Coming up on
Zola tonight (3 September 2009):
Jimmy is a 35-year old former hard core criminal who has nightmares from his past. He's caused people a lot of pain which is now haunting him.
He can hardly sleep at night and his nine-year old son has just lost his mother. Jimmy would like to be there for him as a father, but to do that, he has to deal with his past - up to this stage he’s been relying on alcohol to do so.
Now he wants Zola to help him to face up to his demons by getting him into a programme that will get him focused on other things such as a skill so that he can forget about alcohol.
Zola steps in to help him join a re-hab programme that's run largely by ex-convicts.
Zola is on SABC1 on Thursdays at 19h00.