guys I don't even know the show but ya the story sounds disgusting. Is Josias and Palesa's mother of the same mama and papa. Could they have different fathers hence Josias not caring?

13 May 2009 12:15

OMW!!! this is just SICK!!!

13 May 2009 12:18

Hawu guys you are not even correcting me here... I understand that you emotions are high but seriously you just ignored my mess or you were not aware? I mean what is "Don't *bleep!* on drinking water??? LOOOOOLLLLL?? I meant to say 'Don't burn your bridges ( o seke wa nyela sediba). heeeeee

13 May 2009 12:27

carino...kahle kahle what is that show all about coz the other day they had the boy from botswana and his motehr tryin to reconsile...and i LOL when he said..."eintlek mina leshow ayingsizanga because aksibo utshwala inkinga...LOL

13 May 2009 12:38

@Spospo (hey waving like a black woman)

kahle kahle what is that show all about Its about exposure sana bcoz they dont solve the conflict but adding & rubbing the salt until u bleed.

I wish u've seen they way she (the mother) was crying. Oh God i know im not a witch but in this situation i would've turn 2 ubuloyi

13 May 2009 12:41

Goldensta.....apparently Josias KILLED their MOTHER...according to palisa's mothe....but they dont look alike he's darker and his siter is lighter with strong distinguished features loke maybe thats why he screwed her with no care in the world

13 May 2009 12:45

Hello myname...(givin my milliondollar smile..and a madiva wave)

I saw the way Palisa was ccrying at the the begginning..until she went home and uncle gave it to her one more time and she was like NO!!  I'M not going....LOL

13 May 2009 12:50

@sponono - your right and this time he made sure that he leaving a mark,washintsha njengotshwala umtwana esuswini.

13 May 2009 12:59

@glm the girl was asked if the uncle put a gun to her head, she said no.

@maud the mother apparantly spoke to them and they denied everything and she told them to stop whatever they were doing  'josias ke o jwetsitse hore ha ke e batle ntho eo o e etsang le pele o kenya lerete la hao ho yena'

@cheesa the woman actually claims to be a qualified psychologist

that girl must know that what goes around comes around. i feel sorry for the poor woman,shame!

13 May 2009 13:00

OMG i'll put a reminder, SABC has got such a show.??...didn't know. 
yhuu ngamanyala enyoka emnyama kaloku lana.....

13 May 2009 13:01

..."eintlek mina leshow ayingsizanga because aksibo utshwala inkinga...LOL

i lmao too when he said that. They shifted the whole thing and made him out to be some sort of  alchoholic, even taking him to AA and completely ignoring the real situation. That was honestly the first and last time i watched that program

13 May 2009 13:06

maud...apparently ishlobo simnandi cant get enough..(i wouldnt do it though)

13 May 2009 13:12 me its NOT all that...her (presenter's) questioning and her "Solutions" leave a lot to be desired from a supposed psychologist...i.e you cant solve a family's ten year old problem over two days...

13 May 2009 13:19

hayi hayi hayi Spoza...uthini na ngoku? ....."'apparently ishlobo simnandi cant get enough..(i wouldnt do it though).  I must watch the there no repeat ke?

13 May 2009 13:34

teev...LOL  I dont mean a blind reletive,  i mean blind as in...yerrrrr as in its so good you'd go crazy and dont wanna stop..even though you know ishlobo sakho esi...I think the show is around half six pm....although I dont actually wait or look out for it..i just HAPPEN on it by chance while channel hopping...

13 May 2009 13:48

I didn't watch the show but what did the mother expect? If she wanted her daughter to stay with her, she should have dragged the little b*tch by hair, kicking and screaming,  to her grandmothers. I mean she's only 17 mos so the mother would be in her rights!

As for the uncle, I know my mother would be in jail now having killed the SOB...NX!

Savanah Dry
13 May 2009 13:56

Luksta........I didn't watch the show but what did the mother expect? If she wanted her daughter to stay with her, she should have dragged the little b*tch by hair, kicking and screaming, to her grandmothers. I mean she's only 17 mos so the mother would be in her rights!

I think by going to the show the mother thought it would be enough to humiliate her daughter to think twice about what she was doing..
most probably that was the alst resort .. she had tried all these months to put some sense into that senseless Girl's head

13 May 2009 14:00

Liksta dragging a PREGNANT kicking and screaming   little b*tch by hair, ...mmmhhh the mother could find herself in jail..but i know what you mean..LOL.

13 May 2009 14:14

WHAAAT psychologist my foot . I am also a psychologist if that is a psychologist and surely can do a better job than what she did yesterday. Hayi she must never why azoxoka sana hayi maan nxa.  LOL... 
that's what i was thinking yesterday, I do Volunteering Counselling but hell i can do better than her

13 May 2009 14:18

if this mother was strikt as they claim, Palisa and the uncle wouldnt have even thought about doing what they did, uma usaba umuntu awufuni nokumunyathela umbhonzo, bayaclaimer nje bobabili

Lomama yena angayeka inja nekati endlini? kanti iphi i girlfriend kamalume at his age.
i so wishPalisa was my daughterbengizombulala nge aliphirimi , ohh sorry if she was my daughter ibingeke yenzeke le. 

i phoned my brothers izolo ngathi if inja ingaze ithinte nje umtwana wami ngizoyimbhantitela

@.Best-Achiever - i still need the adress of Josias, ngizomqampula amas.... before naleyo njakazi yakhe izalwa

13 May 2009 15:00

Repeat is on now ya relate

13 May 2009 15:05

"<<<'josias ke o jwetsitse hore ha ke e batle ntho eo o e etsang le pele o kenya lerete la hao ho yena' >>>"

I LMAO and astonished when Mahadi said that, i mean how do u say that on National TV? I understand that she was angry but there are some words that u have to think twice before saying them especially on TV, kids might be watching for God's sake.

This i also blame it on the producers, couldn't they've censored/beeped (sp?) that?

13 May 2009 15:08

Dat presenter looks like she has problems of her own... That show is pointless

13 May 2009 15:11

Lerete??? haiye this woman?? she sounds like those drinking women with no dignity maybe the girl takes it from her

13 May 2009 15:36

Yes I watched relate yesterday. Unfortunately da story is very true thou sad especially 4 da mother who is lukin' wats best 4 her dotah nd our presenter is makin' no e4t 2 help da poor lady. Nd as 4 josias he really need 2 get help - 2009 still sleeping with ur sista's dotah man dat's old old school.

Da question is do we need josiasis in our communities don't think so - shame on Palesa tnking she is in control - gal u r going 2 suffer 4 da rest of ur life u should know better as far as education is concernt. Nna 4 nna no sympthy 4 her.

13 May 2009 15:48

thanx extinct.....u really helped !!!...Eshee lide moss elibali nje...nkosi yam lo Palesa lona unjani na?

13 May 2009 15:51

awuwehhh Cheesa.....oh reallly???

13 May 2009 16:28

Im confused the grandma passed away ka dec and then after mo palesa called then mom went to fetch her and now she falls preggy how come she is six months preg

13 May 2009 17:04

eintlek mina leshow ayingsizanga because aksibo utshwala inkinga...LOL

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

13 May 2009 17:11

'josias ke o jwetsitse hore ha ke e batle ntho eo o e etsang le pele o kenya lerete la hao ho yena' >>>"

she was like... "Josias... ho kenya lerete la hao ho Palesa ho tshwana le ha o le kenya ho nna.... Palesa ke ngwaaka...."

And Josias rolled his eyes.. as to say.. "Nigga puhleez..... i couldve done it a long time ago.. ingxaki andikufuni!... "

15 May 2009 10:44

lol @ carino i cudve done it a long time ago ingxaki andikufuni

that was jdt such a sick story and tha presenter sucks. So this palesa chick is her own childs cousin ,flip that is jst craze, Noy that they cudnt stay away from each other(Babi nje bobabili)

15 May 2009 13:01

<<<She really is a good actress and desrves an award for her perfomance..>>>......................damn she will  and it wont be nice i assure you.

<<<Dat presenter looks like she has problems of her own... That show is pointless
>>....................................KWA KWA KWA KWA KWA 


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Suidooster crystal ball: what happens between two people

Twosomes go through the most. A close-up on four relationships this month - with a snack at Oos Wes.

New on TV today: Monday 3 March 2025

New telenovela iThonga begins on Mzansi Magic and HGTV investigates Homes Gone Wild.

New on TV today: Sunday 2 March 2025

E! Live from the Red Carpet precedes the Oscars and Nkalakatha: The Life of Mandoza begins on SABC1.


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