Yesterday I was watching Khumbule'khaya and I was touched by the second story, were 2 kids were looking for their father. I have come to realise that almost all episodes ze KK kids are looking for their fathers. Kanti badliwa yini obaba bezingane zethu? What is it that we doing wrong as mothers?
For the first time, I cried yesterday when I was thinking about my baby girl and I ended up doing something stupid and I feel so bad. I sent an sms to my baby daddy saying: " I am watching KK and find it so sad ukubona obaba belahla izingane zabo, and seeing how those kids are suffering and end up in crime. I wonder if you ever think of ur child's living status and how much he wants to know his father. Y ulahla ingane yakho, Y ungafuni ukuba close to her. What did she do to you, ukoneni lomntwana, y ungamfuni" I have not heard from him yet... not that I want to anyway.
I have a 5 year old baby girl, the relationship with her father was changed when I got pregnant and he moved to eastern Cape, I was in MP then, he came back to my life a month after I gave birth. Things were not okay, I was angry at him but the I decided to give him another chance and we were determined to make it work.
When our baby was 5 months old, he disappeared, no phone call, no sms, no money, nothing... When the baby was 16 months he came back.
I refused to welcome him back into my life but I told him that he can come and see the baby if he wants.
Since then he would phone once a month and he was not maintaining the baby. I did not have a problem with that, I managed very well and my family supported me.
Last year he phoned me and wanting to be part of the baby, I then referred him to my parents, since they are the ones that I stay, support and maintain my baby. He phoned and went to see the baby who was then 4 yrs old.
My daughter doesn't know her father and she didn't allow him to kiss, touch or talk to him. I was not there.
He came back and told me that our daughter hates him and he will try anything to build the relationship with him. I supported him in a way that every school holidays when my daughter comes to visit me I phone him to come see her and spend some time with her.
He would promise to come but angafiki not even a phone call to apologise. I then stopped phoning him, Because I didn't want to push him into doing something angayifuni and haven't heard from him since last year. I do not want to lose contact with him incase my daughter decided to see him.
My family and ubaba wakwami loves her so much and umphathiswa kwengane yakhe but I can't stop thinking that one day my daughter will want to see her biological father and I wonder ukuthi uzabe ekuphi by then.
But with KK, I'm sure bazamfune baze bamthole.... LOL
Anyway, I am happy where I am today and I’m proud of everything that I did and still do for my daughter... I’ve been through hell as a single parent but I made it through... God blessed me. AMEN