Coming up on
3rd Degree:
Episode Title: 3rd Degree Feedback
Broadcast date: 9 June 2009
Last July, a 69-year-old man with Alzheimer’s was apprehended at a Shoprite in Kriel, Mpumalanga for attempting to steal a R7,99 chocolate. While petty theft is considered a minor offence, Shoprite detained Frederick Brown in a holding room and handcuffed him to a chair where he allegedly sustained injuries.
He was later pepper sprayed by police, an act caught on CCTV, and taken to the police station where he was locked up in an unfurnished, dark holding cell. The police refused to let Brown’s family see him and did not call a doctor, although they were aware of his mental condition.
Five hours after his arrest, Brown died of a heart attack in police custody. Brown’s family wanted answers, but when the police and Shoprite investigated, they found that nobody was responsible for his death.
3rd Degree investigates what happened on the to ask: could Brown’s death have been prevented?
3rd Degree is on etv on Tuesday's at 21h30.