You know you're at TVSA when...

Written by Nonny from the blog A bit of this and a bit of that....... on 08 Jun 2009
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OK guys, I feel so bad that I arrived too late at the “You know you’re in SA when” article, therefore I decided to try and make myself feel better by taking up Dali’s offer about “You know you’re at TVSA when.....” 

So here goes: You know you’re at TVSA when........ 

You log in and you realize that the latest replies are at the Generations Teasers

Words like blockers (bloggers) and coress (caress) are part of the TVSA vocabulary thanks to some bloggers mistake.

When one blogger logs in with different usernames just to cause problems and seek for attention at the same time

You log in and there are no exciting articles so you log off, then when you have time you realise that there was an interesting article and it’s now on reply 110 and it’s too late for you to respond coz most bloggers are ignoring it now.

When people respond to your article before reading it, just so they can post: “Yipee, I’m the first one to reply, now let me read”

When a blogger can post any article or anything and get away with it.

When you type a reply and press post and it disappears and you get a message saying: “[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired” I just want to die when that happens, because I can never retype word for word what I had said before.

When you disappear for more than a week and when you return you get replies saying: “Hi Nonny, kunjani, where have u been hiding?”

You know you’re at TVSA when there is a serious educational/informational or even spiritual article and it only has 5 replies and yet it has been uploaded for the past month and then there is Harambe type of article and it has been only posted an hour ago and it already has over 100 replies.

You know you’re at TVSA when bloggers will respond to your article even if they don’t like it, just so they can make you aware of it by saying either: “next article” or “sigh”

Eish guys, the list is endless, so let me stop here for now and you tell me what assures you that you are certainly at TVSA?


08 Jun 2009 11:36

This is how I know I'm at TVSA!!!

08 Jun 2009 11:41

yipee second to reply.LMAO

08 Jun 2009 11:42

LOL at Cande, you know you are at TVSA when Cande claims she is a celeb, LOL

08 Jun 2009 11:42

LOL Cande, that's tvsa for you!

08 Jun 2009 11:45

u know u're at tvsa when a blogger's reply has about 5 grammatical errors & 5 spelling errors in a 2 line sentence. lol hi hi hi

..........u get more mdavazo advice than a Dr Eve sex forum. lol

..........u have a blogger posting an article and dissapear only to have me find them in another website posting the same article. lol

08 Jun 2009 11:45

when someone start twezing your article because she does not like it.

08 Jun 2009 11:48

All of your points here are true, especially about the educational/spiritual articles

08 Jun 2009 11:48

When u r invited to imaginery wedding in 2 consecutive days, with 2 different brides but 1 groom

08 Jun 2009 11:49

Hi Nonny, kunjani, where have u been hiding!!!!!!!!!!!

08 Jun 2009 11:50

When someone swears at u without any reason

08 Jun 2009 11:50

..........u have a blogger posting an article and dissapear only to have me find them in another website posting the same article. lol
kwa kwa kwa this one is a classic!

08 Jun 2009 11:51

first of all let me complain that nonny is not my frend on FB

well u know u r on tvsa when u c dali campaigning(sp) for frends on FB.....

08 Jun 2009 11:51

When people have crushes or strangers..... being told you feminine from your typing.

08 Jun 2009 11:52

Hey there Tox, I'm here most of the time as a silent blogger *wink wink*....LOL

08 Jun 2009 11:53


and when people post replacement words like I just did.

08 Jun 2009 11:57

“Hi Nonny, kunjani, where have u been hiding?”....we care dat y we ask u ........eish u finished 

08 Jun 2009 11:58

When u r invited to imaginery wedding in 2 consecutive days, with 2 different brides but 1 groom..........lmao mncim! mine is not imaginery molilo en u havent respomded to my invitation why vele? 

08 Jun 2009 11:58


08 Jun 2009 11:58

..........u get more mdavazo advice than a Dr Eve sex forum. lol

LMAO... and  so many "Dr Phil" too

Hey Nonny kunjani? where have u been hiding??

08 Jun 2009 11:59

LOL Monchy, I know ur sense of homour mefthu.

08 Jun 2009 12:01

when someone copying and pasting your comment and bolding it and just add kwa kwa kwa kwa!!!

08 Jun 2009 12:02

When myname says "i'm off to lunch guys"

08 Jun 2009 12:03

When people have crushes or strangers........... the wedding is off TDC! so im a stranger now mncim! i shud have listened to my good frend, she warned me that this would happen! dnt call me i wnt call u!

08 Jun 2009 12:04

when someone copying and pasting your comment and bolding it and just add kwa kwa kwa kwa!!!

LMAO Katlegom.........U spot on there

08 Jun 2009 12:04

U know ure on TVSA when Harambe tells u that you're a TIKILINE or MOGWANTHI...LOL....

Or when people post stupid small articles expecting divas like us not to bash them..of course we will bash u...put some damn effort when writting...OOPS, or when a girlw rites something about her man cheating..GET A LIFE, ALL MEN CHEAT...LOL....he might cheat on u with another whpre, his iphone or his car..LOLO

08 Jun 2009 12:05

I know m at tvsa whn i meet strong word 

08 Jun 2009 12:07

When people have crushes or strangers..... being told you feminine from your typing...........Lol TDC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........anyway doin't wori broe....m done with u

08 Jun 2009 12:08

You know you're at TVSA when... ur article get bashed and others arent...LOL
Kuyangokuthi ungubani and who are your friends are koTVSA

08 Jun 2009 12:09

this is the only place where we laugh ngama kwa kwa kwa or Kwaz x 5

08 Jun 2009 12:09

You realize you on TVSA when you get to see advice from the so called "Astrologers" who can tell you where about your future....I mean really now.

08 Jun 2009 12:11

when u have people who bash others blogs acting like they're philosophers, professors, philanthropists, etc... and yet they bordering on depression themselves.

08 Jun 2009 12:11

OOPS, or when a girlw rites something about her man cheating..GET A LIFE, ALL MEN CHEAT...LOL....
LOL so true abt the "the soppy my man is cheating on me articles" I mean get over it or under it.

OK, another one u're forgetting guys: "You know u're at tvsa when a day doesn't end without having a cyber fight"

08 Jun 2009 12:13

when you type - and the computer autocompletes!

i love it when that happens..

When your boss comes to your desk to tell you there's a hot article on tvsa and wonders why you haven't responded... i miss those days and that boss... YOU rock!!! I know you are silently reading this...

08 Jun 2009 12:14

U know ure on TVSA when a skunk like One and Only takes on people just to get free publicity..LOL

08 Jun 2009 12:19

You know u're at TVSA when u see "sorry for being off topic"

when bloggers are categorised as main characters, "starrings" and newbies

- when some of the "main characters" post two liners but won't get their heads cut off mara when it's a newbie...*whistles* the "whole crew" goes ballistic

08 Jun 2009 12:20

I know that I'm on TVSA say when I feel my fingers itching cause I want to do is type type type ....So much to type

I also know that I'm on TVSA when I minimise my screen just in case someone sees me

08 Jun 2009 12:22

You know when your response time says 06:15:37PM and it's 12:21:37PM. Is there a reason for this Guys? When I first visited the site I thought it was an error but now? Maybe is some international timing or something, but it's TVSA as in South Africa??

08 Jun 2009 12:26

LOL Cheesa, you still a puppy you will get to a stage where you are a dawg *whoof* *whoof* and your articles are featured on the homepage..

08 Jun 2009 12:28

you know you are on TVSA when you see horny replies

08 Jun 2009 12:31

you also know you are on TVSA when you read the gen teazers (not the replies) mara you NEVER want to reply on there....NEVER!!!

08 Jun 2009 12:34

LOL @ Cande & Monchooza

08 Jun 2009 12:35

LOL @ Monchooza that's me right there

08 Jun 2009 12:35

Eish,let me think!

08 Jun 2009 12:37

You know you are on TVSA when you see all the replies below One & Only names responding to what he/she has said.
LOL so true!

08 Jun 2009 12:37

When you see many abbreviations like LOL, LMAO, ROTFLMAOTIPL, BTW etc which were confusing me when I was new but now I know them thanks to some bloggers who cared to explain.
kanti what does BTW mean?

08 Jun 2009 12:39

By the way katlego

08 Jun 2009 12:40

by the way @Katlegom

08 Jun 2009 12:40

BTW - means By The Way

08 Jun 2009 12:40

Better off without- joking, i also dont  Know

08 Jun 2009 12:42

OK you know u're at tvsa when u type out something and by the time u click on post, two bloogers before u have posted the same thing.

08 Jun 2009 12:44


08 Jun 2009 12:46

Pliz welcome me I m new, LOL

08 Jun 2009 12:50

@Cande, Molilo and Nonny, ngiyabonga BTW welcome on board tracy!

08 Jun 2009 12:51

when you re-read your sentence after you've posted and you realise you've made a spelling error and quickly re-type the word correctly before Carino  does, even though she hasnt done that in a while kuyesabeka still. LOL

08 Jun 2009 12:52

realy tracy? why i have so much doubts, okay welcome my love

08 Jun 2009 12:53

when u see things like "Code/uncode" instead of "quote/unquote" and "guy" instead of gay..

08 Jun 2009 12:54

I just have to liv with the Fact that..All Bloggers are tooooo Clever!!!and i cant be the  most Clever one!Nx....

08 Jun 2009 12:54

when someone attacks you for airing your opinions

08 Jun 2009 12:55

tracy keeps re-installing shimlef...hayi shim is not new.

08 Jun 2009 12:55

when the replies hit 100 then they are all off topic

08 Jun 2009 12:57

Why do people want to be welcomed on TVSA, no catfighting guys just asking ...
Cause I don't remember doing that nna, I just joined the conversation.

08 Jun 2009 12:59

when the replies hit 100 then they are all off topic>>>> Thats on "puppies" articlesas ma gal cande puts it...

08 Jun 2009 12:59

when you get congratulated for a nice article and people dont respond.
nice artice Nonny - let me print and will respond kaosasa

08 Jun 2009 13:01

Hello new here.

08 Jun 2009 13:01

AWELANI where the hell r u? sorry to be off topic

One and Only
08 Jun 2009 13:04

When one blogger will get tickets to the Confed Cup opening ceremony this coming weekend.

08 Jun 2009 13:04

You know you are on TVSA when people highjack your post and say "sorry to be off topic"...jah neh wonder who just did that????

08 Jun 2009 13:07

Eish nna what kills me is the bragging... hayi no tl tl tl....

08 Jun 2009 13:07

When you get PM's telling you not to engage with certain blogger's cause you have not been "approved yet" 

Whatever that means

08 Jun 2009 13:09

thanx in advance 1&O, i had a fab time on saturday @ Orlando stadium..thanx for that too *wink* *wink*

08 Jun 2009 13:10

When you get PM's telling you not to engage with certain blogger's cause you have not been "approved yet" >>> WHAT???

08 Jun 2009 13:10

LOL@ Positivity

08 Jun 2009 13:11

When u can call this no. 0822310271 Chris, to get urself discounted tickets to the Confed Cup rite now, its legit.

08 Jun 2009 13:12

for real goldii?

08 Jun 2009 13:12

@awelani- usumiphezu kwami manje  ne.

you know , when people like awelani bakusukela vele uziborekele.

08 Jun 2009 13:13

@ Toodecent


That was re-action as well.

08 Jun 2009 13:15

Sorry mean't " my reaction as well"

08 Jun 2009 13:15

@toodecent - shim  is not new you right I was saying you know you on tvsa when you see that line.

08 Jun 2009 13:17

When you get PM's telling you not to engage with certain blogger's cause you have not been "approved yet" 

Haibo and shame please

08 Jun 2009 13:20

You definitely know that you are on TVSA when people have to correct their first post for clarity's sake!!! Thanks Tracy for that

08 Jun 2009 13:21

How about this one?

When you get a Wedding Invite...and it gets 90 000 replies!

08 Jun 2009 13:21

Only TVSA could very interesting one day and very dull and boring the next

08 Jun 2009 13:22

Jah name and shame for real...I also want to know are the culprits!

08 Jun 2009 13:27

 can someone pls explain for me LOL, LMAO,ROTFLMAOTILP pm me

One and Only
08 Jun 2009 13:30

Accept my apologies TDC, didn't mean to brag or cause you any discomfort. 

I won't attend Confed Cup ceremony but have 8 tickets to give away to anyone who would like to go there.

Thanks for your precious time.

Jah Lady
08 Jun 2009 13:30

Sorry for being off the topic.

But................. do you all know each other? meaning have u met outside tvsa?

08 Jun 2009 13:38

When you get PM's telling you not to engage with certain blogger's cause you have not been "approved yet" 
OMG Goldii, sifunukwazi who was that?

Only TVSA could very interesting one day and very dull and boring the next
That is so true Monchy!

08 Jun 2009 13:38

yes Jah some  know each other, some are in relationships through tvsa (0% sure of this)....there was even a tvsa end of  year get together last  Nov

08 Jun 2009 13:40

To Nzuzo 

LOL - Laugh out loud
LMAO - Laughing my A$$ off
ROTFLMAOTILP - Rolling on the floor laughing my A$$ off till I pee a little (so it's PL at the end)

08 Jun 2009 13:41

ONE &ONLY please dont make it seem like you cant see my reply, 2 tickets for me PLEASE!!! Ignore those trying to distract you from giving away the tickets...Am sure Awelani will also like to have 2 tickets

08 Jun 2009 13:43

lmao ! yena ntsena

08 Jun 2009 13:57

Where have I been....

You know you are on tvsa when Carino starts spell checking every post made

08 Jun 2009 13:58

we go again!

08 Jun 2009 14:00

When you read some replies and think WTF then move you OINK -ng self to the next one.

08 Jun 2009 14:08

Im back from lunch Pokzit. LOL

And im still buzy just popping in 2 say, "Hi im still alive".

Nice one babes,

08 Jun 2009 14:09

You realize you on TVSA when you get to see advice from the so called "Astrologers" who can tell you where about your future....I mean really now.

watch it fag

08 Jun 2009 14:10

U know ure on TVSA when people send you a PM asking about gay sex..LOL..classic...and how can i forget, when u actually see that there are sum hot straight bloggers on this site....LOL

08 Jun 2009 14:12

@Vesa come on now!

08 Jun 2009 14:13

When Psycho's like NtandoN wreak havoc....

08 Jun 2009 14:14

watch it fag>>> tl tl finally we can have BEEF ke lapile ka chicken.

Ms. Jay
08 Jun 2009 14:17

when the first thing you do in the morning is look at the latest replies to see whats new and has been happening

Ms. Jay
08 Jun 2009 14:18

when the first thing you do in the morning is look at the latest replies to see whats new and has been happening

08 Jun 2009 14:21

watch it fag

@ maddie - I am tempted to answer you and be rude...but I won't stoop that low.

08 Jun 2009 14:21

You know you are on TVSA when you see all the replies below One & Only names responding to what he/she has said. 

@Cheesa - Something is wrong.  or maybe I'm not on TVSA. 

08 Jun 2009 14:24

I definately know that i'm on tvsa when---i'm on the 111th reply and that reply says Lol @ TDC (making an example) and i have to scroll up to TDC's reply because i can't remember what it said....

When a silent blogger no longer become silent because he/she can't take it anymore of annoying bloggers.

When some bloggers replies to old in a 2005/2006 articles.

Ms. Jay
08 Jun 2009 14:24

when your server times out and posts several replies even though you only hit REPLY once!

08 Jun 2009 14:26

@Heartsbreaker - and i thought its only me.

08 Jun 2009 14:27


Ms. Jay
08 Jun 2009 14:27

I definately know that i'm on tvsa when---i'm on the 111th reply and that reply says Lol @ TDC (making an example) and i have to scroll up to TDC's reply because i can't remember what it said....

LOL true

watch it fag

@ maddie - I am tempted to answer you and be rude...but I won't stoop that low.

when you can smell a beef bbq coming on......

Ms. Jay
08 Jun 2009 14:29

am out for the day -

08 Jun 2009 14:29

know that i'm on tvsa when people are getting shinifed instead of finished, 
when people Fank you instead of thank you

08 Jun 2009 14:33

know that i'm on tvsa when Pooky becomes shakepears sister all of a sunday.

when celebs get degrading names eg: Tbo-touch = Tboriiiing Touch, Bonang = Bofang

08 Jun 2009 14:36

I know what u are talking about Cheesa.  I am actually surprised that this article, did not turn into a "debate".  Seems like the bloggers are going with the flow.  I expected something like - lemme clear my throat

"There is nothing special on TVSA so I don't understand why people have to go through this.  There are a lot of blogs out there and you could have written something interesting about these.  It is just that people want to give this TVSA some attention it does not deserve.  This also shows that most of these bloggers are illiterate and uneducated.  I've seen better blogs out there"

08 Jun 2009 14:36

is fag not a gay?

08 Jun 2009 14:37

you know you are on TVSA when schlebs register under strange looking names and promote them selves

08 Jun 2009 14:38

When people get caught for giving different/false information  about themselves on an article, only to be exposed by blogger who are attentive to detail.

08 Jun 2009 14:40

when someone post article about somebody Bday....LMAO

when there is "you know you are in South Africa wnhe ...." and "You know you are in TVSA when..."lOL

When you reply on GEN Teasers for two months and you are enough bcoz of swearing

When people say i told maself not to blog but this article i cudnt hold maself( when people make no sense)

08 Jun 2009 14:44

2 tickets for me too One and Only..please

08 Jun 2009 14:49

When I LOL the whole day people thinking I'm working hard.

08 Jun 2009 14:50

is fag not a gay?>>>> Me thinks it is...

08 Jun 2009 14:53

yes 1&O 6 tickets up to sooo far that have been won 2 for Me, Awelani & TL.. tl tl tl

08 Jun 2009 14:58

fag = faggot ... [taboo,slang] is an offensive word for a male homosexual (Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary,2005)

08 Jun 2009 14:59

You know you are on tvsa when you see names like Harambe24,Bigmamma,Brown shuga,Cande,Monchooza,Pooky,Nonny,JadaPinkett,Cody,mjj,Cheesa,Dali. the list is endless.................Then you become 110% sure that you are on tvsa.

08 Jun 2009 15:00


08 Jun 2009 15:06

When you get PM's telling you not to engage with certain blogger's cause you have not been "approved yet" .........So she's the one who made u not to go on with our wedding LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08 Jun 2009 15:08

When you get a Wedding Invite...and it gets 90 000 replies!........lolFARAIMAGIC

08 Jun 2009 15:09

fag = faggot ... [taboo,slang] is an offensive word for a male homosexual (Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary,2005)

like u would call someone bitch ouch I apologise though fag sounds more fabolous than gay, i hope this did nt make me loose my gay bloggers, Hariri le Godart (weeping like a lunatic)

08 Jun 2009 15:10

Harambe - tlha rra whats a Tikiline. ke go kopile maloba.

08 Jun 2009 15:13

You know you are on tvsa when you see names like Harambe24,Bigmamma,Brown shuga,Cande,Monchooza,Pooky,Nonny,JadaPinkett,Cody,mjj,Cheesa,Dali. the list is endless.................Then you become 110% sure that you are on tvsa.
Guyz u forgot to mention  Brown Shuga(the queen of TVSA, Shuga babe, Carino, Awelani, Tazzy, faraimagic& tdc.....phela these people make my day sometimes about replies the i definately know that i'm on tvsa

08 Jun 2009 15:35

@ Cheesa.....I'm just an ordinary blogger nje,sometimes silent, that is why i'm not in that list.

@JadaPinkett.....Like i mentioned the list is endless,i didn't forget about them...........What would tvsa be without them kodwa?

btw i know i'm on tvsa when someone passes behind me i keep on minimizing the window........even when i hear some movement or some noise.....i quickly close the window....and pretend as if i'm reading an e-mail.

08 Jun 2009 15:36

When you get a very very long article from Irine about moviesto watch over the weekend and you find no replies.LOL

LOL Cheesa!

08 Jun 2009 15:40


08 Jun 2009 15:40

....when people post their dreams as a reply to an article with their contact details unaware that the intended person is not on tvsa and won't be able to assist them.

08 Jun 2009 15:44

08 Jun 2009 15:45

LOL @felfel, u beat me to that one, poor magagula

08 Jun 2009 15:48

@felfel , please

08 Jun 2009 15:52

Lol@ felfel.......just saw that reply.......hahahahaha@ magagula.He/She even wants to be a vocalist..Lmao

08 Jun 2009 15:55

and you get empty

where most replies have LOL even when umuntu adelela strong

08 Jun 2009 16:03

you know you are on TVSA when you see horny replies: hi hi hi hiiiiiiiii 
ja neh

08 Jun 2009 16:04

@monchhosa we must admit there was little bit of peace today

08 Jun 2009 16:04

oops monchooza

08 Jun 2009 16:17

I know im on TVSA when i pop in to say yo yo yo yo yo yo yo hehehehehehehehe....

08 Jun 2009 16:20

You know you are on TVSA when you get The Observers long well written article with no more that 5 replies but when it has give aways there are more than 10 replies.

When you get a very very long article from Irine about moviesto watch over the weekend and you find no replies.LOL

kwa kwa kwa Cheesa, these are my two comments of the day.....LMAO

08 Jun 2009 16:22

SUPA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi *waving like a lunny*

Clearly you are on TVSA

08 Jun 2009 16:22

you know you are on TVSA when you see strange names you cant even pronounce..nor type......and then you ask yourself "I wonder what this strange name means, and what was going on in the mind of this person to call himself this"

08 Jun 2009 16:23

Okay thisone is mine..

You know are you are on tvsa when yousilently blog Lolling the whole day at your fellow bloggers's replies....

08 Jun 2009 16:29

Bye Guyz I luv u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08 Jun 2009 16:30

Cleve Clevovo.....(waving with both arms), warm greeting from u is a sure case tht says im here!!!!!

08 Jun 2009 16:43

Cheers guys, thank u all for the crazy replies, u really made my day.

08 Jun 2009 17:11

......... when i read Monch's replies and i CTFU!!
......... when somebody calls the site a "chat room" lol
......... when you get to an article 158 replies later..... *sigh*

DJ Why why
08 Jun 2009 17:31

You log in and there are no exciting articles so you log off, then when you have time you realise that there was an interesting article and it’s now on reply 110 and it’s too late for you to respond coz most bloggers are ignoring it now.

Story of my life, Miss tebby is my witness, lol

08 Jun 2009 17:32

when i don't log on for a year and still find the same bloggers blogging.......

08 Jun 2009 17:36

Hi babyjoe...

08 Jun 2009 18:22

When you have people who like your username so much,they give themselves a similar name...whats up kapakapa...

08 Jun 2009 18:41


08 Jun 2009 19:05

when ppl just have their conversation on replies

08 Jun 2009 20:05

hawu bathuna no survivour!!! haybo they must never..kanti when is this cricket ending..just the other day we had the ipl which lasted forever

08 Jun 2009 20:07

says the sokka fanatic who cant wait for the confed cup and world cup..

Brown Shuga
08 Jun 2009 21:13

@ Cheesa: <<<<when BS is out/ not on TVSA for the rest of the day and come back and with her reply right at the end saying "KWA KWA KWA KWA KWA KWA KWA KWA nice one Nonny" if was Nonny who wrote the article like this one.>>>>
Funniest ish ever coz I was ABOUT TO DO THAT!!! LOL

Nice article Nonny and very funny replies bloggers heheheheh.

Lady D
08 Jun 2009 22:30

you know you are on tvsa when non tv related topics gets more replies that tv topics!!!

09 Jun 2009 06:50

Nice article Nonny and very funny replies bloggers heheheheh.
hahhahaha BS this is what u're know for vele....LOL

you know you are on tvsa when non tv related topics gets more replies that tv topics!!!
Very true LD.

09 Jun 2009 07:19

u know u on tvsa when the 1st thing u do when u get to work is logon to tvsa!

09 Jun 2009 07:21

u know u r on tvsa when u c a blogger bloging alone

09 Jun 2009 07:37

u know u r on tvsa when u olgon @ 7  en theres no one else to blog wit nxa! 

i'll come back @ 8 then!

09 Jun 2009 08:06

Guyz u forgot to mention Brown Shuga(the queen of TVSA, Shuga babe, Carino, Awelani, Tazzy, faraimagic& tdc.....phela these people make my day sometimes about replies the i definately know that i'm on tvsa

Thank you sweet-pie...not forgetting Ms tebby on that crazy chick!

u know u r on tvsa when u c a blogger bloging alone

09 Jun 2009 08:09

u know u r on tvsa when u olgon @ 7 en theres no one else to blog wit nxa! 

True dat....but it gets worse ka weekend. Bloggers disappear

09 Jun 2009 08:42

...when bloggers want to know if you are still a tvsa blogger by quoting your name to get you out  "silent blogging" and comment

09 Jun 2009 08:54

LOL, u guys are so crazy, LOL Dali, I was also here at 7, so u weren't alone, angithi I even replied before u.

09 Jun 2009 09:01

but u disappeared jst afta replying nonny en u r ignoring me about the facebook issue!

09 Jun 2009 09:21

.......... when bloggers use TVSA to inform their 'face book friend' that they should check their facebook status, and respond to their mails.

09 Jun 2009 09:34

...when bloggers want to know if you are still a tvsa blogger by quoting your name to get you out "silent blogging" and comment

LMAO...guilt as charged Ms T
Got ur attention...didnt I ?

09 Jun 2009 09:34

...when bloggers want to know if you are still a tvsa blogger by quoting your name to get you out "silent blogging" and comment

LMAO...guilty as charged Ms T
Got ur attention...didnt I ?

09 Jun 2009 10:10

When people kiss other peoples' asses by agreeing to whatever they say just because abanazi back bones!

09 Jun 2009 10:17

LOL Peaces...

Am I the only one who is struggling to access the blogs homepage?

09 Jun 2009 10:21

There is serious tech errors LM... ever since yesterday in the morning i think... damn!

09 Jun 2009 10:24

When people kiss other peoples' asses by agreeing to whatever they say just because abanazi back bones!

Could not have articulated it better.

09 Jun 2009 10:25

When people kiss other peoples' asses by agreeing to whatever they say just because abanazi back bones!

You have to....xa ufuna ukuminglisha with da creme de la creme

09 Jun 2009 10:28

when indodakazi yolahleko come back from who knows where and dont even say hi....Hi Peaces

09 Jun 2009 10:38

ha he hi ho hu

09 Jun 2009 10:40

Thanks TDC:)

Tashi should really whip the website host's (or whatever they're called) ass, seriously!!!!!!!

09 Jun 2009 10:42

You have to....xa ufuna ukuminglisha with da creme de la creme

ROFLMAO @ Sobza ....creme de la creme?

Mina i dont understand ipoint ka peaces??

09 Jun 2009 10:43

When a blogger advertises   Branded Mineral Water on  tvsa

09 Jun 2009 10:47

LOL@ Sobza

09 Jun 2009 19:14

@ Tazzy-konje was there a point to understand lapha?Maybe I've been gone for too long shame,mna I don't qondastand you ngoku!Monchy my bestest buddy kaloku I'm not a newbie mna,I don't greet I just ngena to the mxholo,lol!Hi people,please greet me I'm back!

10 Jun 2009 07:00

but u disappeared jst afta replying nonny en u r ignoring me about the facebook issue!
LOL Dali, I am not ignoring u, mina the only way I can add u as a friend on facebook if I don't know u is if u send me a message and saying it's u. Otherwise I am always pressing ignore waya waya, I refuse to have 300 friends that I don't even know.

10 Jun 2009 07:44

oops nonny u responded too late i have now reached my frends limit on FB sorry next

10 Jun 2009 08:10

lol what is the limit vele Dali?

10 Jun 2009 08:21

Noni Makhuphula... SABC eMqanduli.....I will send you a PM....I want you to be my friend on fb uyeva?

10 Jun 2009 08:22

5000 nons u i love u gal dont worry neh

10 Jun 2009 08:41


10 Jun 2009 08:55

Noni Makhuphula... SABC eMqanduli.....I will send you a PM....I want you to be my friend on fb uyeva?
Cool Sobza, I'll be waidin (hahahah just remembered Lungisani from (IWTSG) haiybo guys, I know I am at tvsa when i am in my own article, but ke I have even forgotten the title coz of how we have gone OFF TOPIC.

10 Jun 2009 08:58

Nonny mina angicushwa -ke i've already sent u PM so plz don't disappoint me

10 Jun 2009 08:59

5000? do you manage.....I had 57 and yesterday I removed11.

10 Jun 2009 09:06

Sobza???? let me check if i am still your friend

10 Jun 2009 09:16

im a celeb sobz what can i say.....

10 Jun 2009 09:18

LOL @ Sobza removing friends, that is so mean!

10 Jun 2009 09:45

Sobza???? let me check if i am still your friend

Don't worry still my friend.

im a celeb sobz what can i say.....

50 for me is too much

18 Aug 2009 11:57

where most replies have LOL even when umuntu adelela strong


When people kiss other peoples' asses by agreeing to whatever they say just because abanazi back bones!

Soooooooooooooo true!!

18 Aug 2009 12:12

when people vumbulula old articles  in teh absence of exciting ones u know where u at...LOL

06 Oct 2009 15:03

ja neh!!!!!

kiki X
06 Oct 2009 15:10

Reply from: HARAMBE24 6/8/2009 6:14:37 PM

U know ure on TVSA when a skunk like One and Only takes on people just to get free publicity..LOL

KWA KWA KWA KWA,I am rolling on the floor with laughter......Hariri bathong.

lady gaga
06 Oct 2009 15:17

when u see the dates on Loreal and sponono's replies and u are confused??????

06 Oct 2009 15:21

@Loreal,so true.....but we are here to learn from each other.

06 Oct 2009 15:33

hhahahahah now I miss tvsa all over again!

06 Oct 2009 15:48

when someone start twezing your article because she does not like it.............. cant remeba when last i saw a twezad article lol

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