I must admit that Twitter is the most confusing social network I have ever come across…But I realized I was not the only lost sheep, almost everybody has a difficulty using it at first. I can’t fathom any difference between Twitter and Facebook on an honest note….If you use twitter and you love it, please holla and tell us why you love or hooked to it!
My gal Segololo advised that put these twitter steps on here for those who still on dark side when it comes to twitting….so here goes!!!
1. TO TWEET: You simply write something on the box that you see on your homepage (just like on facebook). Ok that’s pretty easy….
2. TO FOLLOW: Friends look for the ‘follow’ button and click on it. A green right tick will show you that you are following them and any updates they make will appear in your news feed. (To see your news feed you click on the ‘Home link’ on the top right of your screen).
3. TO CHECK A RECEIVED TWEET: Click on the @ (your name) tab in the navigation bar on the right-hand side of the page to check if someone has sent you a tweet.
4. TO SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE: Click on ‘Direct Message’ link on the navigation bar of your screen. To reply to something your friend has written, put the @ symbol in front of their name in the update box so they know its directed to them.
5. TO RETWEET: You can re-tweet interesting messages that were written by your friends. To do this you copy and paste their messages into your status box. Type RT then the person who first had it.
If there is anything important I’m leaving out, please feel free to add it. I’m not hooked on to twitter yet, I hardly log on because to me it’s just like facebook and Myspace. Maybe I will adjust as time goes on.
To twitter freaks, happy twitting & please holla!!!!
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